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Southern Philippines Methodists Colleges Mt.

Apo Village, Kidapawan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course

FS 3

Micro- Teaching

Submitted by:

Alven E. Idao
Pre- service Teacher

Submitted to:

Mr. Analito Gamboa

Supervising Teacher

Mrs. Cristina Gloria

Cooperating Teacher


With deep appreciation, I would like to express my gratitude to the following in making this study possible:

to my beloved parents, in providing me their support emotionally and financially;

to our Supervising Teacher, Mr. Analito Gamboa, for the transferred outlooks and knowledge, which indeed a very big help for the success of the study;

to my cooperating teacher, Mrs. Cristina A. Gloria, for the time, effort and generosity she had during the study;

to the Grade 5- Mahogany class, for the time, cooperation and love they shared with us;

and above all to our Almighty god, for the knowledge and wisdom he poured on us during this study.

Feild study 3 is a one unit course. It is the third stage of the sequential approach of the extended practicum program. FS 3 links with the 6-unit 2

Principle of Teaching I and II in the professional studies. FS 3 gives the preservice teachers the oppurtunity to practice childfriendly attitudes as they observe the applied principles, methods, strategies, approaches to teaching, the art of questioning, and skill in responding to questions. Indicators of effective teaching and learning shall be carefully observed. It is expected that the pre-service teachers will learn from thier observation and can practice these observation through micro-teaching. Micro teaching involves the PST in working with small group of learners in three ways: tutorial, remidial teaching and enhancement teaching. In the first mode of micro teaching, the pre-service teachers provide tutoring sessions under the guidance of the cooperating teachers. This is done with a 1 to 3 learners per teacher, while in the second mode, the remedial teaching is provide to 3 to 5 learners. The final mode of micro teaching shall demonstrate a particular strategy in presenting a lesson in enhancement teaching. A microteaching lesson guide shall be prepared by the PSTs are required to use technology in the preparartion and delivery of instructional materials. The microteaching activieties may be conducted either during or outside of regular class hours but must be under the guidance of the cooperating teacher. Course description This cousre id designed to enrich the studentd experiences in developing and utilizing appropraite technology to facilitate learning through micro-teaching. It shall also provide exposure and hands on oppurtunities in the use of instructionals or communication technology in tutorial, remidial, and enhancement teaching. Tutorial teaching focuses on the application of the appropraite tutoring skills like explaining, demonstrating, providing feedback and checking understanding. Remidial teching starts from the difficulties of the learners where interpretation, explanation and demonstaration of relevant points are done. Enhancement teaching is a practical strategy of augmenting a lesson incorporated in microteaching. Microteaching os the application of the application of the being a child-friendly teacher. This includes addresing student-diversity through gender-sensivity, inclusiveness, and non-discriminating traits by the pre-service teacher.

Expected outcomes o Classroom observation o Microteaching o Tutorial classes o Remedial classes o Enhancement classes o Journal writing o A bank or portfolio of varied Microteaching aids and the Microteaching plan (Lesson Guide)

Daily Time Record (DTR)

This serves as the fulfillment and requirements in the subject Fs 2, below is the complete record of the observation to the extent in seeing and accomplishing the 18 hours observation at Kidapawan City Pilot Elementary School- Grade II Section Thrift.

Table Of Contents Front Page ................................................................................................................... ...................1 Acknowledgement .............................................................................................. ...........................2 Introduction and Course description .............................................................................................3 Expected Outcome and DTR ..........................................................................................................4 Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. .............5 Appendix A:Observation Sheets Observation Sheet 1: The Teacher and the learner ..........................................................6 Observation Sheet 2: Checklist of Learning Resources in the School ...............................7 Observation Sheet 3: Microteaching ................................................................................8 Observation Sheet 4: Micro-teaching Planning Guide ......................................................9 Observation Sheet 5: Monitoring the Pre- service Microteaching ...................................9 Appendix B: Journal Writing 1: Communication Skills .........................................................................11 Journal Writing 2: On Micro- teaching ( Tutorial and Remedial) .....................................11

Journal Writing 3: Strategiesused in Micro- teaching (Enhancement Teaching) ...........12 Journal Writing 4: Child- Friendliness in Teaching ..........................................................12 Journal Writing 5: Personal Insights ................................................................................13 Journal Writing 6: Class Program .....................................................................................14 Compilations of Thank You Letters ......................................................The Following Pages

