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 Amoebas- pseudopodia Causative agent Naegleria Fowleri Acanthamoeba Entamoeba Hissolytica Disease Microencephalitis Keratitis Amoebic Dyssentry Affected Organs Affects the brain Affects the eyes Affects the G.I.T

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 Flagellates-use flagella Causative Agent Gardian Lambia Tridomonas vaginalis T.B Gambiense T.B Rhodiesiense Trypanosoma cruzi Disease Giardial Enteritis Urethritis Vaginitis African Sleeping Sickness African Sleeping Sickness Chagas Disease Affected Organs Affects the intestines Affects the vagina Affects the CNS Affects the CNS Affects the G.I.T

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 Cilliate- use cillia Causative Agent Balantidium colli Disease Balantidial Dyssentry Affected Organs Affects the G.I.T

 Sporozoa-None Causative Agent Babesia Microti Cryptosporidium Plasmodium Pneumocystis Isospora Toxi plasma gondii Microspondis Disease Babesiosis Diarrhea Malaria Pneumonia Coccidiosis Toxiplasmoasis Diarrhea Affected Organs Affects the G.I.T Affects the G.I.T

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