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From: Farrar.

Sent: Tuesday. April 17,2007 9:10 PM
To: Fleming. John
Cc: Hincker, Larry
Subject: RE: Fioorplans for I'iorris, AJ

I :n awaiting direct lr:r frorn the Uni''+rsity ACnri ni strat i o:.: btj.r=

u. ,. :. -r,- i- -- - -LG\'- .5-l!r\

orr:a:: on Syscems . ... :r:
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-----Ari ,"ti nr'l lrl r.

trram. ;l r aqi
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'l'- -.'laPl?E:G!t_
:t; 7 AJ
Ken Far:ar, hello. .'::. su:e you're receiving s:m:far reques:J, bu: -
w::' roprng you :rl ChL ;:,.-, aole to send :ne some f loor: l ans : -,: I'iO:::::s and
a!-1 . ,, work in :::,.. gr:-:.--as CeDartnen: of !he Del::' I'ri:, i:es,: :rC
-l'd -i.:::a:ave tha. ::f.ation ar::: -:t.e as news :eD--t--.- Srcceec.
' rra ho:- -r,i nn :- z'

:;.,r S T
^ ^atte:-A.'.

Best wi shes : :^on \i:. :higa:

.Tohn ir I :::. : :- -;
n6nrr-v i:- ^1.s Dj -octOf
The Da::; : -- aree P:ess
Page ofl

Owczarski. Mark

From: Sanzenbach,Donna
Sent: Monday, April 16,2007'1:18 PM
To: Orvczarski, Mark
Subject: Message from Larry

Larry is in our oifice and asked thatl contact you via e-mail and let you know that calls trom parents should be
directed to the Dean of Students Otfice at 231-3787. Please use thjs inio on ihe announcement that goes out.

Dontut Sonzenbaclt
Administraiive Staff Assistant
Office of Vice Presldeni fcr Student Afiairs
112 Burruss Hall (0250)
Virginia Tech
Blackscurg, VA 2406i
(540) 231-4544 Phone
(540) 231-3189 Fax

4ll ArlAt\1
-----Or i oinal Mes s:r're-----
Frcrn: . .'-.-hew i:- .:-:. in:. .. ::-.atte0:r)'tirne-<.:: '.

Se:. : ria\', -:38 PM

Sur-' : i]"oor : , :,: l'lorri"s l^:- -

M: Ui b^t,6r

I a,.'- a ;raphics edi t.r. :t The New Yr:-t Times. Ma:k Or.r::.::-:.1:, :. ,:-:::s,_ed f
co:-.ta:t yo:: :ega:-:: :. ' rr -olans . . :,cr:;s i-:, I _ anC .:..:r: . r:l
lVc'-.-.: beer. '.:ying ro obl<_:. iloor pIans, and have been told ::.eL ihey

nc: :i -he police ::-;esciga-- . :-::.

ava: l"able ciue

We're :. '::tg :c be as acc::::te as pcssib)e in te:cr:::.rg wi.a: happ::.. :-

No-r-i s -.Ii:. 1t ..1 ;.
-rrn h:r.-r-^_--g
.Lu. ^- prdl- wiJu.l I :. . ' i*- --^^r..
^l -Ltrui,,_:..-f e.l-,. :.
wna: s:uden:s and :acuLry members ale teiiing Js abcuc where i_hey wer-e
:l)e . :.roti:tg occurrei/ .:.1 what :hey saw a:rd nea:-d. W..' r,rl,: r,rr -?v'r+"Y

a.:. :r ' .: ,n wha'_ .. .;,pene.i -- j ust the basir . aycuE : . :he :cons : :r
l.! I r
- rualrY-^ !

0-: .... J3unsc. :.hirks :ha'- -re :. .-.: plans sho..:_d s::__ be a;-:_.:
:eccrd -- jus: bec:,'. :hey a:e being .:. .I in rhe :nvc-L __;aL;on, :he
pJ-ans shouldn't lcse '-:, r: status as a public record.

I l,;as wonde:ing if : ::.s were oo-r.:.1 :o be mdc :...-a:-able :,. .ny

or !i - .;hcul-d do some::. i:rg j .:.:: iile a open rec:r:.-i:r r - .=-i: a3t: 1.-i-,-::,?
? r r:J

:--:-.:ie: ir - '-. :o cic .:,:, ,: - ;r::.: it wou_d acid a iri ji:less la;ver :. - .

DUreaucracy. )

I:' _lou -.,:r ai . :c be :. :- ;.: _:, :eel : :ee io contac: me al t56-7609

maf t/'3rf i

Iui ar :- 1-

I{a: --: ,.
i ia : :'.; a:l
Jer:. . l,:: .a mat:ecr.)vf
rne .... - ^ ;;;;;';i;:;';;;'""
Good moming-

We're here this morning to provide with the latest information invoiving yesterdaJr's

honibie tragedy'. capt. Flinchum and Srate Police Col. Steve Flaheny will provide vou
with the latest information on the investigation. .A,s we work u,ith law enforcement
agencies who continue to notify faniiy members of the deceased. I ask that you keep in
your healts the famihes of the vicrims of rhis terrible event.

I have some additional informarion rerarding how the vireinia Tech community wili
move fortard and begin recovery in the coming hours and days.

First of all, Virginia Tech will cancel all classes for the remainder of the u cek to allow
students the time they need to giieve and seek assistance as needed. The university will
re-open administrative operations beeinning tomorrou,, Wednesday, April 18

understanding that some faculty and staff may u'ish to taiie add'irional time off this week

to grieve the loss of fellow colleagues and friends. we ask individual emplovees to
communicate with their supervisors of their schedules for the balance of the week.

We will close Norris Hall for the remaindcr of the semester. Staff are currenrlv workins
to arange alternative location for ciassrooms and faculty offices.

Counseling and other resources are available for students. faculty, and staff. Studenis

mal receive counseling at Mccomi$ Hall and counselors will be available for extended
hours. Empioyees ma)'receive needed support bl,goine to the Brush \{ountain Rogm in

Squires Student Cenrer throushout the dar.

As you know, the university will bs holding a con\rocarjon ceremon), at 2 p.m. at Cassell
coliseum. This will be rhe first time rhe \Iirginia Tech communitv will come rogether
since the tra-sedy to sh are our collective sorrow. Ar that time, presjclent George Bush,

First Ladl Laur:i Bush, Gor,. Timothy Kaine. Mrs. Kaine members of our Board of
Visitors. members of the cierey, our students. and poer Njkki Gjovanni u.iil share

From: I lnirolrFtr* orir:
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 9:26 AM
To: Multiple recipienis
S u bject: Shooting cn campus.

.I. snoo: ing ::rcide::: occurred a: lies! Amber Johnston earL :h : s mornl.nq. Police are on
Lhe scene and are investi-oa:i-nq.
Tne universi:]2 cominu::i:y :s urgeci .-o be cau:ious anC are asked tc Vi::ginia Tech
Poiice ii -vou observe any:hing susp:cious or wi:h informati.on on the case. Contact
Virginia Tech Folice ai 231-541t
Stay altuned :: :he ww,e,vt. edu. Vie wj.lL post as soon as we have more inf o::maii-on.
Hoyle, Tlereqe
From: Unirel@vt edu
Sent: Monday. April 16 2007 9:50 AM
to: Multiple recipients
Su bject: Pl aaqc <iarr nr rl

A I Llll||la:i i -
:5 1^^^^
-!(JtJ5g on canDus. Stay in bu:ldinEs un:il :urEher notice. Stav a\,Jav
a l" v;r ncicws
Hoyle, Theresa

Sent: Monday, April 16,2007 10:17 AM
To: Multiole recipients
Subject: AII Ciasses Canceled. Siay where you are

lr:rgini.a Tech has canceled al.l classes. Those on campus are asked to remain where there
are, iock :he:-y doors and sEa-v away from windows. Persons off campus are asked not F.o

From: Unirel@vt.eCu
Sent: Monday, Aprii 15, 2007 10:53 AM
To: Multiole recioients
Subject: Second Shooiing Reported; Police have one gunman in custody

,n adCi:ion to an earlier shcoting today in West Ambler .Ichns;on, thet:e has been a
mu1:rpie shooEing with mul:ip1e vic-- jms in Norris Hail-.
Police a:1C EMS are on ihe scene.
PoLi-ce have one shocter in cuslody and as part of routine po1:ce crccedu:e :hey
cont:nue Eo search for a second shooter.
i-11 people in un:vers:cy bu:ldings are required Eo stal' tnside un:.: - : u:ther notice.
A1l en::'ances t.o camDus are closed.
From: Unirel@vt.ecu
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 12:16PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Counseling support available

r.-rrrnccl ihd
ie available :-n :j't e Bo-rflnan Rcom in t'he Merriman Center (part a thL et -i c
^nnnl ar'\ employees who seek assistance following iodai,.: events.
WEA E /l:rn

Sent: Monday, April 16, 2307 10:00 pM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Planned Facuity / Siaff Evacuation

Facu-:l' ani sca::_ -ocaieC on ihe Burruss Hali side of :ile Dr-: r: :r .i _r- ci are
Ehe-: ofiice and g: rome inr:nedia:al.;.
?acu-:ir and s:aif l-ocateC on :he yia:. Memorial / EggLeston Hall side of : Drill field
asked :o -eave their ofjices anC gro hoine at 12:3C p.n.
From: Unirel@\,
Sent: Monday, April i6, 2007 10:00 PM
To: Multiple reciplents
Subtect: jJniversity clcseci today; classes canceied

virg:r':-a Tech has cf osed todalr ]"tond.ay, Apli_ jE, 2OO.t. On Tuesoa1,, ipril i classes will
be car:ceied. ?he uii-vers i E.y will renain open f or adnLin:- s5rat:ve ope::a*-ions.
The:e wiil be an acli::ional :::::';arsi:y s-,a:ernent pf.esen:ed today a._ noon.
All sEldenr-s, faculiy, anc sta:: are :equ:.:-ed :o s;.ay whe:-e :hey are u::::l po- . cc execu. ,
a p1a::red . A phased closi::g will be:n efiec: coda-,.; fu:ihe: ::-flrm.::on w:__
be forchconing as sJ :: as police secure :he campus.
Tomorrow, lhere i{-'- .: a un:versi!y convoca: i on / cerenony at noon at Cassell Coilseu:r,. The
:nn ac v::'ginia T.::h :;as been <iesrg:ra:ed as:he si:e io:- pare-:rs -,r oa:l'c-- .rd np361n
Sent: Monday, ADril 16, 2007 12:42 PM
to: Multipie recioients
Subject: Statemeni by Presrdent Charles W. Steger

Shoo:ing a: \'irg::.ia Tech / S:acemen: by pr-esidenL Charles W. S-Leger

The university was st:uck today wit.h a t.ragedy of monumen:al" oropor-,-ions. There were
:hro shooiings on campus. fn each case, :here were fatalj.ries. The unlversicy is shccl:ed
and hor-riiied that th:s wouid befail our camDus. I hant :o e>:ce::i my cieepes:, sinceres:
ani mosc profcund svmca:hies to -..he famj.lies of Ehese vic',ims which include studenis
?here are 23 ccnfirmed dea:hs.
i^le currently are t:l !h= process of no-- j i-r'ing fanilies of The Virginia Tech
Pclice are be!-ng assrsted bv numer-ous o:her jurisdjctions. ',,:c:ims. crirne scenes aie be!.ng
:nves'Ligatec b-r :he Fts:, unl1'er:s::\' pol ice, and s:a:e poL ice. ./ie coniinue io work to
u'= fv i '.-^Fu-:",rts
i iFr-i- i :rr rho -r.
i -. lmpacted by t.his :ragedy. I cannot beg j.n to covey my own oersonal
sense of ioss over :his senseLessness of such an inccrnorehens rb le aeci- heinous act the
unir-er:si',-y wj.l] immecia:ely sei up counseiing cen:ers. so jar cenie:s have been
iientified in Ambler iohnson and the Cool.: Counseling Center to work 'rJjrh our campus
cominuni-t.v and iamilres.

liere are some o: che fac:s we know:

At about 7:15 a.m. :his mcrning a 911 call came to the University police DeDartment
ccnce::l:ng an e-!fen: in wes: Amber ,tohns:on Ha1l. There we:'e nu-L:ipJ"e shoo.-ing victims
whjle :-n ;he :rocess of i:rves:ioa:::lg, abou: two hcurs lace:- :he g"-vv-r--v v -cecrvec
""- unive-si-
r.n^r-' ehaaei-^-;--i;:::i:::-:-.':'-::"-"',:l:'j""1:.::':'
ln No:::is T:re pol:ce
^.9 :-_a._-. immeciiacely resoor:ded. Viccins have
been :ranspo:'ieC io various hospi:als in the jmmediace area in rhe -eoion :.1 ra^
emergency i::ea:roeni
lie 'n'ill prcceed to contaet :he !am.r"1ies of victime as identities are available.
A11 classes are cancell-ed anC lhe university is clcsed for ghe remainder f o:- t'he Eoday.
The u:iivel:s:tir wiJ-l oDe:i ioincr:ow ac g a.m- but classes wrll be cancel-led on
The police a:e curf'en:1y stagrng t.he release of people frcm campus buiidlngs
Families wlslring to r-eunj.t.e t.he sEudents are suggesled ro meet at ihe rnn
iii:'ginia Tech. l^Ie are making'"jth
plans for a ccnvocaEion tomo:-row (Tuesda-v) at noon
Cassell Coliseum for the "rr€ universi:v q36p,rni rr' r'^
ur1-Lvelsl-;v comlrurrlLv to come
^^sa '^--.'r
Lcge-'ner Eo begi:] :o deal
the _rraceciv.
S€nt: Monday, April 16, 2AA7 q.31 pM
To: Muliiple recipients
Subject: Carnpus Update on W Shootinqs

Virginra Tech remains closed on l"londay, April !6, 20a7. Vehicular entrances to camDus
are severelv restricteC to essen:iai personnel nr'lr' ^,tli-.1 rvr.q.r
^--r oeCt:I:
-^ :v remainS On
campus as ihe i::i-es::ga:!on cc:::irues.
CcunseJ-ing assi.stance for students in avaiLable at !v'esi Ambler Johns:on and
liaLl uni jl 9 p.n. t.onighi. sauden:s are encouraged to utir:ze these ser:-r,j.ces.Mccomas
Counsel j-ng fcr faculty a:rC staff is avai:ab-e ac:he Bowmar: Room in ihe Mer:rinan Center
(aLhLe; ic compJ.ex,l . Scucierc rna_r aiso be :ogether at the Old Doninion
inr'ircc Qr: rAc-r:- .-an- 6 v
tsallr.ocm ai

The universit-v vr:. J. !- also close on Tlesday, April 1? EssentiaL personal are to
f or v,ro:k. Ciasses wilL be canceled.

A.public gaEbering will be held Tuesdalz, April 1? at casser_ coriseum at 2 5-n.

change fron: :re;:ally scj:eiuied 10 a.m. ga:hering) .
A- I sludent.s are urged to con:act their parenls as soon as possi.ble :o le: !.hem kncw
.i * .. I . . .i ;. .
1- ^-^
4rrt-J.\'"rgLrat5 ^
--r- dJ.c bd,-c.

S:uCents, facul:i', and staff who may have any information re l:raA !a rha -..___enE
i-^i,1, a:
!: Johns:on ilalt and Not:ris ltat j are encouraged to go to :he Blacksburq police
wesE ATbe
)eDar:men! !o make s!atements, or ca1L 54O-23i_TIpp (g477\ , or 2 31- 5411
Parents with concerns are asked call the Dean of students office at. 540-231-3787

irciiviciuals ::r;ured in the two shoo'.ings have been taken :c area hcspitaIs.
Evans, Susan
From: Gilbert Adams []
Sent: Friday, August 03,2007 6:11 AM
To: Hagen, Nancy
Cc:; Murray, Margie; Evans, Susan
Subject: "Rapper's Violent Lyrics Draw Protests"

Dear Ms Hagen:
When I read the article, "Concert Lineup Angers Some Va. Tech Families" by Sandhya
Somashekhar, published j.n the Washington PoEt today, I was troubled. And r,/hen I saw that
university officials said "they have received an overwhelmingly positive response", it
struck me that some thlngs are not beet resolved on t.he basis of simple popularity.
,\Tlniversi tw offieials" should have the discernment and the moral fiber to make and to
i-mplement iralue j ud.gments when necessary. The concerns expressed by vincent .T. Bove and
Alicia FarreLl, as quoted j-n Ehe article, shouLd be respected; moreover, I doubt that
someone primarily occupied with markeling matters is not tshe person in the best position
to make such decisions.
The pro's and con's of rapper lyrics may be a valid topic for debate, but such a debate is
not appropriale in connection with the even! presently in planning.
please pass on my views Eo President Steger, who apparently does not care to receive e-
ci h^a-a l \r
cilbert Adams
From: Hincker, Larry []
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 7:05 PM


7:15 A.M' - Virginia Tech Pol-ice Department ivT PD) receives a 911 cail -,o resDond to a
-^-., ,,=st Ambler Johnston Residence Ha-lf .
Wiihin mj-nutes' Virgiinia Tech Police and -:':'
Vi r-rri ni a Ter':h Sorrar'l
vYssu resnon.l r^ -,-fnct t.v,ro
.'''heh.\r- v4vL'tr.', .> ",ale
r'i..i-.ihc and a female, inside a dormitory roorn within the Ha1l. The
residence hall was inmediately secured by VT PD and students within the hall were notj_fied
and asked to rernain in their roorns for their safeiv- VT pD - *mmediat.ely secured +-he room

for evi.dence coll-ection and began guestioning dorm residents and iden:ifying potential
witnesses. In the preiiminary stages of the investigation, it was believed the dearns wexe
an isoLated incident, ciornestic in nature.
Blacksburg Police Department were aiso on scene assisting VT pD with
establishing a safety perimeter around +-he residence halI and securing Washinq-,-on Stree-,.

7:30 AM - :nvestigators were ::--oming up on ieacs :cnce:ning a person of inte=est in

re.lalion !o the doul:Le homicide. Investigatois from vT PD and Blacksburg pD were acrrvely
following up on various Leads.

8:25 AM - Virginia Tech Leadership Team, which includes the unj-versity president,
executive vice presicient, and provost, assembLed to begin assessing the developing
situatlon at the fesj-dence hall and determinina a meen< nf -o-.ifvinoY !Luse'!r
strr.lents .rf
vr the

9:00 AM - Leadershj-p Team was briefed on the situation by YT pD Chiei W.R. Fl-eci:um on the
Latest cievel-ooments ir, :he ongoing t:rvestigati-on a*. rhe :esicien:e ha_i.

9:26 AM - V:rg,inia Tech community - ali far:u lf rr an.l sirl.lcnf s - were noti f i erl ir.rr 9-6g11 3f
the honicide investisa=i"" l"J-"."r,"-u. ;;;;-A,ib;; ;;;;;;; R.;;;"";;';;ril ;i" asked -_o
report any suspicious activiry to. The Virginia Tech Emergency/weather line recordings
were also transmltted and a broadcast tel-ephone nessage was made to campus phones. p. Dress
re.l-ease was draf'-ed and posted on the Virginia Tech Website.

-945 - No:ice in leadership command center via our po1J-ce rep of a shoo-"ing in Norrrs.

officers on the scene in mi.nutes. Doors chained shut, Officers breached the doors n,lth

There was no engagement. !'v'hen of f icers on the scene the had stopped.
The Office of University Relations
WVi€iniaTedl 314 Bunuss Hall (0229)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
540t231-5396 FAX: 5a0i 231-1985
E-mail: unirel@vtedu

Statement by Charles Steger, President


With me today is the Secretary of Public Safety ficr the Commonwealtr of Virginia, John Marshall and the
Superintendent of Virginia State Police, Steve Flaherty. Also present if the Mayor of Blacksburg, Ron
Rordhan the chief of Blacksburg PD, Kim Crannis; the chief of Virginia Tech Potice, Wendell Flinchum.

I want to repeat my honor, disbelief, and profound sonow at the events of today. People from around the
world have expressed their shock and sonow and endless sadness that has transpired today. I am at a
loss for words'to explain or understand the camage that visited our campus.

I know no other way to speak about this than to tell you what we know.

It is now conirmed that we have 31 deaths from Nonis Hall, including the gunman. 15 other victims are
being treated at local hospitals in the Roanoke and New River Valleys. There are two confirmed deaths
from the shooting in Ambler Johnston Dormitory in addition to the 31 in Nonis.

We have not confirmed his identity of the gunman because he canied no identification on his person. We
are in the process of attempting identification.

Nonis Hall is a tragic and sorrowful crime scene. We are in theprocess of ideniifying viclims and in the
process of notifying next of kin. This may Eke a while. We will not release any names until we are
posiiive of this notification. We anticipate being able !o release a list sometime tomorrow.

We are asking students to contact their parents to let them know their status.

Our investigation continues inio whether there is a connection between the first and second incidents.

We know that parents will want to embrace their We are not suggesting that you come to
campus. However, if parents feel that they must come to campus, we are locaiing counselors at The lnn
and Skelton Conference Center.

As you can imagine, security, investigation, operational, and counseling resources are very taxed at the
moment. However, we are getting assistance from the state police, the FBl, ATF, local jurisdiciions, and
the Red Cross. And we understand the desire, indeed the compelling need to get iniormation on the part
of family, students, and loved ones, but unfortunately this is all the information we have at the time.

We are posting information to our website as we leam it. Our communications systems are taxed also
and we are also posting information,

lnvent the Future

An equal opportunity, affirntstive action in stlt ution

.L H; J4b4r*,4,, ;.


Dr. Charles Steger

Fresident, Virginia Tech

Chief W.R. Flinchum

Virginla Tech Police Department

Colonel Steve Flahertv , i t -/- -

Virginia State Poli=e -u
@)r'i(orrnita ti€i.ta
0turf Medical Examiner office - Snafoeo
The Honorable John Marshall
Virginia Secretary of Public Safety

a_." +44.
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FL?a€qa1 7v;2i

We have new information to release concerning the

ongoing investigation into Mondayts fatal shootings.
State, local and federal investigators worked
through the night collecting, processing and analyrzing
evidence from within Norris l{all,
And, I would like to take a minute to reeognize the
outstanding professionalism and effolts put forth by my
officers since that initial 911 call came into our
dispatch center Monday morning.
I also want to commend the response and
dedication of those officers and investigators with
Blacksburg Police, Montgomery County Sheriffs Office,
State Police, FBI and ATF...
Based on their hard work, we have been able to
confirm the identity of the gunman at Norris Halh Gho
Fle is a 23-year-old Korean here in the U.S. as a
resident alien.
Cho was enrolled as an undergraduate student in
hls senior year as an English maior at Virginia Tech.
Cho was in the l,t.S. as a resident alien with a
residence established in centerville, va...and was living
on eampus in l{arper Hall,
A 9-rnilimeter handgun and Z?-caliber handgun
were recovered from Norris l{all.
Ballistic tests on the evidenee seized from the
Norris Hall and the West Arnbler Johnston Residence
Hall scenes were conducted at the U,S. Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobaeco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Iab in
Lab results confirmed that one of the two weapons
seized in Norris Hall was used in both shootings.
All of the deceased have been transported to the
Medical Examinels office in Roanoke for examination
and identification.
The names of the 32 deceased stsrdents and
faeulty will be released once all victims are positively
identified and nexf of kin notified...and Doctor Fierro,
the chief Medical Examiner of virginia wilr go into more
detail on that in a minute.

I also want to fotlow up on the discussion from
yesterday about the Eperson of interestt frorn the finst
shooting at the residence hal!.
That individual was an acquaintance of the female
victim killed at West Ambler Johnston Hall.
He was stopped in his vehiele off campus and
detained for questioning.
As officers were inteliewing himn the shootings at
Norris Hall were reported.
We are stillJooking to hirn for information as the
investigation continues.
We atso have no information at this time to relate
the on-campus bontb threats made in the last two
weeks to either of yesterdayts events.

Good moming-

we're here this moming to provide you with the ratest information
invoiving yesterday,s
horribie tragedy. capt. Frinchum and stare porice cor. steve Flaherty
will provide you
with the latest inforrnation on the investigation. As we work with
law enforcemenr
agencies who continue to notify family members of the deceased,
I ask that you keep in
your hearts the families of the victims of this terrible event.

r have some additional infonnation how the virginia Tech community
move forward and begin recovery in the coming hours and days.

First of all, Virginia Tech will cancel all classes for the remainder of the week
to allow
students the time they need to grieve and seek assistance as needed.
The universitv will
re-open administrative operations beginning tomorrorv, wednesday, AP,il
understanding that some faculty and staff may wish to take additional
time off this week
to grieve the ioss of fellow colleagues and friends. we ask individuar emproyees
communicate with their supervisors of their scheduies for the balance
of the week.

We will ciose Norris Haii for the remainder of the semester. Staff are currentiy
to arrange altemative location for classrooms and facultv offices.

counseling and other resources are available for students, faculty, and staff.
may receive counseling at McComas Hal] and counselors will be available
for extended
hours. Employees may receive needed support by going to the Brush
Mountain Room in
Squires Student Center throughout the day.

As you knovr', the university wili be holding a convocation ceremony at2p.m. at cassell
coliseum. This will be the first time the virginia Tech community will come together
since the tagedy to share our collective sorrow. At that time, president
Georse Bush-
First Lady Laura Bush, Gov. Timothy Kaine, Mrs. Kaine members of our
Board of
!'is*ors, members of the clergy, our srudents, and poet Nikki Giovanni will share

messages of condolence to the family and friends of the victims and words of hope to all
of us as we mor/e fcr';'ald past this ..raged;;.

Again we enco'rage all members of the virginia Tech community to attend. Shoutd
coliseum be full, the event, we hope, will be broadcast on campus cable stations,

I know the virginia Tech community, and the world at rarge, continues to struggle with
these horrible events. we hope that some tle steps we are taking today, and in the coming
days, will help in that healing process.
JIC Telking Points Document
April 17,2007-04-17

News todal':

* u. s. President George Bush and Mrs. Bush, and virginia

Governor Tim Kaine and
lvln. Kaine are expected to join almost 10,000 mourners during a memorial ceromony on
the Virginia Tech camFus today to remember the 32 faculty and students killed yesteiday
by a gunman.

* The convocation is being held at2p.m. today

in Cassell Coiiseum on the universitv's

* More information about this tragedy and the status of

the investigation will be relcased
to the media as soon as it is available. The next news conference is scheduled for 5 p.m.
in Aiumni Hall, which will be carried live on network television.

* Later today, an evening candlehght vigil will be heid on ther.uriversity'sDrillfield at g


* A gunman entered an academic building and a

residence hall at Virginia Tech eariy
Monday morning April 16, and shot and killed 32 faculty and studenti before turning the
on himself. An accurate list of those wounded is not available at this time.

* The virginia Tech Police DeparEnont has confirmed the assailant

as cho seung-Hui,
23. Cho was enrolled as an undergraduate student in his senior year as an Engiislimajor
at virginia Tech. cho, a South Korean native, was living in the united states=as a
resident alien with a residence estabiished in centreville, Va. Cho was living qn sampus
in Harper Residence Hall.

* A 9-millimeter handgun and 22-caliber handgun were recovered from the scene at
Norris Hall. The u.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) lab in
Maryland conducted ballistic tests on the evidence seized from the Nonis Hall and the
West Ambler Johnston Residence Hall crime scenes, Lab results confirmed that one of
the two weapons seized in Norris Hall was used in both shootings.

