10 Sentences Angelito

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10 sentences with: Was born 1. Peter was born in Quito. 2. My brother was born two years after me.

3. Jaime was born in another country. 4. My sister was born two weeks after Halloween. 5. Sandra was born in October. 6. Jamie was born in a small city near Ambato. 7. My cousin was born in this hospital. 8. Martha was born five minutes before me. 9. The student at the back was born two years before me. 10. I was born in a rich family.

Were born 11. The students were born in the same year. 12. Lisa and I were born on the same day. 13. Tanya and Marcos were born in the same hospital. 14. My friends were born in private hospitals. 15. Jamie and Lisa were born five minutes apart. 16. The puppies were born last night. 17. Maria, Lisa and I were born out of this country. 18. My parents were born in the same city. 19. My grandparents were born in the same country. 20. The new students were born in the same month.

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