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Vol. XXXVIII • No.

22 • November 7, 2008
• In addition to ministry involvement, you will be asked to
“Among Friends” participate in monthly deacons’ gatherings and occasional
leadership training events during the next three years. Because one
By the time you receive this edition of The important ministry that First Decatur’s deacons undertake is that of
Outlook Election Day will have come and gone. But group discernment, it is extremely important that deacons be
today, as I write this column, a new U.S. President present at all meetings. Are you able at this moment in your life to
has not yet been elected so I continue to pray for both make the time and energy commitments that deacon ministry will
candidates and for our country. I confess that I’ve require?
been fairly exhausted by this seemingly endless campaign season.
One of the wonderful things about being the Church together is that Will you take the time to read the biographical sketches of each
at the end of the day we put all of our chips on God (and these chips of the deacon candidates and to pray for these brothers and sisters,
are neither red nor blue!). and for all of our deacons? And be sure to participate in the
We are in an election season of our own at FBC Decatur, congregational vote this Sunday.
though considerably quieter than the national hoopla. For the past
eight weeks we have been in the process of calling out new deacon The stakes have indeed been high in this national election. But at the
leadership for our church. Some of you who are new to First end of the day the Church is still God’s best hope for the world.
Decatur might be interested in knowing how our deacons are Never doubt it, friends.
“tapped” for service. This year’s process was the same as in years
past: Blessings,
1. The congregation nominates men and women for a 3-year
term of service.
2. The Deacon Nominating Team meets to pray and to consider
together which of the nominees to ask to move forward in
the process. (This year 10 deacons are rotating off and there
were 41 people nominated. Part of the DNT’s task is to
present to the congregation a slate of deacon candidates as
broadly representative of the FBC body as possible.)
3. The Deacon Nominating Team members contact the
4. The Congregation votes by ballot on the slate of candidates
presented by the DNT.

This year (and last year) we added a step in the process. Each
deacon candidate was asked to participate in a “candidate
conversation” with members of the nominating team. The purpose
of these 30-minute gatherings was to give each candidate the chance
to share his or her faith story and to talk candidly about the nature
and responsibilities of deacon service at FBC. I thought it would
inspire you to read the questions that each candidate was given
ahead of time for prayer and consideration:

• Please talk about your faith journey and about your

relationship now with Christ. November: Trusting God with "Wild Abandon"
• What do you perceive to be your areas of giftedness? Last Sunday we began a month-long season of declaring together
• Part of deacon ministry involves serving people and coming with “Wild Abandon” our commitment and gratitude to God,
alongside them in their need. Are you willing to be a servant specifically with our financial resources. If you have not yet taken
in your areas of giftedness? the opportunity to offer your commitment card for the mission and
• Part of deacon ministry involves leading people; helping to ministries of FBC in 2009, you may do it at any time during the
mobilize the congregation to fulfill its mission. Are you month of November.
willing to be a leader in your areas of giftedness?
• An important aspect of deacon ministry involves engaging November 23rd is “Gratitude Sunday.” On that day we are asking
the whole congregation in ministry; helping others to every family or individual to bring a “gratitude gift” to God—a gift
discover and use their gifts. Are you prepared to be involved over and above your regular tithe or offering. These gifts together
at a significant level in this endeavor during your three-year will help us to “catch up” with our 2008 giving goal and enable us
term of service? to end this year strong and ready for all that God has in store for
• One area in which the deacons serve as leaders and 2009.
encouragers in the congregation is in the area of
stewardship. Are you willing to commit to lead in the
Christian discipline of stewardship by giving sacrificially of
your financial resources?
Congregational Life Prayer Concerns as of
Congregation to Vote on Deacon Candidates This Sunday November 4, 2008
At First Baptist Church deacons give spiritual leadership in a variety of ways. This Sunday,
Sympathy To:
November 9, the First Baptist family will vote by ballot on ten deacon candidates. The Deacon
▪The family of Clem Sansone.
Nominating Committee (Shannon Carter, Molly Fowlie, Betty Gresham, John Johnson, Bill Neal &
▪The family of George Stark,
Tom Seim [John Hamrick & Julie Pennington-Russell, ex officio]) recommends the following men
brother-in-law of Molly Fowlie and
and woman to serve as deacons: Dottie Aiken, Merlene Benson (1-year term), Mark Carter, Fred
former minister of music.
Cavalli, Zeno Douglas, Karen Hill, Priscilla Meek, Roger Ozaki, Molly Turner and Bob Woodson.
▪The family of Dr. Bruce Ott,
Pictures and biographical information about these candidates are appearing in the email
son-in-law of Ruth Connell.
version of this Outlook. If you receive print version at home you may view the candidates’ pictures
and bios in the poster frames on the first and second floors of the Sanctuary building.

