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Paper accepted for presentation at PPT 2001 2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Conference IOth -131h September,

Porto, Portugal


M.H. Haque
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Nanyang Technological University Singapore

This paper describes the techniques of correcting the supply voltage sag in a distribution system by two power electronics based devices called DVR and D-STATCOM. A DVR injects a voltage in series with the system voltage and a D-STATCOM injects a current into the system to correct the voltage sag. The steady state performance of both DVR and D-STATCOM is determined and compared for various values of voltage sag, system fault level and load level. The minimum apparent power injection required to correct a given voltage sag by these devices is also determined and compared. The maximum voltage sag that can be corrected without injecting any active power into the system is also determined. Simulation results indicated that a DVR can correct a voltage sag with much less injected apparent power compared to that of a D-STATCOM.

current determine the power injection of the DVR. On the other hand, a D-STATCOM is a shunt device that generates an ac voltage, which in turn causes a current injection into the system through a shunt transformer. The load voltage and injected current determine the power injection of the DSTATCOM. For lower voltage sags, the load voltage magnitude can be corrected by injecting only reactive power into the system [ 5 ] . However, for higher voltage sags, injection of active power, in addition to reactive power, is essential to correct the voltage magnitude. Note that both DVR and D-STATCOM are capable of generating or absorbing reactive power but the active power injection of the device must be provided by an external energy source or energy storage system. The response time of both DVD and D-STATCOM is very short and is limited by the power electronics devices and the voltage sag detection time. The expected response time is about 25 ms [6], and which is much less than some of the traditional methods of voltage correction such as tapchanging transformers. For simplicity, only the steady state performance of DVR and D-STATCOM is determined and compared in this study. This paper investigates the steady state performance of a DVR and D-STATCOM when applied to correct the supply voltage sag in a distribution system. The maximum voltage sag that can be corrected without injecting any active power into the system is also determined. The minimum apparent power injection required to correct a given voltage sag is also calculated. The performance of both DVR and DSTATCOM for various values of voltage sag, system fault level and load level is also determined and compared.

Keywords: D-STATCOM, DVR, power quality, voltage sag.

Voltage magnitude is one of the major factors that determines the quality of power supply. Loads at distribution level are usually subject to frequent voltage sags due to various reasons. Voltage sags are highly undesirable for some sensitive loads, especially in high-tech industries. It is a challenging task to correct the voltage sag so that the desired load voltage magnitude can be maintained during the voltage disturbances. Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) or distribution STATCOM (D-STATCOM) can be used to correct the voltage sag at distribution level [I, 2, 3, 41. A DVR is a series device that generates an ac voltage and injects it in series with the supply voltage through an injection transformer to compensate the voltage sag. The injected voltage and load


The schematic diagram of a typical DVR is shown in Fig. 1. The circuit on left hand side of the DVR represents the Thevenin equivalent circuit of the system. The system

0-7803-7139-9/01/$10.0002001 IEEE

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impedance (Zth= Rlh+j&) depends on the fault level of the load bus. When the system voltage (v,,) drops, the DVR injects a series voltage V V through the injection DR transformer so that the desired load voltage magnitude VL can be maintained. The series injected voltage of the DVR can be written as

minimizes the size of the injection transformer. The voltage correction by a DVR for the zero active power injection (ZAPI) and minimum apparent power injection (MAPI) cases is discussed in the following.

A Zero Active Power Injection (ZAPI)

= vL




Here ILis the load current and is given by




+ Z,,I,L(P -e) - q h ~ 6

As mentioned earlier that, when the phase angle difference between V V and IL is kept at nI2, no active power DR injection into the system is required to correct the voltage sag. In this case, the angle a of the injected voltage VDVR can be written as

When VL is considered as a reference, eqn. (1) can be rewritten as


From eqn. (3), the angle a can also be expressed as

Here a, p and 6 are the angle of VDVR, and Vth, &h respectively, and 8 is the load power factor angle ( 0 = tan-'(Q, / P L ) ) . The complex power injection of the DVR can be written as

a = tan-'

[v, z,

Z,I, sin( p - 8) - V,, sin 6 + I, cos(p - e ) - cos 6


By equating eqns. (5) and (6), the phase angle 6 of Vth can be expressed as

= vDVR'*,



cl = V, + Z,I,


- 8)

c2 = Z,I, tan8 sin@ - 8)


