Editions: Imprinted. London: Thomas Thorpe, 1609

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by Jos ngel GARCA LANDA (University of Zaragoza, Spain)


(Written c. 1593-1608, pub. 1609)

Editions Shakespeare, William. Shake-speares Sonnets: Neuer before Imprinted. London: Thomas Thorpe, 1609. _____. Sonnets. Ed. Thomas Thorpe. 1609. Facsimile of the Quarto. (Quarto Facsimiles, 30). London. _____. Shake-speares Sonnets. Neuer before Imprinted. 1609. In Literature Online: Editions and Adaptations of Shakespeare. Cambridge: Chadwyck-Healey. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Works. Ed. Charles Gildon. Vol. 7. 1710. _____. Sonnets. (1609 Quarto reprint). London: Lintott, 1711. _____. Sonnets. Unpublished ed. prepared by Edward Capell on 1711 reprint. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Works. Ed. G. Sewell. Vol. 7, 1725. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Poems. Ed. Fr. Gentleman. 1774. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Poems. Ed. Th. Ewing. 1771. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Poems. Ed. Thomas Evans. 1775. _____. Sonnets. In Supplement. Ed. Edmond Malone. 1780. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Plays and Poems. Ed. Edmond Malone. 1790. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Works. Ed. G. G., J. Robinson, et al. Vol. 7, 1797. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Poems. Ed. W. C. Oulton. Vol. 2. 1804. _____. Sonnets. In The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare. 21 vols. (Variorum ed. of Malone's text). Ed. James Boswell. 1821. Vol. 20. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Suppl. Works. Ed. W. Hazlitt. 1852.

2 _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Poems. Ed. Robert Bell. (English Poets). 1855. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Works. Ed. H. N. Hudson. Vol. 11, 1856. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Works. Ed. A. Dyce. Vol. 6, 1857. _____. (Sonnets). In Shakespeare, Werke. Ed. N. Delius. Vol. 7, 1860. 2nd ed. 1868. _____. Sonnets. In The Works of William Shakespeare. Ed. J. O. Halliwell[-Phillipps]. Vol. 16. 1865. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Plays and Poems. Ed. Th. Keightley. 1865. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Works. Ed. R. G. White. Vol. 1, 1865. _____. The Sonnets. In The Works of William Shakespeare. Ed. W. G. Clark, John Glover, and W. A. Wright. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. Vol. 9, 1866. 2nd ed. 1893. _____. Sonnets. In The Works of William Shakespeare. Ed. A. Dyce. 2nd ed. Vol. 7. Leipzig, 1868. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Complete Works. Ed. H. N. Hudson. Vol. 20, 1881. _____. The Sonnets. Ed. Edward Dowden. 1881. _____. Sonnets. In Mr. W. Shakespeare's... Ed. R. G. White. 1883. _____. The Sonnets of Shakespeare. Ed. A .W. Verity. In vol. 8 of the Henry Irving Shakespeare, 1888-90. _____. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ed. Thomas Tyler. 1890. _____. The Sonnets. In The Works of William Shakespeare. Ed. W. Aldis Wright. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. Vol. 9, 1893. _____. Sonnets. In The Poems of Shakespeare. Ed. G. Wyndham. 1898. _____. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ed. Samuel Butler. 1899. _____. The Sonnets of Shakespeare. Ed. H. C. Beeching. 1904. _____. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ed. Charlotte C. Stopes. 1904. _____. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ed. I. Gollancz. London, 1905. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Complete Works. Ed. W. A. Neilson. 1906. _____. Sonnets. Ed. C. M. Walsh. 1908. _____. The Sonnets of Shakespeare from the Quarto of 1609. Ed. R. M. Alden. 1916. _____. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ed. C. K. Pooler. (Arden Shakespeare). 1918. _____. Sonnets. Ed. E. B. Reed. New Haven: Yale UP, 1923.

3 _____. The Sonnets of Shakespeare. Ed. T. G. Tucker. 1924. _____. Sonnette. Ed. St. George. 1931. _____. Sonnets. Ed. M. R. Ridley. 1934. _____. Sonnets. In The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Ed. George Lyman Kittredge. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1936. _____. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ed. Tucker Brooke. 1936. _____. Sonnets. In Shakespeare, Complete Works. Ed. W. A. Neilson and C. J. Hill. 1942. _____. The Sonnets. In Vita e Arte nei Sonetti di Shakespeare. By Benvenuto Cellini. 1943. _____. The Sonnets. Ed. H. E. Rollins. 2 vols. (A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare). Philadelphia and London, 1944. _____. The Sonnets. Ed. Martin Seymour-Smith. _____. Sonnets. In The London Shakespeare. Ed. J. L. Munro. 6 vols. London, 1958. Vol. 4. _____. Sonnets. Ed. Douglas Bush and Alfred Harbage. Harmondsworth: Penguin-Pelican, 1961. _____. The Sonnets. Ed. William Burto. Introd. W. H. Auden. New York: New American Library, 1964. _____. The Sonnets. Ed. William Burto. New York: Signet Books, 1964. _____. The Sonnets. Ed. John Dover Wilson. (The New Shakespeare) Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1966. 2nd ed. 1967. Paperback 1969.* _____. The Sonnets /Sonetos de amor: Texto crtico y traduccin en verso. Bilingual ed. Ed. and trans. Agustn Garca Calvo. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1974. (Compactos Anagrama, 43). 1992. 2nd ed. 1994. 3rd ed. 1996.* _____. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ed. with a commentary by Stephen Booth. New Haven: Yale UP, 1977. Rev. ed. 1978. _____. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ed. A. L. Rowse. 3rd ed. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1984. _____. The Sonnets and A Lover's Complaint. Ed. John Kerrigan. (New Penguin Shakespare). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.* _____. The Sonnets and A Lover's Complaint. Ed. John Kerrigan. (Penguin Classics). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1999.* _____. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ed. Stanley Wells. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1987. _____. Shake-Speares Sonnets. Ed. Hardy M. Cook. (Centre for Computing in the Humanities Electronic Texts). Winter 1993.

