ASTM Grainsize

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Measurement of ASTM Grain Size Number R.E, Napolitano Materials Science & Engineering Towa State University ‘The microstructural quantity known as the ASTM Micro Grain Size Number, n, is defined by the following relationship N= where Nis the number of grains per square inch, measured at a magnification of 100x. The most ‘common methods for estimating the value of 71 = Comparison methods: The overall appearance of the microstructure is simply compared with a standard set of micrographs or “plates” for which the ASTM Grain Size Number has been determined. = Grain counting methods: The number of grains per unit area is counted directly. The ASTM grain size number is then determined according to the definition. = Intercept methods: The number of grain boundary intercepts per unit test line is measured. This is a measure of grain boundary area per unit volume and is, therefore, related to the grain size. ‘The methods for grain size measurement are described in great detail in the ASTM Standard, 112, “Standard Test Methods for Determining Average Grain size.” The information below is intended to provide a cursory explanation of the three categories listed above. Comparison Method ‘This is the simplest, yet least quantitative, method, and is described in Section 8 of ASTM E112. Because the comparison of grain structures may be influenced by the overall type of microstructure, four standard categories of grain size plates are used for comparison. = Plate 1: Untwinned grains, flat-etch at 100x. Includes grain size numbers 00, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2,2.5,3,3.5,4, 4.5, 5,5.5,6,6.5,7, 75, 8, 8.5,9, 9.5, and 10. = Plate 2: Twinned grains, flat-etch at 100x. Includes grain size numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, and 8. = Plate 3: Twinned grains, contrast-etch at 75x. Includes nominal grain diameters of 0.2, 0.15, 0.12, 0.09, 0.07, 0.06, 0.05, 0.045, 0.035, 0.025, 0.020, 0.015, 0.010, and 0.00Smm. = Plate 4: Austenite grains in steel at 100x. Includes grain size numbers I, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, and 8 ‘These four plates are shown in the attached Figs. 1-4, taken from ASTM E112. For any of these categories, a collection of plates, showing microstructures of the listed grain size numbers would be used for comparison. 2. Grain Counting Methods ‘An example ofa grain counting method is the Planimetric Procedure, also known as Jeffries’ Method. This method is described in Section 9 of ASTM E112. The basie steps of the procedure are as follows: 4) Inscribe a circle (or other shape) of known area, A, on an image of magnification, M. ) Count the number of grains that are completely within the area. ©) Count the number of grains that are partially within the area. 4). Divide the result from (c) by 2. ©) Add the result from (d) to the result from (b). ) Divide the result from (e) by A. g) Convert the result from (f) to grains/in? @ 100x, hh) Use the definition of ASTM grain size number to determine n. ‘The method above can be used in every case. The only step that may be confusing is (g), ‘where the magnification must be accounted for. The result from (F) will be given in grains per ‘unit area, measured on the image of magnification, M. To convert this to the 100x equivalent, ‘multiply the result by (/100)*. ASTM E112 provides some tools for convenience. The standard contains a table that relates, .grains/in? @100x and grains/mm? @ 1x to ASTM grain size number (see attached Table 2). To further assist the user, the standard suggests that an area of 5000 mm! be used for the grain count, so long as this area encompasses at least 50 grains. The standard also includes a table that provides a “Jeffries’ Multiplier” corresponding to several magnifications (see attached Table 5). If 4=5000 mm’, the multiplier indicated by this table can be multiplied by the result from step (9) {o yield the grain count in terms of grainsimm? @ 1x. Table 2 can then be used to determine the ASTM grain size, Example: ‘Suppose a 2.5 x 3.5 inch area is marked on a 300x micrograph. The grain count indicates that 67 ‘grains are completely contained in this area and 24 grains are partially contained. The result from. step (€) would be 79. The area is 8.75 in’ so the result from (f) would be 9.03 grains/in? @300x. To convert to the 100x equivalent, this result is multiplied by (300/100), which is 9. The result from (g) is, therefore, 81.27 grains/in? @100x. From Table 2, we see that this indicates a grain size number between 7 and 7.5. From the definition, we can express the grain size number as n=1+log, N=1+3.32logN From this expression, we compute the value of n to be 7.34. (645 mm?. The Alternatively, the analysis area is computed to be (2.5in)(3.5in)(25.4 mnvit number of grains per 5000 mm is then =79+/ (seas. so 69.97 (2) measured at 300x. Using Table 5, we find the Jeffries’ grain size multiplier for 300x to be 18.0. Multiplying Nay by this value gives 1259 grainsimm? @ 1x. Referring to Table 2, we see that this value indicates a grain size number between 7.2 and 7.5, in agreement with our previous estimation, 3. Intercept Methods ‘An example of an intercept method is the Lineal Intercept Procedure, also known as the Heyn Method. This is described in detail in Section 11 of the ASTM E112 Standard. The basic steps to this procedure are given here: a) Ona single field of view, randomly place one or more straight test lines of known ‘combined total length, L. +b) Count the total number of intercepts, P, between the test lines(s) and the grain boundaries, Triple-junctions count as 1.5. If P<50, use additional lines. ©) Divide the number of intercepts, P, obtained from (b) by the total length, L 4). Repeat (a-c) for 2-4 additional fields of view. ©) Obtain P, as the average of the result from (c) forall fields of view. 1) The ASTM Grain Size Number is given as (ASTM E112 eq.2a) n 3.3 + 6.65log,o(P,) where P, is given in mm’ For equiaxed grain structures, itis reasonable to assume that Figure 6 from the standard applies (see attached). This figure can be used to determine the ASTM grain size number from the number of intercepts per 500 mm of test line at various magnifications. Example: ‘Suppose that 5 fields of view, at 200x, were used for the measurements resulting in the following data. Field TestLine | Number of PL ofview | Length (mm) | Intercepts mm") 1 337 7 42.2 2 216 45 41.6 3 402 89 44.2 4 529 13 42.8 3 395 81 41.0 From the table, the average value of P, is found to be 42.36 mm, Using the equation given in (), the grain size number is 7.5. Alternatively, the attached Figure 6 can be used, The total number of intercepts is 399, and the total test line length is 1879 mm. Dividing, the value of P, at 200x is found to be 0.212 mm" (OF course, this is also equal to 42,36 divided by 200.) The figure requires that we know the number of intercepts per 500 mm test length. This is simply equal to (0.212)(500) = 106. This number is located on the x-axis of the figure. Following this location upward to the point where the 200x diagonal line is intersected and then following across to the y-axis, the grain size number can be read directly as 7.5.

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