Commercial Radio Operators

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Commercial Radio Operators

1. What is the Department Order that governs commercial radio operator? Ans. Department Order No. 5 Series of 1948. 2. Who is authorized to operate a licensed radio station? Ans. The actual operation of any radio station for which a station license is required shall be carried on only by a licensed radio operator? 3. Who may operate a radio station without a radio operator's license? Ans. The following may operate a radio station even without a radio operator's license: 1. 2. Persons specifically authorized by the Secretary of Transportation and Communications or by the NTC to operate a radio station even if they have no operator's licenses. When an amateur station uses radiotelephony (Type A3 or F3) emission, the licensee may permit any person to transmit by voice, provided a duly licensed amateur operator maintains control over the emission by turning the carrier on and off after the transmission has been completed. Radiotelephone and radiotelegraph students may operate a radio training school station under the supervision and control of a 1st class radio operator. A person without a cerificate (license) or an operator not holding an adequate certificate (license) may be employed as a temporary operator of a ship or aircraft stations, provided his performance as such must be limited solely to signal of distress, urgency and safety, messages relating thereto, messages relating directly to the safety of life, urgent messages relating to the navigation and safe movement of the aircraft. Persons employed in these cases are bound by the provisions regarding the secrecy of correspondence.

3. 4.


What are the rules regarding unmanned radio stations? Ans. Pursuant to Act No. 3846, as amended, EO546 series of 1979 and RA 7925 the National Telecommunications Commission hereby exempts all unamanned radio stations from the requirements of duly licensed radio operators, subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. The operation and maintenance of the unmanned radio stations shall be under the direct supervision of duly registered Electronic Communications Engineer (ECE); Valid radio station licenses of the unmanned radio stations shall be posted in conspicuous place within the premises of the radio stations;and The licensee shall ensure that the unmanned radio stations are operated without any interruption/stoppage of the service. Any stoppage/interruption in the operation of the unmanned radio stations shall within 24 hours from the time of the stoppage/interruption be reported to the Commission including the corrective measures undertaken for the immediate restoration of the service which shall in all cases be within 72 hours from the time of stoppage/interruption. Unmanned radio stations shall mean all radio stations the operation of which does not require human intervention except the turning "on" and "off" of the power supply. (NTC MC No. 7-4-99, Apri l 12, 1999)


What are classes of commercial radio operator's licenses ? Ans.Commercial operator licenses are classified as follows: 1. Commercial radiotelephone group:

1. First class operator license 2. Second class operator license 3. Third class operator license


Commercial radiotelegraph group:

1. First class operator license 2. Second class operator license 3. Third class operator license
3. 6. Radioteletype operator license. What is the term of a commercial operator license? Ans. A commercial operator license shall be issued for a term of THREE (3) years. 7. What is the procedure to be followed by a qualified applicant for an operator's license? Ans. An application for an operator's license must be filed in duplicate with the NTC. 8. If an application for renewal of the license is desired, within what period should it be filed? Ans. The application for renewal of the license must be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of expiration together with the license to be renewed. 9. Suppose the applications for renewal of the license is filed within (not before) thirty (30) days from the date of expiration of the license will the renewal be granted by the NTC? Ans. As a matter of practice, the NTC requires the operator to submit a written explanation and if found satisfactory, the renewal of the license is approved. 10. Suppose the application for renewal of the license is filed after the date of expiration of the license, will the renewal be granted by the NTC? Ans. Yes. But a surcharge equivalent to fifty per cent (50%) of the prescribed basic annual fee shall be imposed for the renewal of an operator's license or permit if the application therefore is filed before six (6) months. If such an application is filed after 6 months, the applicant shall be required to submit a justification therefore,but in such case a surcharge equivalent to one hundred per cent (100%) of the prescribed basic annual fee shall be imposed if said application is given due course. 11. What are the general qualifications of an applicant for a commercial radio operator license? Ans. An applicant for commercial radio operator license must possess the following qualifications: 1. He must be a citizen of the Philippines; provided, however, that operator licenses issued to American citizens prior to the date of effectivity of these regulations shall be valid and operative during the terms of such licenses; provided, further, that a holder of a pilot license issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board may be considered qualified to take an examination for third class commercial radiotelephone operator license, irrespective of citizenship; He must be at least 18 years of age; He must be of good moral character; He must have completed the high school course prescribed by the Department of Education; provided, however, that experienced radio operators in the government sevice who have not completed the high school course, may be considered qualified to take the examination if for each year of defiency in the high school they possess two years of satisfactory service as government radio operator; He must be graduated from a radio school recognized and accredited by the Secretary of Transportation and Communications or must have at least one year service as government radio operator; provided, however, that applicants for radioteletype operator license shall be exempted from the requirement of this paragraph.

