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Digitally signed by Joseph Zernik DN: cn=Joseph Zernik, o, ou, email=jz12345@earthlin, c=US Date: 2012.01.

19 05:04:59 +02'00'

January 19, 2012 The Honorable Alon Gilon Freedom of Information Office Israel Courts Authorities 22 Kanfey Nesharim Street, Jerusalem
By email: By Fax: 02-6513191

Response or confirmation of receipt within 14 days is kindly requested. RE: Freedom of Information Request: Records that shed light on the process and substance of the change, around 2001-2 in certification by the Clerk of judicial records of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel. Dear Judge Gilon: Survey of the electronic records of the Supreme Court shows that around the end of 2001 and beginning of 2002, material changes were introduced in the certification by the Clerk of electronic judicial records of the Supreme Court. [1] Following are two examples of the lower right corner area of two such records, before and after such changes were implemented:

a) Ben Gavriel v Chief of Staff (1595/00); b) Sayeg v Agricultural Insurance (100/03) Please accept instant request, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (1988), for any records that would shed light on: a) The decision process, and b) Reasons for these changes. Truly, Joseph Zernik, PhD
PO Box 31440 Jerusalem 91313 Email: LINKS: [1] 12-01-17

Evolution of the Electronic Decision Forms of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel s

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