KOW Tournament Pack

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Kings of War Tournament

Welcome to the Kings of War Tournament XXX presented by Mantic and XXX. This is the first season for the official Kings of War tournaments and we are looking for your participation and feedback in making this into a great fantasy tournament game. The tournament pack is a Word document, with the precise intention of allowing tournament organizers to use it as a template and modify it according to their needs and their taste. This is also an experiment into the use of timed games and we welcome your honest feedback about how enjoyable the rules and the timed aspect are. Things you need to bring with you: Any gaming material you require, including: Your army Kings of War (2nd ed.) Rules & Forces lists Multiple copies of your force list This rules pack Pens and paper Dice Tape measures Glue (for emergency repairs) Things you need to sort out: Some spending money for the weekend. Transport to and from the Event. Accommodation for the Saturday night.


Players Arrive Game 1 Lunch Game 2 Break Game 3 9:00

Players Arrive 9:00 10:0012.00 12:00-1:00 1:00-3:00 3:00-3:30 3:30-5:30 6:00 10:00-12.00 Game 4 12:00-1:00 1:00-3:00 3:00-3:30 3:30-5:30 Lunch Game 5 Break Game 6 Ceremony





This tournament uses the Kings of War 2011 rules (2nd edition), with a maximum total of 1500 Points. Players may choose from the eight official Kings of War army lists: - Elves - Dwarfs - Abyssal Dwarf - Goblins Fan Lists Fan-lists are considered unofficial and may not be used. Allies No Allies are allowed, only pure armies. Army Composition Unique individuals (i.e. those marked with a [1] after their name in the list) cannot be included in tournament armies. Miniatures Players are permitted to use non-mantic miniatures in their armies. Army Lists You are required to submit a copy of your Force List to the organisers at the start of the tournament please write out all units, points costs and any additional equipment in full. Important! If you are in any doubt over any aspect of your proposed army list please do not hesitate to contact xxx - Orcs - Kingdom of Men - Undead - Twilight Kin




The tournament consists of six games, and will make use of chess clocks. Each player has forty-five minutes for the game, including set-up. Game sequence: The scenario used for each game will be announced by the organiser at the start of each game from the list on page 23 of the Kings of War 2011 Rules. All three scenarios will be played.

Meet your opponent at the table, discuss the terrain (that is set up by the organisers and cannot be moved) and finally roll-off for table side.

Sit on your own side of the table and place your army on the side of the table, so that the opponent can see your models and your force list and ask any questions.

Roll-off to decide who is going to begin set-up. Once the winner of the roll off decides who will start to set-up, that player's clock IS STARTED. Players alternate setting units up using the clock as described in the Timed Games section of the KOW rules. Once the last unit is set-up, both clocks are stopped.

Roll-off to decide who is going to begin making Vanguard moves. Once the winner of the roll off decides who will start to move Vanguard units, that player's clock IS STARTED. Players alternate making any Vanguard moves using the clock. Once the last Vanguard move is made, both clocks are stopped.

Roll-off to decide who is going to take the first turn. Once the winner of the roll off decides who will start to play, that player's clock IS STARTED. Players alternate taking turns using the clock.



The game lasts twelve turns (each player taking six turns). At the end of turn 12, the player rolls a die. On a 1-3 the game ends. On a 4-6 both players play an extra turn and then the game ends work out the winner as normal.

However, if a player runs out of time during one of his turns, the game ends instantly and his entire army routs immediately remove all of his remaining units, as if they suffered a Rout! result, and then work out the victory conditions as normal. Note that players cannot decide to suddenly end a turn without completing all actions they have initiated (for example, without resolving the melee against enemy units they have charged in the Move phase). They can, however, simply declare that they are ordering all units to halt in the Move phase, and that no unit is Shooting in the Shoot phase.

The match-ups of the first round will be random. In the following rounds players will be paired using Tournament Points (TP), as explained below. Tournament Points After a game the points will be assigned as follows: Result Victory Draw Loss Tournament Points 3 TP 1 PT 0 TP

So, from the second round, players will be paired using a Swiss system (i.e. matching players on the same amount of TPs, in descending order). In case of more than two players on the same number of TPs, players will be matched in order of descending 'Attrition Score'. By 'Attrition Score', we mean the amount of points of enemy units routed by the player until that point in the Tournament (including in Pillage! games). Please see the Tournament Errata overleaf for more about Attrition points. If they have the same TPs and the same 'Attrition Score', players will be paired in alphabetic order.




The winner is determined at the end of the last round, according to the following criteria: The player with the most TP will be the winner. In case of same TP at the top, the winner will be the player with the highest 'Attrition Score'. In case of same 'Attrition Score', well see if the players have played each other during the course of the tournament and the winner will be the winner of such match. If the players never met in the tournament, the tournament ends with a joint victory and the players share the first prize.

Sportsmanship There are no sportsmanship scores at this tournament. However we expect all games to be played in an enjoyable manner. We feel that all players should be fair and respectful to their opponent, displaying a fun and inclusive attitude to the game for themselves and their opponent. Rules Questions and Player Conduct The main aim of this event is to get together for the weekend and make Kings of War a fantastic tournament system. Please note that there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking an opponent if they can show you the appropriate rule or set of characteristics so that you can check for yourself that everything is being done correctly. All we require is that you ask nicely and politely, and that you do your best to sort out any problems yourselves. If in doubt, the organisers are available to resolve your problem. Below are listed a series of Errata and Q&As that apply to this tournament, and can be changed and/or expanded by the organizers as they see fit.

TOURNAMENT ERRATA In Pillage! and Kill and Pillage! scenarios, the number of



objectives is always six. Units with the Individual special rule cannot control/deny objectives. They are always ignored when working out who is controlling an objective. When a unit with the Individual special rule is charged, it immediately turns to face the direction of the charge. If charged by multiple units, the individual turns to face the closest charging unit. Routing a unit with the Individual special rule is worth an extra 100 attrition points. Routing an army standard bearer (including Flaggits and Flaggers) is worth an extra 100 attrition points, on top of the extra 100 points for being Individual. The Bloodbath special rule simply counts as Evil Dead. The Hidden special rule simply counts as Vanguard.


Q: can a model Heal itself? A: no, it can't. Q: does a model with Indirect Fire still need a line of sight to its target? A: yes, they do. Q: does a model with the Individual rule have to turn like a regiment when it moves? A: as they have no facing, Individual models are always allowed unlimited turns as they move.

NOTE FOR ORGANISERS on customizing the tournament rules:



If you change the size of the armies, remember to change game length in proportion. We found that is a good idea to allow each player 15 minutes for every 500 points in the army. So, for example, a 2000 pts game goes well with a two hours game time.


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