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AL-7103 MKII
1.15m (45) Ku-Band/X-Band Antenna Maritime Stabilized VSAT System

Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual

Document: MAN31-0046, Revision A


Orbit Communication Systems Ltd. P.O.B. 42504, Israel, Tel: +(972) 9 892 2777, Fax: +(972) 9 885 5944 www.orbit-cs.com

2011 Orbit Communication Ltd. All rights reserved. All product names are trademarks of Orbit Communication Ltd. Other names are the property of the respective owners. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Orbit Communication Ltd. Disclaimer of Warranty Orbit Communication Ltd has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and relevancy of the material in this document. It is expected that all sections of this document will be read thoroughly and that all information and procedures should be fully understood. However, Orbit Communication Ltd assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document, and reserves the right to make changes to the document without notice. Orbit Communication Ltd makes no warranty of any kind in regard to this document, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Orbit Communication Ltd disclaims any responsibility for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this document. Parts of this document may be based on hardware or software developed by third-party vendors. Orbit Communication Ltd disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of this document with respect to such hardware and software, and assumes no responsibility for incidental or consequential damages arising due to discrepancies between this document and such hardware or software.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Orbit Communication Technologies Ltd. is an ISO 9001 registered company. Registration License No. 27870, issued May 1st, 2005.

ORBIT AL-7103 Stabilized Marine Satellite Communication System is in conformity with the appropriate standards: ISO 12100-2:2003, EN 60204-1:1997, EN 614-1:1995, IEC 60945:2002, ETSI EN 302340.

The AL-7103 System is granted EUTELSAT Type Approval as standard earth station. Type Approval Certificate Registration Number: EA-A033.

The AL-7103 System is granted INTELSAT Type Approval, as GVF earth station. Type Approval Certificate Registration Number: GVF/IA 200FLT, standards K2 & G.

The AL-7103 System is granted ANATEL Certificate of Homologation No. 2012-08-4778.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Revision History and Control

Revision History
Rev #
Rev: A

June 2011

Initial version

List of Effective Pages

Total number of pages in this publication is 119, consisting of the following: Page No.
i-ii iii iv v vii ix xiii 1 2-52 71-76 78-100 107-111

Title Page and Copyright Certifications Revision History and Control About this Manual Safety Precautions Table of Contents List of Figures Overview Replacing System Components Updating the System Software Troubleshooting Preventive Maintenance

Change No.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


About this Manual

This manual is designed to guide you through the initialization and operational procedures for the OrSat-G (AL-7103-Ku Mk II) Marine Satellite Communication System, and provide a troubleshooting guide for handling technical problems that may arise. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the information and procedures contained in this manual, to facilitate smooth implementation of the system.

Text Conventions
Style Text Indicates Normal descriptive text Words or figures that appear on the screen or that should be typed; the name of a file or directory A key to be pressed The name of a software or hardware component The description of a procedure Example Contents


System Status



To configure


Indicates important information that should be noted

Indicates a potential hazard

Indicates the safest method of installation or operation that must be adhered to.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual

Acronyms & Abbreviations

ADE ADMx BDE BDMx BUC B/W CCU IMU KB LNA LNB M&C Mk MMI MUX PSU RJ SBC SDM SR Above Deck Equipment Above Deck MUX Below Deck Equipment Below Deck MUX Block Up Converter Band Width Central Control Unit Inertial Measurement Unit Keyboard Low Noise Amplifier Low Noise Block Monitor & Control Mark Man-Machine Interface Multiplexer Power Supply Unit Rotary Joint Single Board Controller Servo Drive Module Slip Ring

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Safety Precautions
The following general precautions apply to the installation, operation and servicing of the system. Specific warnings appear throughout the manual where they apply, and may not appear in this summary. Only qualified and trained personnel should perform installation, operation, and maintenance of this equipment. Before entering the RADOME for maintenance purposes, shut off the main the ADE POWER BOX. Take extra care when handling the ADE POWER BOX, SLIP RING, and POWER SUPPLY UNIT which are all connected to 110/220 VAC and when handling the SERVO DRIVE MODULES which are connected to 51 VDC. The system conducts potentially harmful voltages when connected to the designated power sources. Never remove equipment covers except for maintenance or internal adjustments. Keep clear of the moving ANTENNA at all times. The POSITIONER is equipped with high-torque motors that generate considerable force.

power to the system from the ships electrical panel. Upon entry, switch off

When units are connected to the chassiss ground (to prevent shock and similar hazards), the chassiss ground conductor must not be removed. Although the RADOME is not heavy, care should be taken when lifting it as it acts as a sail under windy conditions. At least two people should handle the RADOME during installation. To prevent shock or fire hazard when sub-units are open or cables are disconnected, do not expose the equipment to rain or moisture. Avoid making unauthorized modifications to the circuitry. Any such changes to the system will void the warranty. Do not disconnect cables from the equipment while the system is running.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


System interfaces require high-quality connectors and cables. Use only Orbit-authorized parts for repair.

Radiation Safety
The following figure illustrates the safety distances for an OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII system equipped with 8W BUC. For systems equipped with a 16W BUC, safety distances should be multiplied by approximately 1.5.

The values illustrated in this diagram are driven by ACGIH and ICNIRP guidelines, for occupational use.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Table of Contents
1 2 Overview .........................................................................................................................1 Replacing System Components ......................................................................................2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Before you begin ......................................................................................................2 List of Tools for LRU Replacement Procedures ........................................................3 Removing/Replacing the Radome ............................................................................4 Replacing the IMU....................................................................................................4 Removing the IMU ........................................................................................... 4 Reinstalling the IMU ......................................................................................... 6 Configuring the IMU ......................................................................................... 6 Inspecting the IMU-Slip Ring Cable .................................................................. 7 Rerouting the IMU-Slip Ring Cable................................................................... 7

2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.5

Replacing the SBC ...................................................................................................9 Preliminary Procedures .................................................................................... 9 Removing the SBC..........................................................................................10 Reinstalling the SBC .......................................................................................11 Resetting the SBC IP address .........................................................................12 Reconfiguring the System ...............................................................................12

2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 2.6

Replacing the PSU .................................................................................................13 Removing the PSU..........................................................................................13 Reinstalling the PSU .......................................................................................14 Post-Assembly System Verification .................................................................15

2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.7

Replacing the GPS Antenna...................................................................................16 Removing the GPS Antenna ...........................................................................16 Reinstalling the GPS Antenna .........................................................................17

2.7.1 2.7.2

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


2.7.3 2.8

Post-Installation System Verification ...............................................................17

