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Check the below steps before the upgrade :

1) All OBIEE 11g services should up and running.

2) Keep backup for the existing OBIEE 11g Rpd and webcat (paint or Sample Applite file)

Follow below steps to Upgrade:

1) Identify OBIEE 10g, Rpd and webcat that you want to upgrade and keep them in a folder. 2) Go <installfolder>\Oracle_BI1\bin\ and click ua.bat

3) Click next

4) Select Upgrade Oracle BI RPD and Presentation Catalog and click next

5) a) Browse to the rpd that has to be upgraded. b) Enter the credentials for this RPD. c) Use a password to secure the upgraded RPD. (Remember the password) d) Browse to the folder that contains the 10g webcat. e) Now specify an empty folder for deliveries. f) Click next

6) Enter Weblogic Server details and click next

7) Click next

8) Click next

9) Click Upgrade


11) Click Next and check the Post Upgrade tasks.

12) Log on to Rpd and BI and see the upgraded Rpd and webcat

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