Appendix A: Observation Sheets Observation Sheet 1: The Teacher and the Learner Teacher Observed: Mrs. Cristina Gloria School: Makilala Central Elementary School Date: July 7, 2011 Building/ Room: V- A Time: 8:00- 9:00 A.M. Class Observed: Grade V- Mahogany Subject: English Observation Guide: A. Observation on the Cooperating Teacher. One of the teachers personal traits that seem to have the most favorable effect on the learning of the learners is her passion in teaching. This equipped the teacher to be more enthusiast and humorous in her teaching. In making the learning experiences vivid and direct the teacher used Medias like visual aids and real objects to fill the needs of visual representation. Two of the specific teaching strategies that demonstrate active teachings are the grouping and individual strategies, thus this displays the active participation and cooperation from the learners. The teacher is indeed a master of the Art of Question. She can simply manipulate the question to formulate a new learning outcome while inserting some latest relates issues. B. Observation on the Learners. 6

The learners inside the class perform the following skills and talents: o SKILLS; creative, observative, attentive and participative o TALENTS; drawing, singing, dancing and acting The pupils with interaction on the teacher reacts and participate in the class. Some may do it in a reporting way, others prefer to do a plain discussion concept, many chooses the simple question and answer activity, while the remaining of the class can perform the impromtu discussion wiyh the teacher. Based on our classroom statistics, we agreed that 70% of the class were fond of conveying answers from the Convergent Questioning Techniques of thge teacher, the remaining 30% were were fond of conveying answers from those of Divergent Questioning Techniques.

Appendix A Observation Sheet 2: Checklist of Learning Resources in the School Name: Mrs. Cristina Gloria School: Makilaa Central Elementary School Grade/Year and Section: Grade V- Mahogany Learning Available Learning Resources in Yes/No Description Resources the School observed to be Used in the classroom
1) Library 2) Reading Center 3) Audio-Visual Room 4) Media Center NO NO N/A N/A Their Library is inside their every classroom. Their reading center is also found inside their classroom. Their audiovisual equipmrnt is present in their room. Their room serves as their media





5) Computer



6) Bulletin Board Displays 7) Teaching Aids Bank

YES Still Functional NO N/A

8) Overhead Projector 9) Laser Compact Disc. (LCD) 10) Flash cards 11) Word Card 12) Pictures 13) Print outs 14) ActivitySh eets 15) Others (specify)


N/A N/A Still Functional Still Functional Still Functional Still Functional Still Functional

center. They dont have cpmputer units intended to the learners. They have plenty of Bulletin Boards around the school campus. Their rooms serves as their teaching banks, somtimes the HELE building serves the purpose. They are not fond of using this equipment. They only borrow from the municipal hall. Present in rooms. Present in rooms. Present in rooms. Present in rooms. Present in rooms.

Appendix A Observation Sheet 3: Micro Teaching Teacher Observed: Mrs. Cristina Gloria School: Makilala Central Elementary School Date: July 14, 2011 Building/ Room: V- A Time: 8:00- 9:00 A.M. Class Observed: Grade V- Mahogany Subject: English Objective: 1. PSTs on Remedial, Tutorial and Enhancement Observation Guide for PST: 8

A. My Observation on the Cooperating Teacher. The Teacher selects those minor performing pupils to be part of the tutorial, remedial and enhancement class with an approximate number of 4 boys and 3 girls, a total of 7 pupils for the tutorial session. This is to improved those pupils performance and to enhance their skills by providing a special time with them. The tutorial class is indeed organized mainly because the teaching process is now focused and controllable. The teacher used the induvidualized approach for she has now plenty of time to teach for small group. She used appropriate tutoring skills like demonstrating, explaining, questioning, giving feedback and checking individually their understanding about the subject matter. The objective of micro- teaching activity are to observe possible learners responses in every strategies from the teacher and her questioning techniques, observe the learners relation to multiple intelligences, to develop their skills in answering question, to develop the teachers skill in the art of questioning, to name all possible strategies demonstrated by the teacher and to identify all the acquired qualities of theteacher which plays a good role on her teaching career. The teacher perform the Art of Qustion accurately, she knows how to play with words, question and answers actively which attracts the learners to participate in return. Example, instead of stating What she uses Why and How to incorporate the HOTS, and instead of letting the pupils answer in chorus she keep them in raising their hands first.

