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Slab without Beam

Table 13-1 Minimum Thickness of Slab without Interior Beam Without Drop Panel Exterior Panels Yield Strength, fy (Mpa) 300 400 520 hmin >= Without Edge Beam ln/33 ln/30 ln/28 With Edge Beam ln/36 ln/33 ln/31 120 mm 100 mm ln = ln/36 ln/33 ln/31 For With Drop Panel Exterior Panels Without Edge Beam ln/36 ln/33 ln/31 Slab without Drop Panel Slab with Drop Panel With Edge Beam ln/40 ln/36 ln/34

Interior Panels

(psi) 40000 60000 75000 However :

Input Clear Span:

5000 mm

Table 13-1 Minimum Thickness of Slab without Interior Beam (mm) Without Drop Panel Exterior Panels Yield Strength, fy (Mpa) 300 400 520 Without Edge Beam 152 167 179 With Edge Beam 139 152 161 139 152 161 With Drop Panel Exterior Panels Without Edge Beam 139 152 161 With Edge Beam 125 139 147

Interior Panels

(psi) 40000 60000 75000

For the long span of a flat plate or flat slab, For the short span, For preliminary design these can be taken as to be the following: for flat-plate or flat-slab spans up to 7m, long span short span for flat-plate or flat-slab spans over 7m, long span short span

d = h -20mm -0.5db d = h -20mm -1.5db

d h -30 mm d h -45 mm

d h -30 mm d h -50 mm

*** ACI Section 13.4.1 requires that the minimum area of reinforcement provided for flexure should not be less than 0.0020bh if Grade 300 or 350 deformed bars are used 0.0018bh if Grade 420 deformed bars or welded-wire fabric is used

*** Calculation of the Required Area of Steel The calculation of the steel required is based on (4-34) and (13-43), as illustrated in Example 4-4 and 10-1, namely, As = Mu/fyjd As,min = 0.0018bh where jd: 0.90 to 0.95d for slabs of normal proportions As recommended in Section 4-2 and Ex- 10-1 j can be assumed to be 0.925 First Trial: Loads Table: Partitions and finishes Live Load Exterior wall Story -to- Story height Slab thickness estimated Loads combination: U = 1.4D+1.7L wu = Average d Interior column: Column: b h Critical area: b+d h+d 13.29 kN/m2 0.13 m C1 200 mm 200 mm 2 b h 200 400 2.5 kN/m2 2.4 kN/m2 4.24 kN/m 2.57 m 0.17 m 1-2-A-B ln min h b h A 1 200 b 400 h B j 0.93 = = 0.9 Flexure 0.85 shear

5000mm 151.52mm

C 1

B 1

330 mm 330 mm Line of zero shear is at Line zero of edge column is 0.44L else 0.56L interior column is 0.5L

3 b h 200 400

L1 x

B 2

L2 x

5.2m 0.44L 0.56L 2.29m 2.91m 2-3-A-B ln 5000mm min h 151.52mm

b0 Vu From (13-15), Vc f'c

1320 mm 83.087 kN 364.650 kN 25 Mpa

c From (13-16), Vc s From (13-17), Vc

1 360.967 kN 40 Interior column 243.100 kN

Vc Therefore, 243.100 kN Vc/Vu Conclusion 2.926 > 1.2 It is wise to consider thickening the slab if Vc is less than about 1.2Vu at an interior column Exterior column: Column: b h Slab extend offset Critical area: b+offset+d/2 h+d C2

200 mm 200 mm 150 mm 415 mm 330 mm Line of zero shear is at Line zero of edge column is 0.44L else 0.56L interior column is 0.5L

b0 Vu From (13-15), Vc f'c c From (13-16), Vc s From (13-17), Vc

1160 mm 91.542 kN 351.035 kN 30 Mpa 1 313.713 kN 30 Interior column 234.024 kN

Vc Therefore, 234.024 kN Vc/Vu Conclusion 2.556 >1.8 Generally, if Vc/Vu is less than 1.8 to 2 at exterior column, the slab may have inadequate shear capacity for combined shear This will be checked in step 9 Compute the final value of wu Slab thickness final: wu = Average d Mu As d 0.17 m 13.29 kN/m2 0.13 m 30.01 kNm/m 637.47 mm2 145 mm 1.15 0.5

