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Achilles - greatest warrior. Son of Peleus and Thetis. Leader of the Myrmidons. Helen - Queen of Sparta and wife of Menelaus. Lover of Paris. Agamemnon - King of Mycenae. Brother of Menelaus. Odysseus - King of Ithaca and friend of Achilles. Considered the most clever of the Greeks. Menelaus - King of Sparta and husband of Helen. Brother of Agamemnon. Ajax - stone breaker. King of Salamis. Second to Achilles among the Greeks in terms of fighting skills. Patroclus - Cousin and student of Achilles. Nestor- Adviser of Agamemnon. Eudoros- Captain of the Myrmidons. Thetis - Mother of Achilles. Hippasus - Adviser of Menelaus. Triopas - King of Thessaly. Boagrius - Thessalian champion. Polydora - Spartan entertainer.


Hector - Prince of Troy and the best warrior among the Trojans. Eldest son of Priam, brother
of Paris and husband of Andromache. Paris - Prince of Troy. Youngest son of Priam, brother of Hector and lover of Helen. Priam - King of Troy and father of Hector and Paris. Briseis - Priestess of Apollo and cousin of Hector and Paris. Lover of Achilles. Andromache - Princess of Troy and wife of Hector. Glaucus - Commanding general of the Trojan army. Archeptolemus - Trojan high priest and adviser of Priam. Velior - Trojan priest. Tecton - Captain of the Apollonian Guard. Lysander - Captain of the Trojan army. Aeneas - Trojan youth.

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