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SAP Note 746138 Note Language: English

Analyzing lock table overflows

Version: 10 Validity:
Valid Since 03.09.2009

The lock table has overflowed (syslog GEG "Lock table overflow").

Other terms
enque, enqueue, lock table overflow, ENQ_OVERFLOW, 16, EnquServerException

Reason and Prerequisites

The maximum number of locks in the lock table is subject to an upper limit that is set by the profile parameter enque/table_size. The profile parameter enque/table_size determines the size of the lock table in KBs. You can use transaction SM12 -> "Extras" -> "Statistics" to determine both the maximum number and current number of entries. The lock table may overflow if: o o o the lock table configuration is too small an application sets lots of locks the update hangs and, as a result, numerous locks inherited by the update task exist

Up to now, subsequent analysis could not be performed to determine which lock types and which lock owners mainly contributed to the lock table overflow.

The kernel patch described here saves information about the cause of a lock table overflow. This information can be read retrospectively. The kernel patch concerns kernel releases 4.6D, 6.40 and higher. The following information is saved for the last ten lock table overflows: o o the three lock owners with the most locks the three lock arguments with the most locks

Use transaction SM12 to obtain the raw information and particular selection data: o o o o Table: Argument: Client: User name: "#01_002" "#01_002" "#01" "#01_002"

In addition, this information is stored in the file ENQHISOVR in DIR_HOME on the enqueue server. The overflow information is written as of the following kernel patch levels:
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SAP Note 746138 -

Analyzing lock table overflows

4.6D: 6.40:

1856 21

For all higher releases, the overflow information is written as of patch level 0.

Header Data
Release Status: Released on: Master Language: Priority: Category: Primary Component: Released for Customer 08.09.2009 12:06:14 German Correction with medium priority Help for error analysis BC-CST-EQ Enqueue

The Note is release-independent

Related Notes
Number 1081259 1012446 896024 780077 746373 Short Text EP 7.10: Enqueue overflow during Portal Content Deployment Mass transactions: Error message MC603, Lock table overflow ALPHA: Lock table overflow and endless loop Locking problem in /FRE/MASS_TRPROD, /F CST patch collection 26 2004

SP Patch Level
Software Component Version SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP KERNEL KERNEL KERNEL KERNEL KERNEL KERNEL KERNEL KERNEL KERNEL 6.40 32-BIT UNICODE 7.00 32-BIT 7.00 32-BIT UNICODE 7.00 64-BIT 7.00 64-BIT UNICODE 6.40 32-BIT 4.6D_EXT 32-BIT 4.6D_EXT 64-BIT 4.6D_EX2 32-BIT Support Package SP224 SP150 SP150 SP150 SP150 SP224 SP2381 SP2381 SP2381 SP Patch Level 000224 000150 000150 000150 000150 000224 002381 002381 002381


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SAP Note 746138 Software Component Version SAP KERNEL 4.6D_EX2 64-BIT

Analyzing lock table overflows

Support Package SP2381 SP Patch Level 002381


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