201.06 mm2

5.2 1.15

Diameter fy As,min Project villa CS MS CS MS CS

10 390 Mpa 394.4 mm2 As 39.01 kNm 69.02 kNm 49.52 kNm 30.01 kNm 18.01 kNm 1.3m 2.3m 1.65m 1m 0.6m 828.71 mm2 1466.19 mm2 1051.83 mm2 637.47 mm2 382.48 mm2


DB10 78.54 78.54 78.54 78.54 78.54


Bottom layer 15 13 10 7 7 5 34 23 27 12 12


Splice Rest

27 27 27 1 17

Interior Panels

ln/40 ln/36 ln/34

Interior Panels

125 139 147

hould not be less than

nd 10-1, namely,


1-2-B-C ln -200mm min h -6.06mm 200 b 400 h B C

200 400



Ly 2




C 1

B 1 Ly 1



x 1

B 2



L2 x
0.5L 0m 0.5L 0m 2-3-B-C ln min h -200mm -5.56mm

apacity for combined shear and moment

12 5.22

M0 As 0.35As

156.06 kNm 3314.86 mm2 1160.2 mm2

10 No 78.54 78.54

32 12

As,total 2513.27 942.48

@ 0.16m 0.1


497.23 mm2




No 13 18 16 8 6 61 Bottom layer 5 3.5 4.05 5 5 5 5 4 6.75 2.6 1.64

As,total 1021.02 1413.72 1256.64 628.32 471.24

@ 0.1m 0.13m 0.1m 0.13m 0.1m

75 m 45.5 m 40.5 m 35 m 35 m 25 m 256 m 21.33 m 182.25 m 31.2 m 19.68 m 233.13 m 19.43 162 20.25 31.05 13.5



20 14

Top layer 13 15 13 2 10 7 7 7 5 25 29 2 13 10

5 1.4 1.05 2.5 4.05 5 1.4 1.45 5 5 1.45 2.5 1.05 4

65 21 13.65 5 40.5 35 9.8 10.15 25 125 42.05 5 13.65 40 225.7

6 0.75 0.75+0.4 6m 2m


12 6 6 7 14 1

6.75 1.3 1.65 5.25 0.5 6.75

81 7.8 9.9 36.75 7 6.75 149.2

7 6

12 9.7


m m m m m m m m m m m m m m




4 18.81 17

12 12

m m m m m m 12.43


Slab without Beam

Table 13-1 Minimum Thickness of Slab without Interior Beam Without Drop Panel Exterior Panels Yield Strength, fy (Mpa) 300 400 520 hmin >= Without Edge Beam ln/33 ln/30 ln/28 With Edge Beam ln/36 ln/33 ln/31 120 mm 100 mm ln = ln/36 ln/33 ln/31 For With Drop Panel Exterior Panels Without Edge Beam ln/36 ln/33 ln/31 With Edge Beam ln/40 ln/36 ln/34

Interior Panels

(psi) 40000 60000 75000 However :

Slab without Drop Panel Slab with Drop Panel

Input Clear Span:

4300 mm

Table 13-1 Minimum Thickness of Slab without Interior Beam (mm) Without Drop Panel Exterior Panels Yield Strength, fy (Mpa) 300 400 520 Without Edge Beam 130 143 154 With Edge Beam 119 130 139 119 130 139 With Drop Panel Exterior Panels Without Edge Beam 119 130 139 With Edge Beam 108 119 126

Interior Panels

(psi) 40000 60000 75000

For the long span of a flat plate or flat slab, For the short span, For preliminary design these can be taken as to be the following: for flat-plate or flat-slab spans up to 7m, long span short span for flat-plate or flat-slab spans over 7m, long span short span

d = h -20mm -0.5db d = h -20mm -1.5db

d h -30 mm d h -45 mm

d h -30 mm d h -50 mm

*** ACI Section 13.4.1 requires that the minimum area of reinforcement provided for flexure should not be less than 0.0020bh if Grade 300 or 350 deformed bars are used 0.0018bh if Grade 420 deformed bars or welded-wire fabric is used

