2 Letter Tamil Word

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inner soul move OH Foot beat group that there half wave interested cry cut room like that like that blessings like shakking goat dress male nail order acceptance tortoise baniyan tree factory ditch person river 3 rd tamil month music thunder Equal, un comparable Hip, middle Equal, un comparable here eye brow Wait two next Equal, un comparable dress kick hanging pot explanation inside Envelop your needel

rice dust place move

barking of dog sopped in wet blame take it number which one somethig rat Paper ladder big pond throw why sound ice one one sound move away sound run one picture leak bite shop eye surrender story charcoal black stone

art poet stick doddy one type food meat fruits name of the place money forest ear vegetables ) dense

quarter leg nothing morning one form of god male hill fear tear off parrot below drink umberella Preacher Fault together Sharp told type of jug one of the planet name listen listen flag give murder buy in bulk last line hen king long hair skin ok sputum last day of the week god group road ash head smile statue good good one type of food one of the goddess name sputum

shoot taste one type of fish head

plant do it join saree mud speak type of shell stick break floor head head

alone beard servent mother lock paper day cloth praise tiny particle wash small part department dust powder road searching chariot scorpio honey honey bee touch thigh very old bird feather ear rings type of boat skin act walk ours fox good country

ours dog myself moon full original water foam smell ghee paddy good habit stright 1 second feaver hungry steps sleep army work urgent pimples more teeth

world fly take from him poem snow sing mat world, see see milk sin waste pot hold father remove back type of cigarette hold grass tiger earth worm male part tamarind outer soul dove

nick name earth cat female to get

innocent ghost good name pregnancy period bug powder weight FALSE not good looking Wait gold go live it teach him go war identical identical duplicate a kind of sweet thigh dam shutter sand time brain hill shave rain forget not heart heart dust top cow mother uncle aunty deer more press by leg current musthace balance on,upon on,upon

fish hair bud eye open horn close brain truth stalwards top gift language buttermilk peg everyone who who who elephant saint think beautiful girl

one of the god one type of food queen

one of the god king patient roja live here capture filter boy or girl ( ) gift tax pain net route good words read come here my lawyer mouth week not come tail live live

sword bucket sky leave it answer sky fate seed open Arrow price eye open speak question home type of music instrument road cracker outside outside well root fence compoent work time not this one not this one not this one music note type of pot caste light

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