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Asian Journal of Business Management 2(2): 35-40, 2010 ISSN: 2041-8752 M axwell Scientific Organization, 2010 Submitted Date:

: December 24, 2009 Accepted Date: January 23, 2010

Published Date: May 30, 2010

A Manufacturing Strategy: An Overview of Related Concepts, Principles and Techniques


Farhana Ferdousi and 2 Amir Ahm ed Department of Business Administration, East West U niversity, Bangladesh 2 International Islamic University of Chittagong, Bangladesh

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to define and discuss the related concepts, tools and techniques of lean production system- a widely used manufacturing strategy. This paper basically introduces the most basic lean tools and techniques necessary to understand this management philosophy and reap its full benefits. Since the term associated with lean practice pose problems of definition and con cept, it is therefore deeme d necessary to outline the basic elements connected with the lean production. This study is an overview of the conceptual framework of lean. A desk study was conducted to gather relevant information in this regard. Key w ords: Lean, manufacturing strateg, principles INTRODUCTION The objective of this study is to outline the related concepts of lean production philosophy. For this purpose an extensive literature review has been conducted . It is said that Japan was the birthplace of lean production (Sohal and Egglestone, 1994). The changes in the econ omic and comp etitive clim ate in Japan led the manufacturing organ izations to devise inn ovative and cost-effective production methods. And, this encouraged the organizations to look for a revision of the production models as well as the Japanese management system (Bartezzaghi, 1999). W hile the overall Japanese economy has suffered, some well organized Japanese manufacturing companies such as Toyota, Honda, and Canon still remain competitive in the global market (Phan and Matsui, n.d.). This is because of the Japanese own way of management such as JIT production, TQM and concurrent engineering (Morita et al., 2001). These are considered as the main strengths of the Japanese manufacturers, besides their technological advantages (Sakakibara et al., 1993; Morita et al., 2001; Matsui and Sato, 2002). After World W ar II when Japanese manufacturers realized that they could not afford the expense to build facilities like the USA, they concentrated on lean concept (Pavna skar et al., 2003). They began the process of developing and refining the process of manufacturing with a view to minimize waste (Thompson and Mintz, 1999). Different factories of Japan have started to u se this system after it has been implemented in Toyota. After Japan, the US firms became interested to this concept followed by the Eu ropean countries. But now the Asian countries as well as other countries of the world are also using this technique to m eet their custome r requirement (Mazany, 1995; Bruce et al., 2004). The last two decad es have seen the top Japanese manufacturing firms have achieved excellent international competitiveness in a number of industries such as auto, electronics and machinery (W u, 2003). They have achieved success due to their different ways of doing business. Hall (1983) and Schonberger (1982) argued that the Japanese developed a new approach to manufacturing management. The book by Wom ack et al. (1990), The Machine That Changed the World benchmarked manufacturing companies around the world and found, at the time, the Japanese manufacturers w ere typically more productive and efficient than their Western counter parts. Taichii Ohno in his book oyota Production System explained the foundations of lean manufacturing and showed that these principles guided the Japanese companies to be w orld class (Ohno, 1988 ). Literature revealed that Japanese firms are superior in performance compared to the European firms because of the introduction of lean in manufacturing sectors (Sohal, 1996). Due to the differences in the strategies and practices, Japanese firms we re highly focused on lean practices and followed integrated single piece production flow, low inventories, small lot sizes, defect prevention rather than rectification, pull production, team-based work and active involv eme nt in problem solving to elimina te all non-value added wastes. These practices helped them become superior in performance compared to other countries. Manufacturing priorities in Japan are quite different from that of the USA and European manufacturers. As stated by Sohal (1996), the main goals of Japanese manufacturers are improving quality, reducing costs, and product developm ent. Oliver et al.

