2008 Grand Rapids Mega Clinic

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Grand Rapids, Michigan Febuary 21st-23rd 2008

Kyle McElvany

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

Making Believers Out of Your Players Chuck Martin- Head Coach at Grand Valley State University
X factor in our success is how close knit our players and staff are Do what fits your personality in regards to team motivation Biggest Belief: what are we going to do today to out prepare the opposition Dont worry about past success, and dont worry about how good or bad your suppose to be, just do what you do and let the rest happen

1. No Stars (your nothing without your team/staff); no one knows who the man is on our
team Not looking for the star, but who fits our puzzle * * * hold everyone including coaches to same standard as players, would you let a player react the way you do on the sidelines ? ***

2. Accountability When a player makes a mistake, but takes responsibility for actions and is concerned about his status with the program, that is a good sign

3. Challenge them everyday Challenge them mentally, socially, and physically Challenge them in the weight room, in meetings, in the film room, and in practice What are you doing to prepare yourselves better than everyone else ? Community Service: teach kids that life could be worse and that helping others makes yourself a better person. Changes perspective of life for the better. Takes a day off of practice during two-adays for all players on team to go out and do 10 hours of community service.

4. Create Suffering- rally around each other

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

for example: a military or a common family a common bond among the players to accomplish a common goal know when to let up and build them up how hard will you make them work to accomplish THEIR goal ?

5. Sacrifice- through summer workouts

What are you willing to give up to be where you want to be ? What are you giving up that a kid from another school isnt to be successful ? If you want to be different, you cant just talk different, you have to be different

6. We and ours, not me and my Does EVERYONE buy into the team concept ? You can write the book for the class, but you have to teach the students how to pass How much unity is there when there is adversity ?

7. Leaders are made, not born Human beings are self centered by nature Teach them to be leaders, put the thought in their heads early Teach them to be leaders in bad times Teach them there is a difference between successful and cool

8. Develop Relationships The way we treat them off the field is why they deal with your treatment on the field

9. Process over Product Do the right process and the product will take care if themselves If you do things right, you will never be disappointed

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

Run and Dropback Pass Blocking Techniques

Jim McNally- Offensive Line Coach for Buffalo Bills How fast do you get your 2nd foot on the ground Dont run around the defender, run through the defender duck walk through blocker to 2nd level defender

Losing Ground to Gain Ground on Angle:

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

Point of contact: grab cloth under breast plates and board-walk Progression: lateral step- close gap then gain ground * better for slow off the ball lineman All steps and techniques are based on timing of the play duck walk demeanor drill every day, work front-backwards-and side ways

Dropback Pass Technique* Keep inside foot forward and in front of DL Outside foot: kickstep foot Keep space in between your feet at all times Post leg (inside leg) is always a little stiffer and stronger Post foot is always pointing at line of scrimmage when kick-sliding Tilt towards inside SLIGHTLY to keep balanced center of gravity Pass Pro Punch: up and under breast plate Center being beat by noseguard: as snapping, kick foot back (foot based on shade, if head up, kick back dominant foot), snapping hand goes in starting lawn-mower like motion and punches into gut of defender

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

Stopping the run on the way to the QB Joe Cullen- Defensive Line Coach for Detroit Lions Important Equation when determining how much time you should spend on pass rush techniques: # of Defensive Lineman on Play X # of Pass Attempts = # of times you are able to hit the Quarterback

Trample the run on the way to the ball Dont look high Pad level of the O.L. is the stimulus As you are getting up field: constrict running lanes Goal: 1st down tackles for loss

Run Rules: Vs. Double Team: once you feel man peel off to 2nd level, snap head back into gap

Vs. Reach Blocks: lockout with arm to reach side and push up field

Vs. Zone: jam up blocker and snap head into gap If you feel push down by blocker, stop moving and snap head into gap

Play the defense called Dont guess Know your assignments

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008 Biggest idea: Defensive Lineman need to understand purpose of blocking being attempted on them

All techniques based on one drill: Line Drill

Steal Points by Using Tricks, Specials, and Formations Jay Wilkinson- Offensive Coord.@ Univ. of Central OK.
coachwilkinson@gmail.com Considerations Practice time Teaching time Conversion vs. turnover ratio Like to use tricks vs. multiple teams What plays are must calls


Heavy- - both tackles away from TE Can give alignment problems for defenses that have a base call on strength Uses 5-7 snaps a game Uses power to heavy side and sweep

