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How to Define Cardiomegaly?

Cardiomegaly definition is given as an unusual cardiac condition in which the human heart grows larger in size and becomes bigger than it usually is. The disease is also known as Enlarged Heart.

Cardiomegaly Causes
Cardiomegaly may arise due to a number of ailments and abnormal health conditions. Some of the main causes of

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Cardiomegaly are High Blood Pressure Congestive Heart Failure Hypertensive Heart Disease Connective Tissue Disease The condition may also be caused due to excessive workouts and long-time suffering from Anemia. Lack of exercise may also cause this disorder. Usually, heart is enlarged when the organ has to work more than usual and pump more blood.

Cardiomegaly Meaning
The term Cardiomegaly means an enlarged heart.

How Is Cardiomegaly Pronounced?

Cardiomegaly pronunciation is given as Kar Dee o meg a lee.

Cardiomegaly (Enlarged Heart) Symptoms

Some people affected with Cardiomegaly are usually asymptomatic, meaning they do not suffer from any symptoms. However, many people suffer from difficulties due to this medical condition which shows that their heart is being

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gradually compromised. Some of the most common Cardiomegaly symptoms are Respiratory difficulties Shortness of breath Dizziness In some cases, affected people may suddenly suffer from Cardiac arrhythmia, or an unnatural cardiac muscle contraction. Some other signs include a persistent cough and inflammation of lower limbs.

Cardiomegaly Diagnosis
The diagnosis of this condition usually involves a series of medical tests. In Cardiomegaly X Rays, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computerized Tomography (CT) Scans and blood tests. Blood tests help assess the level of hemoglobin and check platelet and blood cell count. Imaging helps assess the condition of the heart. An electrocardiogram test may also be carried out to check the electrical impulses in the heart.

Cardiomegaly Treatment
Treatment of Cardiomegaly aims at treating the underlying conditions behind the disease and reducing undue stress on cardiac muscles.

If Cardiomegaly is caused by high blood pressure, beta blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and diuretics may be used to reduce pressure level. These medicines also cure problems like water retention and inflammation and improve functioning of heart. If a damaged valve is the cause of the heart enlargement, surgery may be needed to correct the condition. The faulty valve is replaced with a donated valve or an artificial valve. Cardiac arrhythmia can be cured by implanting a pacemaker or Cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). If all medications and treatment methods fail to bring about an improvement, a total heart replacement may become the only solution.

Cardiomegaly Prevention
This heart disease can be prevented by regular exercise and by making a few dietary and lifestyle modifications.

Balanced Diet
A well-balanced diet can boost your immune system and also prevent heart ailments. It is best to avoid fatty foods altogether or keep them to a minimum. Fat increases your cholesterol levels and makes you vulnerable to heart disorders.

Avoid Smoking and Drinking

Smoking and alcohol intake puts unnecessary stress on your heart and reduces oxygen intake. Avoidance of nicotine and alcohol can be highly beneficial for your cardiovascular system.

Regular Exercise
Moderate exercising on a regular basis increases oxygen intake and improves heart functioning.

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