Replacing the ADMx...............................................................................................18 Removing the ADMx .......................................................................................18 Reinstalling the ADMx .....................................................................................20 Post-Installation System Verification ...............................................................21

2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.9

Replacing the DC Inserter ......................................................................................22 Removing the DC Inserter ...............................................................................22 Reinstalling the DC Inserter.............................................................................23 Post-Installation System Verification ...............................................................24

2.9.1 2.9.2 2.9.3 2.10

Replacing the Splitter .............................................................................................25 Removing the Splitter ......................................................................................25 Reinstalling the Splitter....................................................................................26 Post-Installation System Verification ...............................................................26

2.10.1 2.10.2 2.10.3 2.11

Replacing the X-Axis SDM .....................................................................................27 Removing the X-Axis SDM ..............................................................................28 Reinstalling the X-Axis SDM............................................................................30 Axis Alignment Verification ..............................................................................32

2.11.1 2.11.2 2.11.3 2.12

Replacing the Y-Axis SDM .....................................................................................38 Removing the Y-Axis SDM ..............................................................................39 Reinstalling the Y-Axis SDM............................................................................41 Axis Alignment Verification ..............................................................................43

2.12.1 2.12.2 2.12.3 2.13

Replacing the Z-Axis SDM .....................................................................................44 Removing the Z-Axis SDM ..............................................................................45 Reinstalling the Z-Axis SDM ............................................................................48 Axis Alignment Verification ..............................................................................51

2.13.1 2.13.2 2.13.3 2.14

Replacing RF Package Components......................................................................52

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual

2.14.1 2.14.2 2.14.3 2.14.4 2.14.5 3

Replacing the LNB ..........................................................................................52 Replacing the RF Chain ..................................................................................54 Replacing the 4W BUC ...................................................................................56 Replacing the 8W BUC ...................................................................................59 Replacing the 16W BUC .................................................................................63

Updating the System Software ......................................................................................71 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Updating the CCU MtsLink Application ...................................................................71 Updating the SBC VxWorks Application .................................................................72 Updating the IMU Calibration File ...........................................................................74 Reconfiguring the SBC ...........................................................................................76

Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................78 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 Tracking Error Exceeds Limit .................................................................................79 Tracking Instability .................................................................................................80 Pointing to Satellite Issues .....................................................................................81 No Communication Between ADE and BDE ...........................................................82 The SBC Does Not Boot ........................................................................................83 Wrong IP Address for SBC .....................................................................................84 Blank CCU Screen .................................................................................................85 The CCU Does Not Boot ........................................................................................85 No GPS Output from the CCU................................................................................86 No GPS Position Update ........................................................................................87 GPS Communication Failed ...................................................................................88 Compass Communication Failed ............................................................................89 Axis Jamming Errors ..............................................................................................90 Polarization Axis Jamming Error.............................................................................92 Axis Encoder Errors ...............................................................................................94

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20

No Rx Lock ............................................................................................................96 No Tx Lock .............................................................................................................97 Missing System Files..............................................................................................99 ADE / BDE Software Mismatch ..............................................................................99 Using the Status Dump Function for Troubleshooting........................................... 100 Downloading the Status Dump Report ..........................................................100 Status Dump File Example ............................................................................100

4.20.1 4.20.2 5

Preventive Maintenance .............................................................................................. 107 5.1 5.2 Introduction ..........................................................................................................107 Health Check........................................................................................................107 Visual inspection ...........................................................................................107 System Software ...........................................................................................107 Mechanical Test ............................................................................................108 RF System Performance Test .......................................................................111 System Documentation .................................................................................111

5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Correct Routing ....................................................................................................7 Figure 2-2: Incorrect Routing ..................................................................................................7 Figure 2-3: Correct IMU-Slip Ring Cable Routing ...................................................................8 Figure 2-4: CCU-Laptop Connection ......................................................................................9 Figure 2-5: Location of Screws on the X-Axis SDM .............................................................. 27 Figure 2-6: Cable Connections on the X-Axis SDM .............................................................. 27 Figure 2-7: Antenna after Enc Init Sequence ........................................................................ 33 Figure 2-8: Manual Axis Control ...........................................................................................33 Figure 2-9: X-Axis Reference Points.....................................................................................34 Figure 2-10: X-Axis Alignment ..............................................................................................34 Figure 2-11: Y-Axis Reference Points...................................................................................35 Figure 2-12: Y-Axis Alignment ..............................................................................................35 Figure 2-13: Z-Axis Reference Points ...................................................................................36 Figure 2-14: Pedestal X Window ..........................................................................................36 Figure 2-15: Axes Parameters Dialog Box ............................................................................ 37 Figure 2-16: Location of Screws on the Y-Axis SDM ............................................................ 38 Figure 2-17: Cable Connections on the Y-Axis SDM ............................................................ 38 Figure 2-18: Location of Screws on the Z-Axis SDM ............................................................ 44 Figure 2-19: Cable Connections on the Z-Axis SDM ............................................................ 44 Figure 3-1: MtsDock ThisHost Menu ....................................................................................71 Figure 3-2: Host Communication Dialog Box ........................................................................ 72 Figure 3-3: Connect to ACU Dialog Box ............................................................................... 73 Figure 3-4: Connect ACU Message Box ............................................................................... 73 Figure 3-5: Put Executable Command ..................................................................................74 Figure 3-6: Connect to ACU Dialog Box ............................................................................... 75 Figure 3-7: Get IMU Calibration Command........................................................................... 75 Figure 3-8: Connect to ACU Dialog Box ............................................................................... 76 Figure 3-9: Get Configuration Command .............................................................................. 77 Figure 4-1: Select Status Dump File Dialog Box ................................................................. 100 Figure 5-1: Pedestal-X Dialog Box ..................................................................................... 108 Figure 5-2: Azimuth Trajectory results ................................................................................ 109

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


1 Overview
This manual contains instructions for post-installation maintenance of the OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maritime Stabilized VSAT System. It includes the following chapters: Replacing System Components illustrated instructions for removing and reinstalling the Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) that comprise the OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII system Updating the System Software procedures for updating the CCU and SBC operating software, IMU calibration file and SBC configuration file Troubleshooting a series of flowcharts illustrating the chain of operations to perform when solving a variety of common problems encountered during system operation Preventive Maintenance a program of procedures to be performed at regular intervals in order to ensure that the OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII system continues to function smoothly with maximum performance over time

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual

2 Replacing System Components

This section contains illustrated instructions for replacing the various Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) comprising the OrSatTM AL-7103 system.

2.1 Before you begin

Perform System Shut-Down (via the CCU). Open the RADOME hatch. POWER DOWN THE ANTENNA. Manually rotate the PEDESTAL AXES to gain convenient access to the serviced unit. If access to the serviced unit is limited or restricted, remove the RADOME.