4 _____. Shake-speares Sonnets. 1609. Ed. Hardy M. Cook and Ian Lancashire. In UTEL: Renaissance English Texts. 1995. 1998. 2004. http://www.library.utoronto.ca/utel/ret/shakespeare/1609inti.ht ml 2006-02-25 _____. The Sonnets. In The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets. By Helen Vendler. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1997.* _____. The Sonnets. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Introd. Anthony Hetch. (New Cambridge Shakespeare). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.* _____. The Sonnets. (New Cambridge Shakespeare text). Read by Alex Jennings. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997. _____. From The Sonnets. In The Arnold Anthology of British and Irish Literature in English. Ed. Robert Clark and Thomas Healy. London: Hodder Headline-Arnold, 1997. 221-27.* _____. The Sonnets. Ed. Rex Gibson. (Cambridge School Shakespeare). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997. _____. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ed. Katherine Duncan-Jones. (The Arden Shakespeare, Third Series). London: Thomson-Arden Shakespeare, 1997. 2002.* (Includes "A Lover's Complaint"). _____. Sonnets (1,3, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30, 33, 35, 55, 60, 65, 71, 73, 74, 87, 94, 97, 98, 106, 107, 110, 116, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 135, 138, 144, 146, 147). In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1.1028-43.* _____. The Sonnets. http://wgc.chem.pu.ru/library/art/shakespeare/sonnets.htm 2004-05-29 _____. Shakespeare's Sonnets http://www.shakespeares-sonnets.com/ 2004-05-29 _____. The Sonnets and "A Lover's Complaint." Introd. Walter Cohen. In The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1997. 1915-1989.* _____. Shakespeare's Sonnets. In William Shakespeare: Complete Works (The RSC Shakespeare). Ed. Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen. London: Macmillan, 2007. Pbk. 2008. 2435-2463.*

5 _____. William Shakespeares Sonnets for the First Time Globally Reprinted. Book and DVD. Ed. Manfred Pfister and Jrgen Gutsch. Dozwil TG Schweiz, Edition SIGNAThUR, 2009. _____. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ed. Eric Rasmussen and Jonathan Bate. Foreword by Fiona Shaw. (The RSC Shakespeare). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. _____. Sonnets. German translation by Wolfgang Keller. In Werke. Ed. Keller. 1916. _____. Sonetos Trans. Luis Astrana Marn. 1944. In Shakespeare, Obras completas II: Comedias y poesa. Trans. and notes by Luis Astrana Marn. Madrid: Santillana-Aguilar, 2004. 813-69.* _____. Monumento de amor: Sonetos de Shakespeare. Trans. Carmen Prez Romero. Cceres: Universidad de Extremadura, 1987. _____. Sonetos. Selected and trans. Manuel Mjica Lanez. Foreword by Luis Antonio de Villena. (Grandes Poetas). Barcelona: Orbis-Fabbri, 1997.* _____. Sonetos. Trans. Carlos Pujol. (La Veleta). Granada: Comares, 1990.* _____. Soneto XVIII. Trans. Joaqun Pastor Pina. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 6 (1993): 244-5.* _____. Los Sonetos. (Grandes Autores). Trans. Pablo Ma Garzn. Barcelona: Ediciones 29-Libros Ro Nuevo, 1997. 2nd ed. 1997.* _____. Los sonetos de Shakespeare: Versin doble de Alfredo Gmez Gil. Prologue and illust. Eberhard Schlotter. (Biblioteca Edaf, 254). Madrid: EDAF, 2000.* _____. Sonetos de amor. In Shakespeare, Poesa. Trans. Ftima Auad and Pablo Man Garzn. Introd. John Kerrigan, trans. Carlos Milla Soler. (William Shakespeare, Obra completa). Barcelona: RBA, 2003. _____. Sonetos. Bilingual ed. Ramn Garca Gonzlez. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/servlet/SirveObras/120487319 98085961865624/p0000001.htm 2007 _____. Sonetos / Sonnets. Bilingual ed. Antonio Rivero Taravillo. Sevilla: Renacimiento, 2004. _____. Sonetos. Trans. Manuel Mujica Linez and Pablo Ingberg. Introd. and notes Pablo Ingberg. Buenos Aires: Losada, 2007.

6 _____. Sonetos. Bilingual ed. Introd. and trans. Pedro Prez Prieto. Nivola, 2008.* http://www.nivola.com/detalle_libro2.php? id=206&tipo=&texto= 2008 _____. Sonetos. Trans. Antonio Rivero Taravillo. Madrid: Alianza, c. 2008. _____. Sonetos/Sonnets. Bilingual ed. Introd. and trans. Christian Law Palacn. Bartleby Editores, 2009. _____. Sonetos y Lamento de una amante. Prologue by Claudio Guilln. Trans. Andrs Ehrenhaus. Bilingual ed. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg / Crculo de Lectores, 2009.* _____. Sonetos (y Lamento de una amante). In Shakespeare, Obras completas - III. Comedias sombras - Dramas romancescos Poemas: Troilo y Crsida - Bien est lo que bien acaba Medida por medida - Pericles, prncipe de Tiro - Cimbelino Cuento de invierno - La tempestad - Los dos nobles parientes Venus y Adonis - La violacin de Lucrecia - Sonetos (y Lamento de una amante) - Poemas diversos. Trans. by Alejandro Bekes, Pablo Ingberg, Manuel Mujica Lainez, Delia Pasini, Cristina Pia and Idea Vilario, "Introduccin general" by Pedro Henrquez Urea, "Comedias sombras y dramas romancescos" by Mara Eugenia Bestani, "Los poemas" by Mara Eugenia Bestani and Alejandro Bekes. Ed. Pablo Ingberg. Barcelona, Losada, forthcoming 2009. _____. Sonetos escogidos: Las primeras versiones castellanas. Ed. ngel-Luis Pujante. (La rosa profunda). Ediciones Nausca, 2009. Prez Romero, Carmen, and Montserrat Martn Vzquez, eds. Antologa del soneto renacentista ingls: Sidney, Spenser y Shakespeare. Cceres: Universidad de Extremadura, 1991. See also William Shakespeare: Collected works.

