Religious Studies III Summer Reading Assessment

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Iona Preparatory School Religious Studies III Christian Moral Principles Summer Reading Assignment Cuddy, Chris &

; Ericksen, Peter. I Choose God. Ohio: Bethany Press, 2007, 130 pages. Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper after reading the assigned book. Your answers should be typed, double-spaced in the New Times Roman font, size 12 font. Please put your name and course name in upper right hand corner of each page and staple your work. This assignment will be collected in class and is due Friday, September 16, 2011. Please note: This assignment is worth 10% of your first quarter grade. You will lose five points a day for each day this assignment is handed in late. Your answer to questions 1 and 2 should be at least one page each in length following the instructions above. Question 1: St. Augustine appears to have lived life exactly as he wanted, engaging himself in every vice and liking it, than things changed. a. Present an overview of the life of this famous young man. b. Identify and analyze the major events in his life and show how these events affected and changed his life. c. Discuss if the vices that so overwhelmed Augustine are still around the young today and show how the young are coping with modern day temptations.

Question 2: Select three stories of your own choosing that you read in the book. a. Retell these stories briefly in your own words. b. What are the significant moments in their lives? What did you learn from their stories? Show why what you learned from their lives is significant or not to your life.

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