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Dj Vu

Dj vuHas it ever touched you?

Do you ever feelthis has happened before,
Once, twice, three times or more?
Have you ever thoughtmaybe its real,
And not just a weird sensation you feel?
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe its true?
Maybe its evidence, a hint or a clue,
To the ultimate issue of life, death and space.
Could this be the answer to the questions we face?
It is said that the universe is currently growing.
But what if one day this growing starts slowing?
What happens then, when this growing ends?
Does it start to contract? Does it start to go back,
To that tight little ball where it all began?
Only to start overall over again?
Is it possible our lives are stuck in a hoop?
A continuous cycle, an endless loop?
And that all that we do, is justDj vu?
Daren Bukator

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