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The Clouds of the Middle Troposphere: Composition, Radiative Impact, and Global Distribution
Kenneth Sassen Zhien Wang

Received: 29 June 2011 / Accepted: 14 November 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011

Abstract The clouds of the middle troposphere span the temperature range where both ice and liquid water in a supercooled state can exist. However, because one phase tends to dominate, of the two midlevel cloud types, altostratus are deep ice-dominated, while altocumulus are shallow water-dominated, mixed-phase clouds with ice crystal virga typically trailing below. Multiple remote sensor examples of these cloud types are given to illustrate their main features, and the radiative consequences of the different cloud microphysical compositions are discussed. Spaceborne radar and lidar measurements using the CloudSat and CALIPSO satellites are analyzed to determine the global distributions of cloud frequencies and heights of these clouds. It is found that together these little-studied clouds cover *25% of the Earths surface, which is about one-third of the total cloud cover, and thus represent a signicant contribution to the planets energy balance. Keywords Tropospheric clouds CloudSat CALIPSO Lidar Radar

1 Introduction Clouds play a critical role in maintaining the energy balance of the Earth via their redistribution of the incoming solar radiation and outgoing infrared radiation (Stephens et al. 1990; Wielicki et al. 1995; Stephens 2005). The factors that affect the ow of radiation through clouds are controlled by a number of things, mainly their geographical locations and heights, and their microphysical properties including cloud particle phase,
ISSI Workshop on Observing and Modeling Earths Energy Flows, January 1014, 2011, Bern, Switzerland. K. Sassen (&) Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, USA e-mail: Z. Wang Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA e-mail:


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shape, and number concentration. These latter properties determine their basic radiative consequences as can be expressed by their liquid or ice water path, mean particle size, and visible and infrared optical depths. It is apparent then that the different types of clouds inhabiting the Earths atmosphere can result in quite different radiative forcings (Hartmann et al. 1992). The clouds that are the subject of this report are those of the middle troposphere, which because of their intermediate heights in the atmosphere are typically formed at subfreezing temperatures. However, liquid water drops can exist in a supercooled state down to the homogenous freezing point of pure water, or to temperatures approaching about -40C, while ice crystals can form in these clouds either homogeneously or heterogeneously through the action of special suspended particles, ice nuclei (Pruppacher and Klett 1997). Some ice nuclei, like desert dust particles, start to become activated within a few to several degrees below the freezing point, and the numbers activated increase strongly with decreasing temperature. Due to the thermodynamic advantage of the growth of the ice phase over that of supercooled water at the same temperature (due to the difference in their saturation vapor pressures), the strong competition between the two phases tends to result in the depletion of cloud droplets by ice before the homogeneous freezing point is reached. Thus, in practice, the coldest temperatures at which supercooled cloud droplets have been measured with in situ probes are between -35 and -36C (e.g., Sassen et al. 1985). Middle-level clouds are therefore the only (nondeep convective) clouds that can be dominated by either the ice or water phase because of their strategic location in the atmosphere and are commonly of mixed-phase composition (Zhang et al. 2010). Partly as a result, they are poorly represented in climate models (Zhang 2005). In response to the hypothesized global warming trend and other human-induced atmospheric alterations, what would be the roles played by the Earths middle clouds? Certainly, the fact that they are often of mixed-phase composition means that any cloud layer temperature change will affect the balance of the two phases with a potentially large radiative impact (Sassen and Khvorostyanov 2007). Indirect aerosol effects on cloud content may be even more important because of potential ice nuclei concentration changes on midlevel cloud phase. An example of this is that increasing desertication and atmospheric dust content could lead to increased ice crystal numbers and glaciations of supercooled clouds. In this paper, we rst discuss and dene the nature of the recognized types of middlelevel clouds in our atmosphere, including by providing modern multiple remote sensor studies of the two basic midlevel cloud types, altostratus and altocumulus. Their basic radiative properties are then summarized. Next, we provide the latest data derived from the CALIPSO and CloudSat satellites using active remote sensors (lidar and radar) to characterize the global cloud frequencies and heights of these ubiquitous clouds, followed by our Conclusions.