Corresponding Author: Farhana Ferdousi, Department of Business Administration, East West University, Bangladesh 35

Asian J. Bus. Manage., 2(2): 35-40, 2010 (1993) in their study of 18 auto component plants (nine UK firms and nine Japanese firms) reported that five plants displayed high performance on measures of productivity and quality. All of them are located in Japan. These companies sho we d con sistently supe rior performance on a number of measures, and thus provided support for their lean production system. As stated by Morita et al. (2001), Japanese could still be competitive beca use they ha ve no t yet lost the ir competitiven ess. Lean production encompasses the total manufacturing chain from product design to product develop men t, and it even embraces distribution (Cooney, 200 2). Ac cording to the National Institute of Standards and Technology Manufacturing Extension Partnerships Lean Network, lean refers to systematically identifying and eliminating waste through continuous improvement using the pull production with a view to get perfection (Kilpatrick, 2003). Lean shortens the lead-time between a customer order and the shipment of the products by elimination of all forms of waste in the production processes. Sim ply said, ean principles and methods focus on creating a continual improvement of culture that engages employees in reduc ing the intensity of time, materials and capital necessary for meeting customer need (EPA , 2003 ). This operational strategy targets to achieve the shortest possible cycle time by eliminating waste. This strategy aims to increase the value-added work by reducing incidental work. This techn ique is u sed to increase profitab ility by reducing cost and by understanding the meaning of value to the customer because value is the major determ inants of lean man ufactu ring. Companies are now convinced about the be nefits of lean, and they are using this technique in both production and service functions. Ss stated by Katayama and Bannett (1996), it is the paradigm for opera tions an d its influence can be fo und in a wide range of ma nufacturing and service strategies (Womack and Jones, 1994). The benefits of lean manufacturing are evident in factories across the w orld and com panies repo rt improved product qu ality, reductions in cycle time, reduced w ork-in-progress (WIP), improved on-time deliveries, improved net income, decreased costs, improved utilization of labor, reduction in inventories, quicker return on inventory investment, higher levels of production, improved flexibility, improved space utilization, reduction in tool inv estment, a better utilization of machinery, stronger job focus, and better skills enhance ment (Pavnaska r et al., 2003). Lean Production is a conceptual framework based on a few established principles and techniques (Sanchez and Perez, 2001) as depicted in Fig. 1. The Figure shows that several factors contribute towards achieving production and delivery just-in-time. These factors elimination of zero value activities, multifunctional teams, continuous improvement efforts, and supplier integration have 36

Fig. 1: A Lean Production Model Adopted from Sanchez and Perez (2001)
Table 1: Core concepts of lean Co nce pts C Value specification in the eyes of the customer C Identifying the value stream and eliminating wa ste

C Making the flow of the value at the pull of the customer C Empowering and involving the employees C Continuously improving for getting perfection Source: Womack et al. (1990)

De tails Need to specify what creates value from customers point of view Need to identify all the activities (valu e strea m) n eces sary to produce a product and el im inate all nonvalue added waste. Make those actions that create value fl o w w i t h o u t i n te r ru p tions at th e pull of th e custo mer. Need to empow er and involve the employees at the decision making. Need to fo cus on co ntinuous improvement for the perfection

influence on just-in-time production and d elivery to customers. All this in an integrated manner leads com panies to achieving com petitiven ess. As stated earlier, Lean Production (LP) focuses mainly on ne piece flow continuous flow. This means that the ideal batch size is always one unlike in the traditional manufacturing environment where ideal batch size is determined on the basis of individual manufacturing processes or material handling. One-piece flow requires work cells that are organized by product, rather than process (Mercado, 2007). his shift requires highly contro lled processe s operated in a well maintained, ordered and clean operational setting that incorporates principles of Just-in-time production and employee involved, system wide, continual improvement (EPA, 2003). Precisely, LP itself encompasses, as identified by W omack and Jones (1994), five core concepts, as presented in Table 1. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Concept, tools and techniques of lean production: Concept of inventory: As stated by Wom ack et al.