In the following procedures, be very careful when tightening and loosening the screws with which the parts are assembled and attached to the system. Some of these screws are delicate and can be damaged by excess force. When using an Allen key, make sure to insert the key all the way into the screw head, to avoid stripping, and do not exceed the torque specified for each type of screw. Apply Loctite Threadlocker when inserting screws during the replacement process: Blue #241 for screws below 5mm in width, Red #270 for screws over 5mm. In order to loosen the screws when removing a part (with the exception of RF and SDM components), you may need to heat the screw with a blower in order to melt the Loctite.

WARNING! The Utility Outlet is connected directly to the vessels AC voltage input terminals (125 VAC / 250 VAC). Therefore, there still exists live voltage at the Utility Outlet after disconnecting the power supply to the ADE using the Mains Power On/Off Switch. Only qualified and authorized personnel are allowed to carry out system service/maintenance procedures.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual

2.2 List of Tools for LRU Replacement Procedures

LRU Replacement Procedures
Replacing the IMU Replacing the SBC

Required Tools
3/16 Allen key 5/32 Allen key 8mm + 11mm Open wrench 5/32 Allen key

Replacing the PSU

Tie-wraps Tie Cutter 8mm open wrench

Replacing the GPS Antenna

Tie Cutter Tie-wraps 3mm Allen key

Replacing the ADMx

5/32 Allen key 8mm + 11mm Open wrench

Replacing the DC Inserter

5/32 Allen key Phillips screwdriver 7/64 Allen key

Replacing the Splitter

11mm Open wrench Phillips screwdriver Loctite 241 3/16 Allen key 5/32 Allen key

Replacing the X-Axis SDM Replacing the Y-Axis SDM and Replacing the ZAxis SDMs

3/16 open wrench Torque Meter Tie-wraps Pliers & Tie Cutter

Replacing the LNB

8mm + 11mm Open wrench 3mm Allen key

Replacing the

8mm + 11mm Open wrench 3mm Allen key

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual

6mm open wrench 7/16 open wrench Replacing the 4W BUC 3/16 Allen key Tie-wraps Tie Cutter 13mm open wrench Replacing the 8W BUC 3mm Allen key Tie-wraps Tie Cutter 8mm + 13 mm open wrench Replacing the 16W BUC 6 mm Allen key Tie-wraps Tie Cutter

2.3 Removing/Replacing the Radome

See the OrSatTM AL-7103 Installation and Operation Manual.

2.4 Replacing the IMU

2.4.1 Removing the IMU
Step 1 Disconnect the IMU cable from the IMU connector.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual

Step 2 Remove the four screws securing the IMU to the RADOME BASE, using a 3/16 Allen key. Attention: In order to access the left-hand back screw, you will need to rotate the Z Axis.

Step 3 Remove the IMU from the RADOME BASE.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual

2.4.2 Reinstalling the IMU

Step 1 Mount the new IMU in its place on the ADE.BASE. Apply Loctite 270 to the four screws, and tighten them using a 3/16 Allen key with 11N/M torque. Attention: In order to access the left-hand back screw hole, you will need to rotate the Z Axis.

Step 2 Connect the IMU cable to the IMU connector.

2.4.3 Configuring the IMU

After replacing the IMU, it is necessary to update the IMU calibration file, in accordance with the specific IMU installed on the system. See Updating the IMU Calibration File on page 74 for instructions.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual

2.4.4 Inspecting the IMU-Slip Ring Cable

1. Power off both the ADE and BDE and disconnect them from their power source. 2. Activate Stow and Shutdown modes (see the AL-7103 MKII Installation and Operation

Manual for instructions).

3. Remove the RADOME. 4. Inspect the routing of the IMU cable. Verify that the cable is not routed along the side of the ADE BASE.

Figure 2-1: Correct Routing

Figure 2-2: Incorrect Routing

5. Incorrect routing between the IMU and the ADE BASE can result in damage to the cable, due to system vibrations. To correct the cable routing, perform the following procedure.

2.4.5 Rerouting the IMU-Slip Ring Cable

1. Disconnect the cable from the IMU. 2. Cut all the tie-wraps securing the cable to the ADE BASE. 3. Inspect the cable for any damage. Repair the cable or replace the SLIP RING, as needed. 4. Route the cable properly, as depicted in the following figures. Use tie-wraps where applicable.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual

Figure 2-3: Correct IMU-Slip Ring Cable Routing

5. Connect the cable to the IMU connector. 6. Power up the system and activate Test Traj Mode for five minutes. Verify that the cable is not squeezed or pinched at any point in the systems movement.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual

2.5 Replacing the SBC

2.5.1 Preliminary Procedures
1. Connect a laptop computer running the MTSDOCK application to the CCUs BDMx LAN connector (using a cross-over cable).

Figure 2-4: CCU-Laptop Connection

2. Open MTSDOCK and download the SBC configuration file (see Reconfiguring the SBC [Steps 1-5] on page 76 for instructions). 3. Download the IMU calibration file (see Updating the IMU Calibration File [Steps 1-4] on page 74 for instructions). 4. Shut down the system and power off.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual

2.5.2 Removing the SBC

Step 1 Cut the tie-wraps securing the SBC harnesses.

Step 2 Disconnect all cables from the SBC connector panel using an 8mm Open wrench.

Step 3 Loosen the four screws securing the SBC to the BASE PLATE, using a 5/32 Allen key. Note: The screws remain attached to the SBC (captives).

Step 4 Remove the SBC.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


2.5.3 Reinstalling the SBC

Step 1 Mount the new SBC in its place on the ADE BASE.

Step 2 Tighten the four screws securing the SBC to the BASE PLATE, using a 5/32 Allen key.

Step 3 Connect the cables to the SBC connector panel.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 4 Bind the SBC harnesses with tie-wraps.

2.5.4 Resetting the SBC IP address

The original SBC is factory configured to the IP address To set a different address for the new SBC, perform the following procedure: 1. Connect a laptop computer running the MTSDOCK application to the CCUs BDMx LAN connector (using a cross-over cable). 2. Open MTSDOCK and select Edit Network Parameters > Connected ACU from the ACU menu. The Connected ACU dialog box appears. 3. Enter the new IP address and click OK (Enter). 4. Reboot the system.

2.5.5 Reconfiguring the System

1. Open MTSDOCK and upload the SBC configuration file (see Reconfiguring the SBC [Steps 6-7] on page 77 for instructions). 2. Upload the IMU calibration file (see Updating the IMU Calibration File [Steps 5-6] on page 76 for instructions).