Appendix A Observation Sheet 4: Micro Teaching Planning Guide PST: Alven E. Idao School: Makilala Central Elementary School Date: July 28, 2011 Building/ Room: V- A Time: 8:00- 9:00 A.M. Class Observed: Grade V- Mahogany Subject: English Objectives: 9

1. Plan and implement a microteaching learning guide. 2. Develop microteaching skills under controlled conditions. Checklist on the Microteaching Plan
ITEMS 1) Does your Microteaching Plan have: a. Objectives b. Subject matter identified c. Instructional materilas listed d. Learning activities sequenced e. Activity proper developed f. Wrap up identified 2) Are your objectives stated in behavioral terms? 3) Are your activities learner- centered and interactive? 4) Does your plan include a section for reflections on Microteaching sessions by you and by your CT? YES NO

Appendix A Observation Sheet 5: Monotoring the Pre- service Teachers Microteaching PST: Alven E. Idao School: Makilala Central Elementary School Date: August 4, 2011 Building/ Room: V- A Time: 8:00- 9:00 A.M. Class Observed: Grade V- Mahogany Subject: English Objectives: 1. Observe the Micro- Teaching demonstration of the Preservice teachers. 2. Evaluate the Micro- Teaching process of the Pre- service Teacher. 3. Evaluate the appropriateness of the selected materials used in the micro- teaching lesson. Task 5.a Observe the three microteaching demonstration of the preservice teacher and comment the following: 1. Did the pre- service teacher attain his/her objectives in teaching his/her part? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________. 2. Was the time allocated for teaching sufficient? Comment if needed. 10

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________. 3. Check in the blank before the statement that demonstrates the PSTs attainment of the following competencies in applying technology in teaching: _____a. Prepares instructional devices that are appropriate to the learning content. _____b. Develops and uses materials involving students in meaningful tasks. _____c. Selects teaching aids that suit the needs of the learners. _____d. Uses appropriate audio- visual display for learning tasks. _____e. Evaluates the effectiveness of visual displays. 4. Cite the strong points of the microteaching demonstrations. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________. 5. Give recommendations to improve/enhance the microteaching demonstration. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________. Signed: Mrs. Cristina Gloria

5.b Self evaluation of the pre srevice teacher in micro- teaching. Reflection on My Micro- teaching. 1. We attained the objectives of our lessons because the learner did have a breakthrough on the lesson. They can answer the question we gave them and they create a good listening span on our given activities and quizzes. 2. We believed that the last Micro- teaching session was indeed the most successful, it was because the learners were well motivated after the succeeding tutorials, they attemp to do new things inorder to express their own ideas. 3. We did utilize our instructional materials, there were puzzles ang game boards. We just missed to accommodate the whole class because their so many of them. 4. Our strong point in micro- teaching is our buddy system cooperative skills and strategies, whenever one of us is tired enough to accomodate the teaching process, the other effectively substitute the lesson and deliver the set of topic only if the content of our objective and teaching are possible.

Alven Idao 11


Rhea Jean Pastoril


Appendix B Journal Writing 1: Communication Skills A. After observing the communication skills of the teacher, what are the implications for the teaching- learning situation? Communication skills in the teaching- learning situation is very vital. Implication involved: is for the teacher to identify the focus of the teaching activity, to demonstrate the particular strategy in presenting the lesson which communication serve as the run way for learning and to be able to circulate learning effectively. B. Describe three different ways the teacher communicated with pupils. Do you think each was effective? Why? The teacher may communicate with the pupils verbally, non- verbally and through simply tapping the board and counting numbers when the class is in need of order. We believed that these communication classics each play an important role inside the class and that the teacher is master enough of these measures that she knows when to adopt them. C. Cite two question asked by the CT which develop higher level of thinking skills. How did the learners respond to them? The teacher asked the learners using a How and Why question wares , hence making the learners respond and think critically. The learners at first glace of the question think, later they deliver their fromulated ideas with the teacher. Appendix B Journal Writing 2: On Micro Teaching 1 and 2 (Tutorial and Remedial Teaching) A. After conducting your first micro- taeching (tutorial) what are your realizations? After the micro teaching, we realized that a massive prepararions and mastery of the subjct matter is highly a must, this is for us to deliver the lesson properly and effectively. B. After being aware of your needs in the first micro- teaching, cite two improvements that you have applied in you Micro- teaching 2 (remedial teaching). We did some improvement on the ltter teaching, we added time on our preparation increasing it by 50%, we even accustomed our teaching with claps and prizes which motivated the learners. C. Cite instructional technologies used in micro- teaching. Did it improve the pupils learning? How? 12

