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Your roles as PS DBA in current company 2. What are all you know as a Peoplesoft DBA 3. Architecture of Peoplesoft 4.

In which tier can you connect through Application Designer 5. How to connect as a 3 tier in Application Designer. Where do you configure 6. What is BB and BBL 7. What are the default values for PSAPPSRV and other servers when application designer started 8. What is load balancing? 9. What did you know about Application Server Clustering? 10. In a production environment, all the application server reaches threshold, how do you configure new application server, so that web server is not bounced. 11. We are receiving "Application server is down at this time..", but application server is running.. What would be the problem and how will you solve it 12. What do you mean by session_timeout parameter? 13. What is recycling the server processes 14. How user is authenticated in Peoplesoft 15. How will you change the sysadm password 16. What did you know about reports and it's options 17. From which table peoplesoft release information is obtained? 18. What is the use of PSSTATUS table? 19. Explain Installation of Peoplesoft 20. When we login into datamover as sysadm? 21. What is the difference between sysadm other oprid, when we login into datamover 22. What are parameters you know in Datamover 23. Have you applied patches? 24. How do you mover your projects, other then using application designer 25. What did you know about application server tuning 26. What is your knowledge in web servers? 27. How to set trace in web level? 28. What are the erorrs you came across starting application servers? 29. How will you see, how many users are connected to Peoplesoft? 30. What is DDDAUDIT and SYSAUDIT.

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