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


2.6 Replacing the PSU

2.6.1 Removing the PSU
Step 1 Remove the GPS ANTENNA from the PSU.

Step 2 Disconnect the cables from the PSU connectors.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 3 Loosen the three screws securing the PSU to the BASE PLATE, using a 5/32 Allen key. Note: The screws remain attached to the PSU (Captives).

Step 4 Remove the PSU.

2.6.2 Reinstalling the PSU

Step 1 Mount the new PSU in its place on the ADE BASE.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 2 Tighten the three screws securing the PSU to the ADE BASE, using a 5/32 Allen key.

Step 3 Connect the cables to the PSU connectors.

Step 4 Mount the GPS ANTENNA in its place on the PSU and secure it with a tie-wrap.

2.6.3 Post-Assembly System Verification

After replacing the PSU, power up the system and activate Enc Init Mode several seconds after startup (see the AL-7103 MKII Installation and Operation Manual for instructions). Verify that the system functions properly.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


2.7 Replacing the GPS Antenna

2.7.1 Removing the GPS Antenna
Step 1 Cut the tie-wraps securing the SBC harnesses. GPS Antenna

GPS Antenna Cable

Step 2 Disconnect the GPS ANTENNA cable from the SBC connector, using an 8mm Open wrench.

Step 3 Remove the GPS ANTENNA.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


2.7.2 Reinstalling the GPS Antenna

Step 1 Put the new GPS ANTENNA in its place on the PSU.

Step 2 Connect the GPS ANTENNA cable to the SBC connector, using an 8mm Open wrench.

Step 3 Bind the SBC harnesses with tie-wraps.

GPS Antenna Cable

2.7.3 Post-Installation System Verification

After replacing the GPS ANTENNA, power up the system and open MTSLINK. Open the Maintenance Screen and verify that the system functions properly and satellites are available.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


2.8 Replacing the ADMx

2.8.1 Removing the ADMx
Step 1 Remove the cables from the ADMX connectors, using a 7/16 or 8mm open wrench. Attention: If the RF cable includes a 22KHz filter, you need to remove it separately and use it when installing the new ADMX.

Step 2 Cut the tie-wraps securing the cables to the ADMX mounting plate.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 3 Remove the four screws securing the ADMX mounting plate to the assembly, using a 5/32 Allen key.

Step 4 Remove the four screws securing the ADMX to its mounting plate, using a 3mm Allen key.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


2.8.2 Reinstalling the ADMx

Step 1 Use a 3mm Allen key to secure the new ADMX to the mounting plate.

Step 2 Use a 5/32 Allen key to secure the ADMX mounting plate to the assembly,

Step 3 Replace the cable harness on the ADMX mounting plate and secure it with tie-wraps.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 4 Connect the cables to the ADMX connectors, using a 7/16 or 8mm open wrench. Attention: If the RF cable includes a 22KHz filter, replace the filter before connecting the cable.

2.8.3 Post-Installation System Verification

After replacing the ADMX, power up the system and verify that the CCU functions properly and that there is communication between the CCU and the SBC.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


2.9 Replacing the DC Inserter

2.9.1 Removing the DC Inserter
Step 1 Disconnect the cables from the DC INSERTER connectors.

Step 2 Remove the two screws securing the DC INSERTER mount to the assembly, using a 5/32 Allen key.

Step 3 Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the four screws holding the DC INSERTER to its mounting plate.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


2.9.2 Reinstalling the DC Inserter

Step 1 Use a Phillips screwdriver to secure the new DC INSERTER to its mounting plate.

Step 2 Use a 5/32 Allen key to secure the DC INSERTER mounting plate to the assembly.

Step 3 Connect the cables to the DC INSERTER connectors.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


2.9.3 Post-Installation System Verification

After replacing the DC INSERTER, power up the system and verify that the BUC functions properly: For a BUC with M&C, open the MAINTENANCE SCREEN and check the BUC status. For a BUC without M&C, verify that the LED on the BUC is lit and that the modem transmits.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


2.10 Replacing the Splitter

Step 1 Disconnect the cables from the SPLITTER connectors, using a 7/16 or 11mm open wrench.

Removing the Splitter

Step 2 Remove the two screws securing the SPLITTER to the assembly, using a 7/64 Allen key.

Step 3 Remove the SPLITTER.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 1

Reinstalling the Splitter

Apply Loctite 241 to the two screws, and secure the SPLITTER to the assembly using a 7/64 Allen key.

Step 2 Connect the cables to the SPLITTER connectors, using a 7/16 or 11mm open wrench.


Post-Installation System Verification

After replacing the SPLITTER, power up the system and verify that the modems AGC and EB/N0 have not changed and are exactly as defined in the link budget.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


2.11 Replacing the X-Axis SDM

Figure 2-5: Location of Screws on the X-Axis SDM

Figure 2-6: Cable Connections on the X-Axis SDM

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual



Removing the X-Axis SDM

Step 1 Cut the tie-wraps binding the cables connected to the SDM.

Step 2 Disconnect the SDM cables using a 3/16 open wrench.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 3 Remove the six screws securing the SDM to the assembly, using a 3/16 Allen key.

Step 4 Remove the X-Axis SDM.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual



Reinstalling the X-Axis SDM

Step 1 Mount the new SDM in its place and secure it to the assembly. Tighten the six screws using a 3/16 Allen key with 11N/M torque.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 2 Connect the SDM cables using a 3/16 open wrench.

Step 3 Bind the SDM cables with tie-wraps.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual



Axis Alignment Verification

After replacing the SDM, perform the following procedure to verify that the physical zero is properly aligned. 1. Power up the system and activate Enc Init Mode several seconds after startup (see the

AL-7103 MKII Installation and Operation Manual for instructions). When the sequence is
complete the antenna should be positioned as displayed in the following image.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Figure 2-7: Antenna after Enc Init Sequence

2. Enter the MTSLINK Maintenance Screen and move each axis manually until its position corresponds to that displayed in the relevant image:

Figure 2-8: Manual Axis Control

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


X-Axis Alignment

Figure 2-9: X-Axis Reference Points

Figure 2-10: X-Axis Alignment

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Y-Axis Alignment

Figure 2-11: Y-Axis Reference Points

Figure 2-12: Y-Axis Alignment

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Z-Axis Alignment

Figure 2-13: Z-Axis Reference Points

The distance between points A and B to the BASE PLATE should be equal. 3. Note the value of each axis movement. In the below figure, the X AXIS has been moved 1.5 in order to reach the correct physical alignment.

Figure 2-14: Pedestal X Window

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4. Enter the MTSLINK Operation Screen and click Axes Parameters on the InConfig menu. The Axes Parameters dialog box appears.