Asian J. Bus. Manage., 2(2): 35-40, 2010 (1996), the aim of lean production is to eliminate everything that does not add value to the product or service. Inventories are symptoms of inefficiency, because it does not add value to the products (Sanchez and Perez, 200 1). urthermore, inventories also hide other problems on many occasions, preventing their solution like, for example, a defective maintenance that focuses the accumulation of stocks to prevent bottlenecks in the machines which break down frequently (Sanchez and Perez, 2001). Lean manufacturing focuses on fewer inventories of raw materials and finished goods kept in storage. Organ izations maintain inv entories of raw materials; work in pro cess a nd finished goods to m aintain flexibility in their production processes, smooth out periods of excess or under capacity. In a lean production system, inventory is considered as a waste. This concept implies that excess of inventory incurs more cost, which ultimately incre ases the cost of custome r product. Concept of JIT: Since the early 1980s, Just-in-Time production has received great interest internation ally (Phan and Matsui, n.d.). In general, the JIT philosophy concentrates more on improving manufacturing efficiency by eliminating non-value added activities and minimizing inventory (Lau, 2000). Just-in-Time (JIT) practices have been used by many manufacturers as a powerful tool for continuous man ufactu ring improvement based on the significant reduction of inventory and work-in-progress in all phases of manufacturing process. This philosophy emphasizes materials flow not on materials storage (Kamoun and Yano, 1996). Originally JIT manufacturing concen trated more on increasing manufacturing efficiency by elimina ting all forms of waste and minim ize inventory (Lau, 2000). Today more an d more North American firms and firms in many other countries use it as an approach to produce the right part in the right place at the right time. Traditionally, inventory has been viewed as an asset. But the JIT view is that inventory does not add value but instead incurs costs. JIT views inventory as a symptom of inadequate managemen t, a method of hiding inefficien cies and problems (Sanchez and P erez, 2001). As stated by Schroeder and Flynn (2001), JIT system reduces inventory, lowers cost and improves quality. According to Hines (1996), ma ny com panies use JIT delivery as a key element in lean production deve lopm ent. U ltimately, IT enables a company to produce the products its customer want, when they want them, in the amount they want (EPA , 2003 ). Concept of Kanban: Lean production greatly emphasizes Kanban system use of physical inventory cues to signal the need to move raw materials or produce new com ponents from the prev ious process (EPA , 2006). Same report stated that a kanban is a card, labeled container, computer order or other device used to signal 37 that more products or parts or other materials are needed from the previous process. Anecdotal evidence indicates that through this system, components are delivered to the production line when needed, so that there is no storage in the production area. This is a system of de livery instructions from d ownstream to upstream activities in which the upstream suppliers do not produce until the downstream customer signals a need (Alukal and M anos, 2002). As stated by Phan and M atsui (n.d), the K anban is a physical tool for operating the pull system and this system helps the factory in the reduction of un necessary production, minimizing the work-in-process inventory. Concept of continuous improvement/Kaizen: Lean production is founded on the idea of Kaizen or continual improvement (EPA, 2003). Continuous improvement is an ongoing program of improving quality, costs, and leadtime of processes and products through the cooperative efforts of all concerned. According to Oakland (1993), the search for continuous improvement in the products and processes is another feature of lean production. As defined by Sanchez and Perez (2001), ontinuous improvement is a process that requires involvement of employees at different levels and supp ort of manag eme nt. This process relates to the idoka concept, which states that since people are not working for the machine, they have the ability to use their best judgment to improve the process. This concept is often referred to as Kaizen, which is used by the Japanese. his philosophy implies that small, incremental changes routinely applied and sustained over a long period results in significant impro vem ents (EPA, 2003). Kaizen is considered as the uilding block of all lean production method. In his book, Imai (1986) em phasized that the k ey to Japan competitive success in the face of fierce global competition is the adoption of aizen in the firms. He focused on the kaizen management practices that can be put to work for improvement of processes. According to him, kaizen is a vital appro ach to problem so lving, however, its application requires change in the corporate culture. Waste: The elimination of waste is the prime focus in lean production processes. Lean production basically focuses on elimination of several types of waste. By avoiding non-value added activity, lean tries to increase the customer respon siveness. n its most basic form, lean manufacturing is the systematic elimination of waste from all aspects of an organizations, operations, where w aste is viewed as any use or loss of resources that does not add directly to creating the product or service a customer wants, when they want it (EP A, 2003). One study (Suzaki, 2000), defined waste as anything beyond the minimum needed by an organization in terms of equ ipment, materials, components, space or worker time to give added value to the products. That means, anything that