2 Types of Middle-level Clouds Classications for the clouds of the Earths atmosphere date back about two centuries, when natural philosophers trained mainly in classifying ora and fauna turned their attention to clouds (WMO 1987). For example, brous cirrus clouds were named after the fan-like appendages of barnacles used in food gathering. Because the family of cirrus clouds was acknowledged to occur high in the atmosphere, they were cold enough to be dominated by ice crystals. They often have a thin, bluish appearance through which the sun


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or moon is visible, produce halos, and comprise the leading edge of thickening cloud systems developing as part of cyclonic storm systems. Thus, the visual appearance and relative heights of clouds were important criteria in identifying the basic cloud types of the upper, middle, and lower atmosphere. Surface weather observers learn these fundamental distinctions aided by cloud atlas books (WMO 1987), which facilitated the rst global climatologies of cloud type frequencies (Warren et al. 1986; Hahn and Warren 1999). Middle level means that these clouds correspond to the heights of the midtroposphere, which depend on which latitude belt (i.e. the polar regions, midlatitudes, and tropics) they are found in, because the average height of the tropopause progressively decreases with increasing latitude (WMO 1988). For example, as a rule of thumb, midlevel cloud bases span the altitude ranges of *2.0 km to 7.0, 8.0, and 10 km above ground level in these belts, respectively. Figure 1 shows the breakdown of low, middle, and high cloud base heights for the three belts used in our current algorithm. Surface weather observers categorize cloud types according to their visually estimated cloud base heights, because cloud layers typically block viewing of the higher cloud tops. These early attempts to classify clouds have generally proved to be well founded and retain their value in terms of modern concerns such as judging their radiative impacts according to cloud height, optical depth, and particle size, phase, and shape. More recently, satellite remote sensors illustrated the value of continuous global measurements for distinguishing general cloud types and predicting weather. The International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) adopted a scheme using cloud categories divided into apparent height and cloud optical depth intervals derived from multispectral radiance data (Rossow and Schiffer 1999). Most recently, the availability of active remote sensors in Earth orbit, namely the polarization lidar on CALIPSO (Winker et al. 2003) and the W-band (3.2 mm) cloud radar on CloudSat that are part of the A-train formation of satellites (Stephens et al. 2003), has generated interest in improving the global characterization of clouds from space (Sassen and Wang 2008). There are two categories of middle-level clouds that are both visually and radiatively distinct. Fundamentally, it is a question of cloud thermodynamic phase: altocumulus (Ac)
Fig. 1 The cloud base height (above ground level) distributions, or memberships, for low, middle, and high clouds in the three major latitude belts, used in the algorithm for classifying cloud types


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are water-dominated, and altostratus (As) are ice-dominated. That is, although mixed water- and ice-phase conditions are common, the scattering of light by Ac is dominated by small spherical cloud droplets, while that by As is dominated by relatively large nonspherical ice crystals. Naturally, these scattering differences are reected in the visual appearance of these cloud types. Ac tend to be cellular and relatively thin, so that they appear translucent (bluish) to gray to dark, while As are thick and dark enough to partially or totally block the disk of the sun or moon. Below, we provide examples of the nature of these clouds as revealed by their scattering/emission properties measured in the visible, infrared, and microwave spectral regions. 2.1 Altostratus Two recent examples of multiple remote sensor studies of As clouds collected at the Arctic Facility for Atmospheric Remote Sensing (AFARS) in the interior of Alaska (Sassen and Khvorostyanov 2008) are presented in Figs. 2 and 3 to illustrate their basic properties. From top to bottom, shown in Fig. 2 are a time series of the column infrared (IR) brightness temperature (TIR) measured by a narrow-beam IR-window (9.511.5 lm) radiometer coaligned with the lidar; a time versus height display of Cloud Polarization Lidar (CPL, with 0.693 lm wavelength and 10-s time and 6-m height resolutions) relative attenuated backscattering (plotted using a logarithmic gray scale), with the local Fairbanks, Alaska, temperature (solid line) and relative humidity proles shown at right; and the corresponding W-band (3.2 mm wavelength) Doppler radar displays of water-equivalent radar reectivity factor (in dBZ) and Doppler velocity (where negative values represent downward motions). The quintessential character of As is revealed by the TIR trends and the differences in the lidar/radar backscatter displays in Fig. 2. Radar reectivity peaks at about 10 dBZ near the middle of the display corresponding to where the lidar returns are so heavily attenuated that data from the upper cloud region are lost. Comparing the radar and lidar cloud heights (cloud base heights are characteristically very similar), prior to 2,300 UTC, the top heights are similar; at 2,330 UTC, the lidar shows the effects of range-limiting attenuation; and after 2,345 UTC, the lidar reveals two cloud layers that go undetected by the radar. These clouds are a cirrostratus (Cs) between 8.0 and 10.0 km MSL (above mean sea level) and a supercooled (*-10) Ac cloud with ice virga just above 4.0 km MSL. Both of these cloud layers contain particles too small to be detected by the radar, although typically with time the ice virga will grow to sizes easily seen by a millimeter-wave cloud radar. The downwelling infrared cloud signal (top panel) reveals a gradual increase as the Ac cloud thickens both physically and optically. These are basic characteristics of As when probed in the visible, infrared, and millimeter-wave regions. Finally, note that the maximum Doppler radar vertical velocities are in the -1.5 to -2.0 m/s range in connection with the lower ice crystal fallstreaks, and this is a signature of the fall velocities of ice crystal aggregates. Also note that, when observed with lidar (as in Fig. 2), As frequently develop a strongly scattering and highly attenuating cloud base layer also indicative of the presence of large aggregates that form in the lower (warmer) cloud region. Another basic feature of As is illustrated in Fig. 3, which shows an additional time series of middle and high cloud data collected at AFARS depicting in this case infrared and CPL returned energy and depolarization data. In this instance, the cloud layer initially appeared to be a Cs between *5.5 and 10.0 km MSL, with typical linear depolarization ratios (d, the ratio of the returned laser energies in the orthogonal and parallel polarization planes relative to that