Figure 2-15: Axes Parameters Dialog Box

5. Add the value recorded for each axis to the Encoder Offsets values, using the opposite sign. For example, the current Pedestal-X value is 0.000. For a movement of 1.5, add -1.5 to the value, for a new value of -1.5.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


2.12 Replacing the Y-Axis SDM

Figure 2-16: Location of Screws on the Y-Axis SDM

Figure 2-17: Cable Connections on the Y-Axis SDM

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Removing the Y-Axis SDM

Step 1 Disconnect the SDM cables using a 3/16 open wrench.

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Step 2 Remove the six screws securing the SDM to the assembly using a 3/16 Allen key, and remove the SDM from the assembly.

Step 3

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Remove the Y-Axis SDM.


Reinstalling the Y-Axis SDM

Step 1 Put the new SDM in its place and secure it to the assembly. Tighten the six screws using a 3/16 Allen key with 11N/M torque.

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Step 2 Connect the SDM cables using a 3/16 open wrench.

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Axis Alignment Verification

After replacing the SDM, perform the axis alignment procedure on page 32 to verify that the physical zero is properly aligned.

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2.13 Replacing the Z-Axis SDM

Figure 2-18: Location of Screws on the Z-Axis SDM

Figure 2-19: Cable Connections on the Z-Axis SDM

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Removing the Z-Axis SDM

Step 1 Cut the tie-wraps binding the cables connected to the SDM.

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Step 2 Disconnect the power cable and the three cables that pass though the SLIP-RING (ADMX, SBC, and PSU). Attention: Be very careful not to bend the RF cable. A bent cable could damage the SLIP-RING when the system is functional.

Step 3 Remove the KEY CARRIER from the Z-AXIS SDM, using a 3/16 Allen key.

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Step 4 Use a 5/32 Allen key to remove the two screws holding the T-shaped bar to the KEY CARRIER and pull out the cables.

Step 5 Remove the six screws securing the SDM to the assembly using a 3/16 Allen key. Attention: Be careful not to damage the cables.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 6 Remove the Z-Axis SDM.


Reinstalling the Z-Axis SDM

Step 1 Put the new SDM in its place and secure it to the assembly. Tighten the six screws using a 3/16 Allen key with 11N/M torque.

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Step 2 Thread the cables through the KEY CARRIER and secure the T-shaped bar. Apply Loctite 270 to the two screws and tighten them using a 5/32 Allen key with 4N/M torque. Attention: The blue LMR cable should run to the right of the T-shaped bar, and the IMU and power cables to the left.

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Step 3 Secure the KEY CARRIER to the SDM, using a 3/16 Allen key with 11N/M torque.

Step 4 Connect the power cable and the three cables that pass though the SLIP-RING (ADMX, SBC, and PSU). Attention: Be very careful not to bend the RF cable. A bent cable could damage the SLIP-RING when the system is functional.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 5 Bind the SDM cables with tie-wraps.


Axis Alignment Verification

After replacing the SDM, perform the axis alignment procedure on page 32 to verify that the physical zero is properly aligned.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


2.14 Replacing RF Package Components

When performing the following procedures, be careful not to bend or damage the highly sensitive RF cables.


Replacing the LNB

To remove the LNB: Step 1 Disconnect the cable from the LNB connector, using a 7/16 or 7mm open wrench.

Step 2 Remove the four screws securing the LNB to the RF ASSEMBLY, using a 3mm Allen key.

Step 3 Remove the LNB.

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To reinstall the LNB: Step 1 Use a 3mm Allen key to secure the LNB to the RF ASSEMBLY. Attention: Make sure to replace the rubber O-Ring that seals the LNB to the WAVEGUIDE. Step 2 Connect the cable to the LNB connector, using a 7/16 or 7mm open wrench.

Post-Installation System Verification After replacing the LNB, power up the system and drive the BUC to 1dB compression (see the

AL-7103 MKII Installation and Operation Manual for instructions). Verify that the EB/N0 is
exactly as defined in the link budget.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual



Replacing the RF Chain

To remove the RF Chain: Step 1 Disconnect the cable from the RF CHAIN connector, using a 5/16 open wrench.

Step 2 Remove the four screws securing the RF CHAIN to the RF ASSEMBLY, using a 3mm Allen key.

Step 3 Remove the RF CHAIN. Note: If the LNB is functioning, remove the LNB and replace it on the new RF Chain (see Replacing the LNB above).

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


To reinstall the RF Chain: Step 1 Use a 3mm Allen key to secure the new RF CHAIN to the RF ASSEMBLY. Attention: If necessary, replace the LNB on the new RF CHAIN. Make sure to replace the rubber O-Ring that seals the RF CHAIN to the RF ASSEMBLY. Step 2 Connect the cable to the RF CHAIN connector, using a 5/16 open wrench.

Step 3 Reconnect the cable from the RF CHAIN to the LNB. Post-Installation System Verification After replacing the RF CHAIN, power up the system and drive the BUC to 1dB compression (see the AL-7103 MKII Installation and Operation Manual for instructions). Verify that the EB/N0 is exactly as defined in the link budget.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual



Replacing the 4W BUC

To remove the BUC: Step 1 Disconnect the cables from the BUC connectors.

Step 2 Remove the four screws securing the BUC WAVEGUIDE, using a 6mm open wrench for the SMA connector.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 3 Loosen the nuts securing the four screws on the mounted brackets using a 7/16 open wrench. Remove the screws using a 3/16 Allen key.

Step 4 Remove the BUC. To reinstall the BUC: Step 1 Mount the new BUC in its place and secure it to the mounted brackets using a 3/16 Allen key and a 7/16 open wrench.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 2 Replace the BUC WAVEGUIDE, and secure its four screws, using a 6mm open wrench for the SMA connector. Attention: Make sure to replace the rubber O-Ring that seals the WAVEGUIDE to the BUC.

Step 3 Connect the cables to the BUC connectors.

Post-Installation System Verification After replacing the BUC, power up the system and drive the BUC to 1dB compression (see the

AL-7103 MKII Installation and Operation Manual for instructions). Verify that the EB/N0 is
exactly as defined in the link budget.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual



Replacing the 8W BUC

To remove the BUC: Step 1 Disconnect the cables from the BUC connectors.

Step 2 Remove the two screws securing the BUC to the RF ASSEMBLY, using a 13mm open wrench and 3mm Allen key.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 3 Remove the 4 screws securing the BUC WAVEGUIDE, using a 3mm Allen key.

Step 4 Loosen the securing screws using a 13mm open wrench.

Step 5 Remove the BUC.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


To reinstall the BUC: Step 1 Mount the new BUC in its place and use a 13mm open wrench to tighten the securing screws.