*,An active police investigation invoiving the

virgrnia Tech police Department, the
Virgtnia State Police, the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearrns and several
other law enforcement agencies is underway.

Poiice officiais are currentjy in the process of notifying the viclims, next of jdn.
Officiais have not said when a list of the victims will be avaiiable.
x The university has assembled
a group of counseiors to assist family members, srudents
and employees in dealing with their grief. Counseling for students is available
between 9
a.m. and 9 p.m. today at the Cook Counseling Center. For information cali 540-231-6557
or visit the Web site at

* counselingassistance for faculty and staff will be hetd in squires Student center,
Brush Moutain, Room A, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. toda,v-. For more informalion call 540-
443-3606. More detaiied information on the counseling is available on the Virginia
web site.

President Charles Steger has announced ihat the university is ciosed for the romainder
of the weel<. Norris Hall, the scene of the mass murder, wili be closed for the remainder
of the semester.

* More information about this tragedy and the status

of the investisation will be made
available for the media as soon as it is available.

* Anyone with information reiating to the incidents

is asked to contact the Blacksbure
Poii ce Depanm ent at 5 40 -23 I -64L L.

Talking Points - Updated 4118/07
H p.m.

1. NBC receives package from Norris shooter

a- NBS News received a package with phoios, video, and wrirings allegedly
from Cho Seung-Hui, the gunman responsibie for the fatal shootings at
Nonis Hall. NBC tumed originals of tlis potentially crucial evidence over
to the FBI.

2. Identifying vicfrms
a- Face identifications of victims is sometimes unreiiable; it is not
uncommon for ioved ones undsr gteat duress to misidenti$r victims. The
first means of malci.g definite identifications is by fingerprints. when
documented fiagerprints are not avaiiable, dental records can be used to
positiveiy identify victims. obtaining documented fingerpdnts and dental
records can be a time-consuuring task. When these identifications are
made, the first to be notified are the next of kja to the victim. It is after and
only after these positive identifications and famiiy notifications are made,
that larp enforqement is prepared to-releasethe identitv of a vrctim tolhe

3. Gathering place for Grad students

a. The GLC Muitipurpose Room will be available for the rest of the week
from 7:30am to i0:30 pm as a gathering place for the graduate
community. Visit the Multipurpose room to offer reflections (poems,
photos, statemsnts, or other), comme,nts to help us prepare action steps for
a positive future, seek answers to questions you might have, or have a
quiet moment. Dean Karen DePauw will be avaiiable on Wednesday and
Thrsday 10:00am-12:00 noon to tali( with gmduate students. Graduate
Schooi staff wili also be available to answer questions and address
conceu$ as they arise. Refreshments will be provided throughout the
tlree days.

4. Cards, letters and other condolences

a- The Virginia Tech community has been literaliy overwhelmed by
expressions ofsupport and condolences from around the worid and we are
so gratefirl. At this poinr, instead of sending flowers, may we suggest
donations be made to the Hoicie Spirit Mernoriai Fund, Detaiis can found

We've had several questions, particularly from schoolchildren, about

where to mail cards. They can be sent to the Dean of Students Office, 201
W. Roanoke Street, Blacksburg, VA 2406I.

5. Funeral Arrangernents

;d .\iil"ii}f,jtt,
a' Families of tre victims are maidng their own individuar
axrangements, none of which are availabre to the
universitv at this point.
6. Crisis counseling availabie
a' several organizations
lenrovidins ciisis counseiing services for students,
faculty, and staff Faculty and sradmroughour the siate are accessrng
counseling services tbrough the state employee system
program, wbrch
has about a dozen staff members working rn eUcfsUur!
*1 ororc
throughout the state. The Thomas E. co& counsering
L."rc;r working
with the Red Cross, New River Community Services,-and
others to
provide counseling services ror students. Counseiors
ars slssljn o *rirh
individuals, as well as groups as requested.

7. Judicial system
z. students who arlegediy viorate the universiry policies for Student Life are
required to at:ng.alldicial hearing ro discuss the vioiation(s)L
The Of6ce of Judicial AJfairs,r."irr., referrals from ioca:
residence hall staff, dining ha, staff, comm'nication
Nenvtrk Sewices,
faculty' and students. A-fter ajudiciar refenar is received., a charge
retter is
se,:rt to the student(s) or orsanization(s) iavolved
wwwjudicial.vt. edu <http :/hwvw.iudicial.vt. edu/>

8. contact the Virgrma Tech porice has had with the Norris Han gunman,
S eung-Hui (S OONG-WEE).

a. potendal slallcing
i. once his identification was confirmed, records were reviewed and
it was determined that there was contact with cho in the fan of
11. In November, Cho had made contact through phone calis and
person u'ith a female student, There was never any direct
made to the student. The student notified Virginia Tech police
Departrnent and officers responded. The studint deciined to press
charges and referred to Cho's contact as .,annoying.,' -
tlr. However, the iavestigatilg officer referred Ctro to the University
discipiinary system, which is the Office of Judiciat Affairs. The
outcome of that referral is handled within the university and
outside the scope of the police deparhnent.
lV. hr December, Cho instant messaged a second
female sfudent.
Again, no threat was made against that student. She made a
compiaint to Virginia Tech poiice and asked that Cho have no
further contact with her. Officers followed up the next morning
and spoke with Cho concerning this matter.

b. Mental Health Concems for Cho


i. Later that day police received a call from an acquaiatance of Cho,s

who was concemed that Cho might have been suicidal. Officers
again met with Cho and talked with him at length.
ii. Out of concern for Cho, of6cers asi<sd him to qpeak to a counseior.
He went voluntariiy to the police deparhaent.
iii. Based on tlrat iateraction with the counselor, a remporary detention
order was obtained and Cho was taken to a mental health facittv.

c. Contact with Engiish professor

It was aiso in the fall of 2005 that rhe chair of the English
Deparme,ft, Dr. Lucinda Roy, expressed concems regarding Cho
and his course writing assimme,lrts. Her concen$ were made to the
previous chiefand a detective.
These course assign:nents were for a creative o.niting course and
the students were encouraged to be imaginative and artistic.
The writings did not express any tlreatening intentions or allude to
any criminal activity. No criminal violation had take,n piace.
iv. Dr. Roy chose to reach out to this studelrt, out of concem for him
_ and his mental wellbeing.

.d. Other incidents

i.Since those contacts ia December of 2005...more than a year
ago...we are not aware of any additional i:rcidents or reports made
' to the Virginia Tech Police Departrnenr for Cho.

9. Burress Hall rncident

a- At 7:53 a.m. the University Operator received a tbreat against President
Steger. Officers responded to his office in Bumrss Hall to make him aware
of tl.e potential threat.
b. Police presence in and around Bumrss Hall was increased, which led to
many nrmors and false assumptions about what was going on. That led to
an uuwananted report of suspicious person within the hail.
c. Offtcers irrmediately responded and entered the buiiding. The building
was cleared and the report ofa suspicious person was unfounded.
d. These kinds of reports are not uncoutmon in the wake of what has taken
piace ia the past 48 hours on the Virginia Tech campus...which is one
reason why we are maintaiaiag high poiice visibility throughout the

at Norris on
ideniification ot tne gu;;n responsible for thr: muliiple
tne Virginia Tech cahpus Monday, April 16,
in" indiuidual has been identified as Clro Seung-Hui' 23. Cho was
year a-s an English major at
enrolled as an undergraduate student in his se rnior
as a resident a[ien
Virgi"i, i""h;. cno, a"south Korean native, wers in the U'S' in
*itt u L"iO"nce established in Centerville' Va' Cho was living on campus
Haroer Residence Hall. frorn
A;#;;;i n"nogun and 22-catiber lrandgun were recovered ! | r^r l,l
from the Norris Hall and the
ruo*i, il"ii'il"riir*,.tit J" ir'" sei::ed
ft"J rirffi i"; il ;;t* ""io"nce
R" s d e n ce
H a I s ce n e s wele co1{1cj?-d,

"ltf P- Y ;,1 : Lab

ffiffi i;,
i I

ffi:'"l' ;i : ;;;, ii'"u and Exp rosivei.tnJrl lf !,':,,Y1y1?lll

in Norris Hall was used in
results confirmed that one of the two weapon:i seized
both shootings. Cho Seung-Hui
"At this time, ihe evidence does not corrclusively identify
,as the sunman at both locations"' said Colonel..W;,9l"YTI^1.?l3P^,
si,o""riX*i0"";tne Gi;ia state Po|ice' \Vith this ne$::lo^11',':i*
#ffi;;, ;;;;; il "LL
to proceed to the .:rexr tevet of this complex
rv federal investigators srent the
local s'and night collecting' processing
State, rvvsr

and analyzing evidence from within Nonis HeJl' rne {ec11139i"^t-"^i:::,1:i:fl Hall
ffi:ii##";;';i;;;;"o*t on the second lloor and a stairwell of Norris
ih" gun*"n, who took his life, was discovend by police in a classroom
the victims.
Office in Roanoke for examination and identi:ication released once
kin notified'
all victims are positively identified and next oirrl^-l-^L.,'
il" v;dil; i" Jn pori"" Department,' ? l"9k*Itg P 9:",u P:P11T::1
rvrontsonlly i""itv s-n"ii#" omcJ,
;fi:ji!:i::,.'i il]lr Jg"n"i". "t" air inv:orved in the onsoing investisation at both
Norris Hall and West Ambler Johnston Hall'


. :...
2s Apr 2007 L2zrr,rr _ - revised I
From: le9,
"pLunmer, E1len,, <eplununer0vi . .Au,
subject: RE: Fw: proposar ror rn jureJltuaent"_
?o: David Ford <forddevt. edu> revised
Thread-topic: Fw: proposal for
rhread-index : AceBsvpg" r""i. rnjured students_ revised
X-Junkmai1-Status : score=10/50,O"eliiJi, *.r*"o"rrnO
X-Junkmai1-SD_Ralr: score=unknotn,fitst=zidane. cc. vt. edu

original-recipient : r tc822; to.OJOlrt
ip=rse 82 160 \8,
. eau
x-origj.nalArrivalTime: 25 Apr zoot
FILETIME= [ I 1A6BFA0 : O LC7 tizl,Z:22.0s54 (UTcl
87 sal
Perfect. you have intelligence
being able to understand stuff and lrisdom f don,g _ Sor I apprecJ.ate
am wont to do. is probably
*o.. iuiry __ (cuz making it up,
not go-J ;;; lvhich r
-----Original Message_____
From: David Ford I mailto: fordd@vt
. edu ]
wedDesdav, April 25, zooi-rolil'ar.l
To: pluruner, Ellen
subject: Re: Fw: proposal for rnjured
students_ revised
:i*;;;;:;'::.':ff:::: :: '.h:' the proposal expresses naximun
is that ti,. i..r,"''i'JJ'i' "iil"
::H:l; d;;"-;;.::to,'
p'o'"""-;;-i;''""v or these courses are
senerositv'"' .'.; -li!i:1T,ii:::f '.:l#"ff:":fi"5iT:,,iX.,
beLieve rhat in the discussr";;;;-";"Js
actions do have consequences srrouta be aired because
and our heart is leading many of our
at this point. *.r."J"i,'yoi'."r..ar____tr,.r,r"--ioJ
;|ffi:t*. asrins,

- jerry is getting a fair amount of parent-of-the_

:1,:"i3 grades.
>about Here inj ured traffic
>propos ins. u..r i,u.'ls:.$'i:";it":n;t".::" of. Jerry,s faculty members is
>t.onorrohr to discuss mrnutes with the deans

>Thoughts? Reactions ?

>-----Original Message_____
>From: Jerry Niles
I mai 1to: ni 1es €vt . edu j

Printed for David Ford dordd@vt.edui

: i ..
Plummer, Ellen,4/25107 12:12 PM -0400, Re: FW: Proposal for Injured Students- revised 2
>Sent: Wednesday, April 25t 2OO7 9224 AI1,
>To: Pl-unmer, El1en
>Subject: Fhrd: Proposal for Injured Students- revised

>Her is a draft of the proposal for the injured.


>>Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 09:01.:33 -0400

>>Erom: Mary Ann Lewis <malewis€vt. edu>
>>Subject: Fv/d: Proposal for lnjured Students- revised
>>To: nilesevt, edu
>>X-Mailer: QUAI,COMM Windows Eudora Version
>>X-Junkrnail-Status : score=10,/50 | host=steiner. cc . vt . edu
>>X-JunkmaiI-SD-Raw: score=unknown,
ref id=str=000 l-. 0A090205. 462F5 109. 0 18C, ss=1, f 9rs=0 r

>>Original-recipient : rfc922; niles 0vt . edu

>>I added a phrase. Use this one.

>>>Date3 Wed, 25 Apr 2007 08:56:57 -0400

>>>To: nil-es
>>>From: Mary Ann Lewis <malewis €vt . edu>
>>>Subject: Proposal- for Injured Students
>>>The i-njured students are enrolled in courses throughout the
>>>university. To ensure a consj-stent approach to how grades for
>>>their remaining courses will be calculated and awarded a university
>>>policy will be helpful . One proposal fo11ows. There may be
>>>others that make as much sense but the underlying principle must be
>>>to treat these students with as much care, concern and dignity as
>>>we have the deceased.

>>>Proposal: AIl remaining assignments in the class will- be

>>>calculated as "A" grades (including the final examination or other
>>>comprehens ive evaluation such as a paper, presentation,
>>>portfolio). Those "A" grades \^ri11 be calcul-ated with the grades
>>>earned up to April 16 | 2007 to determine the final
>>>grade. Injured students should not be expected to choose Option
>2 or 3.
>>Mary Ann Le\,ri.s, Associate Dean, Col-lege of Liberal Arts and Human
)>Sciences, Va Tech, 540 23I 6'770

>Jerone A. Niles , Dean

>Colleqe of r,iberal Arts and Human Sciences

Printed for David Ford>

Plummer, Ellen, 4/25107 12:12 PM -0400, Re: FV[: Proposal for Injured Students- revised 3
>Virgj.nia Tech (0426 )
>Blacksburg, VA 2406L
>Tefephone: (54A) 23L-677 9
>Fax: (5401 23L-7I57
>e-nai1: niles gvt. edu

ilvid n. r'ord
vice Provost for Academic Affairs
330 Burruss HaIf (0132)
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, vA 24061
540 / 23L- 41,6't
540/231-72]-L Fax
forddGvt . edu

Printed for David Ford>

Jack Davis, 4/25107 8:19 PM -0400, P/F
Datei wed, 25 Apr 2OO7 20:19:10 -0400
From: Jack Davis <davisaovt. edu>
subject: P/F
X-Junkrnail-Status: score=10/50,
X-Junkmail-SD-Raw: score=unknown,
ref id=str=000 1. 0A0902 04 . 462FF000. 00E3, ss=l' f gs=0' ip=6e . 168.78. 199,
so=2006-09-22 03t48254, dmn=5,2.I27/2006-09-2'7
original-rec ipient: rfc822; fordd0vt. edu

Mark and Davj-d,

I am very concerned about this P/F issue. I am particularly coneerned that it might
become a "we are vlrginia Tech" issue where the P/f option that every college but
engineering has said is not applicable for required courses' becomes university
wide. I personally have no problem with engineering implementing it for their
courses, particularly those most impacted by last weeks event' and I have granted
lirnited p/F option for our buitding construction students in the same classes with
those engineering students. I am however very concerned if this poJ-icy is open to
al-I classes university wide. There will be untold nurnber of students opting to get a
p rather than risk getting a B+ (and not an A) that rnight upset their GPA. 7 credit
studio courses will suddenly be P/F and giving instant equity to those getting a 'C'
and those getting an ,A.' Again the c students will \,;ant the P, and this could be
thousands university wide. rt real1y discredits those students who have worked hard,
even up to April 15. It wil-1 require a great deal of explaining to graduate schools
who - may understand after having it explained - see required courses with a
P/F. And since we aren't real-Iy failing anyone ' everyone gets a P. I'm sorry to
ramble but I am concerned. We wiLl also need to reverse the generous Course
withdrawls lre have granted because those students will now want a P instead.
Our options !'rere good. With additional - as needed- exceptions, I think the system
was fair. As I said if engineering wants to grant exceptions fine, but I really hope
this doesn't slip into a university wide directive.
thanks for listening.

Jack Davis, FAIA

Reynolds Metals Professor and
colleqe of Architecture and Urban Studies

Printed for David Ford>

Shelton, M. Dwight, 4/26107 11:16 AM -0400, Fwd: Deceased Student Refunds 1

Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 11:16:37 -0400

From: "Sheltonf M. Drdight" <>
Subject: FW: Deceased Student Refunds
To: David Ford <fordd€vt. edu>
Thread-topic: Deceased Student Refunds
Thread-index: AceDZybeDz25Jz0xQN++r6P97+DvKoEBLW+gAcpSDJA=
X-Junkmail-Status : score=10/50,
X-Junkmail-SD-Raw: score=unknown,
refid=str=0 01 . 0A09 020 4.4630C278 .00 8A, ss=1, f9s=0 ,
0 ip=tge,82.160.18,
so=2006-09-22 03 z 48 254, dmn=5. 2 . L2L / 20 0 6 - 09 -27
original-rec ipient: rfc822; forddGvt. edu
X-OriginalArrivalTime : 26 Apr 2007 L5:16:38,0179 (UTC)
TILETIME=[ 82A95r30 : 0 lC7 88 15 ]

Here is the email regarding the deceased students.

From: West, Melinda

Sent: Wednesday, April 25,2007 3:45 PM
To: Ratcliffe, Evelyn
Cc: Miller, Ken; Shelton, M. Dwight; Bonner, Cynthia
Subject: Deceased Student Refunds


Thanks for sharing the deceased student refund procedure with me last week. As we discussed, senior management has
approved the refund of all university tuition and fees for the spring 2007 semester for deceased students from last
Monday's shootings on campus. This is to include tuition and fees, comprehensive fees, and room and board as applicable.
I believe vou mentioned an equestrian fee for one student and the decision was that should be refunded as well.

Please cancel any unpaid or pending charges for these students, This should include any charges from the university such
as CNS, Parking, Electric Service, etc.

Dwight has asked that you ensure that the refunds are handled in a coordinated manner with student affairs and the
president's office so that official communication channels are followed. I understand that Ken has requested a
teleconference tomorrow and hope that any remaining questions can be resolved at that time.

lf I can be of further assistance. Dlease let me know.

Melindo J Wesf
Assistont to lhe VP for Budgat ond Finoncial &onogement
Virginia Tech
248 Eurruss Hoil {0174)
Blocksburg. VA 24061
54O-231-1a01 (fax)

Printed for David Ford>

Shelton, M. Dwight, 4/2.6/07 11:44 AM -0400, Fwd: Updated information regarding stude 1

Date: Thur 25 Apr 2007 f!:44:56 -0400

From: "Shelton, M. Dt4'ight " <>
Subject: Fw: Updated information regarding student withdrawals
To: David Ford <fordd€vt, edu>
Thread-topic: Updated information regarding student withdrawals
Thread-index: AceI GSVxy 0 g'P2OyoTv/CbJyZ4E7U3 / ?AAH 5 dg
x-Junkmail-Status : score=l-0/50, host=dagger . cc . vt. edu
X-Junknail-SD-Raw: score=unkno\"/n'
refid=str=0001. 0A090204.4630C914, 0018,ss=1,fgs=0' ip=f 99.82. 160. 1"8,
so=2005-09-22 03:48t54, dmn=5.2.12I/2006-09-27
original-recipient : rfcl22; fordd0vt . edu
x-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2007 15:44.56.0772 (UTC)
FILETIME= [ D7 1A1840 : 01C7I819 ]

Here is one more note on the withdrawal topic.

From: West, Melinda

Sent: Thursday, April 26,2007 11:40 AM
Tor Ratcliffe, Evelyn; Miller, Ken
Cc: Shelton, M. Dwight
Subject: Updated information regarding student withdrawals

Evelyn and Ken,

Dwight asked that I send you an email to convey decisions he and Dr. David Ford made a few minutes ago regarding
student options and withdrawals.

Dwight and David Ford had a discussion and determined that tN! studenl who was inside of Norris Hall during the shooting .

incident, whether physically injured or not, would have the option of a medical withdrawal related to the trauma of the
shootings last week. Dwight and David agreed that students who were inside of Norris during the shooting and elect a
medical withdrawal should be a full refund of tuition and fees for the spring term.

Dwight has asked me to arrange a time today for a phone conversation with you about what is going on and where we are in
the process. Dwight understands that David Ford plans to have a similar conversation with Donna Ratcliffe.

Please lel me know if you have questions and we will be in touch to set up a time to talk later today.


Melindo J West
Assistant to the VP for Budoel ond Finoncrol Manooernent
Virginio Tech
248 Burruss Holl (0174)
B lacksburg, VA 24061
540-231-1401 tfax)

Printed for David Ford <>,4126107 3:24PM -0400, CORRECTED contact inforrnation for student c
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 L5224z40 -0400
From; Provost@vt. edu
subject: CoRRECTED contact inforrnation for student choices
To: Multiple recipients <L ISTSERV@ LI STSERV. VT . EDU>

Thursday, April- 26, 2007

Dear Virginia Tech Students:

Thank you so much for your continued courage and commitment as we continue to heal
and move forward. This note is to reiterate the university,s commitment to be
f lexibl-e through our ,,student choicefl'. policies that provide options for complet.ion of
your academic requirements for the senester. Please refer to the university,s
homepage (www.vt. edu) for information on grades and completj.on of academic work.

Any guestions you might have should first be directed to the associate dean of
colJ.ege. we realize that you are taking courses in multiple colleges, and all
deans are vrorking in concert lrj-th one another to resPond to your needs. we ask for
your patience and understanding as we work to respond to your questions. I have asked
the deans to keep me j-nf ormed of the types of questions and issues that --i-^ -^ !L-!

we can provide additj-ona1 advice or support.

The Associate Deans in each college are the most appropriate person for you to
contact with questions:
Agriculture and Life Sciences: Mary Marchant, 1060 Litton Reaves, 231-6503
Architecture and Urban Studies: wendy Vaughn, 202 CowgiII | 23I-6415
Pamplin col-Iege of Business: Candice clenenz, 1046 Pamplin, 23I-6602

Engineering: laichael Deisenroth, 212 Hancock EaII , 231-3244

Liberal Arts & Human Sciences: Mary Ann Lewis, 238 wallace, 23I-6770
Natural Resources: Richard Oderwald, 138 cheatham, 231-5482
Science: Shery1 8a11, J.03 CoIlege of Science Administration Building, 231-5L44
Veterinary Medicine: Grant Turnwald, Duckpond Drive, Phase III, Suite 203, 23!-5229
craduate School: Anne McNabb, 236 craduate life center, 237-5645
University Studies: Kim Brown, 117 Femoyer, 23L-8440
We remain confident in our ability to help you remain engaged in the learning process
no natter which options you choose.

Best rrishes.
Mark McNamee
Universitv Provost

Printed for David Ford <>

Dean, V[anda Hankins, 4/26/07 3:43 PM -0400, Re: Pass/Fail option and AS credit for Fre
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 200'1 15:43:51 -0400
From: "Dean. wanda Hankins" <wdean€>
Subject: RE: Pass/FaiI option and As credit for Freshman English
To: "Ruggiero, Cheryl" <cruggier@vt. edu>
Cc: Mary Ann Lewis <malewis @vt. edu), David Ford <>
Thread-topic: Pass/Fail option and AS credit for Freshman English
Thread-index: AceHecl,as dobvyt aTxmkt 14 g1+ f 9 xgAwRaxQ
x-Junkmail-Status: score=10/50. host=vivi . cc . vt, edu
X-Junkmail--SD-Raw: score=unknown,
refid=str=0001. 0A09020A. 46310119. 00FB,ss=1, fgs=0, ip=tgS. 82. 160. 18,
so=z006-09-22 03248254, dmn=5.2.I2L/2006-09-27
X-OriginalArrivalTime : 26 Apr 2007 19243252.0319 (UTC)
FILETI!4E= [ 37C0FBF0 : 0 1C78838 ]


Sorry for the delay in my response

,F.i.l r .l^t.l--
-- I wanted to review with David Ford so that
'lnrrira l -h^r-ahl-
T was not leading you
Lve :er-A\,
uJ Lrul/ nrr rlri'i-\/ -.\ <i-rn/.r t.^a-tar i- 1-h; q n6in-l) M"-\,, Ann iS
L'.u- \7^,,r --
.r9r r-r1
rafr wfLrlfrl
'l+r.;- "rrrr
yuu! rtnmain H.\u,a\)or fhF Fw^ral in{.I r1f
L,Ls owqrvrt'y
^^rr6^t Jvu! ^.lr/An-cd
sranding credi: based on C or berLer work is a policy approved rhrough university oovernance lbased on
your department's recomnendations I -- and it touches aLl students. Unfortunately/ the entire approach
to pass/fai.L within Lhe edicr of the "Student Choice Policy" grew 'muddy' very quickly in the last few :r
uoYr. T1- i<\'la . L'-\r.ld m^-/a t^ fha n6wl- l^di.Al sj-an .1-.:da-in-r ihc:l'ralggcl
s:anding policy. As Dr. Ford pointed out co me. to earn a "P" requires only D- or betler work. So,
the threshold of C would not be met. To expand the "Student Choice Policy" to inc.Lude accepr-ance of
pass,/fail exceeds the approved end of term steps as outlined by the Provost. So, students with
pass/fail for EngJ-ish will not receive advanced standing credit. Since the course is set up to not
allow pass/fail, I don't befieve it is a widespread problem at this time. I vril-L nake certain to
place this item for information on tonorrowrs academic roundtable meeting so every college is clear on

Let me know if I need to clarify further or can help you in any other way

Hope you are well I


-----OriginaI Message-----
Frnm. .horrzl Prrcnicrn fm;i ltn'er-rnniai0irr- 6/1,11

Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2Q01 4t29 PM

To: Dean, Wanda Hankins
Subject: Pass./Fai] option and AS credit for Freshrnan English


A nunber of students and advisors haVe asked me about pass/fail

issues today, and I've heard that Deans are meeting on exceptional

pass,/faiI issues Friday (runor, perhaps)

I asked Mary Ann Lewis the following:

--14i11 a grade of P in ENGL 7!O6/1,20AH validate Conditional

Advanced Standinq Credit for ENGI 1105 for an AS student?

Marv Ann replied that whether a qrade of P can validate AS credit for

Printed for David Ford>

Dean, Wanda Hankins, 4/26107 3:43 PM -M00, Re: Pass/Fail option and AS credit for Fre 2
ENGL 1105 is up to us in English. since we are granting the credit.

I have no idea how to implement such credit.

--Wi11 a grade of P in ENGI, 1L06 be picked up by the progran that

assigns AS credit? How should we proceed?

I also asked Mary Ann the folloi.iing, though knowing that the decision

is up !o us short-circuited the answers to these:

--!{i]l a grade of P in ENGL 1I06/1244H {or 1105, for that matter)

satisfy requirements for core credit? Graduation credit?

--h7h:r .'re.l. laval ic rir<eihd. n-? D? etc.


Can you help with any of these questions?