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Fig. 2 An example from the Arctic Facility for Atmospheric Remote Sensing (AFARS, at a height of 218 m MSL) of an As cloud layer studied on May 11, 2010, showing, from top to bottom, a time series of midinfrared radiometer downwelling temperatures, and height versus time displays of CPL ruby (0.693 lm) lidar attenuated backscatter (with solid temperature and dashed relative humidity proles to right), and W-band (3.2 mm) radar reectivity factor and Doppler velocity (with color keys to right)

transmitted) of *0.35. Following, lidar cloud top information is lost at around 21.10 UTC and from *22.00 to 23.00 UTC, corresponding to the peak infrared signals. Another infrared maximum occurs at the end of the data record, when a lidar-blocking (from strong attenuation) Ac layer appears at about 3.0 km MSL and -5.0C. Interestingly, a similar supercooled layer appeared briey at *22.10 UTC embedded in the base of the As. These liquid layers produce near-zero d at the cloud base, but the d then tends to increase with height because of photon multiple scattering among the dense assembly of cloud droplets, depending on lidar design (Sassen 2005a). Depolarization in the lower As, however, is also very low at times at temperature between -10 and -20C, as a result of the non-depolarizing specular reections from horizontally oriented plate crystals when probed by a zenith lidar. This highly anisotropic scattering medium is common in midlevel ice clouds because of the favorable temperatures for rapid planar ice crystal growth (Pruppacher and Klett 1997).


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Fig. 3 As in Fig. 2, except for another As cloud studied on May 19, 2011, and showing lidar linear depolarization ratios at bottom (with color d key to right)

2.2 Altocumulus Figures 4 and 5 illustrate Ac lidar examples from two widely different parts of the globe, namely the Arctic of northern Alaska and the near tropics of southern Florida, respectively. The lidar returned energy heighttime display in Fig. 4 comes from the MPACE eld campaign at Barrow, Alaska (Verlinde et al. 2007), and was collected with the infrared channel (1.06 lm, at 1.0-s and 6-m resolutions) of the mobile Polarization Diversity Lidar (PDL) system. The strongly scattering cellular Ac layer (shown in white) has a -11.1C cloud top temperature corresponding to the top of a temperature inversion. Considerably more noticeable, however, is the ice crystal virga below that is composed of numerous fallstreaks and extends a maximum of *1.5 km below the supercooled liquid layer. The crystal fallstreaks show very little wind shear effects, and the entire cloud is about 45 km in length based on the 12.8 m/s average wind speed at this level. This is an Arctic mesoscale Ac cloud system. Data from a nearby cloud radar (not shown) had no difculty in detecting the ice virga, but failed to see the uppermost cloud layer dominated by small cloud droplets and just-nucleated ice crystals. The lidar images in Fig. 5 were collected during the CRYSTAL-FACE eld campaign from a site in the Florida Everglades (Sassen et al. 2003). Both linear depolarization


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Fig. 4 An example of a relative returned energy 1.06 lm PDL lidar timeheight display (note color relative returned energy scale at top) of a supercooled altocumulus cloud at 2.6 km MSL altitude with ice virga trailing below, sampled in the Arctic at Barrow, Alaska, on October 15, 2004