Step 2 Use a 3mm Allen key to secure the BUC WAVEGUIDE. Attention: Make sure to replace the rubber O-Ring that seals the WAVEGUIDE to the BUC.

Step 3 Use a 13mm open wrench and 3mm Allen key to secure the BUC to the RF ASSEMBLY.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 4 Connect the cables to the BUC connectors.

Post-Installation System Verification After replacing the BUC, power up the system and drive the BUC to 1dB compression (see the

AL-7103 MKII Installation and Operation Manual for instructions). Verify that the EB/N0 is
exactly as defined in the link budget.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual



Replacing the 16W BUC

To remove the BUC: Step 1 Cut the tie-wraps binding the cables and remove them from the DISH ASSEMBLY.

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Step 2 Disconnect the cables from the BUC connectors.

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Step 3 Release the inner and outer nuts and remove the screws and washers. Attach the nuts and washers to their screws and save them for the reinstallation procedure.

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Step 4 Remove the BUC from the RF ASSEMBLY.

To reinstall the BUC: Step 1 Connect the Waveguide-to-SMA adapter to the BUC with M4 fasteners and an EMI O-Ring. Use a 3mm Allen key and a 7mm open wrench.

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Step 2 Use a 2.5mm Allen key to remove the screws holding the safety caps in place. Remove the caps and replace the screws.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 3 Use a 6mm Allen key and a 13mm open wrench to loosely attach the BUC to the DISH ASSEMBLY with M8 fasteners. Attention: Make sure the spring washers and flat washers are correctly positioned.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 4 Tighten the nuts and screws. Attention: The distance between the BUC and the DISH ASSEMBLY should not exceed 3mm.

Step 5 Connect the cables to the BUC connectors. Use an SMA torque wrench for the SMA connectors.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Step 6 Bind the cables to the DISH ASSEMBLY with tie-wraps.

Post-Installation System Verification After replacing the BUC, power up the system and drive the BUC to 1dB compression (see the

AL-7103 MKII Installation and Operation Manual for instructions). Verify that the EB/N0 is
exactly as defined in the link budget.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


3 Updating the System Software

This chapter describes the following procedures: Updating the CCU MtsLink Application Updating the SBC VxWorks Application Updating the IMU Calibration File Reconfiguring the SBC

3.1 Updating the CCU MtsLink Application

1. Request the updated MTSLINK executable file (MtsLinkCE.zip) from Orbit. In order to receive the correct file, you need to provide the CPU Kind used by your CCU. To determine the CPU Kind, reboot the CCU and press the Break button on your keyboard while the CCU is booting. The CPU Kind is displayed on the screen. 2. Transfer the zipped executable file to a USB memory stick. 3. Connect the memory stick to the USB port in the CCU front panel. 4. Minimize the MTSLINK window and activate the MTSDOCK program. 5. Open the This Host menu on the MtsDock Menu Bar and select Put MtsLink.

Figure 3-1: MtsDock ThisHost Menu

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6. Load the new MTSLINK file from the memory stick. 7. When the file is fully loaded, reboot the CCU, either by activating the Reboot command from the ThisHost menu, or by powering off.

3.2 Updating the SBC VxWorks Application

1. Request the updated VXWORKS executable file (VxWorks.zip) from Orbit. In order to receive the correct file, you need to provide the CPU Kind used by your SBC.

Follow steps 4-9 below and read the CPU Kind from the Connect ACU message box.

2. When you receive the zipped executable file, transfer it to a USB memory stick. 3. Connect the memory stick to the USB port in the CCU front panel. 4. In the MtsLink window, open the Host menu and select Communication. The Host Communication dialog box opens.

Figure 3-2: Host Communication Dialog Box

5. Click the TCP/IP tab. The SBC IP address appears in the Remote Address field. Make a note of the address. 6. Minimize the MtsLink window and activate the MTSDOCK program.

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7. Open the ACU menu on the MtsDock Menu Bar and select Connect. The Connect to ACU dialog box appears.

Figure 3-3: Connect to ACU Dialog Box

8. Verify that the IP address in the Network Address field matches the IP address that you noted from the MTSLINK application. If necessary, correct the address accordingly. 9. Click OK (Enter). When the connection is established between the CCU and the SBC, a message box appears confirming the connection, and displaying the CPU Kind.

Figure 3-4: Connect ACU Message Box

10. Open the ACU menu and select Put Executable.

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Figure 3-5: Put Executable Command

11. Load the new VXWORKS file from the memory stick. 12. When the file is fully loaded, reboot the SBC by selecting Reboot from the ACU menu. 13. When communication is reestablished between the SBC and the CCU, close the MTSDOCK application, and maximize MTSLINK. 14. Click the Version command on the MtsLink Menu Bar and verify that the new version was successfully installed and matches the software version used by the CCU.

If the CCU software version does not match the new SBC version, see Updating the CCU MtsLink Application on page 71.

3.3 Updating the IMU Calibration File

After replacing the IMU, it is necessary to update the IMU calibration file, in accordance with the specific IMU installed on the system. If you are replacing the SBC, you can download the IMU calibration file from the SBC, prior to its removal, and then upload it to the new SBC.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


To update the IMU calibration file: 1. Activate the MTSDOCK application. 2. Open the ACU menu and select Connect. The Connect to ACU dialog box appears.

Figure 3-6: Connect to ACU Dialog Box

3. Verify that the correct SBC IP address appears in the Network Address field and click OK (Enter). When the connection is established between the CCU and the SBC, a message box appears confirming the connection. 4. Do one of the following:

If you are replacing the SBC, open the ACU menu, select Calibration, then Get IMU Calibration and save the IMU calibration file. Replace the SBC (see Replacing the SBC on page 9).

Figure 3-7: Get IMU Calibration Command

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


If you are replacing the IMU, insert the Orbit memory stick with the calibration file into the front panel of the CCU.

5. Open the ACU menu and select Calibration, then Put IMU Calibration. 6. Reboot the SBC by selecting Reboot from the ACU menu.

3.4 Reconfiguring the SBC

When you replace the SBC, you need to configure it with the parameters previously defined in the system (e.g. compass offsets, blockage zones). In certain cases, when the system was not properly configured, it is advisable to load a new file and reconfigure the system. To reconfigure the SBC: 1. Do one of the following:

If you wish to keep the existing system configuration, perform the following steps to download the configuration file from the current SBC before removal.

If you wish to load a new configuration file, replace the SBC and proceed to Step 6 (see Replacing the SBC on page 9).