Criticism: General

7 Abad Garca, Mara Pilar. "Shakespeare y el soneto." In Estudios literarios ingleses: Renacimiento y barroco. Ed. Susana Onega. Madrid: Ctedra, 1986. 241-78.* Ackroyd, Peter. Rev. of The Genius of Shakespeare, by Jonathan Bate, and Shakespeare's Sonnets, ed. Katherine Duncan-Jones. The Times 30 Oct. 1997. Rpt. in Ackroyd, The Collection. Ed. Thomas Wright. London: Chatto & Windus, 2001. 296-98.* Akrigg, G. P. V. Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton. 1968. Armisn, Antonio. "Composicin numrica en Petrarca, Boscn y Shakespeare. Nota sobre el caso de Sir Thomas Wyatt y Garcilaso de la Vega." Cuadernos de Filologa Italiana extra 4 (2005). http://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CFIT/article/view/CFIT050522 0219A 2011 Auden, W. H. Introduction to Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ed. William Burto. New York: New American Library, 1964. Rpt. in Auden, Forewords and Afterwords. Ed. Edward Mendelson. London: Faber and Faber, 1973. 88-108. Baldwin, T. W. On the Literary Genetics of Shakspere's Poems and Sonnets. 1950. Ballesteros, Antonio, and Ana M Manzanas. "Shakespeare's Sonnets and the Adventure of Similitude." Revista de Filologa Moderna 5 (Ciudad Real: U de Castilla-La Mancha, 1994): 107-21.* Bate, Jonathan. "Ovid and the Sonnets; or, Did Shakespeare Feel the Anxiety of Influence?" Shakespeare Survey 42 (1989): 65-76. _____. "Ovid and the Sonnets; or, Did Shakespeare Feel the Anxiety of Influence?" In Shakespeare's Poems. Ed. Stephen Orgel and Sean Keilen. New York: Garland, 1999. 37-49.* _____. Shakespeare and Ovid. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. Bell, Ilona. "'That which thou hast done': Shakesepare's Sonnets and A Lover's Complaint." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 455-74.* "Bibliothecary". (On Shakespeare's Sonnets). Notes and Queries (Jul. 1879). Booth, Stephen. An Essay on Shakespeare's Sonnets. New Haven: Yale UP, 1969.

8 Boaden, James. On the Sonnets of Shakespeare, Identifying the Person to Whom They Were Addressed. [Pembrokeite]. 1837. Braden, Gordon. "Shakespeare's Petrarchism." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 163-84.* Bray, Denys (Sir). The Original Order of the Sonnets. 1925. Brown, C. Armitage. Shakespeare's Autobiographical Poems being his Sonnets Clearly Developed. 1838. Bueno Alonso, Jorge Luis. "The Fair and the Unfair: Renaissance Images and their Change in Shakespeare's Sonnets." In SEDERI VII. Ed. S. Gonzlez Fernndez-Corugedo et al. Corua: SEDERI, 1996. 277-86.* Butler, Samuel. The Sonnets Reconsidered. In Works. Vol. 14. 1899. Campbell, S. C. Only Begotten Sonnets. 1969. Chambers, E. K. "The Poems and Sonnets." In Chambers, William Shakespeare: A Study of Facts and Problems. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1930. 1.543-76.* (Venus and Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece, The Passionate Pilgrim, "The Phoenix and Turtle," "A Lover's Complaint," Ascribed Verses, The Sonnets). _____. "The Order of the Sonnets." In Chambers, Shakespearean Gleanings. London: Oxford UP, 1944. 111-24.* _____. "The 'Youth' of the Sonnets." In Chambers, Shakespearean Gleanings. London: Oxford UP, 1944. 125-29.* _____. Shakespearean Gleanings. 1944. Conrad, H. (On Shakespeare). Jahrbuch der deutschen ShakespeareGesellschaft. _____. (On Shakespeare). Preussische Jahrbcher. Cook, Hardy M. "Valuing the Material Text: A Plea for a Change in Policy Concerning Selection of Reference Texts for Future New Variorum Shakespeare Editions, with Examples from the 1609 Quarto of SHAKE-SPEARES SONNETS." Electronic edition URL:
http://asgard.humn.arts.ualberta.ca/emls/iemls/shaksper/files/MATERIAL %20TEXT.txt

Creighton, Ch. (On Shakespeare's Sonnets). TLS. Crosman, Robert. "Making Love Out of Nothing at All: The Issue of Story in Shakespeare's Procreation Sonnets." Shakespeare Quarterly 41 (1990): 470-88. Cruttwell, Patrick. The Shakespearean Moment and Its Place in the Poetry of the Seventeenth Century. 1955.

9 de Grazia, Margreta. "The Scandal of Shakespeare's Sonnets." 1994. In Shakespeare's Poems. Ed. Stephen Orgel and Sean Keilen. New York: Garland, 1999. 65-88.* _____. "The Scandal of Shakespeare's Sonnets." 1994. In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 89112.* Dubrow, Heather. "Shakespeare's Undramatic Monologues: toward a Reading of the Sonnets."Shakespeare Quarterly 32 (1981): 5568. _____. "Shakespeare's Undramatic Monologues: toward a Reading of the Sonnets." In Shakespeare's Poems. Ed. Stephen Orgel and Sean Keilen. New York: Garland, 1999. 191-204.* _____. Captive Victors: Shakespeare's Narrative Poems and Sonnets. 1987. _____. Echoes of Desire: Petrarchism and Its Counterdiscourse. 1995. _____. "'Incertainties Now Crown Themselves Assur'd': The Politics of Plotting Shakespeare's Sonnets."Shakespeare Quarterly 47 (1996): 291-305. _____. "'Incertainties now crown themselves assur'd': the Politics of Plotting Shakespeare's Sonnets." 1996. In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 113-34.* _____. "'Incertainties Now Crown Themselves Assur'd': The Politics of Plotting Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Shakespeare's Poems. Ed. Stephen Orgel and Sean Keilen. New York: Garland, 1999. 175-90.* Duncan-Jones, Katherine. "Was the 1609 Shake-speares Sonnets Really Unauthorized?" Review of English Studies 2nd series 34 (1983): 151-71. _____. "Was the 1609 Shake-speares Sonnets Really Unauthorized?" In Shakespeare's Poems. Ed. Stephen Orgel and Sean Keilen. New York: Garland, 1999. 111-32.* Ellrodt, Robert. "Shakespeare the Non-Dramatic Poet." In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies. Ed. Stanley Wells. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986. 35-48.* _____. "Sonnets et pomes." (Dossier Shakespeare). Magazine Littraire 393 (Dec. 2000): 37-38.* Empson, William. Seven Types of Ambiguity. London: Chatto and Windus, 1930. 2nd ed. 1953.

