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QUESTIONS:Please ask them for a self rating on a scale of 1 to 10 for each of: Core Java, J2EE, Hibernate/ORM, Spring,

Web Services and XML. If both Logic questions are missed ask only two technical questions and finish the interview quickly the candidate is out. Logic Questions Question 1 If you have a tennis tournament that is single elimination with 64 entrants, how many matches need to be played to determine a winner? Question 2 If you have two bowls that hold 5 liters and 4 liters and an unlimited supply of water, how would you go about measuring exactly 3 liters of water? 2 liters? Java Technical Interview Questions Core Java 1. How does garbage collection work? What is the difference between Enumeration and Iterator ?. When i can use Enumeration and when i can use iterator ? Can anyone tell me the situation that only Enumeration could able to solve that problem and vice versa. What is the difference between instance, object, reference and class? What is the difference between Model Data and Default Model Data? What is the difference between tomact and weblogic? WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MULTI-THREADING AND MULTI-PROCESSING? What is the difference between transient variable, volatile variable? Explain the keywords - native, transient, volatile, finally Can a method be static and synchronized? How does serialization work? What are the differences between EJB and Java beans? How would you declare a SingleThreaded Servlets? What is MVC architecture? What is root class of all java classes? What is difference between runnable and thread? Why do we use static class? 2. How many ways we can create an object? Explain with example. Hibernate What is the advantage of Hibernate over JDBC? How JPA and hibernate are related as per EJB 3 specifications? What is lazy fetching in hibernate What is different between Hibernate and iBatis? Spring What is dependency injection? What is Inversion of Control?

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