=qh tan8

I Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of a DVR

It may be mentioned here that when the injected voltage VoVR kept in quadrature with IL, no active power injection is by the DVR is required to correct the voltage. It requires the injection of only reactive power and the DVR itself is capable of generating the reactive power. Note that V V DR can be kept in quadrature with ILonly up to a certain value of voltage sag and beyond which the qradrature relationship cannot be maintained to correct the voltage sag. For such a case, injection of active power into the system is essential. The injected active power must be provided by the energy storage system of the DVR. On the other hand, when the magnitude of the DVR injected voltage is minimized, the desired voltage correction can be achieved with minimum apparent power injection into the system. This aspect of voltage correction is also very important because it


y = tan-'(c, / c 3 )

It may be mentioned here that, for a feasible value of 6, the condition

must be satisfied. After some mathematical manipulations, eqn. (8) can be expressed as

v, 2 (v,case + ZJ,

cos p)


The right hand side of eqn. (9) depends on the load current, load voltage and system impedance. When the magnitude of the system or Thevenin equivalent voltage (Vth) satisfies eqn. (9), the desired voltage correction can be achieved without injecting any active power into the system. In this case, the complex voltage injection of the DVR can be obtained from eqn. (3) with a value of 6 found from eqn. (7).

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Once the value of VDVR known, the complex power is injection of the DVR can be found from eqns. (4) and it will have only the reactive component.

B Minimum Apparent Power Injection (MAPI)

For a given load current, the magnitude of the injected apparent power of the DVR depends on the magnitude of the injected voltage. From eqn. (3), the magnitude of the injected voltage can be expressed as

current Ish is kept in quadrature with VL,the desired voltage correction can again' be achieved without injecting any active power into the system. On the other hand, when the value of Ish is minimized, the same voltage correction can be achieved with minimum apparent power injection into the system. The voltage sag correction by a D-STATCOM using the above two techniques is discussed in the following.

Thus for the minimum voltage magnitude (or minimum apparent power) injection, the condition

F, b[
-. .-

must be satisfied. Eqn. (1 1) can now be solved for the value of 6 and is given by

Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of a D-STATCOM

6 = tan-'

Z,,I, sin@ - 6 )

v, + z,,I , cos(p - e)

A Zero Active Power Injection (ZAPI)

In this case, the D-STATCOM is not injecting any active power into the system. Thus the entire load active power (P,)must be provided by the Thevenin equivalent of the system. The active power flow through the Thevenin impedance of Fig. 2 (at load side) can be written as [7]

Once the value of 6 is known, the injected complex voltage and apparent power of the DVR can again be obtained from eqns. ( 3 ) and (4), respectively.


The schematic diagram of a D-STATCOM is shown in Fig. 2. In this diagram, the shunt injected current Ish corrects the voltage sag by adjusting the voltage drop across the system impedance &h. The value of Ish can be controlled by adjusting the output voltage of the converter. The shunt injected current Ish can be written as

PL =-?h



From eqn. (1 5), the angle 6 can be expressed as

For a feasible value of 6, the condition

K h

F h'L


or, IShLq I L L - 8 - - -Vh( 6 - p ) + - L - p = L f VL



must be satisfied. The above constraint can be rewritten as


The complex power injection of the D-STATCOM can be expressed as


= 'L1;h


It may be mentioned here that the effectiveness of the DSTATCOM in correcting voltage sag depends on the value of Zhor fault level of the load bus. When the shunt injected

Thus, when the system voltage magnitude satisfies eqn. (18), the D-STATCOM can correct the voltage sag without injecting any active power into the system. For such a case, the injected complex current and apparent power of the DSTATCOM can easily be found from eqns. (13) and (14), respectively. Note that the injected apparent power will have only the reactive component.

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B Minimum Apparent Power Injection (MAPI)

As mentioned earlier that, when the magnitude of the injected current is minimized, the D-STATCOM can correct the voltage sag with minimum apparent power injection into the system. Thus the condition of minimum apparent power injection is

An analytical expression of Ish can readily be obtained from eqn. (13), and the solution of eqn. (19) provides the


Thus for a given load, the value of 6 can easily be found from eqn. (20). Once the value of 6 is known, the complex current and apparent power injection of the D-STATCOM can again be obtained from eqns. (13) and (14), respectively.