Wish I didnrt have to trouble you with any of these things--I know

you must be overwhelmed.

thank you--

Che ryl

aharrr'1 I^1 P,r^^ i 6r^

English Department Assistant Chair

cruggierGvt, edu, 540 231-6513

Printed for David Ford>

williams, Gail s" 4/z/07 2:15 PM -0400, Agenda - Meeting - Review the progess on the 1
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 L4:15:17 -0400
From: "Williams, GaiI S." <>
Subject: Agenda - Meeting - Review the progress on the Strategic plan in
relation to the Budget .....
To: "Williams, S." <>, ,'McNamee, Mark" <nuncnamee@vt. edu>,
Richard Benson <bensonevt. edu>, ,,Chang, Lay Nam" <Iaynam@vt. edu>,
"Davis, Jack" <davisa€vt. edu>, ,'Ke1ly, Mike" <jmkelly@vt. edu>,
Jerry Niles <nil-es 0vt . edu>, "Quisenberry, Sharron', <sharronq€vt. edu>,
"Schurig, Gerhardt " <gschurig€vt. edu>, ,,Sorensen, Richard" <sorensenevt. edu>,
"DePauw, Karen" <kpdepauw€vt. edu>, "Dooley, John" <jdooley€vt. edu>,
", Brad" <fenwick0vt . edu> , David Ford <>,
"Hikes, Zenobia" <zhikes ovt. edu>, ',Hitchinghan, Eil_een" <hj.tch@vt. edu>,
"Hanna, Dixon" <dixonh@vt. edu>, ,,HatI, Roderick" <>
Cc: "Price, Linda" < lindaprGvt. edu>, "perkins, Linda" <Iperkins evt . edu>,
"Stearns, Diane" <dstearns 0vt. edu>, ,,Roberson, Elizabeth,' <eroberso€vt . edu>,
"Quarterman, Peggy" <pquarter Gvt. edu> ,,
"Norman, Sheila" <snormanovt. edu>, "Morgan, Joyce,, <cvmj omevt. edu>,
"Jones, Denise" <cdjones€>, "Feuerbach, Nancy" <>,
"Pettry, Pam" <pettryovt . edu>, "Council, Keohi,' <>,
"Sanzenbach, Donna" <>,
"Martin, Cynthia" <>f "Lewis, Kathy" <kdlewis € exchange . vt. edu>,
"Hughes, Nadine" <hughesnc€>
Thread-topic: Agenda - Meeting - Review the Progress on the Strategic Pfan in
relation to the Budget .....
Thread-index: AcdVM3x l PxEt^rO4NTT8 2 aUVWWBUoCpgQdOJEQAScQmCAG4 nmJoAAZVM9A
x-Junkmail-status: score=l0/50,
X-Junkmail-SD-Rah': score=unknown,
ref id=str=000 1 . 0A0 9 020 9 . 462E497 9 . 00A2,ss=1, f gs=0, ip=r9e.82. 160.18,
so=2006-09-22 03248:54, dmn=5.2.72I/2006-09-27


Meeting with Dr. McNamee, Deans, VPs, and Others

April 26, 2007
8:00AM - 10:00AM
President's Board Room
210 Burruss Hall

April 16, 2007 - Moving Forward

2. 1.15% Budget Process in 2007-08

? Scorecard

schedule to share with the BOV

l-\ refinement of definitions and reporting cycle

Printed for David Ford>

r /'-r*/5.:-q.," ri-.."
Williams, Gail S., 4124107 2:15 PM -0400, Agenda - Meeting - Review the Progress on the
4. Annual Report Process and Format

5. 6-year Financial Plan Summary

(ja vv ams
Administrative Assistant to Mark McNamee
University Provost and Mce President for Academic Affairs
210 Bunuss Hall
Virginia Tech
Phone (540) 231-6123
Fax (540) 231-4265
E-mail -

From: Williams, Gail S.

Sent: Monday, April 23,2007 1:51 PM
To: Williams, Gail S.; McNamee, Mark; 'Richard Benson'; Chang, Lay Nam; Davis, Jack; Kelly, Mike;
Quisenberry, Sharron; Schurig, Gerhardu Sorensen, Richard; DePauw, Karen; Dooley, John; Fenwick,
Hikes, Zenobia; Hitchingham, Eileen; Hanna, Dixon
Cc: Price, Linda; Perkins, Linda; Stearns, Diane; Roberson, Elizabeth; Quaterman, Peggy; ''; Norman,
Sheila; Morgan, Joyce; Jones, Denise; Feuerbach, Nancy; Pettry, Pam; Council, Keohi; Sanzenbach, Donna; Madin,
Cynthia; Lewis, Kathy; Hughes, Nadine
Subject: RE: Meeting - Review the Progress on the Strategic Plan in relation to the Budget .....

Just a reminder of the meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 26, 8AM-10AM in the PBR, 210 Burruss Hall. Gail

Gail Wlliams
Administrative Assistant to Mark McNamee
University Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
210 Bunuss Hall
Virginia Tech
Phone (540) 231-6123
Fax (540) 231-4265
E-mail -

Fromr Williams, Gail S.

Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 12:39 PM
To: Williams, Gail S.; McNamee, Mark; 'Richard Benson'; Chang, Lay Nam; Davis, Jack; Kelly, Mike;
Quisenberry, Sharron; Schurig, Gerhardt; Sorensen, Richard; DePauw, Karen; Dooley, John; Fenwick,
Hikes, Zenobia; Hitchingham, Eileen; Hanna, Dixon
Cc: Price, Linda; Stearns, Diane; Roberson, Elizabeth; Quarterman, Peggy; ''; Norman, Sheila; Morgan,
Joyce; Jones, Denise; Feuerbach, Nancy; Pettry, Pam; Council, Keohi; Sanzenbach, Donna; Martin, Cynthia; Lewis, Kathy;
Hughes, Nadine
Subject: RE: Meeting - Review the Progress on the Strategic Plan in relation to the Budget .....

I would like to confirm this meeting for April 26, 8AM - 1OAM in the President's Board Room, 210 Burruss Hall. Thanks,


Gail Williams
Administrative Assistant to Mark McNamee
University Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
210 Burruss Hall
Virginia Tech
Phone (540) 231-6123

Printed for David Ford <>

Williams, Gail S.,4/24107 2:15 PM -0400, Agenda - Meeting - Review the Progress on the 3
Fax (540) 2314265
E-mail -

Dr. McNamee mentioned in the Confidential Update #15 that he would be convening a meeting with the deans and academic
vps to review the progress on the strategic plan in relation to both the budget for this year and next year, and the stategic goals
outlined in the olan,

Printed for David Ford>

Page l ofl

Hoyle, Theresa

From: W News
Sent: TuesdaY, June 05, 2007 10:03 AM
To: VTNews
Subject: MEDIA ADVISORY: Scheduled viewing of Virginia Tech's Norris Hall available to media outlets
Thursday, June 14

Larry Hincker
54Q 23t 5396

MEDIA ADYISORY: Scheduled viewing of Virginia Tech's Norris Hall available to media outlets
Thursday, June 14

BLACKSBTIRG, June 5,2007 -Virginia Tech will begin phased reuse ofNorris Hall beginning Jtne 18. See:
http :// php?relyear:2007&itemno=3 3 0.

The Office of University Relations made a commifinent to members of the press and broadcast media to provide
an opportunity to view the crime scene prior to this time.

Accordingly, the rmiversity is offering this opportunity only to credentialed mernbers of the working press on
Thursday, June 14. Reporters can RSVP for one of two sessions - 10 a.m' or noon on that day (hrst come, first
serve). Only 25 people may go through the building at one time. If additional times are needed, they will be
offered at 2 p.m. and if needed, at 4 p.m.

Media will be required to RSVP to University Relations on anployer's letterhead to (pd| or
fax, (540) 231.-1,985. We ask that you be prepared to present your media credentials before badging on the day of
the tour. Further logistic information will be provided after we develop the manifest.

University Relations will conduct the tours for your viewing only. We will have no further information to share.
Still and broadcast cameras and recorders will be allowed. There will be no provisions for live broadcast inside
the building.

Norris Hall is different today than it was several weelis ago after April 16. Much of the building has been
refurbished, repainted, and the process of returning it to active use is well underway. The classrooms are empty of


Greetings Jenna,

We would like to request an interview with someone from the Administration or campus security
for a profile for the magazine--someone who was 'in the room' as the decisions were being made
in the aftermath of the reports of the first shooting - what was being said, scenes from the
command post, etc. - as the day played out. Someone who can provide the narrative as to the
inltial scene and the search for Karl Thornhill into the calls coming out of Norris Hall as they
realized there was another crime unfolding.

Also, this morning the Chief provided details on the administration/campus police and their
interactions with Cho in the fall of 2005. Other than the two stalking incidents, were there any
other instances where he came under scrutiny of the administration/campus police? There have
been mentions in the media about a fire set in the dorms, bomb threats and a soeedino ticket
earlier this year. Could you please provide any information about these incidents?

I had asked about how the keycards work. Does a dorm key card open the doors to other dorms
from 10 PM to 10 AM? Do the dorm keys track/id user?

When was Cho first admitted to W? Did he attended continuallv since admission or come and

When were concerns first raised by the English department regarding his writings and behavior?
What policy was in place to take action? l've heard that he was removed from a class. Does this
mean he was asked to leave for a short period or asked to drop the class or was there another
method used to remove him? What class was it and when? Was the class taught in Norris?

Will any of Cho's writings be released to the press? ls his application essay available? Does the
admission's department recall anything about his application?

Thanks so much. You all are doing an amazing job under very trying conditions.

All best. Catharine

Cs4p @, xlt orls t"k-L, c /lv\

- ,' 6. .:. '.

Page I of2

S You forwarded this message on 2007-04-18 1[:29.

Jessica GdoM/ski Sentr Wed 2007-04-18 15:20

: Tl" Va;ca R'Yne r

Doss, Catherine
Subject Voice Report article Cor^pa..5
6rt,n. $urn.t -b. Caltcl. TT
Hi Catherine, p4-o ?te

again for looking into these questions. I understand this is a horrific time and a sensitive topic, and your
be deluged. I appreciate your time.

Again, my aud ce is telecom managers in large universities and business nd the country, many of whom
are now reeva their emergency notification plans. l'm writing a service article to help those
managers maKe disaster plans as good as they can be. I write Voice Report, a businessto-business
publication that's telecom managers guidance for . We go to press next Tuesday but l've
got a draft of the story tonight.

I'd like to speak with Judy Lilly, of network infrastructure and services. because mv readers have
similar titles and job responsibilities. could speak to what emergency notification systems are in place
now, what was in the works, and organizations could do in an emergency situation. l'd also like to
learn when her deoartment - how should other communication managers make
themselves part of the planning

collect students' cell ohone ? Why or why not? Are there iandline phones in dorms
? Should telecom oros at other look into sending broadcast voicemails or alerts to
line phones in an emergency? Would that have effective?

I'd like to confirm some other details that have been reported in the national media:

The Associated Press gave this timeline of emails sent by the university: world&id=5216585 Can I confirm that email was the

? way the university got in touch with its students and faculty? Can you confirm the times the emails were
sent and their contents?

It's been reported that cell phone service was unavailable for a time following the shootings, possibly
because of the number of calls. Can you confirm? What can be done to prevent this?

-7r It's also been reported that Virginia Tech has been in the process of building a text message alert
system, but it's not functional yet. I'd like some details on what vendor is providing the system, how it
works, when it's scheduled to be up and running, and what it took to install.}article.EML?Cmd:... 4/1812007
Page 2 of2

Many thanks,


Jessica Gdowski

Editor, The Voice Repoft


cell: 313/407-4598


https://weboutlook.r,'t.edr.r/exchanse/cdoss/Inbox/VoiceTo21Reporto/o2}ar1icle.EML?Cmd: 4t18t2007
Page l ofl

From: Michelle Tsai [] Sent: Thu 2007'04-19 f7:27
To: Correa-Becker, Angela
Subject: Urgent media inquiry from Slate re: ng-Hui coverage (Info by 2:30pm ESf)

Dear Angela:

today for Slate's Explainer column

about media coverage of the
Virginia Tech story. I have a few for you regarding the
use of "Cho Seung-Hui" instead of ui Cho" or "Seung

Ineed to talk to someone by about 2: EST and would greatly

appreciate your help. I do not need to anyone; I am only seeking
accurate information.

-The student appears to have called Seung Cho, What name did the
university use for the student in annou ncements (Seung-Hui Cho,
Cho Seung-Hui, Seung Cho, etc.) why?
-Was the name first released the university, through the
police depaftment, or both?

Please confirm when you've received message. Thanks again.

Michelle Tsai
347 s35 0582

https://weboutlook.vledu/excharrge/acorrea,4lnbox/Urgento/o20mediaYo20tnquiry%20from... 4/19/2007
Page 1 of 1

From: Vojtech, Jim pim.Vojtech@abc.coml S€nt: Thu 2007-04-19 11:55
To: Conea-Becker, Angela
Subject: Good Morning America / Hikes intervlew

Hi Angela -

There is still strong interest from Good Morning America to interview Dr. Hikes,
Would you be able to check to see if she could join us tomorrow morning (Friday)?
Thank you -

I am not in the office yet - currently on cell phone.

Thanks, Jim
C-elk 3LO-87L-3724

---Original Message---
From; Correa-Becker, Angela Imailto:acorrea@W,edq]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 6:44 PM
To: Vojtech, Jim
Subject: Hikes interview

Dear Mr. Vojtech -

We regret that we will be unable to accomodate Good Morning America's request for tomorrow morning. The
media office will be back open at 7am tomorrow. Best of luck.

--Angela Correa,{nbox/GoodVo20Mominso/o20Ameicao/o20 x... 4/19/2007, 7/30/07 8:00 AM '0400, authorized closing, Thursday Sept. 6 1

To 3 lruncnamee€vt. edu
From: David Ford <fordd@vt. edu>
subject: authorized closingr Thursday Sept. 6

I reconmend that you send to Dr. Flanagan the following statement that can be used to
convey the message for an authorized closing of classes in support of the concert for
Virginia Tech. .
To show support for the intent of the "concert for Virginia Tech" the university
class schedule on the Blacksburg campus will be cancel-led for the evening of Thursday
septeriler 6, 2007, beginning at rf,p.n.
I have checked the time with the University Registrar.

--- -David

Printed for David Ford>

Sent: Monday, April 16,2007 9:26 AM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Shooiing on camPus.

A shooting incident occurred at west Amber ,fohnslon earlier this morning '
Poiice are on
:he scene and are invesiigating '
The university commuDi Ey is urged io be cautious and are askedonto conlact virginia Tech
pol-ice if you observe anytbing- suspj-cious or with information the case' contact
Vrrginia Tech Police at 23L-641!
Stay aEtruned to the' We will post as soon as we have more information'

r'-:"rI ai:
Sentl Mondav, April 16, 2007 9:50 AM
To: Muliiple recipienis
Subject: Pl eacc efav nr rt

.P. 9 qrrrucr.rr -r D on carrE)us. Stay in buiJ.dings ulEil further notice. Stav antav from
aL l, windows
Sent: Monday. April 16. 2007 10:17 AM
to: Multiple recipients
Subject: All Ciasses Canceled, Stay where you are

Virginia Tech has canceled all classee. Those on campuE are asked to remaln where there
arei 1ock tsheir doors and stay away from windows. Persons off campus are asked not io
i_.1 a! r m1111 F
Hoyle, Theresa
Sent: Monda.r,. April '16, 2007 10:53 AM
to: Muliiple recioients
Subject: Second Shooting Reporied; Police have one gunman in custody

In addition to an earlier shooeing today in WeEt Ambl-er .Johnst.on, there has been a
multipre shooting with mulciple victims in Norris Hafl.
Police and EMs are on the scene.
Police have one shooter in custody and as part of routine police procedure, they
con:inue :o search for a second shoorer.
AII people in university buil-dings are reguired to stay inside until furiher nolice.
All entrances to camDus are closed.
From: Unirel@vt-edu
Sent: Mondair, April '16, 2007 12:16 PM
to: Muliiple recipients
Subject: Counseling support avaiiable

counee!.ing rs available in the Bowman Room in tbe MerrimaD center (Part

1-lia r+h'1 ti i -

^^*nl av\ f arr' employees who seek assis-"arlce following

today's evenis'
wEA P{ > ltr:rD

Owczarski, Mark
Sent: l/nndev Anri! 'l6 ,nn7 1 n'00 PM
To; Muliiole recioients
Subject: Planned Faculty / Staff Evacuation

E=arr'rrr =rrA cl- :f f

'l .r-ti-ad .\n tlro RtrrrrrEc H:1 'l ei Aa e'f iha Drillfie-d are asked !o leave
r-hoi r nf :i ^e :nd .rr, 1.\m,. 'i mmcd j a-e-l rr

Faculcy ano s:aff :ocateq on :he War Memo=iai / Eggieston Hall sioe or- the Prilifi-erd are
=e*ad in i c:rro rhair r-':iiinaq arrri crar nnmc al').?fi r1 m
ft-tl-ff4t '9tt'nf-//;?'d

Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 10:00 PM
To: Multiole reciDients
Subiectr University closed today; classes canceled Tuesday

17i *^i n i : 'FaFh

v f r:r+rr+s l.e c closed coday-'iMonday, April 15, 2007. On Tuesday, April L7, classes will
!'a n=n no'l ad rnh F rrrirrarci
4rf vs- Dr irr
g jr r"rr rom:j fn- ,aAm'i ni <:-rari'trc nnera:-ions

There will be an aodi-iional universicv sgaEement oresenced todav at noon .

All stuoents, faculty, and s--af f are reguired to ct- =1r srhar6 l-'nerr :re rrrrti' nnl i aF F!aF-rri-c
a planned evacuaiion. A phased closing will be in effect todalz; fur-uher :-nfornation will
F,a f ^ri- n/-.\rni ncr aq q.larn Fq
kr nn- i r:e sea:r'rrF
j/v--ve LIc !.qx+r|.rs.

T^m.rrr.)ur 1.hc-e vzi1l i16 F rrnitre-si i.\/ ..rn\zn.Ft- i rrn /.6r6monv at. noon at Casseil CoiiSeUm. Tne
Tnr \7i rcjini a 'Fe::h heq haer,
v-!!jrf:+q vee4r ri-si
s'urY4f ona-pri Fs f hF cr f c f}vr oT DarFnl.
s i.l .tF-hor and opg4in
From: lnirolrhrrd
Ivrr., e'\:3: Y n adr
vvs r

Sent: Monday, A.pri! 16, 2047 12:42PM

To: Multiole recipients
Subject: Statement by President Charles W. Steger

Shooting at virginia aech / statement by President Charles l{. steger

The university was struck today with a tragedy of monumental proporF-ions . . There were
ewo shootings on campus. In each case, there were fatalitles, The universitsy is shocked
and horrified that lhis would befall our campug. I want to ext.end my deepest, sinceresE
and most profound sympathies to the farnilieE of theee victims which include students
There are 22 conf i rrr.ed deaths.
We currentfy are in the process of no-,-ifying families of victims. The Vj-rginia Tech
police are being assisted by numerous other jurisdictions. Crime scenes are being
investigated by che FBI , universicy Police, and SEate Police. vie continue Eo work to
idencify Ehe vicrims impacced by chis :ragedy. I cannor begin co covey my own Pe:sonaf
sense of loss ower senselessness of such an incomprehensible and heinous ac-' The
rrr.irrarcit-rr r^r'i i'l imme/ii e-a-i, FAf rrrr nnrrnsci'i tt.t ^an-FtF. So far centers havg been
identsified in Ambl-er .fohnson and the Cook Counseling Center !o work wiih ou! campus
community and fanilies.
Ilere are some of the facEs we know:
At aDtruE /:15 this morning a 911 call came to the Universily Poli:e Depa:''u
concerning an event in liesi Afiler Johnston Hal}. There were rnultiple shooling vj-cE.ims.
While in ihe process of invescigating, about two bours Later the uniwersity received
!sye! n€ r <hnnf ino in l$or-'-ic Ha'l 'l
E- !!The no] inc inrmed i ef elw responded. vi-ctims have
f$ 1!v-- +''srrv$4seJ-J
been transported to various hospi:als in -'he immediaEe area 'i r rL'a *-ri nr f ^ ra-c'ia'a
emercrencv Ereatment -

We wj-11 proceed lo contsact the f amil-ies of victims as identities are available.

Alf classes are cancelled rnd rhe rrn i rrc-e i r-rr r c ciosed for the :emainder for tne cooay.
rnie a '.
rrr.i rrarc i t-rr uri I nncr tomorrow at 8 a,m. but cl-asses will be cancelled on Tuesoay,
a na'l i aa
Pv*+ve =ro ..111.ro71f l \t staging the reLease of j,evy-!
frnm r.:mnrrc hrli - riincrs

FamiLies wi-shing Co reunite with the studentB are suggesled to meet a! the Inn at
Virginia Tech. We are making plans for a convocation tomorrow (Tuesday) at noon at
Cassell Coliseum for the university communi cy tro come roge--her- to begin ;o deal wich
the traqedv.
From: I lnirol6trri edr r

Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 4.31 PM

to: Multiple recipients
Subject: Campus Update on W Shooiings

Virginia Tech remains closed on Monday, April 16, 200?. Vehicular entrances to campug
az.e severeiy restricted to esBential personnel only. Additional security remains on
campus as che inves:iga:ion continues.
Counseling assis;ance for studenis in avail-able at West Ambler ,fohnston anil Mceomae
Hal- un:ii 9 p.m. Eonight. SEuden:s are encouraged to util:ze theEe services.
Counseling for f acul-ty and staff i-s available at the Bowman Room in the Mel:riman Center
(a:hfeEjc complexl . SEudent may also be together at Ehe Old Domj-nion Ballroom a!.
Squires Siudent Center.
The uniwersity 1 also close on Tuesday, April 1-? .E>lrEIlLIAr ^T lrsrD\Jrra-!
r''rj- l- --*aa-r'l -l-a f^ ?ah^ri-
!Eyv! L

for work. classes will be canceled.

A public gathering will be hefd Tuesday, April 1? at eagsell- Coliseum at 2 p.m. (a time
change from lhe originally scheduied 10 a.m. gathering) .

All students are urged Eo contac! their parents aE soon as possible to Let lhem know
inA.i$i dr.='l c ara crf e

students , iaculfy, and 'staf f who may ha-rr'e a:ry inf ormation related co the incident at
West Anber ,fohnston Ha11 and Norris lial-l are encouraged to go !o the Blacksburg Police
DeparEmenr Eo make sEatemenEs, or call 540-23L-TIPP (8411), or 23i-54i1
Parents wiEh concerns are asked to call tshe Dean of Studenis Office at 540-231-3787.
Indiviauais injured iD the ;wo shoo:;ngs have been taken to area hospitals.

' . . p.::;rst;!'-.
McCoy, Heidi
Thursday, May 10, 2007 11:16 AM
Stump, Shannon
Subject: FW: ADT Security wants to help


I would print this offer, and the note from the phone call earlier today offering security help and start a folder for Jim'


Frcm: Corvin, Thim

Sent: Thursday, May 10,2007 11:13 AM
To: Hyatt, James
Cc: Mc€oy, Heidi; Armagost, Mark; Flanagan, Elizabeth
Subject FW: ADT Security wants to help

Mr. Hyatt,

lf appropriate, Mark Armagost, our Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, will be glad to set up a meeting to
discuss further. Please let either him or me know.


From: Armagost, Mark

Sent Thursday, May 03, 2007 3:50 PM
Gc: Flanagan, Elizabeth; Hincker, Larry; Coryin, Thim; Mullineau& Troy
Subject RE: ADT Security wants to help

Good afternoon Gil:

Thank you for taking my call. I enjoyed the conversation and deeply appreciate the generous offer of assistance from
tyco/Abt Security bervices to provide assistance to Virginia Tech. I will let the appropriate people on campus know of
your offer and get back to you regarding a timeline to discuss next steps'

lf I can be of additional assistance, please do not hesitate to call. lf you can not reach me directly, please call my
assistant Troy Mullineaux at 540/231-3709.

I hope your mother has afull and speedy recovery.

Thank you,

Mark S. Armagost
Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations
Virginia Tech
University Development (03 3 6)
University Gateway Ctr, Rm 3210
902 Prices Fork Rd
Blacksburg, VA2406t
540-231-3737 (office)
540-230-5523 (oell)

Frcm: Seigler, George G [mailto:gseigler@adt'com]

SenB Thursday, May 03, 2007 U:09 AM
To: Corvin, Thim
Subtec* ADT Security wants to help
Importance: High

Dr. Thim Corvin

Associate Vice Preeldent for Development
Mrglnia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA

Dear Thim,

As we discussed by phone earlier today, Tyco/ADT Security Services representatives are most interested
in meeting with representatives at Virginia Tech to discuss the possibilities for a special glft to the

Also as a class of '6l Hokle alumnus, I am proud to say that ADT Security is ready to assist my unlverslty
in this time of need and is very interested in doing our part to help. We recognize the tremendous effort
that Virginia Tech has begun in the recovery from the events of April 16 and realize that this will take a
large effort and expense - some of which can be support€d by corporate donations.

We understand too that Tech is now in the process of analyzing and identifying speclfic measures that
will enhance campus security and that recommended solutions are being considered by internal and
external groups. As the largest single provider of a vast array of electronic security products and
seruices to more than six million commercial, government, education, and residential customera
throughout North America, ADT has the right expertise to be a welcome partner as you move along this
path. With our experience as the nation'g premier integrated electronic security services provider, we
stand ready to join hands with Virginia Tech at any point and contribute corporate resources to help with
this initiative.

Attached is my contact information for reference. I look fotward to dlscussing this opportunity further
and to meet with you or others at Tech in the near future to explore ways that wo could make a

WIth warm regards,


G. GII Seigler
Eusiness Development Manager
State Govemment - U.S.

Stump, Shannon
Thursday, May 10,2007 10:49 AM
To: McOoy, Heidi
SubJec-t: Phone Message for JAH - 9:30 a.m.

Ed Keiser, Director of Sales, for Respond One phoned for JAH this moming. He wanted to make him
aware of their first responders notification equipment. He provided his phone number and website for
reference and said he also intends to forward information by mail.

(866) SAFE925 (l could not get this website to pull up?)

Shannon Sfitnp
Exesftipe Asststant
Offtce oJ bteatttue Vice President ond ChieJ Ograflrlg Olllcer
VtgtiaTech (0148)
210 Bwruss HaIl
Blrcksburg, VA 24061
Office: (5a0/ 2315235
Fouc: 640) 231-4265
Stump, Shannon
From: Jennifer Woods []
Sent: Monday, May 21,2007 6:'14 PM
To: Stump, Shannon
Subject: Emergency Procedures Poster
Attachments: OEP Emergency Procedures#F7.pdf

Hello Shannon,

Chief Harrison asked me to forward this attachment to Mr. Hyatt. Since I don't have his email address I was
hoping perhaps you can forward it to him.

Thanks so much!


Attached please find a pdf file of the two UC emergency procedures posters -- the ones posted in campus
buildings, The alerting and warning element was added 3 years after the main poster.

Jennifer Woods
University of Califomia Berkeley
Police Department
1 Sproul Hall #1199

lf the building must

be vocobd, go b he
Emergency fusembly
Areo (EAA).

Be sure everyone is
occounbd for st 6e

See the Emergency

Procedures sign
posbd in your
building br your
neorest emergency
ossembly oreo

Scheduled siren lresting:

I s Wednesdoy of the
monlh ot noon
c.D?g oa^
May 17,2007

Dr. Chades W. Steger v

Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA24060

Dear Dr. Steger:

I am hoping you will remember me and my family, Joe, Trish, Jon and Jenny

Ig ** neighbors of yours on Terra Berla Street when I worked for Litton

Polyscientific you and were a professor, Ibelieve in the engineering o"pu.t-"nt.

