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Copyright And Piracy From Moral And Legal Standpoints (ICT Presentation)

1. Information and Communication Technology 2. Copyright is a form of legal protection that grants people who create and produce material the exclusive rights to control certain uses of that material from being reproduced without the permision of the copyright owner. 3. Piracy is the unauthorized use of material that is covered by copyright law, in a manner that violates one of the original copyright owner's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work. 4. Allows copyright owner to control certain uses of their work. Most importantly, this protection gives the copyright owner the right to control the copying of their material, adapting and transmitting the material. 5. Copyright give huge economy impact on any country. Thats why several acts are created for this purposes. The Act: The Copyright Act of 1987 provides for copyright enforcement by the Enforcement Division of the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, apart from the police. Copyright owners may lodge an official complaint supported by the necessary documents to the Ministry's Enforcement Division if they suspect infringement. The Division will conduct the necessary investigations and prosecutions.

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