Women on Mission—November 11
The next meeting of Women on Mission will be November 11 in the 3rd Floor Conference Room.
Leadership meeting at 10, Group Meetings at 10:30 and a program at 11. Rev. Karol Eubanks
Vellines, Executive Director of the Andrew P. Stewart Center, will be our guest speaker. All are
welcome to join us!
Tithes & Offerings
Two “Guest” Preachers on November 16
FBC Members David Gushee and Peter Rhea Jones will preach on
Sunday, November 16, while Pastor Julie is away. David will bring the
A Generous People
message in the Fresh Start service at 9:00 in Carreker Hall and Peter Rhea, 2008 Ministry Action Plan
Weekly Need: .....................$ 27,361
at the 11:00 service in the sanctuary. Pray for Peter Rhea and David as
Received on Oct. 26............$ 19,874
they prepare to lead us.
Received on Nov. 5 ............$ 34,291
Y-T-D Need:..................$ 1,203,898
Labyrinth Prayer Walk November 20 and 21
Y-T-D Received: ...........$ 1,016,100
Some people find that walking while they pray helps to focus their praying. For centuries, Christians
Surplus/(shortfall):............ (187,797)
have walked a circuitous path called a “labyrinth” while seeking to center
themselves in the presence of God. During the Wednesday night study period on
November 19 we’ll learn about this type of prayer. Then all day the “Years of Opportunity 2007-09”
following Thursday and Friday, we will have an opportunity to walk a Campaign
Given to Date:...................$ 335,456
labyrinth in Carreker Hall. We will be borrowing the portable labyrinth that
Bank Loan Balance:..........$ 246,993
belongs to Piedmont Hospital, thanks to Larry Connelly. Plan to attend the
Owed to FBC Fdn.:...........$ 180,000
study session and to take time out between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Thursday or
Friday to try this form of prayer for yourself.
Missions Offering YTD ....$ 17,560
No Wednesday Night Activities Nov. 26
New Community, our Wednesday night meal and ministries, will not take place on November 26, the Wednesday Dinner Menus
night before Thanksgiving. We'll be back in full swing the following week, December 3rd, with
dinner from 5:15 to 6:30, followed by all of our ongoing Wednesday night ministries for all ages November 12
including a December Global Missions Emphasis for adults at 6:30 in Carreker Hall. Pick one of the following menus:
Traditional Menu
Mexican Bar, Taco/Taco Salad
“Spirituality for Real Life” - Led by Sharyn Dowd
Fixings, Black and Refried beans,
November 12 “In all things give thanks.” (Who is God kidding?)
Rice, Nachos, Cookies
November 19 Walking with God (through a prayer labyrinth).
“Lighter Side” Menu
Tomato Soup, Baked Potato/Salad
Global Missions Emphasis
Bar, Chicken Salad, Cheese Pizza,
December 3, 10 and 17

Go…Be…Do! Missions Corner November 19

Pick one of the following menus:
Visitors from Thailand November 16 Traditional Menu
On November 16, Rick Burnette and two of the workers with the Fried Chicken Tenders, Potato
Upland Holistic Development Project, Tui and Jamlong, will Salad, Green Beans, Salad Bar,
bring a brief report during Fresh Start worship in Carreker Hall Biscuits, Strawberry Cake
and in the Verdery Class. Between now and then, let’s complete “Lighter Side” Menu
our gifts to the scholarship fund for continuing education for Vegetable Soup, Baked Potato/Salad
UDHP staff. We have given $2,000 but we need $7,000 more. Bar, Pepperoni Pizza, Mixed Berry
Just mark your check or envelope for “Thailand Scholarships.” Yogurt
Youth Sp•t Kid’s Zone
Fall Festival… what a blast! Thank you to all our volunteers.
I saw kids eating sno cones and cotton candy, never ending lines
to the pony rides and hay ride. The cake walk was very popular
and 450 cupcakes were decorated & consumed. I hope you made
some connections with our guests.
Well friends, our preschool welcome desk arrived last week. I
am so excited! The Children’s Leadership Team is working
diligently on preschool policies and procedures enabling us to
bring our ministry to preschoolers to the next level. Child
Check-in procedures will change, we will be ramping up our
Sunday morning security procedures, and in the near future, all
folks working with children and preschoolers will have
background checks on file. Our goal is to phase in our new
policies and procedures by January 1, 2009. Please be on the
lookout for further updates.

Mark your calendars:

Children’s Fall Retreat (3rd-5th grade) —Nov. 21-23
The Children’s fall retreat will be at Dogwood Lodge in
Chattanooga, TN. We will leave at 4PM on Nov. 21 and return on
In other news... Nov. 23. Cost is $65 and the kids will need $5 for a meal on the
There will be a youth/parent yard sale work day on Sunday evening, way up. Sign up with Debbie in the church office, 404-373-1653.
December 7, from 6:00 to 8:00. The youth will take part in their
normal Sunday evening schedule with ensemble at 6:00 and Parents Night Out December 12th, 2008 and this year we plan to
Rotisserie at 6:30. The youth and parents will gather together for include special needs children.
dinner at 7:30 before heading home.
Children’s Christmas Craft Day December 20th from 10-2.
The annual youth ski retreat will take place at Snowshoe Mountain
in West Virginia from January 1 through 4. This will be a great time Extended Session List
for our youth with great accommodations on the top of the Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30
mountain! The cost is only $200.00 per person. This is a greatly Bigbie Turk Anand Verdery
reduced price because of our annual yard sale. Sign up will begin Kennedy Smith Fisher Sunday
November 9, 2008. Palmer Mwangura Parker School
Milton Edmonds Madden Class

The Outlook, a publication of the First Baptist Church of Decatur,

Georgia, is mailed to members and friends of the First Baptist family.

Main Office......................................404-373-1653
First School ......................................404-370-7688
Activities ..........................................404-373-2442
FAX ..................................................404-370-7692
Debbie Britt .....................................404-373-1653
Sharyn Dowd....................................404-373-1653
Ryan Forbes.....................................404-370-7690
Julie Pennington-Russell.................404-370-7684
Kurt Varney......................................404-373-1653
Bob Williamson ...............................404-370-7687
Computer Connections:

The Outlook, USPS 600-320, is published bi-weekly, except

Christmas week, by First Baptist Church Decatur, GA

Postmaster: Please send address changes to First Baptist Church,

308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030

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