Fig. 5 An example of 0.532 lm PDL lidar relative returned energy (top) and depolarization (bottom, d key to right) of a mildly supercooled Ac cloud, with a brief episode of depolarizing ice virga, sampled in the subtropics from a site in the Everglades in southern Florida on July 29, 2002


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(bottom, note d color scale at right) and relative returned energy plots are shown from the PDL using the 0.532-lm channel with 0.1-s and 1.5-m resolutions. The Ac layer is identied by the low d at the *5.5 km MSL cloud base, following by increasing d aloft from multiple scattering in the optically thicker liquid cloud parts. The temperatures in this relatively warm supercooled cloud range from *-5.0 to -9.0C, but the fallstreak of depolarizing ice crystals around 1517 UTC (d *0.30.4) indicates ice nucleation as the Ac cloud base descended into a layer containing Saharan dust transported across the Atlantic Ocean. Because many desert dust particles are effective ice nuclei, these data suggest a brief supercooled cloud glaciation caused by the dust particles (Sassen et al. 2003). In general, it appears that Ac are high (i.e. cold) enough in the atmosphere to be supercooled and hence are typically mixed phase with ice virga trailing well below the liquid cloud top layer. According to the extended polarization lidar study reported in Sassen and Khvorostyanov (2007) from a midlatitude location, the mean observed Ac cloud base temperature was -14.7C, ranging from -2.3 to -34.6C. The last value is close to the temperature where pure supercooled water drops will freeze homogeneously (Pruppacher and Klett 1997), showing in this case an extreme (lack of ice nuclei at such high altitudes). The average Ac cloud base height in this study was 5.2 km MSL, which is close to the mean value given in Fig. 1 for the midlatitudes.

3 Radiative Properties The microphysical properties of mixed-phase clouds, on which their radiative characteristics rely, depend on the dominant thermodynamic phase of the cloud because it determines the shapes, sizes, and concentrations of the constituent cloud particles (Khvorostyanov et al. 2001). Oddly, although proper As model simulations have not to our knowledge been undertaken, model and experimental studies of deep cirrostratus clouds that surely resemble As are available because of the attractiveness of treating healthy ice clouds and probing them with millimeter-wave radars, which may have difculties with proper cirrus (e.g., Starr and Cox 1985; Mace et al. 2001; Khvorostyanov and Sassen 2002). Microphysical/radiative models of Ac clouds have often been based on observational studies (Heymseld et al. 1991; Liu and Krueger 1998; Fleishauer et al. 2002; Sassen and Khvorostyanov 2007). In terms of the fundamental scattering properties used in models, much is known from previous research dealing with water, ice, and, to some extent, mixed-phase clouds. Sassen et al. (2001), for example, employed a combined lidar/infrared radiometer dataset and a water cloud microphysical model to illuminate the dependencies of cirrus/As and Ac infrared emittances on cloud thickness and temperature, and the relationship between visible optical depth and cloud emittance in comparison with available radiative theory (Fu and Liou 1993). To separate Cs from classic As, a visible optical depth of * 3.0 and an infrared emissivity of 0.85 were inferred. In all radiative calculations, the form of the particle size distribution, generally of a lognormal type, must be assumed and treated statistically, so that a mean particle size has meaning in the radiative computations. Parameterizations of visible and infrared optical properties, and their relationship, can then be made in terms of integrated ice/water paths (g/m2) and an effective particle size. Water clouds are treated with Mie theory, while ice clouds must rely on approximate theories because of the consequences of the various possible nonspherical crystal shapes (Liou et al. 2002). Mixed-phase clouds must utilize a combination of these approaches for improved accuracy. It should also be reiterated that


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both As and Ac frequently produce horizontally oriented planar ice crystals, leading to a highly anisotropic scattering medium, which require more sophistication in modeling them.

