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Table 4: NSAID Dosing Table

NSAID Onset Peak Duration Usual Adult Dose & Max

(hrs) (hrs) (hrs) Dosing Interval Dose
Celecoxib 3 12 100 – 200 po BID1 400 mg/day1
Ibuprofen 0.5 – 1 1–2 4-6 400 – 600 mg po 3200 mg/day1
(Motrin) 3 – 4 times daily1
Indomethacin 0.5 2 4-6 25 – 50 mg TID1 200 mg/day
Ketorolac 10 mins 0.5 - 1 6–8 Use for <5 days Use for <5 days
(Toradol) Single Dose1: <65 yr or > 50kg: 120mg/24h1
Injectable <65 yr or > 50kg: 60mg IM2 or 30mg IV >65yr or <50kg: 60 mg/24h1
>65yr or <50kg: 30mg IM2 or 15mg IV
Multiple Dose1:
<65 yr or > 50kg: 30 mg IM2/IV q 6 hr
>65yr or <50kg: 15mg IM2/IV q 6 hr
Naproxen 1 2–4 Up to 7 250 – 500 mg po BID1 1250 mg/day1
(Naprosyn ,
Rofecoxib 0.75 2–3 > 24 12.5 – 50 mg po BID1 25 mg/day1
(Vioxx) 50 mg/day x 5 days1
Use with caution or dose adjust for renal impairment
Least desired route

Table 5: Opioid Partial Agonist Dosing Table

Use of the following in combination with mu agonists (ie., morphine, hydromorphone), may reverse analgesia and
precipitate withdrawal in opioid-dependent patients.
Drug Route Onset Peak Duration Usual Adult Dose & Dosing Relative Antagonist Activity
(min) (min) (Hrs) Interval
Buprenorphine IM2/SC 15 30-60 3-6 0.3 – 0.4 mg IM2/SC q 4-6 hr Potency equal to naloxone.
Clinically, antagonist activity
appears to be much longer than 6
Butorphanol IM2/SC 15 30-60 3-4 2-3 mg IM2/SC q 3-4 hr 1/40 that of naloxone
Nalbuphine IM2/SC 15 30-60 3-4 10 mg IM2/SC q 3-4 hr 10 X pentazocine, which has weak
antagonist activity
Parenteral dose equivalent to 10 mg parenteral morphine
Least desired route



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