2. Activate the MTSDOCK application. 3. Open the ACU menu and select Connect. The Connect to ACU dialog box appears.

Figure 3-8: Connect to ACU Dialog Box

4. Verify that the correct SBC IP address appears in the Network Address field and click OK (Enter). When the connection is established between the CCU and the SBC, a message box appears confirming the connection. 5. Open the ACU menu and select Get Configuration and save the configuration file.

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Figure 3-9: Get Configuration Command

Replace the SBC (see Replacing the SBC on page 9). 6. Open the ACU menu and select Put Configuration. 7. Reboot the SBC by selecting Reboot from the ACU menu.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


4 Troubleshooting
The following chapter contains flow charts illustrating the chain of operations to perform when solving a variety of common problems encountered during system operation. The following troubleshooting procedures are described: Tracking Error Exceeds Limit Tracking Instability Pointing to Satellite Issues No Communication Between ADE and BDE The SBC Does Not Boot Wrong IP Address for SBC Blank CCU Screen The CCU Does Not Boot No GPS Output from the CCU No GPS Position Update GPS Communication Failed Compass Communication Failed Axis Jamming Errors Polarization Axis Jamming Error Axis Encoder Errors No Rx Lock No Tx Lock Missing System Files ADE / BDE Software Mismatch An additional section describes the System Status Dump command, which generates an ASCII file containing the system parameters defined during the commissioning process as well as system status indications.

Footnotes provide the MTSLINK path to commands required during the various troubleshooting procedures.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


4.1 Tracking Error Exceeds Limit

* InConfig > Step-Track > Ku-Band ** InConfig > Receiver ** InConfig > Compass NMEA

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


4.2 Tracking Instability

* InConfig > Step-Track > Ku-Band ** InConfig > Receiver ** InConfig > Compass NMEA

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4.3 Pointing to Satellite Issues

** InConfig > Compass NMEA

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4.4 No Communication Between ADE and BDE

* Host > Communication

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4.5 The SBC Does Not Boot

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4.6 Wrong IP Address for SBC

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4.7 Blank CCU Screen

* As a temporary measure, connect an external monitor to the VGA port

4.8 The CCU Does Not Boot

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4.9 No GPS Output from the CCU

* Host > Hardware Interface ** InConfig > External Hardware IP

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


4.10 No GPS Position Update

* Commands > Clear GPS

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4.11 GPS Communication Failed

* InConfig > COM Ports > Configuration

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4.12 Compass Communication Failed

* Host > Hardware Interface ** InConfig > External Hardware IP

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4.13 Axis Jamming Errors

Continued on next page

* InConfig > Axes Parameters

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4.14 Polarization Axis Jamming Error

Continued on next page

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OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


4.15 Axis Encoder Errors

Continued on next page

* InConfig > Axes Parameters

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4.16 No Rx Lock

* InConfig > Receiver ** If the tracking and download frequencies are not the same, skip to the next step (modem settings).

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4.17 No Tx Lock

Continued on next page

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* Maintenance Screen > BUC Status window ** Maintenance Screen > Tx Chain window *** 4W BUC 36dBm; 8W BUC 39dBm; 16W BUC 42dBm

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


4.18 Missing System Files

4.19 ADE / BDE Software Mismatch

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


4.20 Using the Status Dump Function for Troubleshooting

The Status Dump command generates the Status Dump Report an ASCII file containing the system parameters defined during the commissioning process and well as system status indications. These parameters and indications can be used to analyze system performance and determine the possible source of system faults.


Downloading the Status Dump Report

From the Operation Screen, open the Host menu and select Status Dump. A browser window opens, in which you can indicate where to save the file using the Save As command. You can save the report to the CCU desktop or directly to a disk-on-key.

Figure 4-1: Select Status Dump File Dialog Box


Status Dump File Example

The following is an example of a typical Status Dump Report.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Orbit Marine Status Dump Report at 07-Apr-2011 08:46:33 ********************************************************************

Controller's Information ************************ CPU Kind: SOM4055

VxWorks Software Version: 4.6 6.08.2009 Work Time: SBC IP address: SBC Subnet Mask: SBC Default Gateway: 1 days 6 hours

External Hardware Host IP Address:; System ID: AL-7103

Hardware ID *********** ---TYPE---Receiver: I/O: IMU: BUC: ---EPLD Version--Receiver: I/0: I/0: ---Serial Number--SBC: BUC: 1067 0068 DE12 DE12 DE12 29_0001 29-0001 SLDSTATE 8W Ku KoSpace M&C

---Calibration Files ID--imusave: nbrsave: nbralcsv: bucltab: 1301 4209093 4209093 REV D

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


System Status ************* Operating Mode: IMU status: IRD: PolSw: Polariz: StepTrack Locked Locked 90 deg A:VL-RC

Ship Coordinates **************** Latitude: Longitude: Compass: 35.052 deg 129.001 deg 171.860 deg

Axes Offsets ************ --Encoder-Pedestal-X: Pedestal-Y: Pedestal-Z: -171.510 deg 38.950 deg 8.960 deg

--Alignment-PolSkew: Elevation: 0.000 deg -0.800 deg

Antenna Status ************** Azimuth: Elevation: PolSkew:



******************************** 121.600 deg 29.206 deg -44.190 deg 122.823 deg 29.121 deg 91.432 deg

Current System Messages *********************** WRN 003: GPS Communication Failed

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


WRN 019: System not initialized

Tracking Signal *************** AGC: Thresh: Tracking Frequency: -68.24 dBm -80.00 dBm 1250.725 3.42 Volts

NBR Selected IF Filter: 50KHz

Compass Setup ************* On Host: Compass Type: Compass Offset: YES NMEA_0183 -100.400 deg

Power State Readout ******************* Parameter --------+5V: 2.5V: 3.3V: +12V: -12V: +30V: LNBV: T(degC): 13.813 50.500 22.667 22.310 CPU SBC IMU SDU NBR

------------------------------------------------------5.029 2.485 3.319 11.782 -11.780 15.779 0.230 36.712 4.992 5.732

Local Angles ************ Azimuth: Elevation: 310.990 deg 29.590 deg

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Antenna Blockage **************** Angle ----------------Zone 0 Azimuth: Zone 0 Elevation: Zone 1 Azimuth: Zone 1 Elevation: Zone 2 Azimuth: Zone 2 Elevation: Zone 3 Azimuth: Zone 3 Elevation: From To

----------------------240.000 deg 0.000 deg 260.000 deg 0.000 deg 0.000 deg 0.000 deg 0.000 deg 0.000 deg 260.000 deg 40.000 deg 360.000 deg 10.000 deg 10.000 deg 5.000 deg 0.000 deg 0.000 deg

