CG Course Syllabus

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Computer Graphics

Text Books: 1. Computer Graphics, C Version, 2nd Edition Donald Hearn, M.Pauline Baker Prentice Hall, Int. Edition, 1997 2. OpenGL, A Primer Edward Angle, Addison-Wesley, 2002

Course Evaluation
1. Programming exercises to be written in OpenGL 4 Marks From 20 2. Mid term Exam 3. Final Exam 7 9

Course Syllabus
Chapter-1 A survey of computer graphics

Computer-aided design Presentation graphics Computer Art Entertainment Education and training Visualization Image Processing Graphical User Interfaces


Overview of graphics system

Video Display Devices Refresh cathode-ray tubes Raster-scan displays Color CRT monitors Direct-view storage tubes Flat-panel displays Three-dimensional viewing devices Stereoscopic and virtual-reality systems


Overview of graphics system

Raster-Scan Systems Video Controller Raster-Scan Display Processor Random-Scan Systems

Graphics Monitors and workstations

Input Devices Hard Copy Devices Graphics Software

Chapter-9 Three-Dimensional

Three-Dimensional Display Methods Parallel Projection Perspective Projection Depth Cueing Visible Line and Surface Identification Surface Rendering Exploded and Cutaway Views Three-Dimensional and Stereoscopic Views Three-Dimensional Graphics Packages


Three-Dimensional Object Representation

Polygon Surfaces Curved Lines and Surfaces Quadric Surfaces Super-quadrics Blobby Objects

Chapter-10 Three-Dimensional

Object Representation
Spline Representation Cubic Spline Interpolation Bezier Curves and Surfaces B-Spline Curves and Surfaces Beta-Splines Rational Splines
Conversion Between Spline Representations

Displaying Spline Curves and Surfaces


Three-Dimensional Object Representation

Sweep Representation Constructive Solid Geometry Methods Octrees BSP Trees Fractal-Geometry Methods
Shape Grammars and Other Procedural Methods

Particle Systems Physically Based Modeling Visualization of Data Sets

Chapter-11 Three Dimensional Geometric

and Modeling Transformation Translation Rotation Scaling Other Transformations Composite Transformation Functions
Three Dimensional Transformation Functions

Modeling and Coordinate Transformation


Three Dimensional Viewing

Viewing Pipeline Viewing Coordinates Projections Viewing Volumes and General Projection Transformations Clipping Hardware Implementations Three-Dimensional Viewing Functions


Visible-Surface Detection Methods

Classification of Visible-Surface Detection Algorithms Back-Face Detection Depth-Buffer Methods A-Buffer Methods Scan-Line Methods Depth-Sorting Method BSP-Tree Method Area-Subdivision Method Octree Methods Ray-Casting Methods Curved Surfaces Wire-frame Methods Visibility Detection Functions


Illumination Models and Surface-Rendering methods

Light Sources Basic Illumination Models Displaying Light Intensities

Halftone Patterns and Dithering Techniques

Polygon-Rendering Methods Ray-Tracing Algorithms Radiosity Lighting Model Environment Mapping Applied Surface Detail


Color Models and Color Applications

Properties of Light Standard Primaries and the Chromaticity Diagram Intuitive Color Concepts RGB Color Model YIQ Color Model CMY Color Model HSV Color Model Conversion Between HSV and RGB Model HLS Color Model Color Selection


Computer Animation

Design of Animation Sequences General Computer-Animation Functions Raster Animation Computer-Animation Languages Key-frame Systems Motion Specifications

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