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In our opinion lola Esther is much like the patriarch Joseph.

This is because like Joseph, she had encountered many misfortunes in her life. One being the death of her husband, but through it all she stayed faithful to God and was able raise her children well. She was also able to successfully manage her business with the help of the Lord. Every day she prays the rosary and gives thanks for the numerous blessings she has received. Lola Esther is truly a Model of Faith.

Our interviewee lola Esther has modeled faith by being prayerful and hopeful even in her hardships. I have learned that we should never lose faith in our Lord even if at times we feel as if He has abandoned us. I have learned that sometimes all we need is faith in our Lord to make it through our problems. I also learned that we should keep a healthy prayer life. This is because prayer is very important in our lives as this is our way of communicating with God. In our interview I was challenged to live a more prayerful life. I also got inspired to be more faithful in God. Finally I realized that I have to change my ways so that I can be more Christ-like.

Gio Lorenzo Cadhit 1O 5

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