4 Global Distribution of As and Ac Clouds The algorithm used to process CloudSat radar and CALIPSO lidar data by this group has been developed over the past several years, evolving from ground-based remote sensing studies (Wang and Sassen 2001; Wang et al. 2004; Sassen and Wang 2008; Zhang et al. 2010). The classication of the midlevel Ac or As cloud types begins with the identication of a cloud cluster in the backscatter data, that is, a series of horizontally connected and similar cloud proles at the appropriate altitudes for its latitude belt (see Fig. 1). In keeping with the above discussions, As (Ac) are not strongly precipitating (i.e. CloudSat radar signals are unlikely to be strong enough to be measured at the Earths surface), thick to thin (moderate to thin) clouds of ice (water) or mixed phase. Zhang et al. (2010) provide many details but, basically, the algorithm matches the fundamental microphysical properties of As and Ac with the likely responses to radar and lidar signals, including signal slopes, apparent attenuation effects, and basic remote sensor sensitivities to characteristic particle sizes (i.e. essentially particle phase). The cloud classier uses fuzzy logic in cloud type decision making. Given in Figs. 6, 7, 8, 9 are the global CloudSat/CALIPSO midlevel cloud ndings averaged over the years of 2007 and 2008 in terms of seasonally dependent (for four threemonth periods) geographical and height (in 5.0 zonal latitude belts) frequency of occurrence displays. The geographical distribution of the As clouds identied by the algorithm (Fig. 6) displays a relatively low occurrence in the tropics and subtropics and a high occurrence in the midlatitude and polar regions, particularly in the winter hemispheres. Midlatitude storm tracks are apparent, but the frequencies are not as strong as in many polar areas. There is evidence for considerable orographic As enhancements as, for example, over northwestern North America, Greenland, and Antarctic coastal regions. Slight regional enhancements are associated with intense, seasonal deep convective cloud outbreaks (e.g., the Indian Monsoon in JJA and south-central Africa in DFJ). Zonal cloud height dependencies (Fig. 8) show peak occurrences at mid- to high latitudes in the winter middle troposphere and reect a general dependence on planetary-scale (e.g., Hadley cell) circulation patterns that cause deep ascending and descending air motions, similar to the basic patterns for cirrus clouds (Sassen et al. 2008). The identied Ac clouds indicate a quite different geographical occurrence (Fig. 7), where strong maxima occur in association with deep convection in the tropics. Generation of Ac along the midlatitude storm tracks is apparent, but with a strong seasonal asymmetry in the summer hemispheres extending to high latitudes, especially JJA in the northern hemisphere. This probably reects the effects of deep convection in Ac generation, and the highest frequencies are indeed linked to tropical thunderstorms (Sassen et al. 2009). Apparently, this is a type of Ac termed altocumulus cumulogenitus, which is produced by midlevel cloud detrainment during the pulsewise development of deep convective towers at the heights of relatively stable layers. The vertical distribution of Ac in Fig. 9 again reveals the cloud minima in descending air surrounding the subtropics, but also depicts the relatively restricted heights of midlevel supercooled water-topped clouds due to the minimum temperature associated with water clouds: The algorithm uses a minimum temperature of -38.5C.


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Fig. 6 The global distribution of As clouds derived from a 2-year average of CloudSat radar and CALIPSO lidar data using our cloud type identication algorithm (note color frequency scale to right)

Fig. 7 As in Fig. 6 except for the global distribution of Ac clouds

Finally, the global two-year average frequencies of As and Ac are contrasted in each season to the total cloud cover determined from the CloudSat/CALISPO algorithm (Table 1). Compared to our total cloud cover average of nearly 75% of the Earths surface,


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Fig. 8 The height versus zonally averaged latitude frequencies (note color scale at right) for As clouds derived from a 2-year average of CloudSat and CALIPSO data

Fig. 9 As in Fig. 8, except for Ac clouds


Surv Geophys Table 1 Midlevel and total cloud frequencies derived from the algorithm using the global CloudSat/ CALIPSO dataset, in percent MAM All clouds As Ac 74.4 16.4 9.9 JJA 74.0 14.8 12.7 SON 74.5 15.9 10.1 DJF 74.5 15.6 10.8

The frequencies are calculated as the ratio of vertical proles containing only As or Ac clouds to the total proles. Clouds in each height group are only counted once for each data prole even if multiple layers of each type is present. MAM is for March, April and May, JJA June, July and August, etc

As (15.7%) and Ac (10.9%) together comprise about 25%, or roughly one-third of the total clouds in the low, middle, and upper troposphere.