2. 3. 4.


12. Are American citizens qualified to take the commercial radio operator's examination? Ans. They are not qualified; however, American citizens or other foreigners who are holder of pilot licenses issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board may be considered qualified to take an examination for third class commercial radiotelephone operator license.

13. When should the age of the applicant be reckoned from the date of the examination, or from thedate of the release of the results of the examination, or from the date of the issuance of the license? Ans.The age of the applicant should be reckoned from the date of the examination to be given. He must be at least 18 yrs. old at the time of the examnition. 14. What are the qualifications of an applicant for first class radiotelegraph operator's license? Ans. An applicant for a radiotelegraph first class operator license must have the following qualifications: 1. 2. He must be at least 21 years of age; He must have been a holder of a second class radiotelegraph license for at least one year, with commercial service of at least six months in the aggregate;

3. He must be at least 21 years of age; 4. 5. He must be a holder of a second class radiotelegraph operator license; and He must have rendered five (5) years satisfactory service in the government prior to his having taken the examination for first class CTO license even without first securing the six months commercial service.

6. 1. 2. He has rendered five years or more satisfactory service as radio operator in a government radio station; and He possesses the general qualifications.

Note: Electronics and Communications Engineering graduates are allowed to take the regular commercial radiotelephone operator's examination being conducted by the NTC. The applicant must be on ECE graduate with valid special Order No. from the Department of Education, Culture and Sports; should have undergone a training/seminar on radio laws and regulations; and must have a certification from his employer that he is performing the duties of a radio operator. (NTC MC No. 11-89 August 23, 1989) 15. What are the elements (subjects) in the examination to be given by the NTC? Ans.The six (6) examination elements are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Element 1, Basic Law, Provisions of the Radio Laws and Regulations; Elements 2, Basic Theory and Practice: Technical matters appropriate for every class of license; Elements 3, Radiotelephone: additional matters, both legal and technical including radiotelephone theory and practice; Elements 4, Advanced Radiotelephone: Theory and Practice applicable to broadcast station operation; Elements 5, Radiotelegraph: additional matters, both legal and technical, including radiotelegraph theory and practice; Elements 6, Advanced Radiotelegraph: Radiotelegraph theory and practice of wider scope, particularly with respect to ship radio matters (direction finders, auto-alarms, ship radiotelephone stations, etc.)

