Lab 2

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DETERMINANTS AUGUST 2,2011 BUN 8.60mmol/L 2.5-7.5mmol/L Increase -indicates damage in kidney because it should be secreted in the kidney ACTUAL VALUE NORMAL VALUE SIGNIFICANCE NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES



57-92mmol/L Increase -elevated serum creatinine levels indicate underlying kidney disease; as the creatinine level increases, symptoms of chronic kidney disease begin.

AUGUST 5,2011 CREATININE 117.32mmol/L 57-92mmol/L

Before the test inform the patient about the test. Obtain a list of medications the patient is taking, including herbs, nutritional supplements, and nutraceuticals. There are no fluid restrictions unless by medical direction. Instruct the patient to abstain from smoking tobacco for 24 hours before testing. Inform the patient of the dietary, medication, and activity restrictions in preparation for the test: Review the procedure with the patient Ensure that the patient has complied with dietary preparations and other pre-testing restrictions. During the test Check for clients identity After the test Ensure proper labelling nad sent to the laboratory Refer the result to the physician

Increase -it increases more which means symptoms of kidney disease are still present

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