We still have many friends in Blacksburg and have followed the Hokie
sports teams all
these years. of course, w_e like so many otrers were devastated
by the trigic events on
campus last month. our hearts go out to all involved incruding you
who had to bear so
much in the aftermatl ofthe shootings.

I have traveled across the country and have worked in the manufacturing
sector ofthe
electronic security and video security products industry here
on tt *"ri*urt for the last
20 years. "

My current ernployer (and last before I retirQ is the worlds largest

manufacturer of video
security products. we have over I million installations
This is not a sales letter but a letter from an old acquaintance
with an offer to assist your
security. folks i-n any way Pelco can. I have enclosid just
a few items io anti"ipation that
you will pass tlem along to your campus security personnel.

My wife an! I hope to be_in Blacksburg this fall and will stop
by your offrce and make a
courtesy call if we do. Meanwhile, our hopes and prayers
go out to you and everyone
involved at Virginia Tech for a better and brighteryear.

Kind regards,

f\ Alt -+- RECEIVED

Jd5eph H. Olmstead
MAY T ? Zt]U/

Director of Marketing Communications

world Head4t4ftcrs ' 3500 Pclco vav ' clovis, california usA 93612-5699. Phonc (800) 289-9100 (559)z9z.l98l . Fax (800) 289.9150 (559) 148-1120
t)i,n(clrrrs, N( li,* , I$ Vcsas, Ndu&
.tr &
Sent: Friday, May 11,2007 4:10 PM
To: President of Virginia Tech
Subject: RE: Our Deepest sympathies

On behalf of the university, we appreciate your condolences.

The university is considering a number of security enhancements, and the President has established a special security
infrastructure committee to perform a security review. I will share your email with the committee.

Lisa Royal
Coordinator of Administrative Affairs
Office of Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Virginia Tech (0147)
312 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061

From: President of Virginia Tech

Sent: Thursday, May 03,2007 4:31 PM
To: Stump, Shannon
Subject: FW: Our Deepest sympathies

Another one.

From: Viken Tavitian]

Sent: Wednesday, April 18,2007 1:34 AM
Subject Our Deepest sympathies

Dear Dr. Steger, esteemed staffand faculty members:

Greetings from the island of Cyprus!

Like the rest of us in the world, we were shocked and amazed to the horrific acts of 16 April.

Our most sincere sympathies and love to you all and the families of the victims.

What happened there is beyond explanation.

It is beyond the beliefs of academic freedom.

I am writing you this email I am a staunch supporter of academic freedom, and now I can openly ask or
propose to you about an alarm and a notification system that our partners have developped in Germany that can
instantaneously, by using a number ofdevices such as cell phones, phones, emails, fax, pagers, redline, speaker
microphones, you name it, can reach out to several thousands of staffand students, in matter of seconds.

I would urge you to look at our website wwu, the FACT 24 company website.
We are a company based in Munich Germany.
If you think thatsuch a system may be beneficial to your estemeed institution, we shall be more than happy to
offer you an onihe presentation and a free of charge demo version of the system.

Once again, our deepest sympathies and love all VT members and their families.

Best regards from Cyprus


Viken Tavitian
Mobile: (+357) 99 673 508 CYPRUS
Fax: (+1) 603 698 6057 USA
I Sopoullis Street
2008 Strovolos
Nicosia - CYPRUS

Ahhh...imagining that inesistible "new car" smell?

Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos.
From: Office of the Executive Vice President & Chief Operatinl
Sent: Friday, May 11,2007 4:14PM
To: 'ziad@siteisight. com'
Subject: FW: siteisight wants to help VT

On behalf of the university, we appreciate your condolences.

The university is considering a number of security enhancements, and the President has established a special security
infrastructure committee to perform a security review. I will share your email with the committee.

Lisa Royal
Coordinator of Administrative Affairs
Office of Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Virginia Tech (0147)
312 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061

From; Ziad Kassis]

Sent: Wednesday, April L8,2007 10:46 AM
Cc: skaf
Subjectl siteisight wants to help W

President Steger:

Tragedies like this are very hard on everyone. I cannot begin to understand what you are presently going through. You
and your staff are going through trying times but in my opinion you are handling the situation extremely well. God bless

My name is Ziad Kassis (BS'92, currently working on my PhD in CEE at VT). I am the president of a company based in
Falls Church, Virginia that specializes in web-based monitoring. We sell nationwide and are industry leaders in certain

As a token of sharing in your sorrow, and to help Virginia Tech the best way I can, my company is ready to provide the
university with a complete lP-based security camera system at cost. I can charge our engineering and technical manager
(also W graduate) with going down to Blacksburg and discussing requirements with the appropriate department(s). We
can help you design, procure and operate a campus-wide system that can be monitored internally as well as remotely by
specialized service providers. Our time is FREE.

Feel free to contact me anytime at 703 349 1774 ext7.

Our prayers are with you.

Very respectfully,

Ziad Simon Kassis

150 South Washington St, Suite 202
Falls Church, VA22046
Royal, Lisa
Office of the Executive Vice President & Chief Operatinl
Friday, May 11,2007 4:18 PM
To: ''
Subject: FW: Campus Crisis Management Brochure and Demo I

Thank you for your email to Ms. Smith. The university is considering a number of security enhancements, and the
President has established a special security infrastructure committee to perform a security review. I will share your
email with the committee.

Lisa Royal
Coordinator of Administrative Affairs
Office of Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Ofllcer
Virginia Tech (0147)
312 Burruss Hall
Blacksburgo VA 24061

From: Marie Floria]

Sent: Friday, April 27,2007 7:42PM
To: Smith, Sandra
SubjecE C-ampus Crisis Management Brochure and Demo Follow-up


I am not sure if you were able to affend today as we had folks coming on the derno after we began.

I am attaching our brochure. We will be having another overview on Friday if you wish to attend.

If the campus is planning to deploy crisis management solutions you will need to understand the importance of
a scalable system. We can deploy phase one in less than two weeks with a path to further functionality defined.
All campus environments need to understand that just automating text messages, voice mail and email is only
scratching the swface. You will have the ability to tie student/faculty/employee schedules to your crisis
management system with lntrapoint. Who is in school today/who is not. Critical if you are trying to establish
the extent of a crisis. Many schools are looking at RFID to track employees/visitors/contractors/faculty and
students. This foundation allows for this and much more.

I am experiencing a problem (still) with my emails, I seem to be the only one. Look for any information from
this address until support fixes it.

Please let me know when we can talk.

Enjoy your weekend.

Marie Floria
Director of Sales
Intrapoint Crisi s Management

Page 1 of3

Hyatt, James

From: Smith, Sandra

Sent: Monday, MaY21,20077;57 AM
To: Hyatt, James; Spencer, Norrine Bailey
Subject FW: commendation & suggestions


Sandra W. Smith
Administrative Assisfanf to the President
Virginia Tech (0131)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

From: Li Wax []

Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2007 6:07 PM
Subject commendation & suggestions

Dear Dr. Steger,

My son after much reflection on his choices for colleges, chose Virginia Tech. lt's ironic that on Sunday,
April 1Sth, he said to me, "l've decided on VT. Please send in my deposit tomorrow."

I did not go out that Monday to mail my son's W deposit to confirm his enrollment for the Fall2007
semester-. Rather we were glued to the TV and radio for the rest of the week, and cried along with you. We
asked our son to take at least another week more to consider his decision.

April 20th, the nationwide day for a moment of silence to honor your slain W family, was also the day we
celebrated my son's 18th birthday. In the mail that day was a surprise. lt was a small postcard from your
office of undergraduate admissions wishing my son a "Happy Birthday from your friends at Virginia Tech".
Upon seeing your card, he turned to me and said, "See Mom, I was right to choose VT. l'm even more sure
I want to go there."

I am writing to you for a few reasons, including offering a couple of suggestions.

The first is to commend your university on your "personal touch. Before April 20th my son had not sent in
any notices regarding his final decision to any of the colleges he was admitted to. We're guessing your
uniergraduate admissions office only makes this gesture towards admitted applicants, and it's probably not
a general university policy to keep track of all your student's birthdays. Nevertheless,-someone very astute
mide that decision to offer birthday greetings to applicants. lt is an amazing gesture from a school of your
size, indicating to us your feeling for a student as a person, not just a number and a source of income.

University of lllinois/Champaign-Urbana and Penn State/University Park both schools as large as W, did not
make any special note or effort via U.S. mail or, even easier, by computer to commemorate my son's
birthday. Even a much smaller school, Lehigh University, did not have the acumen to proffer a personalized
gesture. These aforementioned universities were all running a close second to W in the beginning of April.

Truthfully I was urging my son towards UIUC or Lehigh. I was apprehensive about super large universities'
In Auguit 2006 we made our first trip to VT's campus, a few days before the escaped convict locked down

Page 2 of3
your school. My reasoning was if my son was leaning towards a large state universlty, W was somewhat
ioo close to a correctional facility. When I asked my son what it was that put VT first in his mind. He said, "l
don't know Mom. Just a feeling. I feel most comfortable at W."

Watching you and your school go through the tragedy of the week of April 16th gave us great insight into the
caliber and strength of your faculty and students. With the unfolding of events throughout that week, I
became less woriied about my son's choice. Having my first-born off to college 550 miles away will be
difficult regardless of whether or not a university has made notorious national headlines, but your school's
simple indication that my son might not in get lost in the crowd has helped me immeasurably.

The second reason is to make a suggestion. W has generously offered my son a $5000 Scholar
Scholarship for his first-year. My husband and I would be more than happy to donate that scholarship into a
fund to equip every entrance/exit to every building on VT's campus with a security camera. We realize
g5,0OO would be a mere drop in the bucket towards what the actual costs would be to implement my
suggestion, but it would be a start.

The cameras would not need to be monitored on real time. As with security cameras at banks, I believe the
recordings are archived, and only referred to and examined when necessary. Our school district has a few
cameraswhich are rotated on our school buses that have put a halt to quite a few shenanigans on the
school bus routes, as well as provided necessary proof to disbelieving parents that their precious Johnny is
indeed capable of the misbehavior reported by the bus drivers.

In a perfect world, places of leaming would be immune from violence or other egregious misdoings. We
have the great sadness of knowing this is not so. A camera at the entrances to West AJ might have helped
security and police look for Cho before he had an opportunity to commence with his final misguided actions.
A recording of the comings and goings at West AJ would have aided in confirming Cho as the perpetrator.
A view of the doors into Nonis Hall might have let the authorities know which doors were chained, saving
valuable time.

I'm sorry if my second suggestion will seem as far-fetched and cost prohibitive as my first. In conversations
with many parents, we all feel Norris Hall should be demolished. Your campus is beautiful, and we know
Norris Hall is one of its centerpieces, but the blood shed in that building will never be completely cleared.
Norris Hall will forever bear the psychic stain of lives cut short. How can any of your faculty or returning
students bear to be in that building? W's heartbreak, while somewhere in between the amount of loss in
destruction of the World Trade Center and the murdering of innocent little girls in a schoolhouse in Amish
Pennsylvania, should take a page from their books. Raze the physical reminder of the massacre, install a
permanent marker memorial, and rebuild.

My son will be enrolled in the Gollege of Engineering. The thought of my son in Noris Hall makes me feel
ill. In my son's young life, W's tragedy is the closest he has ever been to such violence and heart
wrenching sadness. lt seems so disrespectful to have him walking over the floors where the spirits and
energies of those slain ebbed away.

I fully intend to write to the office of Governor Kaine, beseeching him to support W with state funding of my
suggestions. Hopefully he will see the wisdom in preserving one of Virginia's educational jewels.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

2 Winkler Farm Road
Bedford. NY 10506

Senl: Monday, April 16, 200,' 12:16 pM
To: M ultiple reciDienis
S ubj ect: Counseiing suDpoti avaijable

f'arrnc-l 'nrr i '. :::: i'l

=1.r'l e in ihe Bovrman Room in ;r:e Me:riman aEt-t'i_ Pr- /t'r:'F! of :he a=h.1.:: L:i. r:
narmr 'l or- ) : rr cmnIarrr'ee rrlra seeii asst si:ance foli.owinq codar,.,

to: 2oo'
Subject; 4 :3 1 PM
carnpus uil;; ;, \r. shoorings
virginia ?ec.n *o*- r_-


ffi ,5 iTi$ff
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iijr;i5s:ff"a:I"":ig:o ro conracr rhej : ", ,:,.
parenls as soon
as possible to
-students, f ac:rr.r r', Let chem kncr,.

*::Tj,r*rff "f*i*iiri{:irri1iir,.,i#r#,;,T:+,tif.f i:.;r;i:;";.iri,,.

rndividualb j.njured to call the
,"itlasked Dean of srudent
, " rhe rv/o .hoori'ss have been raken
From: Nancy Metz <nancy.metz@W. EDU>
Subject: Tis the Season/Students in Crisis
Date: November 27,2006 4:16:01 PM EST
Reply-To: Nancy Metz <nancy.metz@W. E DU>

Dear colleagues,
A number of us have been struggling lately with students in the throes of some kind of
crisis or mental illness. Sadly, as the holiday season approaches, these difficulties often
seem to multiply and worsen. What should we do when a student's written te)fts seem to
hint at violence or suicide? How should we react when students exhibit anger
disproportionate to the circumstances? How can we help students who confess to us
their problems with eating disorders or abuse? To whom do we turn when a student says
she has been raped?

Please join us for a timely discussion of these pressing issues on Reading Day,
December 7, at 10:30 in Shanks 370. Our distinguished guests will be Dr. Tom Brown,
Senior Associate Dean of Students, and Dr. Chris Flynn, the new director of Cook
Counseling Center. Discussion will be informal. Please feel free to direct our attention to
scenarios you have actually experienced.

All are welcome. GTAs and faculty new to the department who may not be familiar with
local resources are especially urged to attend. Refreshments will be served.

This event is sponsored by the lnstructor Concerns Committee but open to all.


Nancy Metz

*.JJ!alr.5r'-: :- !iad;*441*\\rr.!: . | '

From :
"Brown, Tom" <tbrown>
Subject: RE: Thank You!
Date: December 15,2006 10:55:24AM EST
To: Nancy Metz <>
Cc: "Flynn, Chris" <>
d t Attacnment, 201 KB @
Nancy - thanks toI, Vou note and I am pleased the session was helpful.

The Faculty Guide is attached to use as you see fit - thanks for the
positive feedback on this resource.

Thanks - and enjoy the upcoming break. tb

----Original Message---
From : Nancy Metz []
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:15 AM
To:Brown, Tom; Flynn, Chris
Cc: Rude, Carolyn
Subject:Thank you!

Dear Tom and Chris,

Many thanks for taking the time to visit our department on Reading
Day and help us with resources for dealing with distressed or
disturbed students. As you saw from the turnout, there was keen
interest and concern in these issues, and I noticed that even at such
a busy time faculty lingered to talk with you after the presentation
was over.

Since the presentation, so many have stopped to tell me how useful

they found it. I think people came away with the sense that, although
the problems are difficult, there are real resources out there.
Ceriainly we were all very grateful for your good spirit and wise

We would love to put your Guide for Faculty on our web site when you
have a chance to send it to us. I've had a chance to look it over
carefully and learned some things I didn't know!

From: Nancy Metz <nancy. metz @W. EDU>
Subject: Guide for Working with Students in Crisis
Date: December 18, 2006 4:44:47 PM EST
Reply-To: Nancy Metz <nancy.metz@W.EDu>

Dear colleagues,
On Reading Day the Instructor Concerns committee hosted a workshop on Students in
Crisis led by Tom Brown of Student Atfairs and Chris Flynn, the new director of Cook
Counseling Center. Tom has since sent us an electronic copy of a very helpful resource
book on the subject published by Student Atfairs. Denise has put it on our Faculty page
under the heading "Guide for Working with Students in Crisis." I encourage you to take a
look and to consult it when the new semester's problems inevitably crop up. I read it last
week and learned some things I didn't know!

You'll find the link at the following address:

http ://

May your crises give way to holiday cheer.



,,.],1.' ..',--!!l
Distribution List Name: Deceased Facultv Families


Jerzy Nowak

Linda Granata
Marlena Librescu
Stefanie Hofer
Usha Loganathan
Distribution List Narne: Deceased Student Families

Allen and Tammy Hill

Bryan and Rene Cloyd
Christopher Foote
David and Sherry McCain 'l t I
David and Tricia White FriC-1'J4lScyle'l
Dennis and Beverly Bluhm
Eric and Eiizabeth Hilscher ilESgRi:l"@:T / €t,u-\*r-tfit rH""'"
pdShaatanciorimBeisecker \e6'h,\sch*@a"t.C&)
Families of Partahi Lombantoruan and Waleed Shaalan cio Kim"o
e.{ -}0n€{ (CQL Lhoicankd)rrr odrr
Girish Surtkal
Grafton and Celeste Peterson
Greg Gwaltney
Harry and Karen Pryde
John Hammaren ham
Joseph and Barbara LaPorte
Joseph Samaha
Letitie Clark, A-!4o onee3Fl^++'nel (eur"d
Liselle Vega Cortez Ortiz '
Lynnette Alameddine, Abdallah Alameddine
Marian Hammaren
Michael and Teresa Pohle -L-
Mike and Peggy Herbstritt fffutr rno,h-l$(o cowras+. rET-
Mona Samaha
Paul and Susan Turner
Peter and Cathy Read
Song Ly and Mui Lenh c/o Susan Angle
Tony Sherman
Tracey Lane tracey.
William O'Neil
Distribution List Name: Deceased Student Families


4lameddine, Lynnette and Abdallah Alameddine
. Bluhm, Dennis and Beverly
Catherine Read catherine. read@navy. mil
Christopher Foote (stepfather to Caitlin Hammaren)
-Clark, Letitie
Cloyd, Bryan and Rene
Craig, Patricia (family liaison for Letitie Clark)
Families of Partahl Lombantoruan. Waleed Shaalan and Daniel Perez clo Kim Beisecker
Gwaltney, Greg
Hammaren, John hammaren @geoconcepts. com
Hammaren, Marian
Herbstritt, Mike and Peggy mah1o@comcast.nei
Hill, Allen and Tammy guyallensbox@comcast. net
Hilscher, Elizabeth
Hilscher, Eric
La Porte, Joseph and Barbara
Lane, Tracey
McCain, David and Sherry
O'Neil, Wiiliam
Ortiz, Liselle Vega-Cortez
Peterson, Grafton and Celeste
Pohle, Michael and Teresa
Pryde, Harry and Karen
Read, Peterand Cathy
Samaha, Joseph
Samaha. Mona
Sherman, Tony anthonymsherman@cs. com
Song Ly and Mui Lenh c/o Susan Angle
Suratkal, Girish (for Minal Panchal) girishsu ratkal@gmail. com
Turner, Paul and Susan
White. David and Tricia

Sent: Monday, April i6, 200',, 12:42 pM
To: Muliiple recipients
Subject: Statement by Presidert Charles W. Steoer

shoocing at '/i:ginia / statement by president charl-es w. sieqer


::: :*::::::v^:":_::.::.k_:"1.y. with ir rrasedy of monumenrar. proporEions. ?here wer.::

;:::i:?:: :l-:"T3i1:.'.::.,:":1.:?:"
;;': horrified
tr.ui" i,"i"_;;;;i;;;;.-;;:;i;;"'i"=il
that this would bef al-l ()ur campus ' I want to extend my deepest, lii,,'.,,'
since,:r: ::.:1:
:*_i"::^pi:,:::1:. :ITt.:li:: to rhe t,*1i""-Ji ,i.""I'
There are 22 conf:rmed deaths "ri.ii3'iiji"iil"il!ii5!';riilii;
3:.ri::':::tI..i:: T_:::^:,::.:.:_:f nor:ifyins.farniries
gfier-1",,."ai.tio;" : -;;iil '";:;.;';::.
of victims. rhe vi::sinia recr.
-i::" ' "= sr/'Lr'[uc Lo worx r(:r
identify t.he victims imDaered h., ri; - *.,--a----, r -:;::^:
cannoE besi'n to
sense or ros( r.\1rer;"i:o:::::.,:I^::1: of ::"?t9I' covev mv own persc::.i:l
::T.:_:l_1.-=.:,,?'::_:ll:-:il":l:,"ness i,,"i ",. i"""rp,.r.E"=iii"'l"i'r,lil;; ili"ii,:l
H:::i:lg ser.,,p. cor.nseli"; ;;";;,-;.-;;-;;;;;r#; il:i:";:.;
T:r*_iy:u:1:e1l ana ire c,.;r-c.i"""ii;;-;";;.;-i""i3ii'ir:j":J"::,"n".
communiiy ancl 113iii.:ohnson
f amilies
l]ere :ro came,.ue .E-^+^
acfacts we know:

At about ?:r-!; a'm- this morning a 9r-1- call- came to:he university porice
concernr-ng an event in west Anber Joh.r:sion HaIr. There ,ut.-*"i.ipi;-;;;.;;;;',li"rio,,
whj'1e in the process of, about. two hours laler
reports of a shooling in Norris Hall. The polj-ce i.r.aiui.iy the university receivecl
been transporied to wa::j'ous hospiial-s in the immediate at"u responded. victims have
eme!'gency Ererac.ment.
io the region to receiv€:
we will p:-oceed to contact tshe families of victims as
i-dentities are available.
A11 classes cancelled and the universrty is c]osed
The universicy will open tomorrow ai g a.m, but classes ror :ne rema:nd=r:or:hp t-ojl,..
The police are currently staging the release of people will be canceLled or T','a6A-:.
f rom campus b;;;il";;.
wishing to reunite with
Virginia Tech. we are making plansthe
-r'amir'ies sE.udents are suggested
for a convocation tomonordto (Tuesday)
meet at' the Inn at
for rhe universiry conmuniry Eo come roseiher Lo begin t.oat noon a.L
:i:"::l^::jiseum deal wic.:.
i rom: U nirel@vt. ed u
qa n+.
Monciay, April 16, 200? 10:53 AIVI
M ultiple recipients
Qr rhiaa+' Second Shooiing Repc,rted; Pojrce have one gunman in cusiody

l:: aodi:i-cn qhrnr ': n^ :-^. r1,. i n Trrac- Amhl cr- ,T.rhn er nr,
::o an ee-- i ar- r"re-1!t=)
the::e has been a
-,.r -;*-, ^ ^'-.^-.-. -- Hall.
Police and EllS a::e on Ehe sceDe.
Police have one shoo:er in cusrody ani. as part oi ::outine no.'i
l._____ r-c v_v-!J*_=,
nrrrairrrc -ha..
ccn:inue ;o s;ea::cir ior a se:ond si:oo:e r, -u=J

-l-if peor]*e irr ur:iversi:y buil_o:ngs a:s regu_:eC i.o sr,ay inside until fur:her noti3e.
F-11 ent::ancesr ro campus are closed..
K \5il , tt
ftlAmrddlar -Brran 3loh,'r^. Qr14,l Chr,'k pntf Clak
Ms. Lynnette Alameddine Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bluhm Ms. Letitie Clark
Dr. Abdallah Alameddine 110 Jutland Coud 422Manly Way, Apt. K-2
7 Meadowbrook Road Stephens City,Ya22655 Evans, GA 30809
Saugus, MA 01906
Aushn |loYd
Mr. Stanley Clark Ms. Patricia Craig Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Cloyd
Apt. K-2 5040 Craig Road 2001 Walters Cour.t
555 Cassidy Road Cocoa" FL32926-2526 Blacksburg, VA24060
Thomasville. GA31792
lhq+tu"e kwal !u,* hn il i,,:,t" t t'"1
Mr. Greg Gwaltney Ms. Karen Gwaltney Ms. M. Hammaren and Mr. C. Foote
10240 Reedy Branch Road 4207 Yillage Woods Lane 231 Minisink Tumpike
Chesterfield, VA 23838 Chester, VA 23831 Westtown,NY 10998

-Jertn',t lk r b s*tll '7.qLAt E lizrr{Ytn t}''t/

Mr. John Hammaren Mr. and Mrs. Michael Herbstritt Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hill
385 Ski Trail 162 Shepherd Lane 3625 Meadow Pond Court
Kinnelon, NI 07 405 -2247 Bellefonte, PA 16823 Glen Allen, VA 23060

,: nilu Sqe lhlsttvr lY'atf La {lrtL -i61r rll Les Lonl

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hilscher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph La Porte Ms. Tracey Lane
201 Rock Mills Road 125 Medford Road 603 Memorial Blvd.
Woodville. VA22749 Dumont, NJ 07628 Narrows, VA24124-2105
,.\,' r gatt
f, Parla\ L om bartfi
lhn rtt
L.e e Lombantoruan Family Lavrcn [ht Pctn
Song Ly and Mui Lcnh c/o Ms. Kim Beisecker, Director Mr. and Mrs. David McCain
171 Huntington Blvd. Cranwell International Cnter (0509) 473 Duchess Court
Virginia Tech Hampton, VA23669
Roanoke, VA24012
Blacksburg, VA2406l

1;ornrr; 0'Alrl .Jc,air'f';'v r,, ., .:- lhiqat ParV. hl, /

Mr. and Mrs. William O'Neil Ms. Liselle Y ega-Cortez Ortiz Mr. Girish Suratkal
26 Fairmount Avenue URB Luchetti 35 Berkshire Place, Apt. 3
Lincob:, RI 02865 J. Crespo #3 Summit Manor
Manati, Puerto Rico 00674 Hackensack, NJ 07601

)nnu.l (trPt E nn k*.r:*q lli L+ Prtn I

Ms. Mailella Parez Lurch Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Peterson Mr.and Mrs. Michael Pohle
12210 Stevenson Coud 5309 Braddock Ridge Drive l5 Chestnut Trail
Woodbridge, VA22192 Centeville, VA20l20 Flemington, NJ 08822
rti\r | | -Tt
Julta- r(ude l"lQr't \QltA
' <-! '
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pryde Mr. and Mrs. Peter Read Ms. Yon Son Yi Zhang
77 Swartzel Drive 8507 Bronley Court c/o Peter Read
Middletown, NJ 07748 Arurandale, V A 22003 - 4 53 3 8507 Bronley Court
Vtated f4 ohu,ud. -jhaa lt'^ Annandale, V A 22003 -4533
nplr',t 6 'funaha Shaalan Family
Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Samaha c/o Ms. Kim Beisecker, Director El-Sayed Hasan Shaalan
5205 Glen Meadow road Cranwell Intemational Center (0509) 3 Almad Maher Street
Centreville, VA20120 Virginia Tech Sharqia, Egypt
Blacksbwg, VA2406l

r'!r64ira !-J-! i
Lislu- ,$t-4'vn' P r-t rl:t J ia ,,yte rxl tC
ol. i ti.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Turner N{r. and Mrs. David White
6915 Rolling Road 404 Colin Lane 11065 Park Place
Springfield, VA22152 Vienna, VA 22180 SmithJield. VA23430
Page 1 of2

Nash, Mary Beth

From: Owczarski, Mark

FridaY, MaY04,2007 11:16 AM
'Jerry Marshall
t.f -..

Cc: Heidbreder, Kay; Nash, Mary Beth; Hincker, Larry

Subject RE: Photo for Criminology Book
Mr. Marshall-
We can not accommodate your request. Student photos (found on a campus id, for example) are protected
information under Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
(http://www. registrar. vt.edulrecords/fema. php).