10 _____. Seven Types of Ambiguity. London: Hogarth, 1984.* Engle, Lars. "'I am that I am': Shakespeare's Sonnets and the Economy of Shame." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 185-98.* Ferry, Anne. All in War with Time: Love Poetry of Shakespeare, Donne, Jonson, Marvell. 1975. _____. The 'Inward' Language: Sonnets of Wyatt, Sidney, Shakespeare, Donne. Berkeley, 1976. Fineman, Joel. "Shakespeare's 'Perjur'd Eye'." Representations 7 (1984): 59-86. _____. "Shakespeare's 'Perjur'd Eye'." In Shakespeare's Poems. Ed. Stephen Orgel and Sean Keilen. New York: Garland, 1999. 14774.* _____. Shakespeare's Perjured Eye: The Invention of Poetic Subjectivity in the Sonnets. Berkeley: U of California P, 1986.* Fleay, F. G. Articles on Shakespeare's Sonnets in Macmillan's Magazine and Biographical Chronicle. Fort, J. A. The Two Dated Sonnets of Shakespeare. Oxford, 1924. _____. A Time-scheme for Shakespeare's Sonnets. Mitre Press, 1929. Fowler, Alastair. Triumphal Forms: Structural Patterns in Elizabethan Poetry. 1970. _____. "Taking Us Closer to the Poet." Rev. of The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets, by Helen Vendler, and Shakespeare's Sonnets, ed. Katherine Duncan-Jones. TLS 2 Jan. 1998: 11-12.* Freinkel, Lisa. "The Name of the Rose: Christian Figurality and Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 241-62.* Galve Rivera, Luca, Mara Jos Gmez Caldern and Juan A. Prieto Pablos. "Aproximaciones a una nueva retrica: estrategias persuasivas en los sonetos 1 a 17 de Shakespeare." Atlantis 18 (June-Dec.1996 [issued 1998]): 116-33.* Garber, Marjorie. Vice Versa: Bisexuality and the Eroticism of Everyday Life. 1995. (Shakespeare's sonnets, 505-20). Garca Landa, Jos ngel. "Los nmeros secretos del Vaticano." Vanity Fea 8 April 2005. http://garciala.blogia.com/2005/040801-los-numeros-secretosdel-vaticano.php _____. "Shakespeare y los eclipses." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 3 Oct. 2005.

11 http://garciala.blogia.com/2005/100301-shakespeare-y-loseclipses.php 2005-10-31 _____. "Sonetos de amor y otros delirios." Rev. of the play by Alfonso Plou and Carlos Martn. In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 20 March 2006. http://garciala.blogia.com/2006/032001-sonetos-de-amor-yotros-delirios.php 2006-04-07 _____. "Deep-brained Sonnets." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 22 Dec. 2006. http://garciala.blogia.com/2006/122201-deep-brainedsonnets.php 2007-01-05 _____. "Deep-Brained Sonnets." Online PDF at Social Science Research Network (Jan. 2008): http://ssrn.com/abstract=1081845 2008 _____. "Deep-brained Sonnets." Online PDF at Zagun 21 April 2009. http://zaguan.unizar.es/record/3241 2009 Giroux, Robert. The Book Known as Q. 1982. Gittings, Robert. Shakespeare's Rival. 1960. Godwin, P. New Study... 1900. (Of Shakespeare's sonnets). Greene, Thomas M. "Pitiful Thrivers: Failed Husbandry in the Sonnets." In Shakespeare and the Question of Theory. Ed. Patricia Parker and Geoffrey Hartman. New York: Methuen, 1985. 230-44. _____. "Pitiful Thrivers: Failed Husbandry in the Sonnets." In Shakespeare's Poems. Ed. Stephen Orgel and Sean Keilen. New York: Garland, 1999. 50-64.* Guiney, Louise. (On Shakespeare's sonnets). Notes & Queries (July 1911). Hall, Kim F. "Fair Texts/Dark Ladies: Renaissance Lyrics and the Poetics of Color." In Hall, Things of Darkness: Economies of Race and Gender in Early Modern England. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1995. 62-122.* Hammond, Gerald. The Reader and Shakespeare's Young Man Sonnets. London: Macmillan, 1981. Herman, Peter C. "What's the Use? Or, The Problematic of Economy in Shakespeare's Procreation Sonnets." In Shakespeare's

12 Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 263-84.* Herrnstein, Barbara, ed. Discussions of Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1964. Hotson, Leslie. Shakespeare's Sonnets Dated. 1949. _____. Mr. W. H. 1964. Hubler, Edward. The Sense of Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1952. Hubler, Edward, Northrop Frye, L. A. Fiedler, Stephen Spender, and R. P. Blackmur. The Riddle of Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1962. Hhn, Peter. "Erfolg durch Scheitern: Zur Individualittssemantik in Shakespeares Sonetten." In Systemtheorie und Hermeneutik. Ed. Henk de Berg and Matthias Prangel. Tbingen: Francke, 1997. 173-198 Hunt, Marvin. "Be Dark but Not Too Dark: Shakespeare's Dark Lady as a Sign of Color." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 369-90.* Innes, Paul. Shakespeare and the English Sonnet: Verses of Feigning Love. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997. Jackson, MacDonald P. "Punctuation and the Compositors of Shakespeare's Sonnets, 1609." The Library 5th ser. 30 (1975): 1-24. _____. "Translating Shakespeare's Sonnets into Maori: An Interview with Merimeri Penfold." Shakespeare Quarterly 52.4 (2001): 492-98.* Jacobs, Richard. "Shakespeare's Sonnets: Courtly Patronage and the Homoerotic." In Jacobs, A Beginner's Guide to Critical Reading. London: Routledge, 2001. 34-47.* John, L. C. The Elizabethan Sonnet Sequences: Studies in Conventional Conceits. New York, 1938. Jones, Peter, ed. Shakespeare: The Sonnets. (Casebooks series). Houndmills: Macmillan, 1977.* Ker, W. P. Form and Style in Poetry. 1928. Kerrigan, John. Introd. to Poesa. By William Shakespeare. Trans. Ftima Auad and Pablo Man Garzn. Introd. John Kerrigan (Orig. pub. Penguin, 1986), trans. Carlos Milla Soler. (William Shakespeare, Obra completa). Barcelona: RBA, 2003.* _____."Shakespeare's Poems." In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare. Ed. Margreta De Grazia and Stanley Wells. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001. 65-82.* Klause, John. "Shakespeare's Sonnets: Age in Love and the Goring of Thoughts." Studies in Philology 80 (1983): 300-24.

