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Achievements outside medicine

Give details of outstanding achievements outside the field of medicine. (Max 150 words)

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In this section please provide details of your most relevant presentations and or posters to local bodies, regional or national societies. Please give a statement about your personal contribution to the work. DO NOT include audit presentations here, use the separate clinical audit section. Please select the sentence highest on the list that applies to you. You can select only one statement. Some of the statements may carry equivalent weight *
I hav e made an oral pres entation or I hav e s how n more than one pos ter at a national or international meeting

Expand further in the text box. You will be required to show evidence to back up your claims if you are invited to interview. (Max 250 words) *

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In this section please provide details of your most relevant publications. Please give full citation details (as in Pubmed, excluding your own name) of any published work, specify any abstracts and then give a statement about your personal contribution to the work. Please select the sentence highest on the list that applies to you. You can select only one statement. Some of the statements may carry equivalent weight *
I have no publications or abstracts

Teaching experience
In this section please provide details of your teaching experience. Please give full details about the type of teaching, your personal contribution and details of any feedback obtained. Please select the sentence highest on the list that applies to you. You can select only one statement. Some of the statements may carry equivalent weight *
I t e a c h h e a lt h p r o f e s s io n a ls a n d /o r m e d ic a l s t u d e n ts a t le a s t w e e k ly

Expand further in the text box. You will be required to show evidence to back up your claims if you are invited to interview. (Max 250 words) *

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Clinical audit
In this section please provide details of clinical audit experience, giving titles and dates. What specifically was your contribution, what did the audit show, was the audit presented or published and was the audit cycle closed? Please select the sentence highest on the list that applies to you. You can select only one statement. Some of the statements may carry equivalent weight. *
I h a v e d e s ig n e d , le d a n d c o m p le te d a n a u d it o r q u a lity im p r o v e m e n t p r o je c t a n d I h a v e p r e s e n te d m y f in d in g s a t a lo c a l m e e tin g

Expand further in the text box. You will be required to show evidence to back up your claims if you are invited to interview. (Max 250 words) *

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Commitment to specialty
Describe how you believe you meet the person specification for the programme for which you are applying. Include the particular skills and attributes that make you suitable for a career in this specialty. Use the space to provide fresh supporting information rather than repeating the information you have already provided in previous sections. (Max 400 words) *

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