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Group Assignment 0 [ 10 points] [Problem 2-5 Revised] for Winter Quarter, 2012 Part 1: Individual portion [Each student

in your group will prepare a 1 to 2 [maximum!] page solution for part 1 (indicate who prepares each of these)]: For any public company listed on the NYSE, research their stated mission and complete the following requirements: 1. Copy the key parts of their Mission Statement or Statement of Company Objectives or similar statement and highlight those aspects that would be of particular interest to their F/S auditor? Briefly say why these aspects would be of interest to the auditor. 2. Based on Ch. 2 and research of other resources [cited please], define Strategic Business Objective and Strategic Risk. 3. From an audit standpoint, identify the key strategic business objectives of this company and the key strategic risk associated with each objective Part 2: Compile/Prepare a group report which has: 1. Signed Title page which lists all students in group and your selected group name [e.g. prior 169A group names included: Arrr Auditors LLP, Ace Auditors, R-Side Assurance and Auditing Services, ]. 2. A group picture with student names inserted [please email this also to ] 3. A 1 or 2 page summary. [What do you observe by looking at different companies and missions that would be of interest to the audit?]. 4. One to two page[s] for each student for Part 1 [ 7 different companies!]. 5. A list of references, sources used to prepare report Presentation Preparation: 1. Prepare a 3 or 4 slide PowerPoint presentation that: a. Introduces your group and group name b. Provides salient example[s] from part 1. c. Summarized your Part 2, Question 3 results.

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