Instructional tecnologies like printed materials and visual representations like mock ups were used and we believed that these technologies contributed to the improvement of the learners performances by creating a realistic discussion where imagination is highly literally taken. D. What should be improved in your remedial teaching? How will you address these? We believed that we need to improved our mnastery on the Art of Questioning, its a very must skill in teaching inorder to address learning and evaluations. This skill could be improved by constant practice and ample time of preparations. Appendix B Journal Writing 3: Strategies used in Micro- teaching 3 ( Enhancement Teaching) A. Microteaching 3 includes enhancement teaching. It demonstrates a practical strategy in presenting a lesson. What specific strategy did you apply? We did apply the man-to-man strategy, we make time with our learners and we set that each of them has understood the topic befor proceeding to another discussion. B. What difficulties did you encounter? How did you address these? What insights have you gained from thexperience? We did encounter the difficulties on applying the Art of Question, this is due to the difficulty of acquiring this very important skill. Our Cooperating Teacher helped us in fastening this skill in our teaching career. C. Did the use of instructional technology improve your teaching strategies? If Yes, how? Using instructional technologies did helped us a lot in acquiring and presenting the lesson actively nad more precise. This is made possible because they represent representations that cannot be done by simple imagination and discussion. Appendix B Journal Writing 4: Child- Friendliness in Teaching A. As a micro- teacher, we did treat all the children with regard to the following: 1. Gender- fairly- by not looking into the context of their physical differences. 2. Preferred Learning Style- fairly- we dont look into their learning styles. 3. Cultural Origin- fairly- we dont mind their races and origins.


4. Multiple Intelligences- fairly- we didnt even got enough time to reach to the point of knowing their intelligences beacause of time inefficiency. 5. Learning Ability- fairly- we look not to the extent of considering their abilities and dis- abilities. B. Cite three insights you have learned about becoming a childfriendly teacher. To become a child- friendly teacher, the insight like being patient, knowing your subject matter wholistically and accomodating the learning process with full preparation as much as possible are a must for the development and boosting of the teaching process. As a teacher we need not only to accomodate the learners with cognitive faculties but also of all the needs they must acquire inorder for them to develop wholistically. A basic and a very important matter to consider in teaching is the sense of operational feeling and positiveness to accept the result and create measures to boost the learning competencies. There shloud always be a space for improvement not just for the learners, but especially for the teachers. Appendix B Journal Writing 5: Child- Personal Insights A. After completing the course in FS 3, my personal insights regarding teaching and learning micro- teaching are: o Teachers really play an important role in the teaching and learning process. With their absence, the elements of the educational environment would be very ineffective, this is because they guide the learners in their undertakings, they direct and stimulate the learners in their goal seeking in present and in future use. o Learners serve as the element in schooling process. Every piece of them is unique and that the teacher should consider their differences in every way possible. o Instructional Technologies is a very important element in teaching, they keep the teacher cool and less stress in the process. o As a teacher, you have to be the main master of the subject matter. o Micro-teaching Planning is best observed when the teacher adopts the needs of the learner in every discussions. B. I have learned the following things from the cooperating teacher, supervising teacher, cooperating school principal and the learners: 14

B.1. Cooperating Teacher She taught us how to cater the Art of Question in more simple way than we thought. She equipped us with the faculties and tips needed for future use like how to act when getting a job in public schools and how to answer questions from the employer. I learned that naturally the lesson plan only serves as the main guide and thus do not employ the sense of being followed rather more on considering the needs of the learner at all times B.2. Supervising Teacher He Taught us how to take things and learning actively. I learned the guts and the teaching enthusiasm from him and how to stand against all possible odds. B.3. Cooperating Principal I learned how to be passionate in teaching and to the learners from her. Her forever sweeteness influenced my teaching strategies and upbringings to my pupils. B.4. The Learners I learned to be calm and relax whenever I feel difficulty in teaching, seeing them happy and doing the class discussion with me adherently developing each meeting makes my heart happy and satisfied. Appendix B Journal Writing 6: Class Program Name: Alven E. Idao Date: August 25, 2011 Cooperating School: Makilala Central Elementary School Sem/SY: First Semester SY: 2011-12 Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Cristina Gloria 1. What is the relevance of the classroom schedule, room organizations and teachers approach in the effectiveness of teaching? Classroom schedule, room organizations and teachers approach plays a crucial element in the effectiveness of teaching. This factors affect the learning because this is where the learning varies and happens. 2. Describe how the classroom program contributes to the effective implementation of the curriculum? Classroom programs contibute to the effective implementation of the curriculum by means of the variety of content it can contribute to the learning of the learners. 15

3. Interview your CT about their roles in the preparation and implementation of the class program. She told us once that, nowadays, teachers really play the very massive importance for the development of the community and of the country as a whole. She told us to do our best in our study beacause today ranking of the public teachers requires the need of good grades and performance in school. The teacher in behalf, play as the facilitator in the class program, this means that as much as possible, for excellent transfer of learning, learners should be engaged in firat hand experiences.


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