13 Knight, G. Wilson. The Mutual Flame; On Shakespeare's Sonnets and 'The Phoenix and the Turtle'. London: Methuen, 1955. Knights, L. C. "Shakespeare's Sonnets." Scrutiny 3 (1934): 133-60. Rpt. in Knights, Explorations. George W. Stewart, 1947. Kock, E. A. (On Shakespeare's Sonnets). Anglia 21 (1908). Krieger, Murray. A Window to Criticism: Shakespeare's Sonnets and Modern Poetics. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1964. Landry, Hilton. "Malone as Editor of Shakespeare's Sonnets." Bulletin of the New York Public Library (Sept. 1963): 438. _____. Interpretations in Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1963. _____, ed. New Essays on Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1976. Laroche, Rebecca. "The Sonnets on Trial: Reconsidering The Portrait of Mr. W. H." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 391-410.* Lee, Sidney (Sir). Elizabethan Sonnets. 2 vols. 1904. Leishman, J. Blair. Themes and Variations in Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1961. Lever, J. W. The Elizabethan Love-Sonnet. 1956. Lowell, J. R. Letters. Vol. 1. 1894. Mahood, M. M. (On the Sonnets and Henry IV). Shakespeare Survey 15 (1962). Marotti, Arthur F. "Shakespeare's Sonnets as Literary Property." In Soliciting Interpretation: Literary Theory and SeventeenthCentury English Poetry. Ed. Elizabeth D. Harvey and Katherine E. Maus. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1990. 143-73.* _____. "'Love Is Not Love: Elizabethan Sonnet Sequences and the Social Order." ELH 49 (1982): 396-428. Martin, Philip. Shakespeare's Sonnets: Self, Love, and Art. 1972. Martnez Lpez, Miguel. "Teaching Shakespeare's Sonnets: Time as Fracture in Sonnets 18, 160 63." In SEDERI VII. Ed. S. Gonzlez Fernndez-Corugedo et al. Corua: SEDERI, 1996. 287-96.* Massey, Gerald. Shakespeare's Sonnets Never Before Interpreted. 1866. _____. Secret Drama. 1888. (Shakespeare's sonnets). Mattingly, Gerald. "The Date of Shakespeare's Sonnets." PMLA 48 (1933): 705-21. McClumpha, C. F. (On Shakespeare's Sonnets). Jahrbuch der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Melchiori, Giorgio L'uomo e il potere. Turin: Einaudi, 1973.

14 _____. Shakespeare's Dramatic Meditations: An Experiment in Criticism. Oxford: Clarendon, 1976. Trans. of L'uomo e il potere. Miller, Naomi J. "Playing 'the mother's part': Shakespeare's Sonnets and Early Modern Codes of Maternity." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 347-68.* Minto, William. Characteristics of English Poetry from Chaucer to Shirley. 1874. _____. Shakespeare and the Rival Poet. 1903. Muir, Kenneth. Shakespeare's Sonnets. London: Allen & Unwin, 1979. Muoz Calvo, Micaela. Ediciones y traducciones espaolas de los SONETOS de William Shakespeare. Anlisis y Valoracin Crtica. Ph.D. diss. U of Zaragoza, 1986. Zaragoza: Secretariado de Publicaciones, 1987. _____. "Los sonetos de Shakespeare: traductores y traducciones espaolas." Miscelnea 8 (1987): 87-100.* _____. "Traductores de los Sonetos de Shakespeare al castellano en el siglo XIX." In Fidus Interpres: Actas de las Primeras Jornadas Nacionales de Historia de la Traduccin. Ed. Julio Csar Santoyo. Len: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Lon, 1989. 115-119. Nisbet, Ulric. The Onlie Begetter. 1936. Noyes, Alfred. "The Origin of Shakespeare's Sonnets." Bookman 67 (1924): 159-62. Orgel, Stephen, and Sean Keilen, eds. Shakespeare's Poems. (Shakespeare: The Critical Complex). New York and London: Garland, 1999.* Paulin, Tom. "In the Workshop." Rev. of The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets, by Helen Vendler, and Shakespeare's Sonnets, ed. Katherine Duncan-Jones. London Review of Books 22 Jan. 1998: 3-8.* Pequigney, Joseph. Such Is My Love: A Study of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1985. _____. "Sonnets 71-74: Texts and Contexts." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 285-304.* Prez Romero, Carmen. "Polignesis temtica de la 'Dark Woman': Notas para un estudio." Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 2 (1994): 247-62.*

15 Prince, F. T. "The Sonnet from Wyatt to Shakespeare." In Elizabethan Poetry. Ed. J. R. Brown and B. Harris. 1960. Pujante, Angel Luis: "El Shakespeare de Mario Reyes: su traduccin de los Sonetos." In Translation Across Cultures. Actas XI Congreso AEDEAN. Ed. J. C. Santoyo. Len: Universidad de Len, 1989. 135-40.* Ramsey, Paul. The Fickle Glass: A Study of Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1979. Robertson, J. M. Problems of Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1928. Roche, Thomas P. Petrarch and the English Sonnet Sequences. 1986. New York: AMS, 1989. Rowse, A. L. Shakespeare's Sonnets: The Problems Solved. 1973. Rutelli, R. Saggi sulla connotazione: tre sonetti di Shakespeare. Troino: Giappichelli, 1975. Rylands, G. H. W. Introd. to Marlowe Society Record of The Sonnets. 1958. Schiffer, James. "Reading New Life into Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Survey of Criticism." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 3-72.* _____, ed. Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, vol. 1988; Shakespeare Criticism, 20). New York: Garland, 1999. pbk. Garland/Routledge, 2000.* Schoenfeldt, Michael. "The Matter of Inwardness: Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 305-24.* Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. "Swan in Love: The Example of Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Sedgwick, Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire. New York: Columbia UP, 1985. 28-48.* Serpieri, Alessandro. I sonetti dell'immortalit. Milan: Bompiani, 1975. Seymour-Smith, M. Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1963. Shapiro, Michael. "Sound and Meaning in Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Shapiro, The Sense of Form in Literature and Language. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998. 65-96.* _____. (Michael and Marianne Shapiro). "Sound and Meaning in Shakespeare's Sonnets." In The Sense of Form in Literature and

16 Language. 2nd ed. by Michael and Marianne Shapiro. California: Scotts Valley, 2009. 7-50.* Shaw, G. B. The Dark Lady of the Sonnets. 1914. _____. Shaw on Shakespeare. Ed. Edwin Wilson. 1969. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Sinfield, Alan. "What Happens in Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Sinfield, Shakespeare, Authority, Sexuality: Unfinished Business in Cultural Materialism. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. 162-80.* Smith, Bruce R. "I, You, He, She, and We: On the Sexual Politics of Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 411-30.* _____. "Shakespeare's Sonnets and the History of Sexuality: A Reception History." In A Companion to Shakespeare's Works, Volume IV: The Poems, Problem Comedies, Late Plays. Ed. Richard Dutton and Jean E. Howard. Malden: Blackwell, 2003. Pbk. 2006. 4-26.* Smith, Hallett. Elizabethan Poetry. 1952. (Incl. on Shak's sonnets). Stallybrass, Peter. "Editing as Cultural Formation: the Sexing of Shakespeare's Sonnets." Modern Language Quarterly 54 (1993): 91-103. _____. "Editing as Cultural Formation: the Sexing of Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Shakespeare's Poems. Ed. Stephen Orgel and Sean Keilen. New York: Garland, 1999. 133-46.* _____. "Editing as Cultural Formation: The Sexing of Shakespeare's Sonnets." 1993. In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 75-88.* Stanco, Michele. "To His Coy Master Mistress: The Pleasures of Homoeroticism and (Pro)creation in Shakespeare's Sonnets." Paper presented at the conference of S.I.R.I.R (Societ Internationale de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur la Renaissance). Ed. M.T. Jones. Paris, forthcoming 2009. Stengel. (On Shakespeare's sonnets.). Englische Studien 4 (1881). Stirling, Brents. "The Order of Ss. 127-154." In Shakespeare 15641964. Ed. E. A. Bloom. 1964. _____. The Shakespeare Sonnet Order: Poems and Groups. 1968. Sutphen, Joyce. "'A dateless lively heat': Storing Loss in the Sonnets." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer.