Virginia Tech has not, and can not, provide this information to anyone other than to police investigators.

I hope you understand.

Mark Owczarski
Director, News and Information
Virginia Tech

From: Jerry Marshall []

Sen$ Friday, May 04, 2007 10:05 AM
To: Owczarski, M'ark
Subject Photo for Criminology Book

Dear Mark Owczarski,

I am contacting you as the Photo Editor for Criminotogy loday (5th Edition - H-0-1 3-51 3031 -x) a college ievel
text book by Piofessor Frank Schmalleger to be published by Pearson Education. To accompany text on gun
crime I would like to ask if you would consider providing me with a copy of the photo below of Cho Seung-Hui' I
had contacted the VSP and they indicated this photo was originally provided by your department.

Iwould very much appreciate it if you would please be so kind send me a high resolution digital photo file via e-
mail (it would be great if a jpeg or tiff of 300dpi of 3x5 inches or larger was available). My server can accept
attachments of up to 1Omb per e-mail.

I would appreciate if you were able to provide the photo by this Wednesday May gth, or sooner.

Please let me know the credit you would like to accompany the photo.

Thank you very much.

Page2 of2


Jerry Marshall

Truift & Marshall

29 Boutonville Road
South Salem, NY 10590
P - 914-533-2997
F -914-533-2979
E -
W - www.

Page 1 of2

Jerry Cain
Nash, Mary Beth []
Sent: Thursday, May 03,2007 11:13AM
To: Office of the Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Cc: Cain, Jerry
Subject: RE: Hui medical investigation

Good morning

We will treat this like an FOI request. The request will be denied, but in accordance with FOI provisions. Jerry
Cain is handling all of those. I am copying him on this so that he will have the email and can respond.


From: ffice of the Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 8:50 AM
To: Nash, Mary Beth
Subjech FW: Hui medical investigation

Mary Beth,

Lisa \Mlkes asked me to forward this email to you.

Lisa Royal
Coordinator of Administrative Affairs
Office of Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Oflicer
Virginia Tech (0147)
312 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: (540) 231-5706
Fax: (540) 231-4830
Email: lroyal@vt.qdu

From: Office of the Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Sent: Thursday, May 03,2007 8:43 AM
To: 'mike oavledis'
Subject: RE: Hui medical investigation

We have forwarded your request for information to Legal Counsel.

Lisa Royal
Coordinator of Administrative Affairs
Office of Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Virginia Tech (0I47)
312 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: (540) 231-5706
Fax: (540) 23r-4830
Email: lroyq!@r]!.edu

4a&4!+.Y?q ! i
Page2 of2

From: mike pavledis []

Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 12:29 AM
To: Stump, Shannon
SubJect Hui medical invesUga$on

Dear Chief,
I am conducting a study on the Parasites link to unbalanced human behaviour. Therefore I seek whatever
infomration there may be available on suicides and extreme cases of violence.
Most adult's systems fail to adequately manifest the same symptoms as that of children and I hope that
my research may show that a large proportion of adult social violence and extreme depression may be
linked to intestinal parasites.
Should you have an autopsy report that may be relevant I would appreciate extracts ofanything
pertinent. Ifnot, could youplease consider conducting one inthis important case.
Thanks for your considerations.
Mike C Pavledis
35 Tribute Street Wes! @erth Suburb), Westem Australia, 6148

Tue,Apr 24,2OO7 6:48 PM

Subject: RE: A few questions/heads ups...

Date: Tuesday, APril24,2007 5:43 PM
From: Owczarski, Mark <>
To: Greg Esposito <>
Cc: "Hincker, Larry" <>
Conversation: A few questions/heads ups...

Thanks, Greg.
l'll share your questions with Larry and work with him to figure out how best to respond.
You've got a lot here!

Thanks for your continued support.


From : Greg Esposito fmailto :Greg. Esposito@roa]

Sent: Tuesday, April24, 2007 5:27 PM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Subject A few questions/heads ups...

Hey Mark,

Below is what I had written up before our phone conversation Tuesday. So I pass it along
electronically so you have it allwritten up in one place.

For the first time since this whole thing happened I have some questions that don't need to
be answered today. So I thought it would be easier to email them to you. lf you could get
back to me sometime Wednesday to talk or direct me to people who could talk to me about
these things, I'd appreciate it.

1. First a general heads up. We're looking ahead to our graduation coverage not sure if it's
something you folks have had the chance to sit down and thoroughly discuss yet given how
Page 1of 3

j-rra$?-n.'... .
crazy things are. But lwould expect this yea/s graduation ceremonies will be different than
past years. I'm working on a couple of stories, one of which will essentially try to address the
question of, "How do you move out from under the shadow of what happened and hold an
event that is usually a great celebration just a few weeks after such a tragedy?" Other
celebrations -- such as the capital campaign -- can be postponed. Graduation can't. ls the
existing graduation schedule the same as it was? Other changes to the ceremonies? I'd like
to talk to someone involved in the planning and replanning of graduation at some point in the
next couple of weeks.

2.l've been asked to reiterate my earlier request about arcess to President Steger. Our
photo editor thinks having a photographer and reporter behind the scenes with Steger on
graduation day could provide our readers with some interesting insight. And yes, I realize a
good portion of the swarm of media that left today will be back for commencement and many
may want the same access. Just relaying that request.

3. At some point, I would like to talk to someone about the initial 4/16 leadership meeting. I'd
like to know exactly who was in the room and what was discussed. lf the university is unable
or unwilling to discuss this, I'd like that stated for the record.

4. I'd also like to talk to someone about an emergency meeting of the Board of Msitors held
on 4117. We'd like as many details of that as possible.

5. Although several early news accounts said Cho chained doors of Norris shut, we've been
hearing from multiple sources that someone with the university actually did this because of
the high winds in the area. Apparently, in Norris, if you open one set of doors on a windy day,
the other set fly open. Again, if the university can't speak to this, I'd like that officially stated.
(and l'll pass this on to our reporter at tomorrow's 1:30 press conference)



Page 2 of 3
Greg Esposito
Hi gher Education Reporter
The Roanoke Times
New River Bureau
110 Peppers Ferry Rd.
Christiansburg, Ya. 24068
540-381-1675 (phone)
1-800-346-1234 ext.675 (toll free)
540-381-1656 (fax)

From: Angle, Susan
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 10:34 AM
To: 'Katrina G. Landon'
Gc: Sanders, Kathy;''
Subjec't: FW; Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund - Chinese translations of Final Protocol and Claim form for
Song Ly and Mui Lenh
Attachments: FTNAL F ROTOCOL.S.1 5. PROTOCOL-Traditional chinese.pdf; DECEASED CLAIM
FORM_Traditional Chinese,pdf

Hey, Katrina. This is the claim form (translated into Traditional Chinese) for Henh's parents to read
and sign. lt is crucial that they read and understand the document fully before signing anything.
Could you please make sure they receive this? | would also like for Manh or Chi to email me back to
confirm thai their parents have received this and if they need additional information before signing the

I went tothe memorial dedication on Sunday and received the Hokie Stone on Henh's behalf' My
office manager, Kristin Alls Wallace, presented the stone to me. lt was a very emotional ceremony
but very well done and thoughtful. I would really like to personally give Manh the small memorial
stone since he is back at school now (the larger Hokie Stone - placed at the memorial site the first
week after 4-'16-07, has been placed in a wooden box and will be shipped to Henh's family). Would
you please ask Manh if he can email me and we can meet for a few minutes at my office so that I can
give'him the stone? Maybe he would come if you were with him. Do you have any day classes this

Also, Dr. Marilyn Hutchins, who is going to be the new family liaison out of the Recovery Office, will
be in contact with you very soon if she has not done so already. She will be coordinating any future
requests and answering questions the Ly's may have regarding updates or about the Hokie Spirit

Hope to see you around campus.


Dr. Susan Angle


Services for Students With Disabilities

Virginia Tech

150 Henderson Hall (0185)

Blacksburg, VA 24061

Phone: 540-231-3788 Fax: 540-231-3232 TTY: 540-231-'1740

The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. lt is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this e-mail
by anyone else is unauthorized. lf you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or any action taken or
oinittdd is prohibited and may be unlaraArl. lf you believe that you have received this e-mail in enor, please contact the sender.

From : Camille Bi ros [mailto :cbiros@thefei nberggroup.@m]

Senh Tuesday, August 21, 2007 5:32 PM
To: Angle, Susan
Cc Kathy M. Sanders
Subject Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund Chinese translaUons of Final Protocol and CXalm form for Song Ly and Mui Lenh

Attached please find the traditional Chinese translations of the HSMF Final Protocol and Claim form. I assume you will be
forwarding these documents to the family. lf you need me to send a hard copy, please let me know.

Camille Biros

E Camille S. Buos
The Feinberg Group, LLP
1455 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Suite 390
Washington, DC 20004
a 202/962-9282
From: Mitchell, Terri ThomPson
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 9:06 AM
To: Sanders, Kathy
Cc: Wilkes, Lisa; O'Rourke, Kim
Subject: FW: Communication with LilY Habtu

I think this is a matter for Ken Feinberg to address with the family, and we can
provide copies of the contract and the
termination noiification if needed - let me know.


Fromr Ratcliffe, Donna

Sent: Wednesday, August 22' 2007 5:43 PM
To: Sanders, Kathy
Cc: Mitchell, Terri ThomPson
Subject: Communication with Lily Habtu


Below you wilt find the email I sent to Lily Habtu after our conversation yesterday, She had asked this
qr"rtion after going to Mr. Feinberg's meeting, but we could not tell her because we did not know the final

We can talk more about this "issue" but some background includes that:
- When Lily and her father we in great distress in the hospital (I can give you details), I traveled to
Fairfax INbVA hospital and spent two days "advocating" for them with the Hosp. administrator, his
secretary, the social wod(ers, the insurance case worker, the doctors, etc. It was very intense' but I
felt that they received what they wanted and needed as a result'
-It was clear that a lot of work was needed to assist this family during this very distressful time, so I
made many phone calls to locate someone who would work closely with the Habtu family to assist
them as she was being discharged (after 5 weeks of hospitalization) and move into her recovery at
home. I did find such an agency (it was difficult to find them)
-Terri Mitchell was in agreement to enter into a contractual agreement with Advanced Care
Managemenf Inc. to provide such Services. She has a copy of that document. Of course we moved
forwaid with the approval of Lily and her father (I spoke to both about the benefits, services, and
resources available to them through his agency and their personnel)
- Barbara Lopez, a private social worker, has worked closely with Lily and her family over the past 3
- On August 17 a letter was written by Kevin Sullivan to Advanced Care Management to terminate the
contrait (with a 30 day notice), as required by the contract. (Terri Mitchell can supply a copy of this
for you). Their last bili needs io be received by W no later than Sept 20th.

The issue? When talking to Lily yesterday, she is unhappy that the bills for these seruices are being deducted
ftom her total sum. She expressed that she thought that the University* was paying for this and that she was
concemed because she has so many current and upcoming bills to pay. She stated "I did not sign anything to
agree to this." I told her that I had asked a few times over the past couple months if she found Barbara's
s6rvices helpful to her and she replied, "Yes, she has been helpful, but I could have been doing some of these
things myself." I think the bottom line is that she never thought that she was "spending her own money" for
thesi services and, thus, might have made diffurent decisions if she had known. Of course I didn't know how
all of this would have turned out either. (I think it would have been less controversial for her if she received
the original $75K without deductions' Do you know what I mean?)

Ihope that either she will make arrangements to meet with Ken Feinberg or that he will initiate a meeting
with her. I think she could speak on her own behalf better than I can.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss,

Regards, Donna
x Iiold her that the University would pay for this; of course I was talking about the HSM Fund and clarified
this in later conversations.

Donna Cassell Ratcliffe

Director, Career Services
Career Services Building (0128)
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, V A' 24061
Fromr Ratcliffe, Donna
Sentr Wednesday, August 22,2007 5;21 PM
To: 'Elilta Habtu'
Subject Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund

Dear Lily,

It was so great to see you, your parents/ aunt and cousin on Sunday. I hope that your weekend visit to
campus was a good time for catching up with friends and attending events.

As requested, I am going to summarize our conversation yesterday regarding your question: Will the bills paid
by Virginia Tech's Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund (HSMF) for the seruices that Barbara Lopez, of Advanced Care
Management, Inc. (ACM, Inc.), has provided you be deducted from the your Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund

In the Virginia Tech Victim Assistance Program Final Program Final Protocol sent to you on August 15h by Ken
Feinberg, you Wll find item H. in the Process and Procedures section, which states "The total amount of
reimbursements for expenses previously paid to a claimant or on behalf of the claimant or respective victim
will be deducted from the amount allocated to the claimant under the Protocol. " According to this statement
the answer to your question is "yes." The bill paid for seruices provided to you by Babara Lopez will be
deducted from amount stated in the protocol'

you will recall that in May I spoke to both you and your father about the types of seruices and resources that
would be made available to you through the Advanced Care Management Inc. With your agreement Virginia
Tech entered into a contract with them to assist you as you developed plans for your discharge from Mount
Vernon Hospital and your recovery at home, It has been through the kind gifts of so many (to the Hokie Spirit
Memorial Fund) that we have been paying for the services of Barbara Lopez ofAdvanced Care Management,

I also mentioned to you yesterday that the contract required a 30 day notice to terminate the contract. Once
the final HSMF protocol was made public on August 156 the,University sent a letter on Friday, August 17h to
Joan Richardson, President of Advanced Care Management, Inc. stating that the final billing of any additional
seruices provided to you is to be sent to Virginia Tech prior to September 20.h That bill will be paid soon

Lily, it is clearly your decision whether you continue seruices with ACM, Inc. You can speak to Barbara Lopez
or Joan Richardson about this - 703-706-9595.

In addition, Lily, you might consider meeting with Mr. Ken Feinberg who developed this protocol. He is very
willing to meet any and all victims (claimants). If you would like to express you concerns regarding this
decision, he is most interested in meeting with you. He is located in the DC area'

In the protocol sent to you on August 15th it states in item B of the Process and Procedures section
"...Individual claimants may continue to request a face-to-face personal meeting (or telephonic meeting) with
the Fund Administrator before the final processing of the claims is completed. These meetings will be
scheduled before the individual claim is processed and will not serye to alter this Final Protocol or any
allocation set fofth in this Protocol, Requests to meet with the Funds Administrator should be sent by email to
Kathy Sanders of W ( or by telephone (540-23L-4I42)'"

Best Regards, Donna

Donna Cassell Ratcliffe

Director, Career Services
Career Services Building (0128)
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
cassell. ratcliffe@vLedu
Page I of2

Lionberger, Ghuck D

From: Governors Update Mailing List []

Sent: Thursday, April 19,2007 3:16 PM
Subject: Governor's News Release

OlJice of the Governor
Governor April 19,2007

Contact: Kevin Hall

Phone: (804) 225-4260
Cell Phone: (804) 393-9406


- Retired State Police Superintendent Massengill will lead panel -
RICHMOND - Govemor Timothy M. Kaine today provided additional information on the scope and timeline of the
independent review of the circumstances surrounding Monday's tragedy at Virginia Tech. The review panel, which will
be led by retired Virginia State Police Superintendent Col. Gerald Massengill, also will include former U.S. Secretary
of Homeland Security Tom Ridge, and nationally-recognized experts in higher education and mental health also have
agreed to serve.

"I appreciate the willingness of these individuals to lend their time and expertise to this critically important
review of the recent terrible events at Tech," Govemor Kaine said. "This panel will provide a thoughtful, objective
analysis of the circumstances leading up to, during, and immediately after Monday's honible events. What we learn
could result in fresh ideas that will help bolster the safety of ow young people on campuses in communities across the

Govemor Kaine said the panel would begin its work as soon as possible, and it is anticipated a preliminary
leview could be completed by this fall.

The Govemor announced these panel members today. Additional members could be announced later:

Retired Virginia State Police Superintendent Col. Gerald Massengill will chair the panel. He led the state's
law-enforcement response to the September 11, 2001 attack on the Pentagon in Northern Virginia and the 2002 sniper
attacks. Massengill retired in 2003 after 37 years in the Virginia State Police, and came out of retirement in 2005 to
serye as interim director of the Departrnent of Game and Inland Fisheries for 18 months.

Tom Ridge served as the first U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security (2003-2005). He previously served as
Govemor of Pennsylvania (1995-2001) and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1983-1995). He currently
consults on a variety ofnational and international issues.

Page2 of2

Gordon Davies served as Director for the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia for 20 years (1977-
1997).He previously served as President ofthe Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (1998-2002), and
recently directed a project to improve state higher education policy making.

Roger L. Depue, Ph. D., has over 20 years experience at the FBI, most recently as Administrator at the FBI
National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime. Depue is the founder, past president and CEO of The Academy
Group, Inc., a forensic behavioral sciences services business for consultation, research, haining, and investigation of
aberrant and violent behavioral problems.

Aradhana A. ooBela'o Sood, M.D., FAACAP is Chair of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Medical Director
of the Virginia Treatnent Center for Children at VCU Medical Center.

Dr. Marcus L. Martin is the Assistant Dean for the School of Medicine at the University of Virginia. He is
also a professor in the Departrnent of Emergency Medicine. Martin previously served as the Chairman for the Health
System at the University of Virginia, Department of Emergency Medicine.


Page 1 of2

Lionberger, Chuck D

From: Governors Update Mailing List []

Sent: Thursday, APril 19, 2007 3:16 PM
Subject: Governor's News Release

Office of the Governor
Governor April 19,2007

Contact: Kevin Hall

Phone: (804) 22s-4260
Cell Phone: (804) 393-e406


- Retired State Police Superintendent Massengill will lead panel -
RICHMOND - Govemor Timothy M. Kaine today provided additional information on the scope and timeline of the
independent review of the circumstances surrounding Monday's tragedy at Virginia Tech. The review panel, which will
be led by retired Virginia State Police Superintendent Col. Gerald Massengill, also will include former U.S. Secretary
of Homeland Security Tom fudge, and nationally-recognized experts in higher education and mental health also have
agreed to serve.

"I appreciate the willingness of these individuals to lend their time and expertise to this critically important
review of the recent terrible events at Tech," Governor Kaine said. "This panel will provide a thoughtful, objective
analysis of the circumstances leading up to, during, and immediately after Monday's horrible events. What we learn
could result in fresh ideas that will help bolster the safety of our young people on campuses in communities across the

Govemor Kaine said the panel would begin its work as soon as possible, and it is anticipated a preliminary
review could be completed by this fall.

The Govemor announced these panel members today. Additional members could be announced later:

Retired Virginia State Police Superintendent Col. Gerald Massengill will chair the panel. He led the state's
law-enforcement response to the September 11, 2001 attack on the Pentagon in Northem Virginia and the 2002 sniper
attacks. Massengill retired in 2003 after 37 years in the Virginia State Police, and came out ofretirement in 2005 to
serve as interim director of the Departnent of Game and lnland Fisheries for 18 months.

Tom Ridge served as the first U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security (2003-2005). He previously served as
Governor of Pennsylvania (1995-2001) and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1983-1995). He currently
consults on a varietv of national and international issues.

Page2 of2

Gordon Davies served as Director for the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia for 20 years (1977-
1997).He previously served as President of the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (1998-2002), and
recently directed a project to improve state higher education policy making'

Roger L. Depue, Ph. D., has over 20 years experience at the FBI, most recently as Administrator at the FBI
National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime. Depue is the founder, past president and CBO of The Academy
Group, Inc., a forensic behavioral sciences services business for consultation, research, fraining, and investigation of
aberrant and violent behavioral problems.

Aradhana A. 'oBela" Sood, M.D., FAACAP is Chair of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Medical Director
of the Virginia Treatment Center for Children at VCU Medical Center.

Dr. Marcus L. Martin is the Assistant Dean for the School of Medicine at the University of Virginia. He is
also a professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine. Martin previously served as the Chairman for the Health
System at the University of Virginia, Department of Emergency Medicine.


Page I of2

Lionberger, Ghuck D

From: Govemors Update Mailing List []

Sent: ThursdaY, APril 19,2007 3:16 PM
Subjecfi Govemor's News Release

Office of the Governor
Governor April 19,2007

Contact: Kevin HalI

Phone: (804) 22s-4260
Cell Phone: (804) 393-9406
Internet: www.governor.virgialaggY


- Retired State Police Superintendmt Massengill will lead panel -
RICHMOI\D - Govemor Timothy M. Kaine today provided additional information on the scope and timeline of the
independent review of the circumstances surrounding Monday's bagedy at Virginia Tech. The rwiew panel, which will
be led by retired Virginia State Police Superintendent Col. Gerald Massengill, also will include former U.S. Secretary
of Homeland Security Tom Ridge, and nationally-recognized expefts in higher education and niental health also have
agreed to serye.

appreciate the willingness of these individuals to lend their time and expertise to this critically important
review of the recent terrible events at Tech," Governor Kaine said. "This panel will provide a thoughtful, objective
analysis of the circumstances leading up to, during, and immediately after Monday's horrible events. What we learn
could result in fresh ideas that will help bolster the safety of our young people on campuses in communities across the

Governor Kaine said the panel would begin its work as soon as possible, and it is anticipated a preliminary
review could be completed by this fall.

The Governor announced these panel members today. Additional members could be announced later:

Retired Virginia State Police Superintendent Col. Gerald Massengill will chair the panel. He led the state's
law-enforcement response to the September 11, 2001 attack on the Pentagon in Northern Virginia and the 2002 sniper
attacks. Massengill retired in 2003 after 37 years in the Virginia State Police, and came out of retirement in 2005 to
serve as interim director of the Departrnent of Game and Inland Fisheries for 18 months

Tom Ridge served as the first U.S. Secretary of Homeland Secwity (2003-2005). He previously served as
Govemor of Pennsylvania (1995-2001) and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1983-1995). He currently
consults on a variety of national and international issues.

Page2 of2

Gordon Davies served as Director for the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia for 20 years (1977-
1997).He previously served as President ofthe Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (1998-2002), and
recently directed a project to improve state higher education policy making.

Roger L. Depue, Ph. D., has over 20 years experience at the FBI, most recently as Administrator at the FBI
National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime. Depue is the founder, past president and CEO of The Academy
Group, lnc., a forensic behavioral sciences services business for consultation, research, training, and investigation of
aberrant and violent behavioral problems.

Aradhana A. "Bela'o Sood, M.D., FAACAP is Chair of Child and Adolescent Psychianry and Medical Director
of the Virginia Treatnent Center for Children at VCU Medical Center.

Dr. Marcus L. Martin is the Assistant Dean for the School of Medicine at the University of Virginia. He is
also a professor in the Departrnent of Emergency Medicine. Martin previously served as the Chairman for the Health
System at the University of Virginia, Department of Emergency Medicine.

t1 t+ t+

Areas to discuss for June 20 meetins at VTech Page I of3

Flinchum, Wendell

From: Schaenman,]

Sent: Friday, June 15,2007 11:20 AM
To: Flinchum, Wendel,
Cc: Gerald Massengill; Dr. Roger L. Depue
Subject Areas to discuss for June 20 meeting at Wech

Chief Fletchum

We appreciate your past meetings with us and all of your department's efforts and those of Blacksburg police too.

We wanted toletyou know some of the questions and topics we have forourJune 20 meeting. Col Massengill,
Dr. Roger Depue, and myself are scheduled to meet with you at 1 :30PM till about 3. . We understand that the
Blacksburg chief is also scheduled, to be there through your coordination. We would like to have perhaps two
other officers who were on the scene, especially the head of the group that led the first assault team in.

We will be meeting with the University physical security and lT committees that same morning, and with a group
of VT staff who were on the third floor of Norris after meeting with you.

The general idea is to get more details on the timeline and substance of the police response. Clarifying that helps
reduce sorne of the questions people have been raising.

The questions below are not in priority order, and are excerpts and edits from emails we have been sending to
each other on the panel and staff. Any that are already answered in documents can just be emailed or
handed to us, since there is a lot to cover. We are sending these so we can use the time efficiently. Any
you can answer ahead of time would be great.

Assume that anything noi obviously sensitive will be potentially used in the report. We need to get the facts
straight. We do not have to quote individuals, especially on opinions for improvements.

Hope this is helpful to you.

Phil Schaenman
Panel staff director

Questions and topics to discuss

We would like to exnlore some of l.he things that appeared to worked

ra.e l'l r.' r^ral I - -raani nnr'l t-r:ininrr rho reLationships wiuh other faw
cnf nrccmanj- :crcnr'i ac . l_h i ncrc rrra /-rrr Dass-on as thinqs that work.
We would like to discuss
command and confrol of the incident; how did
vorr cnnrrf i natp f n knr;q; who was where and what was being
f he rcsnr:nsc
done. Any communications issues and problems you have i-dentif ied.
Pre-planning for shooti-ngs on campus and in Tech buil-dinqs


a 11(,lat\A.1
Areas to discuss for June 20 meetins at VTech Page 2 of 3

Exactly how and when the police responded, organized, broke in and attacked during the active shooting. Also
the effect of the earlier alert.

The timeline from the receipt of the first call at Norris Hall to the point that the shooter was known to be alone and

Include: Where were the ofiicers responding from in the groups who first got to the building? \Mtich departments,
which ranks, what did those first arriving do, who communicated what to whom? .Did a group assemble, decide
on a olan. and send 2-3 officers to each of the three known entrances? 1 minute?? Seconds? , Or did the first
officers on the scene advance on their own immediatelv and then others went elsewhere as they arrived?

Were they campus or Blacksburg officers (l believe both)- any others?

How long did it take for the several officers who actually tried to get into the building to arrive.? The timeline
presented said three minutes, but was that for the first car on the scene? How long did it take for the group to
assemble who assaulted the building?

\Nhen was the ERT called and when did they respond?

Confirm=-no entry tools carried normally in any cars but the ERT.
Confirm- no building plan requested immediately; it is available from ERT vehicle via fire department, but no time
to get the information to the scene before the assault began.

Were there radio communications between the groups entering the building on the three entrances?

lnside the building

Once the lock was shot away from the maintenance door, how many officers entered, and what did they do? How
long from breaking in to shooting end? How long to get to the shooter? Was it 8 or 9 minutes from call to Cho
shobting himself? Some reports say 8, some 9. Measuring from different points?

How long was the incident in progress before someone called it in ? Best estimate.

Were police wearing vests who made entry?

The third floor at Norris

See the letter we received from the engineering college media spokesperson who was one of those on the third
floor. She and others in the dean's otfice groupwas not happy with the directions given by the police.. Was there
a guard provided to the group from the dean's office ordered to get out of the building? Were they ordered t0
leave from an exit that was still locked?

Did the police know of the auditorium entrance that the dean's group used to get out?

Opin ions

lf the university tocked down in the sense of canceling classes and asking people to stay indoors in their dorm, or
more radically lock in place immediately with all people staying in their classrooms or dorrns or other buildings is it
even possible to lock al buildings?) , would it have changed the result? Would it have disrupted Cho's plan or
would he have waited until alert ended, and gone into action the next day? Would he have likely been discovered
by the investigation of the dorm in that time period?

I believe no one who saw him before the event saw anything suspicious-just a back pack and a coat. So it is
probably unlikely he would have been reported.
Areas to discuss for June 20 meeting at VTech Page 3 of3

lf the first person who spotted the locked door reported it, would police have responded as an emergency?
many minutes saved?

Relation of first dorm killing to the rest.

