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About MIS
y A management information system is a system that

provides information needed to manage organizations effectively.

y In other words a computer system design to help managers

plan and direct business and organizational operations.

y The design and implementation of an MIS cannot be carried out in an unplanned fashion. The different groups of tasks and the cost of design and implementation make it a major project.

y The conceptual design outlines the structure of the MIS and indicates the performance requirements for those who will develop the detailed design. y The managers who are going to make use of it should have a major role in the development and evaluation of alternative concepts .

management must recognize the fundamental business problems and objectives of the MIS. y The system constraints can be environmental, basic business, or technical. The management is mainly responsible for describing this. y The detailed design starts with the performance specifications provided by the conceptual design and ends with a set of specifications for the construction of the MIS.
y The

y If the operating system is not going to be changed, the

design of the MIS should be developed in association with the design of the operating system. y A complete description of the detailed design cannot be given, as design work is a creative and problem-solving activity. y The 'systems approach to problem solving uses a systems orientation to define problems and opportunities and develop solutions.

Design process alternatives

y Analysis of design process alternatives requires the

options to be carefully understood and described. y A method for evaluation of design process alternatives has been applied to development projects at VAC. y Analyzing design process of Volvo aero corporation is done by using signal flow graphs. y Signal flow graphs consist of preliminary design, test and evaluation method, detail design is processed and after that this method is repeatedly used.

y The signal flow graph is well known as a

method for circuit and systems analysis in electrical engineering and for modeling discrete-event systems.

y The

edibility and quality of product development processes can be evaluated by modeling various features of the design process.

y Computational methods, such as finite element

analysis and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are increasingly used to perform these predictions of product behavior during development. y However, these new design methods and strategies affect the flow and timing of activities within the product development process.

Evaluating alternative design option

y Batch processing y Online processing y Online with batch overnight update y Intermediate update y Improved Manual operation y Distributed data processing y Decentralized processing

Batch processing
y It normally uses a central computer system to process

all transaction against a central database and to produce report at fixed interval. y Payroll is an example of batch processing application because all time cards are used.

Online processing
y In this processing, transaction can be keyed in at

terminals at remote sites and transferred to computer system via telecommunications channels. y Online order system is an example of online processing y There are two types of online processing are: online with batch overnight update. online intermediate update.

Distributed data processing

y In this processing, local transaction can be used to

update local files and summary results can be transmitted to central system. y It is mainly used by stores such as sears and J. C. Penney are the good example of this approach. y In this system sales transactions updated local inventory database.

Decentralized processing
y A dedicated minicomputer or microcomputer with its

own database can serve as a decentralized system.

y A local word processing system in an office and a

dedicated and production planning system in a plant are good examples of decentralized processing.

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