*** Calculation of the Required Area of Steel The calculation of the steel required is based on (4-34) and (13-43), as illustrated in Example 4-4 and 10-1, namely, As = Mu/fyjd As,min = 0.0018bh where jd: 0.90 to 0.95d for slabs of normal proportions As recommended in Section 4-2 and Ex- 10-1 j can be assumed to be 0.925 First Trial: Loads Table: Partitions and finishes Live Load Exterior wall Story -to- Story height Slab thickness estimated Loads combination: U = 1.4D+1.7L wu = Average d Interior column: Column: b h Critical area: b+d h+d 10.12 kN/m2 0.11 m C1 300 mm 300 mm 2 b h 300 500 1.2 kN/m2 2 kN/m2 4.5 kN/m 2.45 m 0.15 m 1-2-A-B ln min h b h A 1 250 b 250 h B j 0.93 = = 0.9 Flexure 0.85 shear

4325mm 131.06mm

C 1

B 1

410 mm 410 mm Line of zero shear is at Line zero of edge column is 0.44L else 0.56L interior column is 0.5L

3 b h 300 500

L1 x

B 2

L2 x

2.1m 0.44L 0.56L 0.92m 1.18m 2-3-A-B ln 1800mm min h 54.55mm

b0 Vu From (13-15), Vc f'c

1640 mm 124.092 kN 419.939 kN 30 Mpa

c From (13-16), Vc s From (13-17), Vc

1 327.757 kN 40 Interior column 279.959 kN

Vc Therefore, 279.959 kN Vc/Vu Conclusion 2.256 > 1.2 It is wise to consider thickening the slab if Vc is less than about 1.2Vu at an interior column Exterior column: Column: b h Slab extend offset Critical area: b+offset+d/2 h+d C2

300 mm 300 mm 150 mm 505 mm 410 mm Line of zero shear is at Line zero of edge column is 0.44L else 0.56L interior column is 0.5L

b0 Vu From (13-15), Vc f'c c From (13-16), Vc s From (13-17), Vc

1420 mm 101.555 kN 363.606 kN 30 Mpa 1 262.035 kN 30 Interior column 242.404 kN

Vc Therefore, 242.404 kN Vc/Vu Conclusion 2.387 >1.8 Generally, if Vc/Vu is less than 1.8 to 2 at exterior column, the slab may have inadequate shear capacity for combined shear This will be checked in step 9 Compute the final value of wu Slab thickness final: wu = Average d 0.15 m 10.12 kN/m2 0.11 m

Interior Panels

ln/40 ln/36 ln/34

Interior Panels

108 119 126

should not be less than

and 10-1, namely,

1-2-B-C ln 4250mm min h 128.79mm 300 b 300 h B C

400 400



Ly 2




C 1

B 1 Ly 1



L1 x

B 2



L2 x
4.6m 0.5L 0.5L 2.3m 2.3m 2-3-B-C ln min h 4250mm 118.06mm

capacity for combined shear and moment

Slab without Beam

Table 13-1 Minimum Thickness of Slab without Interior Beam Without Drop Panel Exterior Panels Interior Panels Yield Strength, Without fy Edge (Mpa) Beam 300 400 520 ln/33 ln/30 ln/28 With Edge Beam ln/36 ln/33 ln/31 120 mm 100 mm ln = ln/36 ln/33 ln/31 For With Drop Panel Exterior Panels Without Edge Beam ln/36 ln/33 ln/31 With Edge Beam ln/40 ln/36 ln/34 ln/40 ln/36 ln/34

Interior Panels

(psi) 40000 60000 75000

However : hmin >=

Slab without Drop Panel Slab with Drop Panel

Input Clear Span:

4250 mm

Table 13-1 Minimum Thickness of Slab without Interior Beam (mm) Without Drop Panel Exterior Panels Interior Panels Yield Strength, Without fy Edge (Mpa) Beam 300 400 520 129 142 152 With Edge Beam 118 129 137 118 129 137 Poutre Principal 4600 460 368 Without Edge Beam 100 109 117 100 109 117 100 109 117 With Edge Beam 90 100 106 90 100 106 With Drop Panel Exterior Panels Without Edge Beam 118 129 137 With Edge Beam 106 118 125 106 118 125

Interior Panels

(psi) 40000 60000 75000

L L/12 L/15 Yield Strength, Without fy Edge (Mpa) Beam 300 400 520

Poutre secondaire 4600 383.33 0.1L 306.67 0.08L With Edge Beam

109 120 129

Comparison of One-way and Two-way slab behavior

One-way and two-way slab action carry load in two directions. One-way slabs: Generally, long side/short side > 1.5