5 Discussion and Conclusions The clouds of the middle troposphere are unglamorous to all but a few researchers (Gedzelman 1988, 2011). They do not generate signicant amounts of rain or snow and have often been neglected in modern research: They are forgotten clouds (Vonder Haar et al. 1997). Nonetheless, As and Ac comprise a signicant fraction (about one-third) of the total cloud cover of the Earth, and because of their widespread distribution and varied basic radiative effects, they must be considered an integral part of the planets energy balance. The data presented here reveal, not surprisingly, a basic dependence of midlevel clouds on planetary-scale circulation patterns and features of synoptic meteorology. Cloud frequency maxima appear to be found for Ac in association with tropical and midlatitude continental deep convection (variety cumulogenitus), while in contrast, As tend to avoid the tropics and are apparently most strongly inuenced by the effects of orography and cyclonic development in midlatitude storm tracks. Their vertical distributions show quite deep As and relatively shallow Ac clouds, the latter a consequence of limits on the survival of supercooled water in the atmosphere. Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that the geographical frequency distributions of As and Ac clouds indicate that they inhabit reciprocal cloud niches in accordance with the action of the WegenerBergeronFindeisen mechanism, which as mentioned before accounts for the quite successful competition of ice over water particles where they are found to coexist (Pruppacher and Klett 1997). The differences in their dominant formation mechanisms discussed here also may lead to different geographical locations for As and Ac. An interesting feature of midlevel clouds that should be investigated further is appreciating other forms of As clouds that differ from the classic dense As layer commonly associated with midlatitude cyclonic activity. Although the current CloudSat/CALIPSO analysis has not directly addressed this issue, it is clear from surface-based lidar/radar cloud studies from AFARS and elsewhere that unrecognized subtypes of As differing from the classical layer occur and have probably strongly inuenced the current results. These subtypes are optically thinner, even subvisual, and can be termed altostratus nebulosus and altocumulogenitus based on standard cloud typing terminology (WMO 1987). These midtropospheric ice clouds can resemble cirrus bratus or Cs, but typically have a diffuse appearance with rounded forms and indistinct cloud edges.


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Specically, As that are derived from glaciated Ac (Sassen and Khvorostyanov 2007), heterogeneous depositional ice nucleation without the presence of the liquid phase (Sassen 2005b), or other cloud formation processes typically leave that behind relatively thin ice clouds; such clouds are no doubt part of the current satellite-based As sample. Orographic uplift may often be the cause of the required atmospheric humidication, and temperatures in the -10 to -20C range particularly favorable for the planar ice crystal habits mean that the horizontally oriented plates would produce a highly anisotropic scattering medium. For example, in lidar studies of midlatitude cirrus clouds, Sassen and Campbell (2001) reported that oriented plate crystal layers present below the cirrus under study were present during 4.5% of the total observation periods. These were often subvisual clouds and thought to be associated with glaciated upwind Ac clouds formed by local mountain ranges. In any case, ice clouds that occupy the correct heights for As, but are not dense enough to block the sun or moon, may be commonplace, as our recent experience at AFARS in the Arctic would suggest. Since such clouds would have different radiative properties than the classic As, more study is needed to assess their climatic impact. Finally, comparison with the height and geographical distributions of high-level cirrus clouds derived from the same satellite sources (Sassen et al. 2008, 2009), which should share some characteristics with As because of the common cirrostratus-to-altostratus transition (Sassen 2002), yields some surprising results. It was found that cirrus derived from spreading deep convective cloud anvils in the tropics was the dominant source of cirrus over the surface of the Earth, with those created in midlatitude storm tracks also prominent. A comparison with Fig. 6 shows poor agreement with this, in that the tropics lack much As while the polar regions have relatively high frequencies of occurrence. Although the basic height versus latitude As distributions in Fig. 8 are similar to cirrus, As lack the high-altitude tropical maximum and also have some of their highest frequencies extending to high latitudes. It is probable that the kinds of optically thin As mentioned above have some impact on these polar ndings, as regular AFARS research would support (as currently under study). The Ac in Fig. 7, on the other hand, share the location of the maximum cirrus frequencies in the tropics, since both appear to be the result of mass detrainment in deep convection, although the effects of cirrus generation in midlatitude storm tracks are much more apparent. This indicates a dominance of mainly continental Ac formation mechanisms due to convection or orography. Such unexpected ndings open up new avenues for researching the clouds of the middle troposphere to improve our understanding of their effects on the planets energy balance, thanks to the unique active remote sensing capabilities of the CloudSat and CALIPSO satellites.
Acknowledgments This research has been supported by NSF grants ATM-0645644 and AGS-037000, NASA grant NNX10AN18G, and contracts NAS-7-1407 and 1270909 from the Jet Propulsion laboratory.

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