Asian J. Bus. Manage., 2(2): 35-40, 2010

Table 2: Seven wastes of lean Types of waste De tails Over-production Producing too many products than the required. Th is creates excess of inventory, which ultim ately lead s to h igh p rod uct c ost. Excessive transportation Transporting or moving pro duc ts from one place to another than the required. E xcessive mo vem ent c aus es b oth q uali ty and revenue issues because this creates add itiona l orga niza tiona l cost. W aiting time w aste Long periods of in activ ity f o r p e o ple, information or good s, resulting in poor flow and long lead times Exc essive inv entory H av i n g excess of inventory or more invento ry than is minimally required, resu lts in in ven tory w aste Unnecessary motion Wh en people involved in the prod uctio n process move / walk unnecessarily, that does not add any valu e to the e nd p rod uct. This is called motion waste. Inap pro priate processing Using the wrong set of tools, procedures or systems in the wo rk processes. W aste in defe cts P r o d u c ti o n o f d e f e ct iv e u n i ts i n v o lv es inspection and fixation of the defective items. Defe cts that force reworks, or pro duc ts to be scrapped, exa ct a tremendous cos t on th e organizations through the infrastructure changes needed to quarantine the defects, re-inspect the reworked material, and re-scheduling the reworked material back into the production line. Source: Shingo (1992) Table 3: Building blocks of lean Building blocks Descriptions 5S 5S is considered as an important building block of lean. Its underlying philosophy is that efficient and quality work requires a clean and safe env ironm ent. The 5S activities refer to five Japanese terms su ch as (i) Seri (sortin g out unn ecessary items in the w orkp lace and discard them), Seiton (arran ging all ne cess ary item s in good order so that they can be easily picked for use), Seiso (clean ing th e w ork plac e co mp letely so that th ere is no dust on the floor, machines or equip men t), Seiketsu (maintain ing a high standa rd of housek eep ing a nd w ork plac e at all times), and Shitsuki (training people to follow good housekeeping disciplines auton omo usly). Briefly, this is a syste m fo r org aniz ing the workplace and housekeeping which is carried out gradually and syste matic ally. T he g oal o f this technique is to cre ate a working environment that is o rga niz ed , sim ple , clea n a nd saf e. Visual control Lean requires the placement of all tools, parts and production activities in such a m anner so that everyone involved in the process can easily view and understand the whole system at a glance. Th is visu al co ntrol helps p eop le see wh at is happening in each s tage and what can be req uire d. Streamlined layout Th is focuses on designing the plant layout sequentially. The layout design should follow the op timu m o pe ratio na l seq ue nc e. Standardized wo rk Lean requires consistency in the performance of task. This building block emphasizes on standa rd task performance but with prescribed methods and without any waste. Teams Lean highly emphasizes teamwork. Teams can perform more effectively th an the in dividu al. In this system teams can be an improvement team or daily work-team. Quality at the source Lean requires quality at the very beginning. Op erators will inspect and use process control, so that they bec om e su re tha t the p rod uct th at is passed on to the n ext p roce ss is o f acc epta ble qu ality . Point of use storage Raw materials, parts, inform ation, tooling , work standards, procedures etc. are stored wh ere needed. Quick changeover The ability to change tooling and fixtures rapid ly (usually in minutes) so that m ultiple pro duc ts in smaller batches can be run on to the same eq uip me nt. Pull /Kanban A system of cascading production and delivery instructions from downstream to upstream activities in which the upstream supplier does not produce until the downstream customer signals a need. Cellular /Flow Ph ysica lly linking and arranging manual and machine pro cess steps into th e mo st efficient combination to maximize value added content wh ile minimizing waste. The aim is single piece f lo w . Total Productive A lean equip men t mainten ance s trategy for Maintenance maximizing overall equipment effectiveness. TPM empowers workers to maintain and improve operations and equipment in the ir wo rk areas, preventing breakdow ns, malfunctions and accidents. Source: Alukal and Manos (2002)

increases cost w ithout adding value to the product is a waste. Shingo (1992) strongly emphasized the elimination of waste. He advised the managers not to accept any waste as unavoidable. Nicolas (1998) and Boeing Company, (2000) identified several types of waste such as waste of complexity, labor, space, overproduction, time, transport, energy, defect and materials. Shingo (1992) identified seven different types of wastes as illustrated in Table 2. Table 2 presented the most basic forms of wastes involved in the production process. Lean philosophy shortens the lead -time, red uces the manufacturing cyc le time and improves the manufacturing performance by eliminating these wastes from the production processes. Core characteristics of lean production practice: Lean production has se veral charac teristics as identified in researches. Oliver et al. (1993) identified seve n core characteristics of lean production: C Organization with team that invo lves flex ible, mu ltiskilled operators taking a high degree of responsibility for work with their areas. Shop-floor with problem solving structure w hich is central to kaizen or continuous improvement activities. Lean manufacturing operations: low inventories, small number of direct workers, small batch size, just in time production. 38