16. Who designates the time and place of examination?

Ans. Examination for radio operator license shall be conducted at such times and places as the NTC may desinates. 17. What is the passing grade of the radio operator's examination? Ans. A passing average of 70% is required on all elements of a written examination; provided, that no rating shall be below 50% in any elements. However, an applicant who passes the written examination elements, but fails in the code test, may be given two chances to remove his deficiency within one (1) year from the date he is advised (informed) of the result of his examination. Failure to remove the deficiency within the prescribed period shall invalidate the examination. 18. If an applicant passes the examination, within what period should he secure his license from the NTC? Ans. He should secure his license within one (1) year from the date he is advised (informed) of the result of his examination. If he fails to secure the license within this period, the applicant shall not be issued a license without re-examination. 19. If a holder of an operator license applies for another class of license, what examination elements should he pass? Ans. The holder of a license is required to pass only the added examination elements for the new class of license. A holder of a second class radiotelephone operator's license who applies for a first class radiotelephone license shall be examined only on Elements 4 since he has already passed Elements 1, 2, and 3. 20. What are the guidelines for an applicant who passes the written examination element for a radioteletype operator permit but fails in the practical operation? Ans. An applicant who passes the written examination element for a radioteletype operator permit but fails in the practical operation, and fails to remove his deficiency within a period of three months from the date he is notified of the result of his examination, shall be given as many chances as necessary to remove his deficiency in any examination venue within a period of six months from the date of his original examination without the necessity of qualifying again in the written examination element provided an appropriate application for examination is filed and the corresponding examination fee paid for. Failure to remove the deficiency in practical operation within the six-month period specified above shall invalidate the examinee's entire examination. The radioteletype practical operation deficiency removal tests within the three- month period (mentioned in 1st paragraph) may be taken on after the other if the applicant so desires. 21. What are the transmitting speed requirements for an applicant in the commercial radio operator's examination? Ans. An applicant is required to transmit correctly in the International Morse Code for one minute at the rate of speed prescribed for the class of license applied for. 22. What are the receiving speed requirements for an applicant in the radio operator's examination? Ans. An applicant is required to receive the International Morse Code by ear and legibly transcribe consecutive words or code groups (mixed letters, punctuation marks, and figures) for a period of one minute without error at the rate of the speed specified corresponding to the class of license. Exception: An applicant for a first class radiotelegraph license is required to receive and legibly transcribe consecutive word or code groups for a period of two minutes without errors. 23. What is the receiving test procedure to be followed in the operator's examination? Ans.Receiving code test shall be written in long hand either in ink or in pencil, provided that in the twentyfive words per minute code test a typewriter may be used when furnished by the applicant himself. 24. How is one word or one code group computed? Ans. Each code group comprise five characters, each figure or punctuation mark counting as two characters. The average word of the text in plain language shall contain five characters.

25. What examinations should an applicant for original license pass? Ans. An applicant for original license shall required to pass the following examinations: 1. Radiotelephone third class operator license: 1. 2. 2. Ability to transmit and receive spoken messages in English. Written Examination Elements 1 and 2.

Radiotelephone second class operator license: 1. 2. Ability to transmit and receive spoken messages in English Written Examination Elements 1, 2 and 3.


Radiotelephone first class operator license: 1. 2. Abilty to transmit and receive spoken messages in English. Written Examination Elements 1, 2, 3 and 4.


Radiotelegraph third class operator license: 1. 2. Transmitting and receiving code test of twenty words per minute; plain language; and sixteen code groups per minute. Written Examination Elements 1,2 and 5


Radiotelegraph second class operator license: 1. 2. 3. Ability to transmit and receive spoken messages in English. Transmitting and receiving code test of twenty words per minute; plain language; and sixteen code groups per minute. Written Examination Elements 1,2,5 and 6.


Radio-Telegraph first class operator license: 1. 2. 3. Ability to transmit and receive spoken messages in English. Transmitting and receiving code test of twenty words per minute; plain language; and sixteen code groups per minute. Written Examination Elements 1,2,5 and 6.


Radioteletype operator license: 1. 2. Ability to transmit and receive messages by radioteletype. Written Examination Element 1.

26. How should the examination elements be graded? Ans. Examination elements will be graded in the order listed in Section 7, Department Order No. 5 and an applicant may, without further application, be issued the class of license for which he qualifies. 27. What are the requirements for the renewal of an operator license without examination? Ans. 1. 2. 3. The applicant has had at least 90 days satisfactory service during the term of the 6 months prior to the date the application for renewal of license is due to be filed; or The applicant has had at least 6 months satisfactory service during the term of the license prior is due to be filed; and Provided, further, that holders of commercial radio operators licenses who are in the government service as radio operators may be exempted from renewing their licenses while ( employed) in the government service as radio operators and their licenses shall be renewed upon separation from

the government service, provided that a certificate of satisfactory service signed by their employers is presented together with the application for renewal of the license. 28. When are special examination given? Ans. The following special examinations shall be given every Wednesday and Friday starting January 1996 at the NTC Central Office. 1. Every Wednesday: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. Restricted Ship Radiotelephone Operator's Certificate Restricted Aircraft Radiotelephone Operator's Certificate First Class Radiotelegraph (Code Removal Only) Ship Low Power Radiotelephone Operator's Permit General Operator's Certificate (Code and P.E. Removal only)