Flat Slab suitable span 20 to 30 ft wit nLow cost formwork nExposed flat ceilings

Flat slab

Two-way slab with beams


For flat plates and slabs the column connections can vary between:

nNeed more formwork for capital an

Flat Plate suitable span 20 to 25 ft wit nLow cost formwork nExposed flat ceilings nFast nLow shear capacity nLow Stiffness (notable deflection

Waffle Slab suitable span 30 to 48 ft w nCarries heavy loads nAttractive exposed ceilings

Flat Plate

Waffle slab


nFormwork with panels is expensive

The two-way ribbed slab and waffled slab system: General thickness of the slab is 2 to 4 in One-way Slab on beams suitable span 10 to 20 ft with LL= 60-100 psf nCan be used for larger spans with relatively higher cost and higher deflections One-way joist floor system is suitable span 20 to 30 ft with LL= 80-120 psf nDeep ribs, the concrete and steel quantities are relative low nExpensive formwork expected.

Equivalent Frame Method (EFM)

Longitudinal equivalent frame

Transverse equivalent frame

Column and Middle Strips

The slab is broken up into column and middle strips for analysis

Slabs without drop panels meeting and, tmin = 5 in 127mm Slabs with drop panels meeting and, tmin = 4 in 102mm

Minimum Slab Thickness for two-way construction

Interior Panels The ACI Code 9.5.3 specifies a minimum slab thickness to control deflection. There are three empirical limitations for calculating the slab thickness (h), which are based on experimental research. If these limitations are not met, it will be necessary to compute deflection. (psi) (a) For
0 .2 m 2

(b) For

2 m


200,000 365 m 0.2

l n 0.8


l n 0.8 h= 3 69


2 0 0 ,0 0 0
L2 L1


40000 60000 75000 7500 7500

fy in psi. But not less than 5 in. (c) For

fy in psi. But not less than 3.5 in.

m0 . 2

Use the following table 9.5(c) The definitions of the terms are: Interior Panels h = Minimum slab thickness without interior beams ln = Clear span in the long direction measured face to face of column = the ratio of the long to short clear span m= The average value of a for all beams on the sides of the panel

Input Clear Span:

ln1 = ln2 =

5800 mm 7000


h= L/

164.31 42.60

Flat Slab suitable span 20 to 30 ft with LL= 80 -150 psf Advantages nLow cost formwork nExposed flat ceilings Disadvantages nNeed more formwork for capital and panels

Flat Plate suitable span 20 to 25 ft with LL= 60 -100 psf Advantages nLow cost formwork nExposed flat ceilings Disadvantages nLow shear capacity nLow Stiffness (notable deflection

Waffle Slab suitable span 30 to 48 ft with LL= 80 -150 psf Advantages nCarries heavy loads nAttractive exposed ceilings Disadvantages

nFormwork with panels is expensive

Two way slab with beam Yield Strength, fy (Mpa) 300 400 520 m m ln/ ln/ ln/ 45.00 40.91 38.30 166.67 183.33 195.83

Unit Converter

1 Pound 1 Inch 25 feet 1 psi 100 psf

4.45 N 0.03 m 7.62 m 6.89 kN/m2 4.79 kN/m2

1 1 1 1 1

4.45 0.03 0.3 6894.76 47.88

1 pcf 150 pcf

0.01 1.51

N/m3 N/m3

Basic Rules followed in the design of simply supported Slab Thickness of slab
l/d ratio should be less than the following: Simply supported slab Continuous slab, l/d = 26 Cantilever slab, l/d = 7 In any case of the above, the thickness should not be less than 100mm

Effective span
Distance between centre to centre of support Clear span plus effective depth

Minimum main reinforcement

0.15% gross c/s of slab for MS bars 0.12% gross c/s of slab for HYSD bars

Spacing of main bars

The spacing or c/c distance of main bars shall not exceed following: Calculated value 3d 300mm

Distribution or Temperature reinforcement

This reinforcement runs perpendicular to the main reinforcement in order to distribute the load and to resist the temperature an It should be atleast equal to; 0.15% gross c/s of slab for MS bars 0.12% gross c/s of slab for HYSD bars

Spacing of distribution bars

The spacing or c/c distance of distribution bars shall not exceed the following

Calculated area 5d 450mm

Diameter of bars

The diameter of the bars varies from 8mm to 14mm and should not exceed 1/8th of the overall depth of the sl For distribution steel, the diameter varies from 6mm to 8mm.

