Fluid Mechanics Bible

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= Description Page Circular cylinder falling Calculate the water level d inside the inverted container 3 Derive an expression for the pressure at any depth h in terms of 3 yo, hand K. Calculate the weight density and pressure at a depth of 3.22 km, assuming yo = 10 kN/m3, h in meters, and K = 7.08 N/m7/2. Calculate the force on a surface area of 2 m2 (of a submarine, for example). Determine the moment about 0 due 6 to the force of water on this wall Determine the required mass per unit length (m) of the eylinder 6 ‘Above what depth will the timber stand vertically 2 Determine whether the object 22 would float stably in water in the position shown Determine the angle that the string now makes with the vertical 36 line, Will the block lean to the right or to the left ‘When a fluid body is rotated at a constant angular speed wo 2 about a vertical axis passing through the origin O of a cylindrical co-ordinate system Determine the torque and power necessary to ma maintain a constant angular speed of 240 rpm for the disk. "The wall OAB of the water container shown is pivoted about 0. Determine the moment about O due to the force of water on this wall Determine whether this object would float stably in water in the shown position ‘A closed cube, When it is completely lled with water, and rotated. determine the force on a side face due to water Find velocity V for this mushroom cap on a pipeline. Bridge piers 1.8 m wide are arranged in a river at 12 m apart as shown, Determine the flow rate between the piers Calculate the pump power. Assume Meal (inviscid) flow (no losses). Determine the magnitude and direction (angle 8) of the force F by the water on the moving vane, and the power generated by the vane. ‘Obtain an expression for the drag force by the lowing fluid on ‘the pipe wall, u=u centre (1 -(r/R]2] find the water low rate and the pump power when cavitation is about to be at the pump inlet. Determine the water flow rate for the arrangement shown ‘Awater tower is a spherical shell with a diameter of 8 m. Determine the bending moment on the base of the tower due to this wind. ‘A bottom-heavy rectangular plate of dimensions 2 m x3 m falls though the airin standard conditions, determine its steady falling speed. 52 With an open channel, the most efficient or best hydraulic cross section is one which minimises boundary resistance, The channel i ined with concrete, having the Manning Coefficient, n=0.014 34 Determine the water depth y2 at this station, assuming ideal flow. 37 ‘A rectangular container of dimensions 3 m long, 1m high, and 1.2 mwide is completely filled with water., Determine the amount of water that Is spilled, and the total force by water on the container’s back wall and bottorn. 62 X and ¥ comp exerted on pipe and pump by fuid 6 Calculate the total water flow rate 7 The Clark airfoilis to move at 300 km/hr through the airat B sea level in standard conditions, Drag, lft Cylinder spining, Find pressure at points AandC 7 ‘Max power extracted by turbine before cavitation 7 "AZ in end that will couse water to be drawn up to the 73 piezometer opening ? ‘V=2Using, determine U fora manometer reading of h= 300, 30 mm. 8 ‘Wye for combining gasoline ~ roe=608, determine magnitude and direction on wye.

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