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

Exit- - X lines up on call side Makes invert teams pull trigger and outnumber them Apart of rollout package Likes Q sweep away, counter away

Bunch- - great strong side run formation 1 on 1 passing backside Defense has alignment problems Good for run oriented spread teams Runs: counter, IZ, Toss Crack, Sweep Pass: 4 verticals, stick, spacing, mesh

Bunch Empty- - Runs: counter, Toss Crack, Sweep

Pass: naked, spacing, stick, mesh


Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

IZ Zone Reverse- - goes in base play Must have if you run Inside Zone QB: Handoff to tailback, turn and become lead blocker for Z X: Crack block first inside man on 2nd level T: Receive handoff, on IZ course, soft toss to Z and carry out IZ fake Z: Aim for QBs back on snap, take soft toss and head for daylight Backside Tackle: 3 zone steps then turn back and kick out play side CB

ALSO RUNS: 18 Quarterback Pass Throwback Screen Jet Sweep Pass Double Pass- use backup QB as 2nd thrower, perfect for defenses that jump screens

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

Option Package

Malen Luke- Offensive Coord. at Northwood University

Base Formation:

Types of Option We Run: - Zone Read Dart Shuffle Pass Speed Option Counter Option Midline Triple

Zone Read: Blocking Rules: o o Center: front side A Gap Backside Guard: block A gap defender Backside Tackle: Inside Release to 2nd level LB Frontside Guard: Reach 3 technique Frontside Tackle: reach 5 technique 1st man outside of tackle is read man If backside DE closes, QB pulls ball and run option Dive Back: IZ path, 2 steps past mesh to opening, QB should be reading backside DE at this time, Dive Back finds crease by block of PST and reads A-B-C- gap

o o

o o

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

o o Z & Y: Stalk block perimeter 3 foot splits

Belly Option: Blocking Rules: o o o Dart Option: Blocking Rules vs. Even: o o o o Center: combo with PSG PSG: combo 1 tech with center PST: turnout 5 tech BSG: reach man head up BST: pull and scrape wall on way to 2nd level QB: Mesh with FB, read backside O-Line: block same as zone read. Backside Tackle has B gap defender FB: Aim for near hip of center QB: give the ball if the backside DE keeps contain


Blocking Rule vs. Odd: o o o o Center: Combo with PSG PSG: combo 1 tech with center PST: turnout 5 tech BSG: back BST: pull and scrape wall on way to 2nd level TE: man on QB: read 7 tech instead of 5


Shovel Option: Blocking Rules:

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008 o o o o o o

o o Center: Back PSG: down to 2nd level PST: down to 2nd level BSG: pull and scrape wall to 2nd level BST: scoop QB: speed option pass LHB: aim at PSTs back RHB: pitch relationship

Dont change blocking schemes because of defense, just use other plays in your arsenal

Developing a Defensive Gameplan

Paul Haynes- Defensive Backs at Ohio State University

Things to Consider: Our Personnel- what we need to improve on o o o Add more of what our kids executed the best Grade daily workouts Learn about their work ethics

Involve Kids in the Blueprint- meaning seniors

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

o o Input on what they need to improve specifically Let them develop a mission statement for the season and post it in lockeroom

Developing Game Plan: Sunday: - review and grade film as staff Evaluate player production Grade technique, assignment, and effort Begin upcoming oppoenent scouting: o o o o Personnel Previous games Game plan goal line and short yardage situations Identify any short yardage/goal line personnel

Monday: - Begin game planning Split up game situation scouting within defensive staff Draw every route Break down games with opponents of similar schemes as yours Presentations by position coach to position groups

Tuesday: - Script practice Finalize game plan by personnel groupings Watch both games and cut ups Watch games to get feel for situations Watch practice footage with players throughout week

Special Teams Organization Chuck Martin- Head Coach at Grand Valley State University

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

Convince your staff and players of the important of special teams Some of the most difficult technical aspects of football come on special teams Convince players that the quickest way onto the field is through special teams Best players play on special teams (mostly all skilled athletes) Punt Return and Kick Return are were most big plays are made

1. Hidden Yardage A. Punt Net 35 B. Punt Return Net 35 C. Kickoff Start 25 yard line D. Kickoff Return start 25 yard line- have return average goal Example: Punt 38 yards Opp. Returns 7 yards, net -3 Hidden Yardage -4 Opp. Punt 38 yards, Return 11, Net 29, Hidden +6