The bottom cover for reinforcement shall not be less than 15mm or less than the diameter of such bar.

o resist the temperature and shrinkage stresses.

the overall depth of the slab.


B.A.E.L 91 rvis 99
Designer : Mr. Mao Khunthea Donnes de l'tude
Repre : Dalle n1 Lx ( m ) : 5.20 Charges (G) diverses G' ( KN / m ) = 1.50 Epaisseur de la dalle ep ( m ) = 0.13 Ly ( m ) : 3.90 Contrainte de l'acier utilis FeE ( MPa ) = 390 Contrainte du bton 28 j Fc28 ( MPa ) = 25 Coef Ms : 0.50 M0 Charges d'exploitations Q Q ( KN / m ) = 6.00 Enrobage des aciers C ( cm ) = 2 dy (cm ) = 10.10 dx (cm ) = 10.70 Coef Mw : 0.50 M0(x) w e Coef Me : 0.50 M0(x) s s Coef Mt(y) : 0.75 M0 w e Coef Mn : 0.50 M0(y) n n

Coef Mt(x) : 0.75 M0

Calculs des moments agissants

Rapport des cots ( Lx / Ly ) Charges permanentes G Effort ultime repris par le plancher Dtermination des coef x et y Calcul des moments isostatiques Calcul des moments sur appuis Lx / Ly ( paisseur dalle x 25 KN / m3 ) + G' ( 1.35G + 1.5Q ) Dpend du rapport Tableau BAEL page 243, annexe E3 Sens Lx = x x ( Pu x Lx ) Sens Ly = y x M0(x) Mw = Coef Mw x M0(x) Me = Coef Me x M0(x) Mn = Coef Mn x M0(y) Ms = Coef Ms x M0(y) Mt(x) = Coef Mt(x) x M0(x) Mt(y) = Coef Mt(y) x M0(y)

Calcul des moments en traves

= 1.33 G = 4.75 KN /m Pu = 15.41 KN / m x = 0.0368 y = 1.0000 M0(x) = 15.34 KN.m M0(y) = 15.34 KN.m Mw = 7.67 KN.m Me = 7.67 KN.m Mn = 7.67 KN.m Ms = 7.67 KN.m Mt(x) = 11.50 KN.m Mt(y) = 11.50 KN.m

Calcul des sections d'armatures

Ferraillage de la trave dans le sens ( Lx ) Ferraillage sur appui ( w ) Ferraillage sur appui ( e ) Ferraillage de la trave dans le sens ( Ly ) Ferraillage sur appui ( n ) Ferraillage sur appui ( s ) Ferraillage mini dans la trave ( Ly ) Vrification Ferraillage mini dans la trave ( Lx ) Vrification Soit ( Mu ), les moments agissants Conditions : < l de Perchat Les calculs s'effectuent comme pour une section rectangulaire La largeur ( b ) sera alors = 1,00m ( 8 x ep ) pour FeE 400 ( 6 x ep ) pour FeE 500 ou TS Il faut que Ay > 0( y ) 0( y ) x (( 3 - ) / 2) Il faut que Ax > 0( x ) Ax ( trav )= Ax ( w ) = Ax ( e ) = Ay ( trav )= Ay ( n ) = Ay ( s ) = 3.19 2.10 2.10 3.19 2.10 2.10 cm / m cm / m cm / m cm / m cm / m cm / m

0( y ) = Vrification : 0( x ) = Vrification :

0.78 cm / m Vrifi 0.65 cm / m Vrifi

Vrification de la contrainte de cisaillement

Effort tranchant maximal ( Maxi Ly ) Contrainte tangente de travail Contrainte tangente de travail admissible Vrification ( Pu x Lx x Ly ) / (( 2 x Ly ) + Lx ) Vu / ( 1.00 x ( ep - C )) ( 0.07 x Fc28 ) / 1.5 u < u.adm Vu.max = u = u.adm = Vrification : 24.04 KN 0.219 MPa 1.167 MPa Vrifi

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