Discuss The Battle of The Cowshed and Show How It Helps Bring Out The Characters of Boxer and Snowball

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Discuss the battle of the Cowshed and show how it helps bring out the characters of Boxer and

Snowball. Jones attempt to recapture the farm on October 12th Symbolic of the Russian Revolution Jones approached with the help of: Foxwood (Pilkington) & Pinchfield (Fredrick) volunteers Animals were prepared thanks to Snowball: in charge of the defensive operations (studied J.C. s campaigns) gave orders quickly launched the first attack (pigeons & geese) second attack (Muriel, Benjamin & sheep, headed by Snowball) 3rd attack (3 horses, 3 cows, rest of pigs) Snowball is the one who gives signals he himself lashed straight at Jones (brave) without halting for an instant (determined, fearless) He is injured but carries an unaltered face, he insists they all have to be ready to die for animal farm (society before the individual) Snowball s drive: No sentimentality, comrade! The only good human being is a dead one Boxer: the most terrifying spectacle of all with his great iron-shod hoofs like a stallion (visually intimidating) his first blow leaves a stable lad stretched lifeless in the mud he is a decisive factor for the men s retreat Boxer s sorrow at thinking he killed the stable boy I had no intention of doing that. even human life His eyes were full of tears. (Evokes sympathy in the reader) Medal of Honour: Animal Hero, First Class Chapter IV

I have no wish to take life, not

EXTRA INFO .. Napoleon is not mentioned at all Snowball was eventually said to have fought on Jones' side, and the battle was said to have been won by Napoleon, according to Napoleon's propaganda. [Battle of the windmill = Battle of Stalingrad: a major battle of World War II in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in southwestern Russia. The battle took place between 17 July 1942 and 2 February 1943, and is often cited as one of the turning points of the war.[1] The battle was among the bloodiest in the history of warfare, with nearly two million casualties (many animals died Boxer sent to the knackery). Luftwaffe bombing reduced much of the city to rubble. (bombing Fredrick s dynamite)]

Windmill a symbol of the pigs manipulation of the other animals for their own personal gain from an allegorical point of view it represents the enormous modernisation projects undertaken in Soviet Russia after the revolution.

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