17 New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 199218.* Svensson, K. A. William Shakespeare, Sonnetter. Lund, 1964. Taylor, Gary. "Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Rediscovery." TLS 19 April 1985: 450. _____. "Some Manuscripts of Shakespeare's Sonnets." Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 68 (Autumn 1985): 210-46. Thiselton, A. E. Notulae criticae. 1907. (Shakespeare's sonnets, 6371). Traub, Valerie. "The Sonnets: Sequence, Sexuality, and Shakespeare's Two Loves." In A Companion to Shakespeare's Works, Volume IV: The Poems, Problem Comedies, Late Plays. Ed. Richard Dutton and Jean E. Howard. Malden: Blackwell, 2003. Pbk. 2006. 275-301.* Traversi, Derek A. "The Sonnets." In Traversi, An Approach to Shakespeare. 2nd ed., rev. and enlarged. London: Sands, n.d. [1958]. 50-60.* _____. "Shakespeare: The Young Dramatist and the Poet." In The Age of Shakespeare. Vol. 2 of The New Pelican Guide to English Literature. Ed. Boris Ford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982. Rev. 1993. 277-99.* Valbuena, Olga L. "'The dyer's hand': The Reproduction of Coercion and Blot in Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 325-46.* Vendler, Helen. "Shakespeare's Sonnets: Reading for Difference." Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 47 (March 1994): 33-50. _____. "Reading, Stage by Stage; Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Shakespeare Reread: The Texts in New Contexts. Ed. Russ McDonald. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1994. 23-41.* _____. The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP-Belknap P, 1997.* (With facsimile of 1609 texts, and CD read by Helen Vendler). Vickers, Brian. "Rhetoric and Feeling in Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Shakespeare Today: Directions and Methods of Research. Ed. Keir Elam. Florence: La Casa Usher, 1984. _____. "'Mutual Render': I and Thou in the Sonnets." In Returning to Shakespeare. London: Routledge, 1989. Waddington, Raymond B. "The Poetics of Eroticism: Shakespeare's 'Master Mistress'." In Renaissance Discourses of Desire. Ed.

18 Claude J. Summers and Ted-Larry Pebworth. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1993. Wait, R. J. C. The Background to Shakespeare's SONNETS. 1972. Warren, Roger. "Why Does It End Well? Helena, Bertram, and the Sonnets." Shakespeare Survey 22 (1969): 79-92. Weiser, David K. "'I' and 'Thou' in Shakespeare's Sonnets." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 76 (1977): 506-24. _____. Mind in Character: Shakespeare's Speaker in the Sonnets. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1987. Wells, Stanley. "New Readings in Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Elizabethan and Modern Studies. Ed. J. P. Motten. Ghent: Seminarie voor English and American Literature, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 1985. Wilson, John Dover. An Introduction to the Sonnets of Shakespeare for the Use of Historians and Others. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1964. Wilson, Katharine M. Shakespeare's Sugared Sonnets. London: Allen and Unwin, 1974.* Winny, James. The Master-Mistress: A Study of Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1968. Wright, Eugene Patrick. The Structure of Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1993. Wright, George T. "The Silent Speech of Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 13560.*

Anthologies Schiffer, James, ed. Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, vol. 1988; Shakespeare Criticism, 20). New York: Garland, 1999. pbk. Garland/Routledge, 2000.*


19 Donow, H. S. The Sonnet in England and America: A Bibliography of Criticism. 1982. (Shakespeare too). Duncan-Jones, Katherine. "The Non-dramatic Poems." In Shakespeare: A Bibliographical Guide. Ed. Stanley Wells. Oxford: Clarendon, 1990. 69-82.*

Dictionaries Donow, H. S. A Concordance to the Sonnet Sequences of Daniel, Drayton, Shakespeare, Sidney, and Spenser. 1969.

Films The Angelic Conversation. Dir. and screenplay Derek Jarman. (Based on Shakespeare's sonnets). Cast: Paul Reynolds, Philip Williamson, Judi Dench (voice-off). Phot. Derek Jarman and James Mackay. Music: Coil. Ed. Cerith Wyn-Evans and Peter Cartwright. UK: BFI/Channel 4 TV, 1985.

Internet resources

Shakespeare's sonnets (old spelling). Renaissance Electronic Texts site: http://library.utoronto.ca/www.utel/ret/shakespeare/1609inti.ht ml Shakespeare's Sonnets http://www.shakespeares-sonnets.com/ 2004-05-29 Spark Notes: Shakespeare's Sonnets http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/shakesonnets/ 2010

20 Shakespeare's Sonnets. Video of 1609 Quarto. YouTube / theater330.* http://www.youtube.com/user/theater330#p/c/1C16CA27F7D0 EF38 2011

Literature Plou, Alfonso, and Carlos Martn. Sonetos de amor y otros delirios. Rehearsal comedy on Shakespeare's Sonnnets and A Midsummer Night's Dream. Premiere by Teatro del Temple, dir. Carlos Martn, at the Teatro Principal, Zaragoza, March 2006.* Wilde, Oscar. "The Portrait of Mr W. H." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (June 1889). _____. "The Portrait of Mr W. H. " In The Works of Oscar Wilde. Ed. G. F. Maine. London and Glasgow: Collins, 1938. 1957. 10891112.* _____. The Portrait of Mr. W. H. Expanded version. London: Methuen, 1958. _____. "The Portrait of Mr. W. H." In The Works of Oscar Wilde. (Golden Heritage series). 1089-1113. _____. "The Portrait of Mr. W. H." In Complete Works of Oscar Wilde. London: Collins, 1966. 1150-1201.* _____. "The Portrait of Mr W. H." In The Complete Short Fiction of Oscar Wilde. Ed. Ian Small. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1994. _____. The Portrait of Mr W. H. (Penguin 60s Classics). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1995. _____. "El retrato de Mr. W. H." In Wilde, Obras Completas. Ed. and trans. Julio Gmez de la Serna. Madrid: Aguilar, 1943. 1986. 263-85.* Rpt. Santillana-Aguilar, 2003. 271-94.*

Related works

21 Barnfield, Richard. The Affectionate Shepherd; or, the Complaint of Daphnis for the love of Ganymede. Pastoral. 1574. (Homoerotic sonnets based on Virgil) _____. Cynthia, with certaine Sonnets. 1595. (Homoerotic sonnets to "Ganymede"). Lanier, Aemilia. The Poems of Shakespeare's Dark Lady. Introd. A. L. Rowse. London, 1979.