2. Play Your Best Players Evaluate potential players like offense or defense Possible good vs. ok player matchups happen Cant rest best players vs. good teams VA. Tech Winning Average- .903 when blocking punts in a game May not win talent matchup on Offense or Defense but is possible on special teams

3. Create Game-Like Situations During team time, use punt, punt return in scrimmages Score in team time, kick field goals

4. Game Plan Your Special Teams Exploit weak personnel Set up double teams vs. extremely talented special teams players

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

5. Break Up Special Teams Break up and practice individual technical aspects of each unit

6. Find Out Who Is Excited to Coach If coaches are excited to coach special teams, players will value it more

7. Easiest Part of Game to Out Prepare Your Opponents

Plant seed in your players heads that it is an insult that the other team is using backups on special teams to play against you

Assignments: o o Offense Coordinator in charge of Kick Return Defensive Coordinator in charge of Kickoff

Splitting up units help coaches develop as leaders QB and OL coaches dont work with special teams as much to allow more individual time for their position groups Attempt to have 3 deep roster if possible

Kick Return: Must have best athletes on front line 5-2-2-2 return Teach everyone on unit how to fair catch Back up nearest man to the ball on the front line to give more reaction time Emphasis that kick return is first play of offensive series Work on timing is crucial

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

Program Turnaround Jim Collins- Head Coach at Saginaw Valley State University
People Are The Difference Character Do the right thing Put the team and your teammates first Priorities: academics then football then everything else Passionate about being successful Positive and enthusiastic actions that provide energy to the team Humble and appreciative of the things they have Desire for OUR goals

Competitive Individuals Desire to compete at everything they do Love competition: welcome it and thrive under competitive circumstances Hates to lose, if it happens, cant wait to compete again

Hardworking Individuals Teach them to understand that in life you are owed nothing. You have to go earn anything you want

Team is Supreme Create atmosphere of family and trust Emphasize team, team, team in everything you do No superstar treatment No individual awards

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

Seniors are to develop as many team functions as possible throughout the year Let them know you care Refer to all players by their first name Coach everyone to be a starter

Leadership Development Stress what leadership is about o o o Actions- dont have to use words Sacrifice Being the positive voice of what is right

Leadership Council: o o o Seniors, reps from other classes Meet to discuss team issues, improvements on what can be done to enhance program As a coach, you dont have to meet them half way, just explain to them why you are doing what you are doing

Student Athlete Development Create en environment where the whole team is passionately involved in wanting to get better everyday both academically and athletically Make sure there is a way to measure improvement and track this progress whether it is practice performance, school, or workouts Develop the mindset that players shouldnt want to just graduate but be the best student they can be through internships, high G.P.A.s, sitting in the front of class, etc. Meet with faculty members and discuss academic expectations for our student athletes and how we can work together to help these young men Demand and keep track of class attendance, participation, and progress Provide time management and study skills Demand attendance at study tables Provide academic support and professional help

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

Athletic Create superior off season program that emphasizes football speed and power while developing team unity and toughness

Kicking Game Philosophy Helmet awards for special teams only (more players want to play) When trying to turn program around, the kicking game is where you can gain an edge first Be aggressive and attempt to block as many punts as possible Develop specialist Emphasize by putting time and preparation to make best unit the best in conference

Shotgun Runs

Bill Blankenship- W.R.s and Special Teams @ University of Tulsa


When Building an Offense

Hang your hat on 4-5 runs Build play action passes off of those runs Be different but the same

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

Have an answer for everything

Plays and Schemes Plays: OZ- Trips IZ- Trips, Twins, Deuce Power- Twins Stack, Z Motion, F motion, trips

Logistics: QB heels at 5 yards RBs at 5-6 yards Guards: 3 point stance Tackles: 2 point stance


Out of these formations: Power, Counter, Inside Zone, Outside Zone

Coaching Points Outside Zone: TB: Key first DL outside, if he stretches out, eye next man inside OL: aim for outside V of the neck FB: block it like you are running the ball, lead through Z: always bubble backside

Grand Rapids Mega Clinic February 21st- 23rd 2008

Inside Zone:

TB: Track near-hip of center on inside zone player and surf line of scrimmage. Key is to make the linebackers fit the gaps. Move to 6 yards and position yourself in B Gap OL: Aim for inside V of neck. We want a vertical movement. Covered/Uncovered assignments dont change

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