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***Ammunition against SOPA via @NonOligark***

@OccupyOslo SUMMARY #noSOPA reason #OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (and USA)) ?? : Quote @OccupyOslo tweetline 2012-01-15: 1. In 2009 USA was advocating extensive freedom of speech on the internet in the UN - and now SOPA. What happened? 2. How ironic that the 2009 resolution advocating extensive freedom of speech on the internet/social media, was tabled by USA and Egypt. 3. Know u ppl dont like reading UN resolutions, so I'm going to cut out the good parts an serve them to you on a "silver plate". #NoSOPA 4. "rights to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, peaceful assembly.." 5. "violations are facilitated and aggravated by the abuse of states of emergency" 6. Best of UN resolution A/HRC/RES/12/16 7. The US have specified "To refrain from using counter-terrorism as a pretext to restrict the right to freedom of opinion and expression.." 8. In norwegian: Ser ut til at vi bor adresere Nerings og Handelsdepartementet ang SOPA. 10. In norwegian: "Internett har igennom de siste 20 arene utviklet seg til a bli var tids viktigste infrastruktur" - Jonas Gahr Store 11. @opengovpart first #noSOPA! Second, good searchable public protocols. 12. Oh look, USA is a member of OSCE. How convenient!:) #noSOPA 13. USA will be breaching A LOT of international agreements by implementing SOPA. That's a fact.#noSOPA 14. Ok, Iv found a formal rout to block #SOPA 15. In OSCE, there is a mandate to "block" any country breaching the right to an open and free internet.#noSOPA 16. And by OSCE, I mean "Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe" (and also USA) #noSOPA 17. You can reach USCE through your Ministry of Foreign Affairs. #noSOPA 18. "it was agreed upon that all attempts to limit access to the internet or social media in a member state, will be prosecuted" #noSOPA

19. The declaration is a central aspect of Norways commitment to protecting freedom of speech on the internet and social media. #noSOPA 20. OSCEs representative for freedom of press launched 10 principals for freedom of speech and press. 21. ...revolve around internet as the first, truly global medium, and with a direct appeal to stop legislation threatening to limit it. #noSOPA


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