Every Friday: 3. General Operator's Certificate (All Elements)

29. What are the typical emissions of radio stations? Ans. The classification of typical emissions is as follows according to their symbols and type of transmissions: Amplitude Modulation:

A0 A1 A2 -

A3 A3A A3J A3B A4 A4A A5C A7A A9B 30.

With no modulation Telegraphy without the use of a modulated audio frequency (by on-off keying) Telegraphy by the on-off keying of an amplitude-modulating audio frequency or audio frequencies, or by the on-off keying of the modulated emissions ( special case an unkeyed emissions amplitude modulated). Telephony double sideband Telephony single sideband, reduced carrier Telephony single sideband, suppressed carrier Telephony two independent sidebands Facsimile (with modulation of main carrier either directly or by a frequency modulated sub-carrier) Facsimile with single sideband, reduced carrier Television, Vestigial sideband Multichannel, vioce-frequency telegraphy, single sideband, reduced carrier Cases not covered by the above, e.g. a combination of telephony and telegraphy. Two independent sidebands

Frequency Modulation or Phase Modulation:

F1 -

Telegraphy by frequency shift keying without the use of modulating audio frequency: one of two frequencies being emitted at any instant.

F2 -

F3 F4 F5 F6 F9 -

Telegraphy by the on-off keying of a frequency modulating audio frequency or by the on-off keying of a frequency modulating emission (special case: an unkeyed emission, frequency modulated). Telephony Facsimile by direct frequency modulation of the carrier Television Four-frequency diplex talegraphy Cases not covered by the above, in which the main carrier is frequency modulated.

31. What are the radio stations which the holders of the various classes of commercial operator licenses are authorized to operate? Ans.The holders of licenses are authorized to operate the following radio stations: 1. Radiotelephone first class operator license - Any station while using type A-3, A-4, A-5, A-9, F-4, F-5, F-9, or P-3 emission; except ship stations licensed to use a power in excess of 100 watts (output) and type A-3, emission for communicarion with coastal telephone stations. Radiotelephone second class operator license - Any station while using type A-0, A-4, A-5, A-9, F4, F-5, F-9, and P-3 emission; but holders thereof are not authorized to act as chief operators in standard broadcast stations, international broadcast station, or high frequency and television broadcast stations, or ship station licensed to use power in excess of 100 watts (output) and type A-3 emission for communication with coastal telephone stations. Radiotelephone third class operator license - Any station while using A-0, A-3, A-4, F-0, F-3, F-4 emission: Provided that, Such operator is prohibited from making adjustment that may result in improper transmitter operation. The equipment is so designed that necessary to be performed during the course of formal rendition of service may cause off-frequency operations or result in any unathorized radiations. Any needed adjustments of the transmitter that may affect the proper operations of the station are regularly made by or in the presence of an operator holding first or second class license, either telephone or telegraph, who shall be responsible for the proper operation of the equipment. Comment : The following radio stations may be operated by a first class radiotelephone operator : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The radiotelephone station of any ship with a power of 100 watts or less. Low power (50 watts or less) ship radiotelephone stations. A land base radiotelephone station. A fixed point-to-point radiotelephone station. A land mobile radiotelephone station. Aircraft stations equipped with a radio-telephone installation but not equipped for radiotelegraphy. Coastal radiotelephone stations. Broadcast and Television stations.


3. 4. 5. 6.

A second class radiotelephone operator may operate the following : 9. Radiotelephone ship station with a power not exceeding 100 watts.