CCU's Information ***************** Version: Work Time: Communication Type: Remote Address: 4.6 6.08.2009 1 minutes 39 seconds TCP/IP

Hardware Interface Enable: NO

Compass Interface Setup *********************** Input Enable: COM Port Number: Baudrate: Format: NO 1 9600 8_NON_1

GPS Interface Setup ******************* Output Enable: COM Port Number: Baudrate: Format: NO 1 4800 8_NON_1

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


NMEA Device: NMEA Sentence: Interval:

GP GLL 1.000

IRD Interface Setup ******************* Interface Enable: COM Port Number: NO 1

System Massage Log ****************** Time Transition -------01-Jan-01 00:23:49 On\Off 01-Jan-01 00:23:48 Off/On 01-Jan-01 00:23:24 On\Off 01-Jan-01 00:18:54 Off/On 01-Jan-01 00:18:28 On\Off 01-Jan-01 00:18:27 Off/On 01-Jan-01 00:18:03 On\Off 01-Jan-01 00:13:08 On\Off 01-Jan-01 00:13:07 Off/On 01-Jan-01 00:11:58 Off/On 01-Jan-01 00:11:39 On\Off 01-Jan-01 00:11:37 Off/On Type ------Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Message Message ID Text

--- -----------------------002 Compass Communication Failed 002 Compass Communication Failed 180 No Noise Floor Table 180 No Noise Floor Table 002 Compass Communication Failed 002 Compass Communication Failed 180 No Noise Floor Table 002 Compass Communication Failed 002 Compass Communication Failed 180 No Noise Floor Table 018 Acquiring a Satellite 018 Acquiring a Satellite

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01-Jan-01 00:10:47 On\Off 01-Jan-01 00:10:45 Off/On 01-Jan-01 00:09:55 On\Off 01-Jan-01 00:09:53

Message Message Message Message

018 Acquiring a Satellite 018 Acquiring a Satellite 018 Acquiring a Satellite 018 Acquiring a Satellite


Contact Detail (Manually) **************

* Vessel Name:


* Service Location:


* Contact Name (On Board): ________________________________

* Contact Number:


* E-Mail Address:


* Other Notes:






OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


5 Preventive Maintenance
5.1 Introduction
The preventive maintenance program is designed to ensure that the OrSatTM AL-7103 system continues to function smoothly with maximum performance over time. The preventive maintenance program consists of a general health check to be performed once every year. This procedure should require one day to complete.

The health check should only be performed by a certified Orbit technician, who TM was trained on the OrSat AL-7103 system, and is familiar with the system and its utilities (e.g. Logger, Spectrum Analyzer, MTSDOCK).

5.2 Health Check

The health check procedure comprises the following tasks:

5.2.1 Visual inspection

Check the system for all of the following: Mechanical damage Water leakage Oil leakage Loose cable connections System warning messages that have not been addressed

5.2.2 System Software

Check that the IMU calibration file is the correct one for the serial number located on the IMU chassis. If not, request the correct file from Orbit. Check the serial number on the SBC chassis and compare it with the number that appears in the Hardware ID dialog box (InConfig menu).

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Check the serial number of the BUC, located on the BUC chassis, and compare it with the number that appears in the Hardware ID dialog box.

5.2.3 Mechanical Test

Use the Graphic Data Logger to perform the following tests (for detailed instructions, see the

OrSatTM AL-7103 Installation and Operation Manual):

1. Open the Graphic Data Logger from the Maintenance Screen and add the following parameters:

Pedestal X Position Feedback Pedestal X Position Error Pedestal X Velocity Feedback Pedestal X Velocity Output

2. In the Logger Configuration dialog box, set the sampling time to 6 ticks (60 seconds). 3. Return to the Maintenance Screen and select the Pedestal-X window. 4. Click the Open button and select Axis Config. The Pedestal-X dialog box appears.

Figure 5-1: Pedestal-X Dialog Box

5. Verify that the Test Trajectory parameters are assigned the following values:

Amplitude: 15.0 Period: 60.0 Phase: 0.0 Offset: 0.0

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


6. Close the Pedestal-X dialog box and click the Mode button. 7. Select Test Traj and wait for 10 seconds. 8. Enter the Logger screen and begin recording. Results should appear after 60 seconds.

Figure 5-2: Azimuth Trajectory results

The above results have been scaled to emphasize the errors.

9. Analyze the results as follows:

Position/Feedback: The green wave shows the position of the selected axis in degrees. Data is usually sampled between -60 and +60, and should appear as a smooth sine wave. The velocity (blue wave) should be 0 at the limit of movement, as the dish halts and changes direction.

Position/Error: The red wave shows the backlash error of the gearbox. This line should be level on the 0 position of the graph, should be repeatable at maximum velocity, and should not show any extremely high or sharp peaks, which would indicate obstruction of movement.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


Velocity/Feedback: The blue wave shows the velocity of the selected axis in degrees per second. This data should appear as a smooth sign wave, with the highest velocity when Position/Feedback is in the 0 position. Velocity should be at 0 when the position feedback is at its highest or lowest position, according to the following formula:

V = A = 2 A T


Velocity/Output: The purple wave shows the current draw as a percentage for the motor. The higher the current draw, the more force is necessary to move the axis. Consequently, the lower the output value, the better for the system. Output should not exceed 40% in most cases; otherwise, power consumption is too high, and presents a definite pattern loosely following the Velocity/Feedback wave.

10. Save all results to a file named PX1 in the Mesr7200 sub-directory of the backup folder. 11. Return to the Pedestal-X window in the Maintenance Screen, click the Mode button and select Halt to stop the axis. 12. Repeat the above process for Period values of 60 and 10, saving the results in files

named PX2 and PX3, respectively.

13. Repeat the entire process for the Pedestal-Y and Pedestal-Z axes, naming the files PY1-

3 and PZ1-3, respectively.

14. After you have completed the entire trajectory test, verify that both axes are in Halt position, and reset their Test Trajectory parameters to the following values:

Amplitude: 15.0 Period: 60.0 Phase: 0.0 Offset: 0.0

If any of the above tests do not pass, please contact the Orbit SatCom Service Center at support@orbit.com.

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual



RF System Performance Test

1. Receive the link budget from the NOC. 2. Set the modem to drive the BUC to 1dB compression (see the OrSatTM AL-7103

Installation and Operation Manual).

3. Check the systems transmission and reception data against the provided link budget.

5.2.5 System Documentation

Download the following files: Status Dump Report (see Downloading the Status Dump Report on page 100) SBC configuration file (see Reconfiguring the SBC on page 76) Messages log file (see the OrSatTM AL-7103 Installation and Operation Manual)

OrSatTM AL-7103 MKII Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual


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