How long would it have taken to discover Cho was the shooter in the first dorm double homicide? Would canvas
picture and ask
of peoplS seen near the building have found him? Of course lt was totally different to have his
aftbr the fact than to ask peopljwho they saw around the building . lf someone had identified him as being near,
could his dorm have been searched? Hecould have been questioned if known to be outside the dorm that
morning, but probably no grounds to search his room ? Or would the police have looked at records of "disturbed
had been in the police files
feople;'on campus is rouiine procedure, and have gotten to him sooner or later. He center, and had been
ior harassment and had been taken for mental problems to be examined in the counseling
reported to the academic side as well.

Early Alert.

going through the

Should the police have the authority to send an alert to the students directly instead of
university administration for a crime with a gunman on the loose?
Page I of2

Hincker, Larry

From: Richard Benson []

Sent: FridaY, June 01,2007 6:42 PM
To: Crawford, Barbara; Perkins, Linda; Nystrom, Lynn; hincker@vt'edu
Subject The Future of Nonis Hall and the College of Engineering
Attachments: To President Steger About the Future of Nonis Hall and the College of Engineering.pdf

Barbara, Linda, LYnn, Larry:

Below is a message, inctu<ting an attachment, that I would like to go out firstthing-Tuesday-moming to
;t"tr, il";5|t golrci memueE, and Student Engineers' Councilrnembers of the College oj.epi,19ef n9, t-arW
ffi;k;r, WhO
HinCkef, who"is also fgcelvlng
iS alSO g-mall Ule Tuesday
advises the
this e-mail message, aqvlses
receiving InlS I uesuay morning
lrrerrrrrrV timing.
rlrrnrrY. He
I re believes
vsrrsvs.' I
it is

irpottant tor tne Cottege of Engineering to b9fory the press.relea:e it.1?1o-1tl-"ll:::9
f".i""rp"tio. ot ttontsiall by t-ne Oepa--rtment of Engineering Science and Mechanics. The press release is due
io 6oli i"t"r on Tuesday. Compticdting matters ls tnat t wilt be Washington, D.C. on Monday and Tuesday.
please remember that until Tuesday morning my attached letter must be treated as confidential.
you to get
Lynn, in addition to assisting with the distribution^to the COE Advisory Board members, could I also ask
Council? want work with the SEC leaders in lieu of writing
ttie tetter to members of th;student Engineers' | to
directly to all 7,000+ of our engineering students'

Lvnn. I mav need vour help on another matter. You will recall that our Advisory Board declared that they would
.ir"brt pr6sident'steqer dn whatever decision he made about Norris Hall, and then communicate that
;;;;;;r"r't6 the C6mmittee of '100. lf past practice is a guide, I expect that Kenton Meland (He's the.chair for
right?) will approach you for assistance in writing the letter. -You may w?nllo give.some tho.ught to
letter over the weexenci is t believe it will be important to glt the Board's
" "nil"lon!"r, communication to the committee of
100 as fast as Possible.

Larry, my attached letter to President Steger may g.ive you sime insight on.the deliberations that led
up to the
Hall, and it may give y6u som'e ihoulnts for inclusion in the press release (which already reads
Oeciiion'on Norris
Feel free to write/call me on the weekend with any questions or advice. I'll be checking e-mail. My cell
number is 540-230-5380.



Copy to Ed Nelson

To: Members of the College of Engineering Facul$, Staff, Advisory Board'

and Student Engineers' Council
From: Richard C. Benson, Dean of Engineering, Torgersen Chair
Date: TuesdaY, June 5,2007
Subject The Futirre of Norris Hall and the College of Engineering
Department of .
Later today, the University will announce the phased reoccupation of Norris Hall by the
great significance to the College of
E;l]ffidd 6J"n""lnO'fvfechanics. This is'obviously a decision of
-niin"erini. the days following April 16th you conceming the path
In opportunity to hearfrom many of
! .nao !!e
gngintErin'g. President Stegeralso reteived advice from many in the extended Virginia
ioriarO tor-tt'e Collegaof

Page 2 of 2

Tech family; including me. Prior to this weekend's meeting of the Board of Visitors, President Steger asked me to
summarize my thoughts in a letter. I was glad to do that, and I attach the letter here for your consideration and

As key decisions are made -- and the phased reoccupation of Norris Hall is such a decision -- wehalf
increasingly shift our energy to the attainments of our goals as a college. In the last month and a it has
become apparent that tnis 6ollege has enormous reseryes of strength. I couldn't be prouder of our faculty, staff,
students, iiumni and friends, and I have never felt more assured of our future success. Thank you so much for all
you have done and will continue to do to carry this college forward.

Page 1 of2

Hincker, Larry

From: lshwar K. Puri []

Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 11:29 AM
To: Hincker, Larry
Cc: Siburt, Paul; Bracken, Anne-Marie
Subject Re: names of a few labs

Here are the names of the ESM laboratories, Larry - Ishwar

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

Towing Tank Facility (one of few in the nation)
Mechanical Behavior of Materials Laboratory
Biomechanics Laboratories (four labs related to a variety of biomechanics, biomechanics and human
stability and locomotion)
Composite Materials Laboratories (three labs developing innovative composite materials among few
such in the nation)
Fuel Cell Laboratory
Multiphysics Research Group Laboratory (focuses on nanoscale and microscale transport phenomena,
one offew in the nation)
Adhesion Science Laboratory (one of few in the world)

The Concrete Testing Laboratory is a Civil Engineering Lab.

On Jun 5,2007, at 10:47 AM,'Hincker, Lary wrote:

Got some names for the labs in addition to the concrete lab and the hydraulics/fluid mechanics lab...
btw -
is concrete a CEE?

Lany Hincker

Associate Vice President

University Relations

Virginia Tech

314 Burruss Hall

Blacksburg, VA 24061

540 231 5396

a ta l', nA1
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 5:15 PM
Subject: Norris Hall announcement

Mr. Hin cker,

I am a Virginia Tech College of Engineering alumnus (MSE '05r '06) . Like everyone e1se, f
was shocked and saddened bY the events of April 16. I've been keeping a close eye on news
about Virginia Tech since then.
f was pleased co see that the Universicy has decided to reopen Norr is Hal-I. I agree that
it wouid be difficult to hol-dj-tclasses there, but I also think it would be inappropriate to
permanently close it or tear down. I fike the compromise solution of letting people
tack into iheir labs and offices and gradually converting the classroom space to more labs
and offices.
I wanted tO let the administration know that I support the decision, T wish you all in
Blacksburg the best.
Matt Lynch

251 10th St. Nw

Apt. C309
AtIanta, GA 30318
From: lshwar K. Puri []
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 3:19 PM
To: Case, Scott; Haij, Muhammad; Nathan L. Post
Cc: Hincker, Larry; Benson, Richard
Subject: Media Interviews - Reoccupation of Norris Hall

Dear Colleagues,
As you may know, f must leave Bfacksburg tomorrow to provide a keynote lecture on the
University of
nanoscale self assemblY of materiafs at the McMat 2007 conference at the
Texas at Austin. I will return to campus on Friday morning. Thank you for agreeing to
meet with the media in mY absence.
I want to convey and reinforce that the only day the media hasSuch to visit Norris is cn June
14. you may fa-e requests to visit individual .Laboratories. requests most likeLy
will not be for tne purpose of furthering the dissemination of ESM research but could
April 15 alone' Therefore, please
indelibly tl-e our scirolarship to the tragic events of after June 14' Any in the
do not accede to requests mabe to visit our ESM laboratories
nedia making such requests should be referred back to Larry Hincker.

Thank Vou, T shwar

From: Elvey, \Mlliam
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 1:56 PM
To: Hincker, Larry
Gc: Beach, John
Subject: FW: Nonis, Whiteboards, etc.

Larry. FYI .

Sent from my Goodlink synchronized handheld (www' good'com) Ox

-----Original Message-----
From: John Beach frnailto: jbeach@vt ' edu]
Sent: Thursday, June O'7, 200"7 01:46 PM Eastern Standard Tirne
To: ElveY, Wi 1l iam
Cc: Lafon, Mi ke
Subject: Norris, Whiteboards, etc.

Mike called me today and wanted me to fook at tfre finished condition of the
whi teboard/waIl work in Norrjs.

I found the work and associated appearance to be very good, even better than what I
observed before we installed the new boards. However, there are still some visible
imperfections in some of the CMU wall surfaces, secondary to the mounting of the old
blackboards and outside the perimeter of the new whiteboards, which are slightly smaller
than the old units. This condition, as you know, has absolutely nothing to do with the
events of APril 16.
I don't bel-ieve that this is a bad condition, but I didpresswant to update you' It might be
wise to afert Larry Hincker of this matter before the tour next week in order that
he js in Position to respond to any related inquiries.
Page l ofl

Hincker, Larry

Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 7:33 AM
Subject Yes! Take Back Norris!

As a..parent' l'm glad to hear that Virginia_Tech is going to 'take back" Noffis, revive it to a living,
building and incorporate it back into the Virginia Tech iiving purpose. Like so many of membe[
of the \fo
community that survive this tragic event, I'm glad to hear ol irloiris' survival.

Cho's violenl.act took may bright minds and lives from the Hokie Nation, but it did not destroy it. I'm glad it did
not destroy Nonis, and applaud the restriction of access to the building.

I also applaud the Virginia Tech's thoughts about the students grieving and fears. I know it will
be difficult for
many students to be confined in any classroom and especiallyihose i-n Norris. Summer and Fall
will be a time
for those who haven't re-entered the classroom to do sb again.

Jacquie Collins
Hokie Parent

See what's free at

From: Elvey, \Mlliam
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 2:36PM
To: Hincker, Larry
Subiect: FW FW: cost of repairs to date

Larry: FYI below as discussed for your discretionary use.


A rough estimate of costs would be the work with \A/EL to-date, including:

cost of clean up (i.e. bioremediation of both AJ and Norris): $310k

cost to restore 2nd floor hallway: $46k
cost to restore 2nd floor classrooms: $61k
Page I ofl

Hincker, Larry

From: Albert, Joseph

Sent: Wednesday,June13,20079:33AM
To: Hincker, Larry
Subject RE: Information


The total will be 18.


Captain J. C. Albert
Operations Division
Virginia Tech Police
Stenett Facilities Complex (0523)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

From: Hincker, La rry

Sent: Wednesday, June 13,2007 8:35 AM
To: Albert, Joseph
Subject: RE: Information

Joey... so that includes not just you, but Wendell and anyone else who might have escorted the families??

Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Bunuss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5396

From: Albert, JosePh
Sent: Wednesday, June 13,2007 8:10 AM
To: Hincker, Larry
Subject: Information


you asked me yeslerday how many of the injured/deceased victims and/or families we have taken back into Norris Hall.

Approximately 14


Captain J. C. Albert
Operations Division
Virginia Tech Police
Sterrett Facilities Complex (0523)
Blacksburg, Mrginia 24061

Evans, Susan
Sent: Monday, September 10,2007 8:50 AM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Provost Update September 10,2007

Monday, september LO, 2Oo7

Col leagues ,

on behalf of Presidents Charles steger, I have convened and will chair an ad hoc task force
tso develop recommendatsions for the future use of the seven former cl-assrooms on the second
floor fron! wing of Norris Hal1. The tsask force membership includes faculty, staff,
students, and administraEors who represent broad university interests and are sensitive to
t.he impact of the April 16 tragedy. The charge tso the task force is to seek inDut
regarding potentiat uses of the specified space in Norris HaIl, review proposals, and co
make recommendations.
The task force is adwisory to President steger as he prepares to finalize a decision abou!
the allocalion of space in Norris HalL.
The amount of assignable space is approximateLy 4,500 eq. ft. The remainder of Norris Ha1l
(approximatsely 35,OOO sq. fc.) is occupied by the College of Engineering programs. and
includes academic and administrative offices, laboratories, storage and support
facj-Iities, and computer rooms. The specified rooms will not be reassigned to thelr former
use, nor will they be a sj-tse for a public memorial or museum commemoraLj-ng the April 16
tragedy. The task force will consider issues of scope, cost, impact, programmic
relationships. the strategic plan. long-term vision, access, security, elc. in considering
proposals. Because Che rooms under consideration are contiguous with the otsher spaces, the
infrastructure issueg and potential uses musts take the j-mpac! on the entire building into
I am pleased tso announce that the task force is accepting pre-proposals at this time (one
to Ewo pages with an emphasis on ideas and concepts) . We welcome and encourage all ideas
and proposals . Fu1ly developed proposals (i.e., architectural- renderings, costs estj-mates,
etc . ) wil-l be requested selectively aftser initial reviews. when submitting a pre-proposal,

* Provide the scope and programmatic relationships of the project;

* Include a single contact person and contact informat.ion (e-maiI, phone, addresE) -
Submissions must be postmarked or hand-delivered by September 30, 2007. We have already
received a number of informal suggestions and we will contact everyone who has already
offered ideas. We wiLl also be sending letters t'o the families of victims. Fax or e-mail
submj-ssions will- not be accepted. Please mail- submissions to:
Office of tshe Provost
Virginia Tech
2l-0 Burruss HalI (0132)
Blacksburg, VA 24O6L
Attention: Norris Half Task Force
Thank you,
MarkG . lilcNamee
Universitn Provost and Vice President for Academi-c Affairs
Thursday moming meeting confirmation Page I of2

Hincker, Larry

From: Ed Nelson []

Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 9:03 AM
To: O'Rourke, Kim, Puri, lshwar; Hurst, Z. Scott; Elvey, \Mlliam; Wilkes, Lisa; Hanna, Dixon; Hincker,
Larry; Flinchum, Wendell
Cc: Breeding, Charlotte
Subject: RE: Thursday morning meeting confirmation

Dear Commiftee Members:

I've updated our outline with the information that I have so far. Please see that update below. I would appreciate
any editing you think is appropriate.

Later this morning I plan to meet with Paul Siburt and Dave Simmons from ESM. l'll have the transition plan for
ESM incorporated into this plan by mid-afternoon.

Thanks for all of your help!


Preparation for Re-Opening to begin on June l8

o Completion of family visits by Wednesday, June 6, 2007
o Wendell Flinchum will coordinate visits of student families.
o Kevin Granata's office has been cleaned out by his family.
o Ishwar Puri will coordinate the cleanout of Liviu Librescu's office with his family. The goal
is to have Liviu Librescu's office cleaned out by June 6,2007.

o Safety inspections
o Bill Elvey has confirmed that all inspections are complete. The inspections included health
and safety, building code, fire, etc.

r Securing sensitive areas

o The Nonis Hall interior doors are all functional with working locks.
o A Hokie Passport swipe card system will be installed on the three exterior doors by the
beginning of the Fall 2007 semester. Bill Elvey is obtaining an estimate for the cost of the
o A private security firm, already under contract, will continue to provide security to Norris
Hall through mid July 2007, or longer as necessary.

o Painting of second floor classrooms

o Partial renovation of the second floor classrooms is complete and has included removing the
floor tile, installing solid-core doors and new locks, removing all items (chalk boards,
pictures, posters) from the walls, and replacing the lighting.
o Further renovation of the classrooms, including covering the walls with a spray paint or
stucco, will be complete by June I l. The EVP has authorized funding for this fluther

e Complete repair/painting of stairwells'

Thursday moming meeting confirmation Page2 ofZ

The Bumrss-side stairwell has been completely renovated with new paint and flooring.
There is one ceiling tile that needs to be replaced and it will be replaced by June 11,2007
The crash bars on the three exterior doors will be replaced with flat bars by June 11, 2007.

Renovation of hallways
o The hallway on the 2nd floor (classroom wing) has been renovated with new floor tile and
new lighting.
o The existing floor tile in the hallways on the 2td and3rd floors will be replaced, so that they
match the new tile just installed on the 2nd floor. New lighting will also be installed in those
hallways. The 2nd and 3td floor hallways were painted in the recent past. It does not appear
necessary to repaint the walls in those hallways.

Removal of perimeter fencing

o The perimeter fending will begin to be removed on June 4,2007. The perimeter fencing will
be completely removed by June 8,2007.

Private tour for Engineering faculty, staff, and students (with counselors on hand)
o The committee decided that we would not conduct a private tour for engineering faculty,
staffand students.

Media access
o Larry Hincker will coordinate a tour for the media of the renovated space in Nonis Hall
during the week of June I l.

Identify resources required

o Bill Elvey is oUtaidng an estimate of the costs of these renovations.
Identify responsible individuals/offi ces

From: O'Rou rke, Kim lmailto]

Sent: Tuesday, May 29,2007 10:50 AM
To: Nelson, Ed; Puri, Ishwar; Hurst, Z, Scotq Elvey, Wlliam; Wlkes, Lisa; Hanna, Dixon; Hincker' Larry;
Flinchum, Wendell
Cc; Breeding, Charlotte
Subject: Thursday morning meeting confi rmation

All: I was able to reserve the President's Board Room for Thursday moming at 9:00. Just in
case we need the time, I reserved it until 11:00.


Hincker, Larry

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Wednesday, June 13,2007 5:02 PM
To: Hincker, Larry
Subject norris stuf

According to Bill ElveY

$320,000 for the initial clean up of Nonis and West AJ

lnitial clean up work completed by W.E.L. Inc of Concord, Virginia.

$10,000 to relocate facul$ offices to McBryde

$7,000 to move Dean of COE office

$3,000 to replace crash bars on all doors

$75,OOO to "put back togethef' second floor classrooms, asbestos abatement, first and third floor hallways
(Burruss wing)

Beginning Tuesday, June 19, $60,000 to returbish rest of building.

Mark Owczarski
Director of News and Information

540-320-2001 (home)
- lnw,u lttc Futurc

Page 1 of2

Hincker, Larry

From: Hincker, Larry

Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 10:46 AM
To: Puri, lshwar
Cc: Nelson, Ed; O,Rourke, Kim; \Mlkes, Lisa; Benson,
SubJect: RE: Nonis reopening


words' I fullv understand the difficult and momentous decisions

ffJi,#i#S:.kind you, Dick, and Ed must

And yes' I do now need to call upon that favor. The news
release will be issued sometime Tuesday
This likely will make significant n'ews either rueso'ay morning.
afternoon or wednesday. r may need you to assist
media interviews to conteltualize the decision- me w

we have addressed manv of the decision factors in our Nonis Reoccupation
But media-particularlv bioadcast media like to get ptan and the news release.
for example, if }/ou are interviewed, to explain *i'tlls
it fror .or*" .ror-Jio iie a"cision. lt would be helpful,
whom are waiting to finish their theses so tnat tnev
napp"n; ioGli;; oi tnor" grad students... many of
Ln get to their first jobs.. . .or
"ir to those faculty members
have been essentially unable to fully function as td"thers,
researchers,'or grad student advisors with limited
no a@ess to their laboratories and offices. we courd,a,gdress or
teaching and research universig and not be frozenln
tdr;;lr;ili up our lives ano return io ieing a
time oy a m"oran.-frrJrv; irvou trlve one-oi'i;;;,y
articulate grad students who feel particularty strong ioouirti;;;;, ;;';tJri"i o make them avairabre arso.
f3"#:Ar'fi#'fJltt "Jf":3::3fil"":f" settins rearrv toush questions rrom the media. rhose rikery wirl

Thanks again and best of luck to you as we begin

the rebuilding process.

Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President
Univercity Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Bunuss Hall
Blacksburg, VA24061
540 231 5396

Frum: Ishwar K, puri]
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 3:00 pM
To! Hincker, Larry
Cc: Nelson, Ed; O'Rourke, Kim; Wlkes, Lisa
Subject Re: Norris reopening

Dear Larry;

PageZ of2

I cannot thank you enough for your resilience and service. You are a good man -- a very good man.
please let." koo*, and-that goes for the others on the cc: list, when ESM can repay the enormous debt
that we have accrued over thJpast six weeks through the generosity and professionalism of many fine

With kindest personal regards, Ishwar

lshwar K. Puri
Professor and Department Head of Engineering Science and Mechanics

Mroinia Tech
De-partment of Engineering Science and Mecfianics
223 Noris Hall - MC 0219
Bfacksburg, VA24061
Phone: (540) 231-3243 'Fax: (540) 2314574 .

Editor, Experimental Heat Transfer .

nssoclate'Editor, Intemational Journal of Reacting Systems ' www.hindawi.com4ournals/ijrs
Research professor, Division of Biomedical Medicine, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic

Further information about ESM, one of the few departments of its kind in the US, can be found at The
*frich was founded in 1908, has a diitinguished history A recent reYrgw py a blue-ribbon panel conc,luded.thal
Edftl t a. a record of excellence as a key element of lhe College of Engineering with national.visibility"...The
deDartment has twenty-seven faculty members who support roughly 80 doctoral students and have research expenditures
il;$6M. tts core uilres include iespecl, @mmunication, community, quality, integrity, and ut prosim (that I may serve).
frlore intormation about Virginia Tech ii available on the web at, about the College at www.eng.vt.e!!q, and
the town of Blacksburg at u l {

On Jun 1,2007, at 12:43 PM, Hincker, Larry wrote:


Here is what I now have. lt occurs to me that my press release may not suffice for the notification to the college
i".ufty. gO, you may wish to convert it to a lettei under the dean's, your, or lshwar's signature.
Otne*lse,'rire snotitO plan on shipping this sometime on Tuesday. We will nee.d to coordinate..'lwill issue
publicly several hours after you send to facul$. We can talk again later about timing.

Kim, I am available to meet w Charles ovedr the weekend if he desires.

Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5396

<image00l jpg>

<image00l jpg>

From: Hincker, Larry
Sent: Wednesday, January 31 ,2007 8:05 PM
To: Giffin, Terry
Subject: FW: Commencement Regalia

Attachments: image001.jpg

Cool". Cc to my commencement file,

-----Originaf Message-----
From: ov,/czarski, Mark
Sent: Wednesday, January 3I , 2007 06:11 PM Eagtern Standard Time
To; Hincker, Larry
Cr'. T,'azenhv-,Tones. ,Tenni f er: f)ame. Mi r.hael
D(.1rJJ sL L .;
Cirl-\i a^F LlrlluflC]rLcllrE:rlL n^^-1.j ^
^^n6ah-ar^*r ^C9cr-Lrcr

Jenna's story on the ne\4r commencement regalia is now among out Top 10 all time read news
stories (a11 t.ime means since we started web tracking LO/25/06)

The story weighs in at #9 with 1,488 unique visits to the story and count ing.

Should you wish to share with the Commencement committee.


Mark Owczarski
Director of News and Information
vlrganfa Iecn
314 Burruss Hal l
Blacksburg, VA 24 050

540 -320 -2OO 1- (home)

Commencement Committee Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
12:15 p.m.
President's Board Room,210 Burruss Hall

1. Call to order
2. Approval of minutes of February 7,2007 meeting
3. Planning for Spring Commencement
4. Wdiplomas-quallty
5. Adiournment

g..**;i{.- ..i, .
Commencement Committee Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
12:15 p.m.
President's Board Room, 210 Burruss Hall

1. Call to order
2. Approval of minutes of February 7,2007 meeting
3. Planning for Spring Commencement
4. Vf diplomas - quality
5. Adiournment

d,f/ o"-',^'

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.i.' br.-r1o.-

4J^o- jrol".- t'a-

d'7"n t
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U niversity Commencement Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 7, 2OO7
12:15 p.m.
President's Board Room.2l0 Burruss Hall

Present: Ed Henneke, Jeff Murriel for Jerry Allen, Sharnnia Artis, Bud Brown, Ellington
Graves, Larry Hincker, Kathy Hosig, Jean Kampe, Brad Klein, Brian Mihalik, Kim
O'Rourke, Lyndell Price, Dean Stauffer, Dan Taylor

Absent: Michelle Czamanske, Bill Green, Jerry Niles, Matt O'Leary, Dixie Reaves,
Susanna Rinehart, Linda Tegarden, James Tyger for Russell Davis

Guests: Patrick Casey, Karen DePauw, April Myers, Jennie Reilly, Janis Wilfore, Eric

Dr. Henneke called the meeting to order at 't2:15 p.m.

Approval of Minutes
Graves moved that the minutes for the December 6, 2006, meeting be approved. With a
second from Brown, the minutes were approved unanimously.

Review of December Ceremony

Henneke suggested that the Graduate Ceremony have the candidates walk across the
stage before the president confers degrees. This will eliminate the commofion that is
currently happening while the president is speaking. This will also keep both the
Graduate School and University ceremonies consistent. Mihalik indicated that he will
take this suggestion back to the Graduate School.

There was one complaint from the family of a graduate about the use of an air horn
during the ceremony, and it really hindered their enjoyment of the ceremony. lt was
suggested that if this happens in the future the ushers should ask the person to not use
the air horn or get the police to take care of the situation.

Mihalik mentioned that the music went well during the ceremony.

Speaking Request - University Ceremony

Henneke brought a request to the committee from the Staff Senate presiderit, a member
of the stage party, who would like to be given the opportunity to speak at the University
Commencement ceremony. The Staff Senate president was a member of the stage
party for the first iime at the Fall 2006 ceremony because this position was added as the
staff representative to the Board of Visitors in August 2006. lt was indicated to the Staff
Senate president that time is already an issue and if one group is allowed to have a
representative speak, then other groups will want the same opportunity. Currently the
Faculty Senate president speaks to the graduates, but he/she is doing so on behalfof
the faculty because they have a unique relationship with the students. lt was the
consensus of the committee not to add another soeaker.

Report on Services for the lmpaired - Jennie Reilly

Reilly gave a report in order for the committee to better understand what services are
provided for the disabled during Commencement.
Unfortunately, there were three ushers assigned to accessibility that did not show up for
the fall undergraduate ceremony. Henneke asked the college representatives to go
back to the deans of their respective colleges to encourage their volunteers to to fulfill
their obligation or have a substitute fill in. These vblunteers are really relied upon in
order to greet people at the door who are in wheelchairs or need accessible seating.

There is short a training for the ushers that gives a walkthrough of the route for
accessible seating. Because of ushers arriving late, the training had to be repeated
several times. Reilly offered to give the instructions to Dan Taylor to include with the
mailing sent to ushers prior to the ceremony

A suggestion was also made to inform ushers to wear comfortable shoes to the

Two ushers are always stationed at the Menyman entrance but they had no programs
there to hand out at the fall ceremony. Lyndell indicated that Margie Murray can add
that location to the list of locations where programs are delivered prior to the ceremony.

Reilly indicated that there is a need to expand the ambulatory seating. Mihalik
suggested doing something more than just posting signs in order to keep guesls out that
are not in need of ambulatory seating. New signs are being made that will indicate that
only one other family member may accompany an impaired guest in the reserved
ambulatory seating area. Reilly mentioned the other family members will sit either in
front of or behind the ambulatory area.

The rescue squad has an emergency wheelchair that can be used when needed. Reilly
suggested including this information about the emergency wheelchair with the mailing
that is sent out to the ushers prior to the ceremony.

Reilly indicated that a lot of calls are generated from the website where the disability and
accommodation information is listed. The Services for Students with Disabilities website
has all of the necessary information for anyone needing assistance for Commencement.

Reilly suggested changing the signage for the section where guests that neec
interpreters sit to indicate the purpose for the reserved seating.

There was a request to provide blankets for those sitting in the wheelchair section of the
South End Zone during the spring university ceremony. lt was very cold last spring
during the ceremony and this sec'tion is located where there is a lot of wind. Henneke
suggested getting the blankets used on airplanes. These blankets are quite warm and
cannot be that expensive. O'Rourke indicated that the President's office will pay for the
blankets. Reilly confirmed that the ADA Services office can take care of getting the
blankets and bringing them to the ceremony. A suggestion was made to add a link to
the National Weather Service on the Commencement webpage so that people can
check the weather in Blacksburg.