On Specific sonnets

Sonnet 2 Garca Landa, Jos ngel. "Traducing Shakespeare." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 24 Nov. 2005. (Sonnet no. 2). http://garciala.blogia.com/2005/112401-traducingshakespeare.php 2005-12-02

Sonnet 6 Garca Landa, Jos ngel. "Shakespeare y los cien clones." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 14 Sept. 2006. (Sonnet 6). http://garciala.blogia.com/2006/091402-shakespeare-y-los-cienclones.php 2006-09-29 _____. "Ten Times Thyself (traduciendo poesa)." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea Oct. 2007. (Shakespeare, Sonnet 6). http://garciala.blogia.com/2007/101601-ten-times-thyselftraduciendo-poesia-.php 2007

Sonnet 15

22 Garca Landa, Jos ngel. "Shakespeare y los eclipses." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 3 Oct. 2005. http://garciala.blogia.com/2005/100301-shakespeare-y-loseclipses.php 2005-10-31

Sonnet 17 Fanego Lema, Teresa. "Variantes lingsticas en las ediciones de William Shakespeare en los sonetos XVII y XVIII." Ph.D. diss. U de Santiago, 1978.

Sonnet 18 Shakespeare. "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. By Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002. 1092.* Crews, Brian "Rewriting/Deconstructing Shakespeare: Outlining Possibilities, Sometimes Humorous, for Sonnet 18." (Stoppard, Travesties). Atlantis 21 (1999): 43-57.* Fanego Lema, Teresa. "Variantes lingsticas en las ediciones de William Shakespeare en los sonetos XVII y XVIII." Ph.D. diss. U de Santiago, 1978. Martnez Lpez, Miguel. "Teaching Shakespeare's Sonnets: Time as Fracture in Sonnets 18, 160 63." In SEDERI VII. Ed. S. Gonzlez Fernndez-Corugedo et al. Corua: SEDERI, 1996. 287-96.*

Sonnet 20 Gmez Lara, Manuel Jos. "Anlisis textual del soneto XX de Shakespeare." Gades 7 (1984): 373-84.

23 Pagnini, M. "Lettura critica (e metacritica) del sonetto 20 di Shakespeare." Strumenti critici 3.1 (1969). Snchez Garca, Jess M. "Clausal and Cohesive Text-Forming Devices in Shakespeare's Sonnet 20." Miscelnea 12 (1991): 157-81.*

Sonnet 23 Garca Landa, Jos ngel. "El poema de la semana: To Hear with Eyes." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 25 Oct. 2005. (Shakespeare, Sonnet 23). http://garciala.blogia.com/2005/102501-el-poema-de-lasemana-to-hear-with-eyes.php 2005-10-31 Klyukanov, Igor E. "What's in a Letter? Shakespeare's 23rd Sonnet Revisited." Analecta Malacitana 19.1 (1996): 111-20.* Wright, George T. "The Silent Speech of Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 13560.*

Sonnet 30 Muir, Kenneth. "Remembrance of Things Past." Connotations 6.1 (1996-97): 41-45.

Sonnet 46 Music Shostakovich, Dmitri. Six Romances on Verses by Raleigh, Burns and Shakespeare op. 62/140. (1. "To His Sonne"; 2. "O wert thou in the cauld blast"; 3. "McPherson's Farewell"; 4. "Jenny"; 5. "Sonnet LXVI"; 6. "The King's Campaign."). Sergei Leiferkus, bass. In Shostakovich, The Orchestral Songs, Vol. 1. Sergei Leiferkus. Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra / Neeme Jrvi. CD. Hamburg: Deutsche Grammophon, 1994.* (Booklet includes Russian translation of Shakespeare's sonnet by Boris Pasternak).


Sonnet 62 Garca Landa, Jos ngel. "Mine I, thy days." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 23 April 2007. http://garciala.blogia.com/2007/042301-mine-i-thy-days.php 2007

Sonnet 71 Pequigney, Joseph. "Sonnets 71-74: Texts and Contexts." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 285304.*

Sonnet 72 Pequigney, Joseph. "Sonnets 71-74: Texts and Contexts." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 285304.*

Sonnet 73 Shakespeare, William. "That time of year." In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. By Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002. 966-67.* _____. "Sonnet 73." http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~richie/poetry/html/aupoem175.htm l 2004-05-29 Brandt, Per Aage. Spaces, Domains, and Meaning. 2004. (Chapter on Shakespeare's sonnet 73 and blending theory).

25 "A Study Guide to Sonnet 73." In Shakespeare at About.com http://shakespeare.about.com/library/weekly/aa092701a.htm 2006-10-30 Fowler, Roger. "Language and Reader in Shakespeare's Sonnet 73." In Style and Structure in Literature: Essays in the New Stylistics. Ed. Roger Fowler. Oxford: Blackwell, 1975. 79-122. Pequigney, Joseph. "Sonnets 71-74: Texts and Contexts." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 285304.*

Sonnet 74 Pequigney, Joseph. "Sonnets 71-74: Texts and Contexts." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 285304.*

Sonnet 77 Garca Landa, Jos ngel. "Soneto, espejo, reloj, bloc y libro." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 31 Oct. / 1 Nov. 2005. (Shakespeare, Sonnet 77). http://garciala.blogia.com/2005/110101-soneto-espejo-relojbloc-y-libro.php 2005-10-31 _____. "Sonnet, Mirror, Sundial, Blank Page and Book" (2005). Available at SSRN (November 2007). (In Spanish). http://ssrn.com/abstract=1026882 _____. "Soneto, espejo, reloj, bloc y libro." In DocStoc 15 April 2009.* http://www.docstoc.com/docs/5469062/Soneto-espejo-relojbloc-y-libro-Jos%C3%A9-%C3%81ngel-Garc%C3%ADa 2009

