ISP - of Mice and Men Rap

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ISP: Rap Video

Write and perform (live or video) a rap characterizing an aspect of the novel Of Mice and Men. Make sure when you write it, it looks like a song written in stanzas with a chorus.
Due: __________


(exceeds target) -Clear beginning, middle, end -includes major characters, conflict, and a hint about the outcome -made every attempt to filter out unwanted noise -music stirs emotional response & matches storyline -told with right amount of detail -not too short or too long -met 3 to 4 minute requirement

(hits target) -establishes a purpose -maintains focus for most of presentation -music stirs emotional response that mostly matches storyline -story composition is good -performance does drag a bit in some places -needs slightly more detail in some areas -met 3 to 4 minute requirement -good effort to include costumes/props to make presentation more understandable -some originality and inventiveness -ideas presented in an interesting way -most of content is accurate

(approaching target) -few lapses in focus -purpose fairly clear

(just beginning) -little or no focus -purpose of presentation is confusing -little or no quality sound during production -music is distracting, inappropriate, or not used -needs extensive editing -too long or too short to be interesting -did not meet time requirement



-music is acceptable and not distracting -music does not add much to the story/topic -needs more editing -too long or too short in more than one area -may have come close to time limit requirement


-excellent effort to include costumes or props that enhance the production

-some of the scenes had decent costumes/props

-considerable originality and inventiveness -ideas presented in a unique and interesting way Content/Accuracy -no factual errors


-attempt at originality -inventiveness in part of the production -generally accurate -may have parts that are

-few scenes used costumes/props or little/no costumes/props were used in the production -shows very little to no original thought

-may be confusing -contains many factual



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