10. Land mobile radiotelephone station. 11. Fixed point-to-point radiotelephone station. 12. Broadcast and television stations. 13. Land base radiotelephone stations.

A third class radiotelephone operator may operate the following : 14. Land mobile radiotelephone stations. 15. Relay broadcast stations. 16. Other radiotelephone stations provided there is compliance with the restrictions provided by the Regulation ( D.O. No. 5, Sec. 21a) A first class radiotelegraph operator may operate the following radio stations : 17. Ship radiotelegraph stations; 18. Relay broadcast stations; 19. All classes of radiotelegraph stations; 20. All classes of radiotelephone stations whose power do not exceed 100 watts output

A second class radiotelegraph operator may operate the following radio stations; 21. Ship radiotelegraph stations (however, a first class radiotelegraph operator is usually preferred to operate a ship radio-telegraph stations); 22. All classes of radiotelephone stations whose power do not exceed 300 watts output; 23. Relay broadcast stations. A third class radiotelegraph operator's license may operate the following radio stations : 24. Ship radiotelegraph stations of ships for which radiotelegraph installation is not made compulsory by law or international agreement. 25. Radiotelephone stations of ships and aircraft for which only a restricted radiotelephone operator's certificate is required. 26. Other classes of radiotelephone stations and facsimile service, provided that: 1. 2. The operator is prohibited from making adjustments that may result in improper transmitter operation. The equipment is so designed that none of the operations necessary to be performed during the course of normal rendition of service may cause offfrequency operation or result in any authorized radiation. Any needed adjustment of the transmitter which may affect proper operation of the station are regularly made by or in the presence of an operator holding a first or second class license, either telephone or telegraph, who shall be responsible for the proper operation of the equipment.


Radioteletype Operator - is authorized to operate radioteletype printer. 32. What is the responsibility of an operator who maintains and operates a radio transmitter? Ans. The licensed operator responsible for the maintenance and operation of a transmitter may permit other

persons to adjust the transmitter in his presence for the purpose of carrying out tests or making adjustments requiring specialized knowledge or skill, provided that he shall not be relieved thereby from responsibility for the improper operation of the equipment. 33. Who should supervise the operation and maintenance of any radio communications system which comprises of six (6) or more of any type of land and radio stations? Ans. The operation and maintenance of any radio communications system comprised of six (6) or more of any type of land radio stations shall be under the supervision of a duly registered Electronics and Communications Engineer. 34. Who should supervise the operation and maintenance of a broadcast system or network? Ans. The operation and maintenance of any broadcasting system or network shall be under the effective supervision of a duly registered Electronics and Communications Engineer. 35. What should be the operator do if his license or permit has been lost, multilated or destroyed? Ans. He shall immediately notify the NTC, embodying a statement attesting to the facts of the loss thereof. If a license has been lost, the application must state reasonable search has been made for it, and that in the event that it be found, either the original or the duplicate will be returned for cancellation. The applicant must also give a statement about the services obtained under the lost license. 36. Where should the operator's license be posted? Ans. The license of each station operator, except aircraft radio station operators and operators of a portable mobile station, shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the room occupied by such operator while on duty. The holder of a first or second class radiotelegraph or radiotelephone operator's license who is employed as a service and maitenance operator at stations operated by holders of their class of operator's licenses shall post at such station his operator license or a verified statement from the Radio Control Office in lieu of thereof. In case of lost license or a license which has been submitted for renewal, the application for duplicate or renewal shall be exhibited by the licensee. 37. What are the causes for the suspension or revocation of an operator's license? Ans. 1. 2. 3. 4. Violating any provision of Act No. 3846 (Also Act 3396) as amended or any regulations promulgated thereunder; Making any false statement in the application for a license or in any reports required to be submitted by these regulations; Failing to comply with the conditions under which a license is issued; and Maliciously and intentionally causing damage to the radio equipment in a radio station. Note : Before an operator's license will be revoked or suspended, he must be given a hearing. 38. What are the guidelines in the issuance of a radio electronic certificate (REC)? Ans. Pursuant to Act No. 3846, as amended, Executive Order No. 546, the provisions STCW Convention and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations that provides for the issuance and use of Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Certificates, the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) hereby promulgates the following guidelines for the training, qualification, examination and the issuance of a Radio Electronic Certificate (REC). 1. A Radio Electronic Certificate holder shall have passed the required NTC examination and have shown knowledge and professional competence and qualification in the following aspects: 1. Knowledge of the principles of electricity and the theory of radio and electronics sufficient to meet the requirements specified in ITU Radio Regulation, Article 55, Section IIIA;