26 _____. "Podrs probar de este libro este saber." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 19 April 2009.* http://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2009/04/podras-probar-de-estelibro-este-saber.html 2009 _____. "Podrs probar, de este libro, este saber (Shakespeare, Soneto 77) / ("Of this book, this learning mayst thou taste Shakespeare, Sonnet 77). Online PDF at Social Science Research Network 30 Oct. 2011.* http://ssrn.com/abstract=1951448 2011 _____. "Podrs probar, de este libro, este saber." Academia.edu 30 Oct. 2011.* http://unizar.academia.edu/Jos%C3%A9AngelGarc %C3%ADaLanda/Papers/1100853/Podras_probar_de_este_libr o_este_saber_Shakespeare_Soneto_77_ 2011 Grimes, Linda Sue. "Shakespeare Sonnet 77: 'Thy Glass will show thee how thy beauties wear." Suite 101.com 29 Sept. 2008.* http://britishpoetry.suite101.com/article.cfm/shakespeare_sonnet_77 2010

Sonnet 103 Garca Landa, Jos Angel. "Espejo de tinta, poema borrado." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 14 Nov. 2006. (Shakespeare, Sonnet 103). http://garciala.blogia.com/2006/111401-espejo-de-tinta-poemaborrado.php 2006-11-29

Sonnet 105 Pepper, Thomas Adam. Singularities: Extremes of Theory in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. Szondi, Peter. "The Poetry of Constancy: Paul Celan's Translation of Shakespeare's Sonnet 105." In Szondi, On Textual

27 Understanding and Other Essays. Trans. Harvey Mendelsohn. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1986.

Sonnet 107 Chambers, E. K. "The 'Mortal Moon' Sonnet." In Chambers, Shakespearean Gleanings. London: Oxford UP, 1944. 130-43.* (107). Harrison, G. B. "The Mortal Moon." TLS 29 Nov. 1928. Hhn, Peter. "William Shakespeare: Sonnet 107." In The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry: Studies in English Poetry from the 16th to the 20th Century. By Peter Hhn and Jens Kiefer. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. 2333.*

Sonnet 111 McLeod, Randall. "Unemending Shakespeare's Sonnet 111." Studies in English Literature 21 (1981): 75-96. (Rice U). _____. "Unemending Shakespeare's Sonnet 111." In Shakespeare's Poems. Ed. Stephen Orgel and Sean Keilen. New York: Garland, 1999. 89-110.* Valbuena, Olga L. "'The dyer's hand': The Reproduction of Coercion and Blot in Shakespeare's Sonnets." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 325-46.*

Sonnet 116 Shakespeare. "Let me not to the marriage of true minds." Sonnet. In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. By Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002. 1092.*

Garca Landa, Jos ngel. "Ever Fixd Mark." (Shakespeare's sonnet 116). In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 8 Nov. 2005.

28 http://garciala.blogia.com/2005/110804-ever-fixed-mark.php 2005-11-30 Roche Ruiz de Garibay, Idoia. (MA diss. on Sonnet 116). Universidad de Zaragoza, Departamento de Filologa Inglesa y Alemana.

Sonnet 119 Duncan-Jones, Catherine. "'Syren Teares': Enchantment or Infection in Shakespeare's Sonnet 119." The Review of English Studies n.s. 48.189 (February 1997): 56-59.*

Sonnet 124 Garca Landa, Jos ngel. "Conmemoraciones." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 20 Nov. 2005. (Shakespeare Sonnet 124, Gunpowder Plot). http://garciala.blogia.com/2005/112001-conmemoraciones.php 2005-12-02 Klause, John. "Politics, Heresy, and Martyrdom in Shakespeare's Sonnet 124." In Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays. Ed. James Schiffer. New York: Garland, 1999, pbk. Garland/Routledge 2000. 219-40.*

Sonnet 128 Brophy, James. "Shakespeare's Saucy Jacks." (Sonnet 128). English Language Notes (Sept. 1963).

Sonnet 129

29 Benzon, William L. "Cognitive Networks and Literary Semantics." MLN 91 (1976): 952-982. (Shakespeare's Sonnet 129). _____. "Lust in Action: An Abstraction." Language and Style 14 (1981): 251-270. Greene, Thomas M. "Anti-Hermeneutics: The Case of Shakespeare's Sonnet 129." In Poetic Traditions of the English Renaissance. Ed. Maynard Mack and George deForest Lord. New Haven: Yale UP, 1982. 143-61. _____. "Anti-Hermeneutics: The Case of Shakespeare's Sonnet 129." In Shakespeare's Poems. Ed. Stephen Orgel and Sean Keilen. New York: Garland, 1999. 205-23.* Jakobson, Roman, and L. G. Jones. Shakespeare's Verbal Art in "Th'Expense of Spirit." The Hague: Mouton, 1970. Vendler, Helen. "Jakobson, Richards, and Shakespeare's Sonnet 129." In I. A. Richards: Essays in His Honor. Ed. Reuben Brower, Helen Vendler, and John Hollander. New York: Oxford UP, 1973.

Sonnet 130 Shakespeare. "My Mistress' Eyes." In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. By Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002. 885.*

Hutson, Lorna. "Why the Lady's Eyes Are Nothing like the Sun." In Women, Texts, and Histories, 1575-1760. Ed. Clare Brant and Diane Purkiss. London: Routledge, 1992. 13-38.

Sonnet 138 Shakespeare. "When my love swears that she is made of truth." In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. By Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002. 759-60.*

30 Garca Landa, Jos ngel. "The Passionate Pilgrim." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 13 April 2009.* (Sonnet 138). http://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2009/04/passionate-pilgrim.html 2009 Rodrguez Rodrguez, Flix. "Las mentiras dulces del amor." In Actas del 25 Congreso AEDEAN, Granada 2001. CD-ROM. Granada: U de Granada: Departamento de Filologa Inglesa, 2002.* (Machado, Shakespeare's Sonnet 138) Rodway, Allan. "Sonnet 138, William Shakespeare." In Rodway, The Craft of Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1982. 101-4.* Snow, Edward A. "Loves of Comfort and Despair: A Reading of Shakespeare's Sonnet 138." English Literary History 47 (1980): 462-83. _____. "Loves of Comfort and Despair: A Reading of Shakespeare's Sonnet 138." In Shakespeare's Poems. Ed. Stephen Orgel and Sean Keilen. New York: Garland, 1999. 224-46.*

Other Sonnets Talens, Jenaro. "El sentido Babel: Notas previas a 4 palimpsestos de un soneto de Shakespeare." In Shakespeare en Espaa. Ed. Jos Manuel Gonzlez Fernndez de Sevilla. Zaragoza: U de Alicante/Libros Prtico, 1993. 253-84.*

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