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Faculty of Engineering Credit Hour System Numerical Analysis


Cairo University Fall 2011 Time: 60 minutes

In all questions work with 4 decimal places unless otherwise specified. 1. Solve the initial-value problem , for , using the following predictor corrector pair:

with the initial conditions:


Perform 3 iterations, and find the percentage of relative approximate error for each iteration. (work with 6 decimal places). 2. The data tabulated below represents the function 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 2 2.105 2.214 2.492 a. Use a suitable formula to evaluate the integral: b. If c. Find

0.6 2.822 .

0.8 3.226

1.1 4.004

1.7 6.474

, estimate the percentage of relative true error. (Work with 3 decimals). , using only the first 4 points of the table. . Use at least 4

3. Use a suitable interpolating method to find a real root for the function points. 4. Using least square approximation method, fit the following data to the curve:

0.2 6.3 Find also the linear regression error

0.4 15.8

0.5 25.2

0.7 63.2

0.9 158.7

Lagrange interpolating formula

General Newton

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