Sinj increases rapidly with voltage sag. For this system it is found that the maximum voltage sag that can be corrected by the DVR without injecting any active power into the system is 0.236 pu. It can also be observed in Fig. 4 that, for lower voltage sags (< 0.236 pu), the voltage correction without injecting any active power is achieved at an expense of higher apparent power injection into the system (compared to the MAPI case). The injected apparent power of the DVR for various values of fault level, load level, load power factor and X/R ratio of system impedance is also studied in detail. It is found that, for a given load level, the minimum apparent power injection of the DVR is independent of system fault level, X/R ratio of system impedance and load power factor. However, Sinj for the MAPI case depends on the load level as can be seen in Fig. 5. Fig. 5 indicates that, for a given voltage sag, the injected apparent power of the DVR increases as the load level is increased.



The simple system of Fig. 3 is used to demonstrate the steady state performance of a DVR and D-STATCOM when applied to correct voltage sags. It is considered that the load of the system is 1.0 pu at 0.8 lagging power factor and the fault level of the load bus is 10 pu with a X/R ratio of 2. It is assumed that the voltage magnitude of the load bus is to be maintained at 1.O pu during the voltage sag conditions. The various results found for a DVR and D-STATCOM to satisfy the above criterion are briefly summarized in the





Voltage sag, pu

Fig. 4 Variation of injected apparent power of the DVR against voltage sag. a: ZAPI case; b: MAPI case.


Rest of the system

Fig. 3 A simple system with a DVR or D-STATCOM

First a DVR is used to correct the system voltage sags. The variation of apparent power injection (Sjnj) against the voltage sag to maintain the load voltage magnitude of 1.O pu for both ZAPI and MAPI cases is shown in Fig. 4. It can be observed in Fig. 4 that, for the MAPI case, Sinj varies linearly with the voltage sag. However, for the ZAPI case,

Voltage sag, P"

Fig. 5 Minimum apparent power injection of the DVR for various load levels (S).

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The steady state performance of a DVR and D-STATCOM to correct the supply voltage sags is determined and compared in this paper. Techniques of correcting the voltage sags with zero active power injection as well as minimum apparent power injection are also discussed. Simulation results on a simple system indicated that the amount of apparent power injection required by a D-STATCOM to correct a given voltage sag is much higher than that of a DVR. The main reason of that is a DVR corrects the voltage sag only on the downstream side, whereas a D-STATCOM corrects voltage on both sides. It is also found that a DSTATCOM can correct much higher voltage sags without injecting any active power into the system compared to that of a DVR. The minimum apparent power injection of the DSTATCOM is found to be very insensitive to load level but sensitive to the system fault level. On the other hand, the minimum apparent power injection of the DVR is observed to be very insensitive to the fault level but sensitive to the system load level. In terms of minimum apparent power injection or size of the coupling transformer, the performance of a DVR is found to be superior to a DSTATCOM.

Fig. 6 shows the variation of injected apparent power of the D-STATCOM against the voltage sag. Results for both ZAPI and MAPI cases are shown in the Figure. It can be observed in Fig. 6 that, S,nj is again varies linearly with voltage sag for the MAPI case. However, for the ZAPI case, Sinjis slightly higher than that of MAPI case. For this system the D-STATCOM can correct the voltage sags of up to 0.563 pu without injecting any active power into the system and which is much higher than that found for the DVR (only 0.236 pu). It is also found that Sinj, for the MAPI case, is independent of load level, load power factor and X/R ratio of system impedance. However, Sinj is very sensitive to the system fault level as can be seen in Fig. 7. It can be observed in Fig. 7 that Sinj increases with the increase of system fault level (FL).


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Voltage sag. pu

Fig.6 Variation of injected apparent power of the DSTATCOM against voltage sag. a: ZAPI case; b: MAPI case.

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Voltage sag. P

Fig. 7 Minimum apparent power injection of the DSTATCOM for various fault levels (FL).

Authorized licensed use limited to: Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College. Downloaded on October 27, 2008 at 12:09 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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