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images for embroidery!

All designs, imAges And content @2011 lizzy House. items from tHis pAttern Are for personAl use only. items mAy not be produced for commerciAl resAle. All rights reserved.

includes all of the woodland animals, foliage and shapes from Lizzy Houses newest collection Outfoxed! Embroider your heart out! Transfer images to quilt blocks, linens, or wall art. Go wild! OUTFOXED Cosmo Floss color palettes available from the workrooms Online Shop at

color stories




purchase prekitted o u t f o x e d cosmo embroidery floss palettes from: cosmo floss palette images by Karyn Valino of the workroom. Visit

e m b ro i d e r y
ttransfer using your favorite method to your favorite cloth. We recommend robert Kaufmans organic Kona cotton, or organic canvas in natural with motes. embroider using your favorite stitches. outline or fill, till your heart is content. We recommend making little vignettes using the images provided. Above all, enjoy yourself.

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