Theoretical knowledge of GMDSS radiocommunication equipment, including narrowband direct-printing telegraph and radiotelephone transmitter and receivers, digital selective calling equipment, ship earth stations, emergency position-indicating radiobeacons, marine antenna system, radio equipment for survival craft together with all auxilliary items, including power supplies, as well as general knowledge of the principles of other equipment generally used for radionavigation, with particular reference to maintaining the equipment in service; Practical knowledge of the operation and knowledge of the preventive maintenance of the equipment ; Practical knowledge necessary for the location and repair (using appropriate testing equipment and tools) of faults in the equipment which may occur during a voyage. Detailed practical knowledge of the operation of all GMDSS sub-systems and equipment; Ability to send and receive correctly by radiotelephone and direct-printing telegraphy; Detailed knowledge of the regulations applying to the radiocommunications, knowledge of the documents relating to charges for radiocommunications and knowledge of those provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of life at Sea which relate to radio; Sufficient knowledge of one of the working languages of the Union. Candidates should be able to express themselves satisfactorily in that language, both orally and in writing.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 2.

General Qualification of the Applicant An applicant for Radio Electronic Certificate shall possess the following qualifications to be able to take the REC examination. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. He must be a Filipino citizen. He must be at least 21 years old. He must be of good moral character. He must have attended the prescribed training course on REC offered by a duly accredited radio training center. He must be a holder of a valid First Class Radiotelegraph Operator Cerificate and General Operator Certificate. If a graduates of BSECE or licensed ECE, he must have at least one (1) year experience on board a commercial vessel or training ship either as an electrician, electronic engineer, or radio electronic trainee and a holder of a training certificate on Radiotelephony, GMDSS, Inmarsat and Radio Electronic Course.


Examination Elements - Written examination shall comprise questions from one or more of the following elements: 1. 2. 3. 4. Elements 1 (Basic Electronics) - Basic theory applicable to understanding electronic components and parts. Elements 2 (Electronic Devices) - Theory and practice on electronic devices, rectifiers, amplifiers and oscillators. Elements 3 (Electronics Communication and Digital Electronics) - Theory on Amplitude and Frequency Modulation, receivers, transmitters, wave propagation and antennas. Elements 4 (Computer and Maintenance of GMDSS and Electronic Navigational Devices) - Theory and practice on computers and standards on the maintenance of GMDSS and electronic navigational aids.


Examination Requirements - An applicant for a Radio Electronic Certificate is required to pass the elements as follows: 1. 2. First Class Radio Electronic Certificate (Elements 1, 2, 3 and 4) Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate (Elements 1, 2 and 3)


Passing-Grade - A passing average of 70% of a possible 100% is required on all elements of written examination provided that no rating shall be below 50% in any element. An applicant who fails in the examination for the class of license applied for maybe granted a license of a lower class if he obtains a general average of at least 70% on the elements required for that lower class. An applicant who passed in an examination, but fails to secure a license within one (1) year from the date he is advised of the result of his or her examination, will not be issued a license without re-examination.




The following shall be charged by the Commission b. Examination Fee. c. Certification Fee per year d. Duplicate Fee
7. 8.

P50.00 P180.00 P120.00

All applicants shall adhere strictly to the provisions of the herein perscribed guidelines and any misrepresentation made by an applicant shall be grounds for the revocation or suspention of the certificate issued.

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