Asian J. Bus. Manage., 2(2): 35-40, 2010 C C C C High commitment human resource policies, which encourage a sense of shared destiny within a factory. Close relationship w ith suppliers and smaller supplier base. Cross-functional development teams. Retailing and distribution channels which provide close links to the custom er and perm it a make to order strategy to operate. blocks as well as consideration of a number of conceptual issues such as value specification, va lue stream, w aste elimination, empowerment of employees and continuous impro vem ent. All these together create the foundation for lean implementation. REFERENCES Alukal, G. and A. Manos, 2002. How Lean Manufacturing Can Help You M old Shop by Incorporating Lean Manufacturing into Doing Ope. Retrieved from: http//www.moldmakingtechnology. com/articles/1002004.html. (Accessed date: April 24, 2007). Bartezzaghi, E., 1999. The evolution of production models: is a new paradigm em erging? Int. J. Oper. Prod. Man., 19(2): 229-250. Boeing Company, 2000. Lean Manufacturing. Retrieved from: (Accessed date: Aug ust 15, 2007). Bruce, M., L. Daly and N. Towers, 2004. Lean or agile: A solution for supply chain management in the textiles and clothing industry? Int. J. Oper. Prod. Man., 24(2): 151-170. Cooney, R., 2002. Is lean a universal production system? batch production in the automotive industry. Int. J. Oper. Prod. Man., 22(10): 1130-1147. EPA, 2003. Lean Manufacturing and the Environmen t, EPA100-R-03-005, Retrieved from: www innovation/lean.htm. pp: 1-12. EPA, 2006, Lean Manufacturing and the Environment, Just-in-Time/Kanban. Retrieved from: http://www. (Accessed date: Octob er 05, 2007 ). Hall, R., 1983. Zero inv entory , Homew ood, IL: D ow Jones- Irwin. Hines, P., 1996. Purchasing for lean production: The new strategic agenda. Int. J. Purch. M ater. Ma n., 32(1): 2-10. Imai, M., 1986. Kaizen-the Key To Japans Competitive Success. McGraw-Hill, New York. Kamoun, M. and C.A. Yano, 1996. Fac ility layou t to support just-in-time. Transp. Sci., 30(4): 315-29. Katayama, H. and D. Benett, 1996, Lean production in changing competitive world: A Japanese perspective. Int. J. Oper. Prod. Man., 16(2): 8-23. Kilpatrick, J., 2003. Lean Principles. Utah Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Utah. Lau, R.S.M., 2000. A synergistic analysis of joint JITTQM implementation. Int. J. Prod. Res., 38(9): 2037-2049. Matsui, Y. and O. Sato, 2002, An international comparison study on benefits of production information systems. Int. J. Op er. Qu ant. M an., 8(3): 191-214. 39

Presence of these characteristics in a production system makes the system lean. It suggests that lean production system, in order to be really useful in eliminating wastes, requires team organization structure with cross-functional development teams, problemsolving structure in the shop floor, small quantity of inventories, small batch size, just-in-time production and delivery, flexible and employee-oriented human resource policies, integration w ith a small base of suppliers, and close links to the customers. Thus, lean encompasses the entire enterprise: from the shop floor to the executive suit and from the supplier to cu stomer value chain. The building blocks of lean: Lean is established upon several building blocks. Alukal and Manos (2002) have identified the building blocks presented in Table 3. These include 5S, visual control, streamlined layout, standardized layou t, teams, quality at source, point of use storage, quick changeover, pull/kanban, cellular/flow, and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM ). These building blocks need to be in place in an organization in order to be successful with the lean production system. All these building blocks are keys to lean production. In order to be truly lean, working environment needs to be organized, clean and safe. These are necessary ingred ients for an efficient and quality work. When em ployees can have a clear view of what is happening, they can understand easily the whole system that results in higher productivity. Operationally sequential plant layout helps in reducing cycle time. Standardized work facilitates consistency in the performance of employe es. W ellorganized work-teams perform better in achieving higher productivity with less input and efforts. Ensuring quality from the very beginning of the production process reduces the chance of having unexpected scrap/d efects in the subsequent stages of production. Storing ne cessary materials and other things close to the place of work/use improves production efficiency. Kanban reduces the inventory level throug h using systematic and timely signaling for 45 materials. As a building block of lean, TPM focuses on overa ll equipment effectiveness through regular, routine maintenance of equipments. CONCLUSION The lean produ ction system is important for improving a firm competitiveness. Lean practice, how ever, requires establishment of several building

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