Reilly then informed the committee that there are new accessible route maps available
on line on the ADA Services website. A suggestion was made to include a map with the
mailing that goes out to the ushers.
Presentation of Master's Diplomas on Stage at the Spring Ceremony
Henneke introduced the Dean of the Graduate School, Dr. Karen DePauw, to the
committee. Dean DePauw offered to come to the meeting in order to clarify why the
master's candidates do not get their diplomas on the stage during the Spring ceremony
Dean DePauw stated that the Graduate School did receive the recommendation of the
Commencement Committee to hand out diplomas to the master's students as they cross
the stage. This was discussed in great detail at several staff meetings and with the
members of the Commission on Graduate Studies and Policies. She decided to
continue to give out the master's diplomas at the Graduate Life Center after the
ceremony for the following reasonsl

It is very difficult to clear all students in time to get the diplomas in order and
keep them in order on stage. The deadline for clearing will have to be moved
back and not as many diplomas can be awarded.
When diplomas were given out on stage, some students received the wrong
The ceremony is a celebratory event and students want to sit with their friends
and have a more relaxed ceremony, rather than being required to sit in
alphabetical order.
Now, each student gets a very nice diploma cover that is a gift from the Graduate
School and the Alumni Association. A letter is included in the diploma cover that
gives instructions as to how to obtain his/her diploma.
There is a celebration at the Graduate Life Center after the ceremony where
students can pick up their diplomas and celebrate with family and friends.
Students who did not clear by the deadline may clear by the time of the
ceremony, and they can get their diplomas at the Graduate Life Center at the
same time as those who cleared by the deadline.
There is less stress on the staff because they do not have work all night to get
the diplomas ready for the ceremony.
The Graduate School has not received any complaints from any master's

There was discussion as to having representatives from each of the colleges help with
the process of getting the diplomas ready. Dean DePauw indicated that would not be
possible because they would not have access to the students' records, and it would
create more work for the Graduate School staff to train the college representatives.

Members of the committee gave reasons as to why the master's diplomas should be
handed out on stage:

To stay consistent with the other graduates who receive their diplomas on stage.
It was noted that colleges that have 900 or more undergraduate students
graduating (as compared with the 300400 graduate students at the Graduate
School ceremony) distribute diplomas to their undergraduates as they cross the
Over the years, some administrative offices have requested to not give out
diplomas on stage, and the students have applied tremendous pressure to
prevent this change from taking place.
There is a great deal of pride the students feel when they walk across the stage
with their dioloma in their hand.
Master's students should not be treated any differently than the other graduates.
All other levels of undergraduate and graduate students receive their diplomas as
they cross the stage.
Master's students who attend the National Capital Region ceremony do receive
their diplomas as they cross the stage, unlike their Blacksburg counterparts.
Most universities mail diplomas out to their students, but handing out diplomas
on stage is one of the things that makes Virginia Tech unique.

Artis, who is now a Ph. D. Student, indicated that she really liked how the Graduate
School ceremony was handled because she was able to march before she completed
her master's degree. She enjoyed the camaraderie with her friends and the relaxed
ceremony. Undergraduate students are allowed to walk in the ceremony before
receiving their degree with the approval of their college. lf the student walks and does
not receive his/her degree he/she will receive an envelope with instructions indicating
how to obtain ihe diploma. lt was also suggested that the Graduate School could hand
out diplomas on stage to the students who have cleared and hand out envelopes with
instructions to those who have not cleared.

It was then suggested to survey the master's students to determine if they Want to
continue with the current process or receive their diplomas on stage. Dean DePauw will
survey the Graduate Student Assembly to see if they want to continue with the current
process. Some noted that it might be more informative to ask those who have already
graduated. :

Committee Support on Wind Symphony Tour

Henneke then asked if the committee wanted to support the request from the Music
Department for funding for the Wind Symphony tour. In the past, the procedure has
been that the committee recommends approval to the EVP's office to support a tour of
student musicians to various high schools around the state. These musicians will also
play at the Spring Commencement ceremony. This tour creates good public relations for
Virginia Tech and also lets area high school students see that they can attend Virginia
Tech as music majors or as majors in another discipline and still have the opportunity to
play music.

Casey indicated that the budget is $9,134 and covers meals, transportation, and one
night's lodging to provide concerts at schools in Radford, Pulaski, and Bristol.

Mihalik made a motion to recommend to the EVP that Virginia Tech support the Wind
Symphony tour. Brown seconded the motion. With no further discussion, it passed
u nan imously.

Change in University Calendar

Mihalik mentioned that a change in the university calendar being considered would push
Commencement back one week. This should not be much of a problem in the spring,
but in the fall it would push the ceremony very close to the holidays.

The next Commencement meeting will be on Wednesday, March 14, 2007.

With no other business, Stauffer moved to adjourn at 1;28 p.m.

Front Page of Commencement Programs

Ctimmencement 1 991 1gg2, F all Commencement, December, I 99 1

Commencement 7993, I 2 I Commencement, May, I 993

Commencement 1 993 199 4,.F all Commencement, December I 993

Commencem ent 7994, 122'o' Commencement, May, 1994

Commencement 1994 1995, Fall Commencement, December 1994

Commencement 1995, 123'd Commencement, May 1995

Commencement 1995 1996, Fall Commencement, December, 1995

Commencement 1 996, 124fr Commencemenq May, L996

(My files are missing the Fall, 1996 Program

Commencem ent 1997, May 1997, I 25' Commencement

Fall Commencement, lggT-gg Academic Year, l25m Year of the University

Commencement 1998, May, 1998, l26th Year of the University

Commencement 1998 1999, Fall Commencement, December, 1998

Commencement 1999, 127tr Commencement, May, 1999

Commencement 1999 2000, Fall Commencement, December, 1999

Commencement 2000, I 28s Commencement, May, 2000

Fall Commencement, 2000 - 2001, Academic Year

Commencement 2001, 129s Commencement, May, 2001

Fall Commencement, 2OOl -z}}2,Academic Year

Commencem erft 2002, I 3 Oft Commencement, May, 2002

Fall Commencement, 2002 - 2003, Academic Year

13l't Commencement, 2002-2003 Academic Year, May 2003

Fall Commencement, 2003 -2- -4 Academic Year, December, 2003

1 3 2nd Commencement, 2OO3 -200 4 Academic Y ear, May, 2004

Fall Commencement, 200 4 -200 5 Academic Year, Decemb er, 200 4

133'd Commencement, 2004-2005 Academic Year, May,2005

Fall Commencement, 2005-2006 Academic Year, December, 2005

135'n Commencement, 2005-2006 Academic Year, May,2006
From: Nottingham, Jacqueline
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 3:34 PM
To: Mihalik, Brian
Cc: Hincker, Larry
Subject: Dioloma Size

f rve verified the size of our diplomas.

They are :
1,2x 9, the cover ts L2 L/2 x 9 I/2 for the Graduate diploma
13.5 x 15.5, the cover is 14 x 16 for the DVM and BMES diplonas
I'm getting samples, hopefuffy they will be here for the next meeting.
Cost of the covers is $3.75 sma11' $5 .75 large .
Jacqueline L. Nottingham '88
Director, Admissions & Academic Progress Graduate School, Virginia Tech
131 Graduate Life Center at Donal-dson Brown Blacksburg, VA 2406I
Ph: 540/231"-3092
www . 9rdL.rr ,,r ^,-l,,
Page 1of5
tz&zz+-t-<zz7 7= y'A6 A /

Hincker, Larry

From: Ed Henneke []

Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 5:36 PM
To: Hincker, Larry; O'Rourke, Kim; Murray, Margie; Cox, Clara
Cc: Myers, April; Lazenby-Jones, Jennifer; White, Deidre; Wedin, Laura; Nickerson, M. Carole;
Henneke, Ed
SubJect: RE: FW: Class'numbed discrepancy - the FINAL word
Attachments: Front Page of Commencement Programs.doc

Larry, et al,

Sorry for the slow response - I've been away on a slow river boat through France. Tough life!

I went back and checked the cover pages of our Commencement Programs. The attached file reports what I

have typed from the covers of the program copies I have in my files.

It appears we need to appoint a cover policeman, because we have been anything but consistent. After having
ihe Commencement Committee discuss and approve the solution as Larry states below - to refer to the "Xth year
of the University" , we did this only twice on our programs, for the fall and spring commencements of the 97,98
academic year. Then in 98 - 99 we immediately reverted to referring to the" Xth commencement," in the spring
program. We are non-committal for the Fall Commencement, where we have been somewhat consistent in listing
the academic year by the two year numbers.

I hate to follow Larry's suggestion, but I think we do need to bring it up once again in the Committee to confirm
what we want to do, and then establish a procedure check list to make sure we don't change again next year.


Edmund G. Henneke, Ph.D

Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies
College of Engineering
Virginia Tech
Blacksbu€, VA 24060 .*.
(540) 231-9171

From: Hincker, Larry [mailto:hincker@exchange,vt,edu]

Sent: Tuesday, May 30,2006 4:41 PM
To: O'Rourke, Kim; Murray, Margie; Cox, Clara
Cc: Myers, April; Lazenby-Jones, Jennifer; White, Deidre; Wedin, Laural Nickerson, M, Carole; Henneke, Ed
Subject: RE: FW: Class 'number' discrepancy - the FINAL word

Seeing as how, the Commencement Committee already has ruled on this, it appears that no action is
necessary on our part....except to ensure that we are consistent with the Committee's resolution. lt
appears to me that somewhere along the line, the language used on the website and possibly other
locations was not consistent with the directive.

Thus for the purpose of setting the record straight...references to commencement will be as follows'

1. Do not say XXXth commencement of Virginia Tech.

2. Do say, Commencement for the XXXth year of Virginia Tech (or Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Page2 of 5

and State University).

3. The academic year begins with the Fall Semester. Thus, the Fall commencement and Spring
Commencement of each Academic Year will carry the same year. For example, Fall 2005 and
Spring 2006 would be the "Fall [Spring] Commencement for the134th year of the University."

Ed, Sorry to befabor this point. Do you think we need to bring it back to

T.r rrrr lli nnlrar
Associate Vice President
rlni rrorci l- rr Pol:l- i
Virginia Tech
3L4 Burruss Hal-l-
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5396
hinckerGvt. edu

-----OriginaI Message-----
From: O'Rourke, Kim
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 11:43 AM
rv ! Mllrr,a\/-
Lrqllqj| Ma-oi c: Hinr-ker- , T,ar-\/:
4v+- J
Cnv. Q]6;6
Cc: Myers, ApriI; Lazenby-Jones, Jennifer; White' Deidre; Wedin, Laurai Ni ckers on,
M. Carole; Henneke, Ed
Subject: RE: Fw: Class 'number' discrepancy - the EINAL word
T i'^ia €nr
rv! nnlrr y
vrrr mant-inninc t-ha rrcar nf tha rrni\rarqil\t

-----Original Message-----
Er,^6. M,rrYiv Ir Mrrdi
r.e!Y4v 6
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 1L:33 AM
To: Hincker, Larryi O'Rourke, Kim; Cox, Clara
Cc: Myers, April; Lazenby-Jones, Jennifer; White, Deidre,' Wedin, Laura; Nickerson,
M. Caro.Le; Henneke, Ed
Subject: RE: FW: Class 'number' discrepancy - the FINAL word
Attached are the minutes of the September 3, 199'7 Commencement Committee minutes.
/ <oo nrna 1\

Based on the minutes, should we even note total Conmencements or just note the year
nf f ho rlni rrcrei l- rr"

-----Orrqinal Message-----
From: Hincker, Larry
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:00 AM
To: O'Rourke, Kimi Cox, Clara
Cc: Myers, April; Lazenby-Jones, Jennifer; White' Deidre; Murray, Margie; Wedin'
Laura; Nickerson, M. Carole
Subject: RE: FW: Cfass 'number' discrepancy - the FINAL word


Sorrv that this mav not the final word on the topic.....I am weighing in now,
because I've been away from email for the last two weeks. (too bad, eh?)

Page 3 of5

I too was surprised to see the language in the commencement literature. It is rny
ra^^l 16^f i ^h +h5l- .ho]]t 7-8 vpArs a.1.|_ We eLected tO USe the .t-erm rrrr-i
u__r vcrqi
vu4J+ry f rr
conmencement year" rather than "university comnencement. " The latter woufd be
inaccurate, since we now have more than one coflrmencement per year.
Werve have been down this road many tirnes before and I am asking Margie to review
Comnencement Conrnittee meeting minutes. SeveraL years ago Caro1 Nickerson
explained to the Conunencement Conunittee the rationafe used by an earlier action by
the conrmittee and the cornmittee developed some sort of standardized wording, that
reflected to some extent/ the notion I noted above,
Though, it might be easier for Carol to provide, once again, the explanation and
'Irnarr:.ra l- ha -.\mmi f l- aa .larral.\?1a.1

La rry
T.: rrrr lli nnlzar
Associate Vice President
flnirzareitl/ Ral af i
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hal-l-
Bfacksburg, vA 2406L
540 231 5395
hinckerBvt. edu

-----Original Message-----
From: O'Rourke, Kirn Imailto: orourkekBvt, edu]
qAnf. M.\nd:\r
M:rr 'pI
)), 2006 10:04 AM
To: Cox, Cl-ara
fryc!D, ^h-i
I , rDa-w't'I
vvrrur, .Tanni fa-. , r^r}' i {- 6
,vrrrLEf Deidre; hincker@vt. edu; Murray,
M:rni a. I^T6.1i n T i,1rr
uuvJ vvr Rtr' E-td. al Inltml-\arr di J<.ran^n.\r
sr et vyqrrut' f ha FfNAL word
^qq -

Thank you for what I hope wiff be the FINAL word on the subject for all- time...if
u,o nnrrl rl rl I irrci- c:rra f hi e h.\ra .-\

--- - -urro -Lnar l"lessaae-----

From: Clira B. Cox [nailto: csquareGvt. edu]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 l0:01 AM
1o: U KOUTKe, rt.Lm
Cc: Myers, April; Lazenby-Jones, Jennifer; White, Deidre; hinckerGvt. edu,' Murray,
Margie; Wedin, Laura
Crrhionl-. tra. ET^1. /-l rcc Inrrmhorr *-'--
Ai <r'ranr
Kirn: I don't think those extra ceremonies were added into the mix--just like we
don't add our two per year into che mix now. We did have commencement in 1873 (I
have the conmencement program)--we just didnrt have any graduates. Certificates
r.rere distributed for the first time in 18?5, so our first class to graduate was the
class of 1875.
So this was, indeed, our 134th commencement, but it was for our 131st graduating

N.rkr if r^ro ^nr'ld irr<f .rrrrpr-f fhc nrcqi.lani- iFl narrnl-

evurr! lDr
\u! I el-arrcr
vrvYv! ic:nfrrrllrr
fr qeLuaffj nrrr
1?th president--not our l5th)--- C2

Page 4 of5

\-----n7i ni nr'l Mace:r

>From: OrRourke, Kim
>Sent: Monday, l{ay 22, 2006 8:51 AM
>To: Murray, Margie; Wedin, Laura
>Cc: Myers, April; Lazenby-Jones, Jennifer; White, Deidre; Hincker,
>La rry
>Subj ect: RE: Class Inumber' discrepancy
>As 1 undersLand it, during World War If, there were multiple
>corrmencement ceremonies for a few years because students were bei-ng
>drafted and enlisting in the military. Coufd that have had an effect
>on the numbering?
\-----r\ r i ai nr'l ..-- Mo<<ai
\Fr^m. M,r rr.rr Mrr/'!i a
>Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 8:45 AM
>To: Wedin, Laura
>Cc: O'Rourke, Kim; Myers, ApriI; Lazenby-Jones, Jennifer; White,
>Deidre; Hincker, Larry
>Subject: RE: Class 'number' discrepancy
>We appreciate you letting us know. I think everyoners records were
>wrong here. I'I1 pass the information on. Thanks.
>-----Original. Message-----
>From: Laura Wedin lmailto: Iwedin0vt. edu]
>Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 6:07 PM
>To: Murray, Margie
/JuvJ cuL ' r- 1rcq In:rmharI .li </-ron^n.r,
vrse! err'srrvj


>I noticed on the VT website that the Cl-ass of 2006 was designated at
>the 134th conmencement when in fact it is the L31th class to graduate
>from virginia Tech. There was a 'commencement exercise' in spring of
>18?3 but no graduates. So 134th is not correct with that scenario
>either. True graduates of VPI did not happen until spring of 1875.
>C]-ara Cox of Univ. Relations has checked the history, math and
>confirmed alf of this.
>We came up on this numbering discrepancy l-ast spring when deafing with
>the numbers on the Class ring design since it has been a tradition
>since t-he 1970s to add the Cfass 'number' (usually in Roman numerals)
>to the ring.
>The nu lering problem has apparently been a chronic one on the rings
>- narindir-el l\r <r.rmF/'\r-rF f i nrr-o.l ij- nrrf encl f i xari if o'rl v fo have it
>revert to the incorrect numbering system by another Class. The C.Lass of
>1976 ring has the 100th class, thinking the first VPI class graduated 4

>years later in 1876. l-989 and 1992 were both the 117th cl-asses but of
>course 1992 was correct. It was shifted again for the
>1995 ring back to the 1872 reference. This was all before I was
>involved with the ring design program. I didn't discover the
>di ccronanr-\/ lnf il wa lrona- a rl^f ai lcci i n\tFnt^r\/ and 'listinq Of the
>eLements on the CIass rings.

Page of5

>Anyway, with Tom Tillarrs encouragement, we decided to correct thi s

>last spring so now 2007 wil-l the 132th class f.\ ^YA.l'r^l- a frnm \/i _rgrnra
>(And yes, 2004 has that on their ring as well-. ) Hopefully we can
>correct jt for good or at least as long as f am around.
>You may want to consider this for next year's commencement - correcting
>the numbering on classes.
>vT * vT * vT *vT*VT *v1' *VT *VT *VT *VT *VT *VT*VT
>Laura Wedin '84
>Assistant Student Programs Coordinator
>Student Alumni Associates and Class Programs Al-umni Travel Program
>Coordi-nator Virginia Tech Alumni Association Holtzman Alumni Center
> (0f 02) , B.1-acksburg, VA 24061'
>540/23L.6285 FAX 540,/231.3039
>540/231-.4613 voice mail E-nail:
>***http: / /www. alurnni. vt. edu***
>vT*vT*vT *vT *vT *vT *vT *vT *vT *vT *vT*vT *vT
>Recognj-ze those who pack your parachute.

Clara B. Cox
Director, University Publications
Virginia Tech, fnvent the Future

(a.-w1>-'-'"< ii iC fiJ da"i- i-

--21 o U :i
trt I
.-/' t v,

Sent: Friday, August 17 , 2007 1 1:25 AM
To: Multiple recipients
Subjectl Provost Update August 17, 2007

Augus t 77 , 20 0"1
Dear Facufty and Staff Colleagues:
you are probabty noticing that tshe students are moving back to Blacksburg this week. (It
is a good time Eo stay away from Washington Street. ) The start of the faII semester is
always an exciting time and we wilL be welcoming over 5.000 freshmen in the great new
class of 2011. We will- also be we]coming approximately 100 new facufty colleagues across
all eight co1leges. The first day of class will be a memorable adventure.
Many departments and colleges have been busy this week with pre-semester retreats,
planning sessions, and orientations. f realize that you are receiving multiple forms of
communication about ongoing and new activiLies. I am going to highfight. a few key issues
and events recognizing that you have heard or wifl hear more about each of these items in.
different ways.
1. The three incernal reviews requested by President steger will be presented soon. rTames
HyatL chaired the group looking at infrastructure and security; Erv Blythe chaired the
group looking ats networking; and 'Jerry Nj-Ies chaired the group looking at t.he
relationships among the academic, judicial , counseling, and LegaL systems. Each group will
provide an overview of existing structures and programs and will make recommendations for
enhancements. Some of the relevant j-tems have been or are being implemenled already (such
as VT Al-erts) , and a comprehensive summary and outline of addilionaf security enhancements
was prepared by Executive Vice President James Hyatt. A note of immediate refevance Lo
faculty instructors: the general assignment classrooms are being fitted with hardware that
will a1low rooms to be locked from the inside with automatic unlocking features when
2. The dedication ceremony of the memorial- on the Dril-l-f iel-d wil-I be held at noon on
Sunday. AIl members of the university and extended community are invited. Faculty and
sl- lldent- renresenlat-ives will provide brief comments.

3. Human Resources and the Cook Counseling are coordinating efforts to provide
counseling support to faculty, staff, and students next week. There will be two primary
sites st.affed by trained professionaLs; a tent on the Drillfield and Squires Student
Center. Counselors will be able to travel to other l-ocations as needed. In addition,
counselors will be specifically assigned to a few key locations (including Norris Hal1). .
In Apri1, facul-ty members implemented a plan to invite a facu]ty colleague to atLend class
on the first day. The colleague was availabfe to provide coIlegia1 support and to be
awailable, if needed, to help with any issues Chat came up.
The college deans' offices are helping to promote and encourage a similar system next
week. l,ast spring we refied on the good j udgment of faculEy members to decide how best to,
address and respond to Ehe events of Aprj-1 16. We wilf do so again. I ant.icipate that most.
students and faculty in the classroom will be eager to focus on what we do best: teaching.
and fearning. CEUT held some sessions for faculty this week and w.il1 have fol1ow-up
sessions over the next few weeks. Your feedback about your experiences and the experiences
of the studentss will be helpful .
4. You have received advice about media attention early in the week. You are free to talk
with the media, but you are under no obligation t'o do so. Afso. you can decide what i.ssues
you wanE Eo discusg. You have conErol- over who is admitted co your cl-assrooms.
5. The "Concert for Virginia Tech" on Thursday, September 6 is going to have an impact on
cfasses that evening. As of now, we are planning to cancel classes beginning at 5 p.m. so
that all facult.y, staff, and students may attend the concert. if lhey wj-sh. Unlike Ehe
situation with football games, the parking lotE are open to regular use and no one will be
expected to vacate spaces in specific l-ots. As provost. I am never thril-led rdhen the
regular academic Echedule ie affected by non-academic events. we are going through an
important phase of the healing process and I hope you will embrace the features
of this unique contribution to the virgi-nia Tech community.
5. One of the highlights of the academic year will be a special program lhat brings
emphasis to our commitment to lhe unique respons ibi Ii ties and opportunities that come from
belng Virginia,s senior land-grant university, as well as highlights the Student
Engagement component of our SErategic P1an. The program, which we are calling VT- ENGAGE,
is a university-wide initiative thats reaffirms our motto, Ut Prosim, by facilitating and
leading opportunities for students, faculty, staff, afumni, and community members to
participaLl in community service. service learning, and volunLeerism. During its inaugural
year 2007-2008, VTI-ENGAGE wifl honor the victim6 of tshe Cragedy of April 16 and the
commitment to service they demonstrated within their communities worfdwide.
A Steering Commiltee, which includes broad representation of faculty, staff, sEudents,
administrators, and community feaders. is working diligently on the planning for VT-
ENGAGE. The committee has established a goaf of ats least 300,000 hours of service/service
learning. Each member of the uniwersity will be challenged to commiE at feast 10
hours during the academic year. We hope that each of you will choose to particj-pate and
lhat you will find creative ways to include tshe spirit of VT - EIiIGAGE in your teaching,
research, and outreach.
A major event will be held on the Drillfield the evening of October 16 to kick-off VT-
ENGAGE. Community organizations are being invieed to have displays and to sign-up
volunteers. The eveni will be festive and feature stories of how Virginia Tech students,
facufty, staff, students. and alumni make a difference in communities around the worfd. ..,
Much more to come.
We believe VT - ENGAGE will send another positive message that Virginia Tech is a very
special community with a spirit tha! does indeed prevail.
BesE wishes for a successful start to the new academic year.
Mark McNamee
Universitv Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: Roy, Lucinda

Sent: Tuesday, April24,2007 4:54PM
To: Ellioft, Jean; Hincker, Larry
Cc: Niles, Jerome
Subject: Piece in Roanoke Times

FYI: The piece I wrote about what Day 6 was like in Blacksburg will appear in The Roanoke Times in the Horizon
front section on Sunday. I'm thrilled about this because I think it could help us heal.

I realize that you are not permitted to respond to my notes, but I thought I should keep you and Jean updated.

Today I agreed to an interview with the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette because of my ties to Arkansas. (l got my
MFA from the University of Arkansas.) | made it clear that I wouldn't speak about the case or about any
controversy. We focused instead on how the campus has come together during a time of crisis. I spoke of Nikki's
generosity (she signed 400 copies of.her poem yesterday at the English reception) and the extraordinary spirit of
the Hokies. I think it should be a nice piece.

I am still saying no to all interview requests-except in rare instances where there is a special connection and I
am confident I can help spread the word about VT. lf you want me to do anything differently, please let me know.
I realize I still need to try to manage on my own, and l'm doing the best I can.

office, but they call me back after they get no response at all from your office. ls there
I fon1rrard reporters to your
any way we can address this so that I don't have to field double the number of calls?

I have finished an Op-Ed about the larger national issues which surround this case. lf people think this is just a
VT issue, they're crazy. I felt obliged to mention the gun issue, but I did so with care. I reAlize how dangeroLr.s,ih
is to mention guns at all, but I think that people need to step up to try to ensure that this won't happen again. Cho
used an incredibly powerful weapon; this is a subject we shouldn't avoid. You were courageous, Larry, when you
banned guns on campus. I would like to act courageously, too' : ::.
lf the newest Op-Ed is taken, l'll send you a copy.

Take care-

Lucinda Roy, Alumni Distinguished Professor

Co-Director, Creative Writing
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: (540) 231-6146

4to Page I

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2Q07 9:22 AM
To: Evans, Susan; Cox, Shawn
Subject: FW: Va. Tech Monitoring - 0710312007
MONITORING 07 03 07.doc; WTTG_07-02-2007_17.16.25.wmv; WJLA_07-02-2007_17.07.07.wmv

You'll need to start a file on "ACA Free Counselors" (add this story: htto:/
relyear=2007&itemno=381) and the media clips (and videos covering the story)



From: Huhman, Heather lmailto:Heather.Huhman@bm,com]

Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 9:03 AM
To:; Clough, Christopher; Owczarski, Mark
Cc: Doyne, Karen; Grace, Neil;; Koops, Gary; Kozakos, Penny; Lamboley, Genny; Leveton-Psb, lay; Miller,
Subject: Va. Tech Monitoring - 0710312007


Attached are today's print and broadcast reports, as well as two broadcast clips.

Today's main stories are:

o 1,000 counselors in the American Counseling Association volunteering free counseling services to Mrginia Tech students
o The possibility of Kenneth Feinberg, the Washington lawyer who headed the fund for the victims of 9/1 1, helping with the
Hokie Spirit Fund
o Les Sal2berg, the executive director of New River Valley Community Services, resigning, effective immediately
r Students being able to sign up forW Alerts

There are no negative stories in the media today.


Heather Huhman
Issues & Advocacy Practice
Bu rson- Ma rstelle r
1110 Vermont Avenue, NW Suite 1100
Main reception on 12th floor
Washington, DC 20005
t 2o2.s30.4627 | c 202.491.5309 I f 202,530.4500
heather. huhman
AIM: heatherhuhman

Page I of2

Evans, Susan

From; Kiser, Michael

:T-o DI
Sent: Friday, August 17,2007 8:58 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Response to provocative emails

Michael Kiser
Director of Development Communications
Virginia Tech (0290)
Blacksburg, VA 24061

From: development Discussion List [mailto:DEVELOPMENT@listserv,] On Behalf Of Kiser, Michael

Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 8:50 AM
Subject: Response to provocative emails

Good morning, folks -

Looks like most of us already got the email below, and while I hope it's noi the case, it could be that we'll be getting more like it, as
l'm certain the president's office has. In light of this, I thought it might be a good time to establish some protocols for how to deal
with these sorts of things.

First, always be aware that no mafter how inflammatory such emails may be, none of us have any sort of blanket obligation to
respond. Of course it's always a good idea to do your homework and determine, to the best of your ability, if the sender has any
Virginia Tech connection. Most don't, and often in the case of such unsolicited criticisms from folks with whom we nave no
affiliation or connection, responding only lends them credibility that they otheruise wouldn't have.

Second, if you feel that University Relations has not already received the email, please forward it to me and to Susan Evans in
Larry Hincker's office. Collectively, we can make a decision about which of these sorts of emails warrant a response and what that
response should be.

And finally, if you feel you absolutely must respond, please do not do so from your Virginia Tech mail account. V\,hile t'm certain
you would not intend it as such, any response from a email account can easily be construed as a response from the
university, and that's a misunderstanding that could have some pretty serious repercussions for all.

Hope this provides you with some clarification.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Michael Kiser
Director of Development Communications
Virginia Tech (0290)
Blacksburg, VA 24061

From: Everett, David

Sent: Thursday, August 16,2007 5:02 PM
To: Kiser, Michael; Gresham, Hunter; Corvin, Thim; Flanagan, Elizabeth; Hincker, Larry
Subjectr FW:

8t17 /2007
Page 2 of2

Fyigot this today.....

---Original Message---
From: John Vogt []
Sent: Thursday, August 16,2007 4:52 PM
To: Everett, David

Hello W Facul$ and Staff,

My name is John Vogt. We now live in PA - however we lived in the wonderful state of VA for over thirty years. I was the General
Manager and part owner of Seven Locks Broadcasting Company, Inc. in our nation's capital for twenty-five of those thirty years.
Our broadcast staff was responsible for producing TOUCHDOWN with Coach Joe Gibbs during the Redskins glory years. We
have always had a special place in our hearts for W and your students especially in light of what you have been through this past

I am writing to express my extreme disappointment with Dr. Charles Steger and the VT facu lty and students who have put
together or approved the performance of this violent and hateful rapper. What are you all thinking down there? Haven't you
learned a thing from the pain that you have been through? | do not understand this. I can't begin to comprehend WHY. I am
withdrawing all support for W and am encouraging our many friends to do the same.

Many of us shook our heads in disbelief and shock after the campus shootings. Our hearts and prayers where with you as we
asked the question \A/HY? Maybe you have just given us the answer. Charles Steger and your VT leadership are fatally flawed in
your progressive thinking. I feel even worse now for the families that lost loved ones. In the name of free speech you have failed
your students, community and your country. The next shooter can now claim W endorsement from Mr. Steger and your
leadership. How can W possibly endorse and or approve of this kind of hate speech and encouragement of violence? Where is
your integrity? Where is your honor? Where is your respect for those who have died because of this kind of hate?

In closing let me add that this is not a Bill O'Reilly / Fox Ne\A/s problem. Fox news had nothing to do with inviting, approving or
endorsing this kind of artist - it was YOU! You all chose to do this. You have no one to blame butyourselves. We are deeply
disappointed with W.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my thoughts.


John Vogt
John Vogt Productions, LLC

- ! a 3. 'rt s

Stump, Shannon
From: President of Virginia Tech []
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 5:13 PM
Subject: Internal Review of April 16, 2007 Events
@?\ M-
Deans, Directors, Department Heads

FROM:Charles W. Steger

DATE: May 9, 2007

SUBJECT: lnternal Review of April 16,2007 Events

Recent weeks have been devoted to providing support to those families who lost loved ones and
those who were injured during the tragedy of April 16th, We have also focused considerable effort on
preparing the University Community for Commencement on May 11th and 12th.

Now we must also give attention to examining what occurred and sharing what we leam with others
so that we can do what is possible to avoid such incidents in the future. My purpose in writing is to
advise you as to what is already underway, as well as what will be initiated to insure a complete and
thorough review.

As outlined in our Emergency Response Plan, two groups have been operating. The first is the
Emergency Policy Group. lt was convened as soon as we were notified of the incident in Ambler
Johnston Hall. lt continues to meet on almost a daily basis to consider policy questions from tuition
refunds to support for families, etc.

The second is the Emergency Response Resources Group. This group provides support for
emergency operations, addresses the safety and welfare of students, employees, and visitors and
assures, as best possible, the continuity and timely resumption of university operations.
It, too, continues to meet on a regular basis.

The following reports are being generated:

As is outlined in our plan, two lncident Review Reports are being prepared. One for the events in
Ambler Johnston Hall and one for the events in Norris Hall. Mr. Hyatt is coordinating the preparation
of these documents. Each of these reports examines how the university responded to the events and
what lessons can be learned for the future.

The Commissions established by President Bush and Governor Kaine will consider many of these
issues from a State and National policy perspective. Certainly we recognize that there are many
other aspects of university policies, operations and infrastructure, which must be examined carefully.
As we reflect on the lessons of the Morva incident, there was a substantial amount of misinformation
in circulation. This misinformation resulted in emergency evacuation of buildings that could have
placed people in harm's way. Our efforts will focus on minimizing panic while rapidly providing
accurate information to the univercity community.

,arn €q .,!r;?r . . .. .
As a result, we have established the following working groups who will
examine these issues from the perspective of the university. The
purpose is to look at strengths and weaknesses of our existing systems/infrastructure and how they
may be improved or augmented to address emergency situations that might arise in the future.

't. Telecommunications lnfrastructure (Erv Blythe, Chair) 2. Interface between Counseling Services,
Academic Affairs, Judicial Affairs and the Legal System (Jerry Niles, Chair) 3. Security Infrastructure:
sirens, tailored verbal messaging, and automated locking of building or zones within buildings, etc.
(James Hyatt, Chair)

Where appropriate, the university will retain the assistance of experts to assist in carrying out the
review and recommendations.

These three working groups will begin no later than Tuesday, May 15, and provide preliminary reports
no later than August 1Sth, prior to the beginning of school. lt is our hope to learn about the strengths
and areas for improvement of our existing systems. From this, we can take steps to make our
campus safer in the future.

Your cooperation and input to this effort would be much appreciated.


cc: Virginia Tech Board of Visitors

President's Academic Council
!:^ |:

Sent: Thursday, May 17 ,2007 3:37 PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subjec't: Policy Memorandum from President Charles Steger
Presidential Policy Memomndum No. 241

TO: AllVirginia Tech EmPloYees

FROM: Charles W. Steger

DATE: May 16,2007

SUBJECT: Handling Information Requests About Events of April 16' 2OO7

Approved by the President: May 16,2OO7

Effective Date: lmmediately
Exoiration Date: Indefinite - to be determined

As you know, Govemor Kaine has appointed an independent Virginia Tech Review Panel ("the
Maisengill Panel') to review the events of April 16 and the surrounding circumstances. The Panel
has retained the assistance of a private consulting company, TriData Corporation, in conducting the

As I stated in my comments to the Panel last week in Richmond, the univercity will provide all
information requested to assure a comprehensive review. To accomplish this, your assistance is

ln order to ensure an orderly and complete response to requests for information from the Panel, I
have appointed Lenwood McOoy to serve as the university's liaison with the Panel. Mr. McCoy is a
very experienced retired employee who is highly respected and very knowledgeable about the
university. Mr. McCoy will clear and coordinate all responses to requests for information relative to the
events oi April 16, including those that originate from individuals or groups other than the Panel.

Most requests to you or your unit for information about the events of April 16 will come from Mr.
McCoy, and you should respond fully to his requests. However, if you receive a request from
elsewhere, do not respond directly; rather, forward the request to Mr. McCoy. You may contact Mr'
McCoy at or 540-231-0066. There are to be no exceptions to this process.

As you can well appreciate, there are a number of federal and state laws, as well as other legal
considerations, associated with what information the university can provide and under what
circumstances. Regrettably, we expect that there will also be individuals pretending to be associated
with the review who may attempt to get information from you. Mr. McCoy can ensure that the
university complies wittr applicable laws relative to the release of information and can also verify the
identities of those making legitimate requests.
Finally, I want to advise you of three internal working grcups that I have established to help us
determine what steps the university can take to lessen the risk of such tragedies in the future. They

lnfrastructure- locking systems, surveillance, etc.
Interface between Counseling, Judicial Affairs, Academic Affairs, and the legal system.

Let me reiterate that Mr. McCoy will clear and coordinate all responses to requests for information
relative to the events of April 16, including those that originate from these working groups, the Panel,
or any other individuals or groups.

Further, let me also take this opportunity to remind you that:

All requests for information made under the Freedom of Information laws should be referred
immediately to University Legal Counsel: Kay Heidbreder,,231-6293.

As standard practice, all media requests for information should continue to be referred to University
Relations: Larry Hincker (, 231-5396) or Mark Owczarski (, 231-

Most importantly, thank you for your assistance and support during these difficult times.
From: edu
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 1 0:'14 AM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Corrected Notice: Acknowledgment of condolences and gifts

Thursday, April 26, 2007

To the Virginia Tech CommunitY:

As we all have witnessed, the expressions of condolences, support, and love following the events of
last week has truly been remarkable. The undeniable strength of our Hokies Spirit has touched the

As the many notes, tributes and other expressions of condolence come to our community, the
university suggests that individual departments, colleges, and other units acknowledge those made
specifically tJlneir unit. ltems received in Bumrss Hall to the university community will be
acknowledged by the Office of the President.

Notes, tributes and other messages intended for the families of the victims should be directed to the
Office of Student Life (0255), 20i West Roanoke Street, Blacksburg, VA 24060, 540-231-3787.

Donations to the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund may be made by visiting

http://www.vt. ed u/traoedv/memorial fund. php, or by calling 800-533-1 1 44.

Offers of "gifts in kind" should be directed to Steve Clark in University Development (clarks@vt'edu,

All in the Virginia Tech community are asked to save and record all names and addresses of well
wishers. Thii information will be iollected and archived, and at an appropriate time in the future, and
official university response will be sent to the thousands upon thousands who have supported us
during this time.

Thank you for your continued strength and resolve. We are Hokies. We will prevail.


Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President for University Relations e:oputr ov>

September 6 Page 1 ofl

Giffin, Terry

From: Hincker, Larry

Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 4:01 PM
To: O'Rourke, Kim
Subject: RE: September 6

Eegads, I am glad you mentioned it. since it was not on my calendar. l'll be there.

Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5396

- - tnva/i,] tlro Fttd,$a

From: O'Rourke, Kim []

Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 3:34 PM
Subject: September 6

Larry: I hope you're planning to come to the Commencement committee meeting on

September 6 at 12:15. Ed has included on the agenda the conferring of university
awards at commencement. Thanks,


Page 1 of I

Giffin, Terry

From: Hincker, Larry

Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 4:41 PM
Giffin, Terry
Subject: FW: Commencement Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Attachments: Commencement Commiftee Agenda 9-6-06.doc; Commencement Committee Meeting
Minutes 5-3-06 final.doc

Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, V424061
540 231 5396

From: Myers, April

Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 4:,10 PM
To: Allen, MGEN Jerry; Angle, Susan; Badinelli, Kimberle; Beach, John; Brown, Ezra; Buskirk, Betty;
Casey, Patrick; Czamanskg Michelle; Davis, Russell; Dunleavy, Michael; Faber, Linda; Goodrich, Pat
(Meredith); Graves, Ellington; Greenberg, Wlliam; Hincker, Larry; Hosig, Kathy; Kampe, Jean; Klein,
Bradley; Marshall, Angela; Mihalilt Brian; Miller, Allan; Murray, Margie; Niles, Jerome; Oliver, Emily;
O'Rourke, Kim; Owczarski, Mark; Price, E. Lyndell; Reaves, Dixie; Reilln Virginia; Rinehart, Susanna;
Robinson, Brianna; Stauffer, Dean; Stringer, LTC Bill; Taylor, Dan; Tegarden, Linda; Wininger, Eric
Cc: Henneke, Ed
Subject: Commencement Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Attached are the minutes of the May 3,2006, Commencement Committee meeting for your rwiew along
with the agenda for the first meeting of the 2006-07 academic year. The meeting will be on I?ednesday,
September 6,2006 in the President's Board Room (210 Burruss Hall) at 12:15 p.m. The remaining
meetings will be the 1r Wednesday of each month (excluding January) in the same location. The last
meeting will be the first Wednesday in May 2007.


April B. Myers
President's Staff
Virginia Tech (0131)
220 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24A61
(s4o) 231-3643

Evans. Susan
From: Virginia.Tech. news@vt.ed u
Sent: Tuesday, August'14, 2007 10:10 PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Media and the return to school

Wednesday, Augus! 75, 2007

TO: The sE.udents. faculEy, and staff of Virginia Tech

RE: Media and the return to school
With the beginning of the faIl 2007 semester, there will be intense media interest in the
Virginia Tech community in light. of the events of April 16. While some may prefer
ot.herwise, there will again be many broadcasters. reporters, and cameras on the camDus.
Indeed, some already are on campus.
our university is public properEy. Our roads are public thoroughfares. We cannoL bar the
media from campus. However, although our buildings are open Eo the public, residence
hafls, offices, and classrooms are restricted. Faculty members control entry to cfassrooms
while teaching lhere. Labs are open only to those authorized. Offices are semi-private
spaces open to anyone with a reason to be there. university residence hal-l-s are living
quarters and open only to those living there and thej-r guests.
What shoufd you do if a member of the news media approaches you for an interview? You are
never REQUIRED to speak to the media. Politely telling a reporter "no thank you" will
suffice. If a reporter is particularly troublesome, just walk away and do not feel guilty
about doing so.
However, I am proud -- veryt wery proud -- of our university community and how we have
represented oursefves to the worl-d through the medj.a over the past several months. You
have shown the world the special nature of Hokie Spirit. If you are eomfortable, feel free
to speak about yourselves, your involvement with the university. or your feelings about
the future. I wouldn't be surprised if reporters want to take you back to Aprif 16. You
control- discussion and you talk about what you want to talk about. It's your time.
Should you engage a reporter, take advantage of the opportunity to share some Hokie
Spirit. The world mourned with us and ma.intains an interest in the colfective health of
oirr extended university community. I believe lhat most report.ers share this concern and
compassion. Wit.h so many reporters present, this is a unique opportunity to again convey
the characEer of our community and tel-1 a little about why Virginia Tech and Blacksburg
are such very special pfaces.
qi naara l rr rrarrzc
Lawrence G. Hincker
Associate Vice President
Universitv Refations
Page I of I

Evans. Susan

From: Evans, Susan

Sent: Friday, September 28,2007 8:09 AM
To: Kiernan, Michael
Subject: FW photo event

I am organizing a Recognition Event to honor our local clergy for their efforts during 4116 on Oct 23 (5:30 pm
- 7pm) for approx.
150 people at the German Club (Gordon Ballroom to be exact) and Larry Hincker would like a photographer to be there for this
event. Could you handle this on Oct. 23d? Please let me know.


Susan Evans
Executive Secretary Senior
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5396

Hurnor is mtt kind's greatest blessing.

Mdrk Tvain

Office of the President
210 Burruss Hall (0131)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
5401 231-6231 FaX: Ull 2314265

September 28,2007

Reverend John Jeong

All Nations Fellowship Church
1821 Walnut Spring Road
Blacksburg, YA 24060

Dear Reverend Jeong:

It has been almost six months since the horrific events of April 16 on the Virginia Tech campus.
Our university could not have coped without your valuable assistance. Many organizations and
thousands of people responded immediately when aware of our tragedy. The events of April 16
continue to consume immense amounts of time among our executive leadership team. Please
accept our apology for this delayed acknowledgement.

On behalf of the Virginia Tech community, the Board of Visitors, and all those touched by the
calamities ofthat terrible day, we send our deepest and sincerest thanks and appreciation for your
selfless support ofall those in need.

We recently had an opportunity to recognize and thank hundreds of first responders, local
businesses, support grcups, and many others for their extraordinary service in our time of acute
need. However, we thought it would be appropriate to have a se,paxate, very special event to
recognize the uniquely important role that our campus and local clergy played in aftending to the
spiritual and psychological needs ofstudents, our employees, their families, and indeed, the entire
Blacksburg community.

We would like to honor your organization at a reception on Tuesday, October 23r2007,from

5:30 to 7:00
, rvv p.m.,
Furt at the
s! !u! German Club, thelo$eefV*rgfui6-Tec}-?reBitlentsaWe invite you or
your representative to join us for this event. Please respond to Susan Evans by October 10,2007,
and provide her with the name of the individual(s) from your organization who will be attending.

With appreciation,

Charles W. Steger


RS\? to SEVANSOT( or 540-231-5396

Invent the Futu re
An equal oppottunity, atfirmative action in stitution
From: O'Rourke. Kim
Sent: Friday, September 14,2007 10:54 AM
To: Surace, Jessica; Hincker, Larry
Subject: FW: Clergy Recognition Event

Jessica and Larry:

I have three dates for your consideration: October 10, October 23, or October 29. Please let me know if any
of these doesn't work for you.

Jessica: I overlooked Hunter's budget question. The President's office will take care of it (some costs may be
charged to the Recovery office budget).

Please let me know about the date, and thanks,


Froml O'Rourke, Kim

S€nt Thursday, September L3,2007 4:41PM
To: Gresham, Hunter
Cc: Hincker, Larry; Surace, Jessica
Subject: RE: Clergy Recognition Event

Hunter: I would hardly consider a few hours a delay in responding!

Thanks to you and Jessica for helping us with this. I will ask Sandy when she returns tomorrow to work with
Jessica and Larry on finding a mutually convenient date. We'll work with Jessica on how best to handle the
whole invitation/RSVp/nametag aspect.

Again, thanks very much.


From: Gresham, Hunter

Sent: Thursday. September 73, 2007 4i37 PM
To3 O'Rourke. Kim
Cc: Hincker, Larry; Surace, Jessica
Subiect: RE: Clergy Recognition Event


My regrets for the delay in response_. reviewed your notes below and have consulted the event calendar and staffing
assignments. The Special Events Office is happy to assist and, by way of this email, I'm assigning Jessica Surace as the
lead coordinator from Special Events to assist you.

Jessica is running hospitality, volunteers and transportation for Ut Prosim/Kickoff weekend and then has William Preston in
early November, but I believe her schedule is such that this additional assignment will not be problematic. As well, she
has great experience with coordinating Grove receptions for football during the previous two seasons, which might prove
extra beneficial.

The big question I have for you is-do I need to associate funds with this event from my budget or will any expenses
incurred be reimbursed by the President's Office?

Also, before settling on a final date I kindly ask that you consult with Jessica before confirming. That way she can confirm
her attendance, as well as mine or another staff member, so you are assured of SE staff day of.

In designing and printing invitiations, if there is a guest list we can certainly run envelopes for addressing simultaneously so
that David doesn't have to worry about doing so. We can also very easily track RSVPs and produce nametags if you'd
like. Your call... just fits into a total package of doing the invites in our world.
I've copied Jessica on this message so additional or future correspondence can be sent directly to her. She'll keeo me in
the loop.

(i/r-r. / 3{u n fer 8. Qresfram

Director of Special Events
Office of Special Events

Virginia Tech
University Development
University Gateway Center
902 Prices Fork Road
Mail Code: 0336
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Phone: 540.231.4853
Fax: 540.231 8329

Froml O'Rourke, Kim

Sent: Wednesday, September t2,2007 6:31 PM
To: Gresham, Hunter
Cc: Hincker, Larry
Subject Clergy Recognition Event

Hi, Hunter,

I hope you've recovered from the concert, which was excellent! \Mth the campaign kickoff and other unrelated
events. I'm sure there's no time for rest.

Thank you for making it possible for Brianna to meet with us last Friday to go through our plans for the
September 10 recognition event at The Inn for external groups that helped us. Everyone enjoyed themselves,
and Larry is now the stand-in whenever Letterman can't do his show. However, neither of us wants to go
through that again, so we're asking for a bit of help from your office. Let me explain.

There's another--smaller-group of external people that we haven't thanked for their assistance with 4/16: the
clergy in the area. We're planning a different event for them. This one would be at The Grove and would be
similar to a pre-game reception, except that it would be late afternoon. There would be no formal program,
although Dr. Steger would make some remarks from the steps inside. We may or may not have certifitates
that the honorees could take with them (they would be displayed on tables). This would probably be
scheduled for early October.

Here's how I propose dividing up the tasks:

'l . Select Date - Larry Hincker, Sandy Smith, David Venne

2. Develop invitation list - Larry

3. Design invitations - Special Events and Kim O'Rourke

4. Print invitations in-house - Special Events

5. Address invitations to Clergy and to VT administrators - David Venne

6. Accept RSVPs and prepare RSVP list - David Venne
7. Handle all food, food service, and arrangements at The Grove - David Venne

8. Arrange music, if desired - David Venne

9. Prepare nametags - David Venne

10. Work with Parking Services - Special Events or David Venne

11. Be on-site for event - David Venne and Grove staff, Special Events (1-2 staff), Larry, Kim, other pres.
office staff

Hunter, as you can see, the involvement for Special Events would be minimal--items 3,4,1 0,1 1 . Do you think
Special Events could help us with an event like this to occur in early October? Thanks for your consideration.
From: Gresham, Hunter
Sent: Thursday, September 13,2007 4:37 PM
To: O'Rourke, Kim
Gc: Hincker, Larry; Surace, Jessica
Subject: RE: Clergy Recognition Event


My regrets for the delay in response. I've reviewed your notes below and have consulted the event calendar and staffing
assignments. The Special Events Office is happy to assist and, by way of this email, l'm assigning Jessica Surace as the
lead coordinator from Special Events to assist you.

Jessica is running hospitality, volunteers and transportation for Ut Prosim/Kickoff weekend and then has William Preston in
early November, but I believe her schedule is such that this additional assignment will not be problematic. As well, she
has great experience with coordinating Grove receptions for football during the previous two seasons, which might prove
extra beneficial.

The big question I have for you is-do I need to associate funds with this event from my budget or will any expenses
incurred be reimbursed by the President's Office?

Also, before settling on a final date I kindly ask that you consult with Jessica before confirming. That way she can confirm
her attendance, as well as mine or another staff member, so you are assured of SE staff day of.

In designing and printing invitations, if there is a guest list we can certainly run envelopes for addressing simultaneously so
that David doesn't have to worry about doing so. We can also very easily track RSVPs and produce nametags if you'd
like. Yourcall... just fits into a total package of doing the invites in ourworld.
I've copied Jessica on this message so additional or future correspondence can be sent directly to her. She'll keep me in
the looo.

(J/rs.) 3{unter Q. Qresiam

Director of Special Events
office of Special Events ,t ///aV
Virginia Tech
University Development
University Gateway Center
902 Prices Fork Road

,trtu 7fr44 *eG

Mail Code: 0336
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Phone: 540.231.4853
Fax: 540.231.8329

From: O'Rourke, Kim

Sent: Wednesday, September t2,2Q07 6:31 PM
To: Gresham, Hunter
Cc: Hincker, Larry
Subject Clergy Recognition Event

Hi. Hunter.

I hope you've recovered from the concert, which was excellent! Wth the campaign kickoff and other unrelated
events, I'm sure there's no time for rest.

Thank you for making it possible for Brianna to meet with us last Friday to go through our plans for the
September 10 recognition event at The Inn for external groups that helped us. Everyone enjoyed themselves,
and Larry is now the stand-in whenever Letterman can't do his show. However, neither of us wants to go
through that again, so we're asking for a bit of help from your office. Let me explain.

There's another--smaller-group of external people that we haven't thanked for their assistance with 4/16: the
clergy in the area. We're planning a different event for them. This one would be at The Grove and would be
similar to a pre-game reception, except that it would be late afternoon. There would be no formal program,
although Dr. Steger would make some remarks from the steps inside. We may or may not have certificates
that the honorees could take with them (they would be displayed on tables). This would probably be
scheduled for earlY October.

Here's how I propose dividing up the tasks.

1. Select Date - Larry Hincker, Sandy Smith, David Venne

2. Develop invitation list - LarrY

3. Design invitations - Special Events and Kim O'Rourke

4. Print invitations in-house - Special Events

5. Address invitations to Clergy and to W administrators - David Venne

6. Accept RSVPs and prepare RSVP list - David Venne

7. Handle all food, food service, and arrangements at The Grove - David Venne

8. Arrange music, if desired - David Venne

9. Prepare nametags - David Venne

10. Work with Parking Services - Special Events or David Venne

1 1. Be on-site for event - David Venne and Grove staff, Special Events (1-2 staff), Larry, Kim, other pres.
office staff

Hunter, as you can see, the involvement for Special Events would be minimal-ltems 3,4,10,11. Do you think
Special Events could help us with an event like this to occur in early October? Thanks for your consideration.
From: O'Rourke, Kim
Sentl Wednesday, September 26,2007 6:11 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: letters to honorees

Attachments: Recog Event Ltr Oct 23(2).doc; Recog Event Ltr Oct 23(3).doc


Here are two letters. Version 2 goes to the big list of honorees. Version 3 goes to those who spoke at the
April 17 convocation: Sue Kurtz, SedkiRiad, Julie Still, and Rev. Bill King.

l'll send the W administrator letter by morning.


Recog Event Ltr Recog Event Ltr

oct 23(2).doc ... Oct 23(3).doc...

. ."
Page I of I

' Evans, Susan

- From: O'Rourke, Kim
Sent: Monday, October 01,2007 6:01 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: RE: Julie Still

Susan: We believe the address is:

Ms. Julie Still

607 Center Street
Blacksburg, VA 24060

From: Evans, Susan

Sent: Monday, October 0L,2007 2:59 PM
To: O'Rourke, Kim
Subject lulie Still

Also do you have Julie Still's contiact information? | couldn't find her on the website.

Susan Evans
Executive Secretary Senior
Universig Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA24061
540 231 5396

Humor is manl<ind's greatest blessing.

Mark Tv,ain

Evans, Susan
From: O'Rourke, Kim
Sent: Monday, October 01,2007 3:26 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: Ray Williams

Susan: l'm still checking into the Julie Still question. However, please be sure to invite Ray Williams from
Student Affairs to the clergy event. We accidentally left him off the list, I think. Thanks,
Evans Susan
From: O'Rourke, Kim
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 4:32 PM
To: Evans. Susan
Subject: FW: Planning for Oct. 23 Clergy Recognition Event

Susan: One thing I forgot to mention is that you were going to get driving directions for the German Club and
include them in the letter inviting the honorees (once I send the revised letter to you).

From: O'Rourke, Kim

Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 4i2L PM
To: Hincker, Larry; Surace, JesEca; EvanE Susan; Venne, David
Subiect: Planning for Oct. 23 Clergy Recognition Event

Larry, Jessica, Susan, and David:

I have reseryed the President's Board Room (210 Burruss) for our next meeting, which is scheduled
for October 15 at 4 p.m.
Based on my notes, here's a summary of what each of us is doing:

Finalize honoree invitation list with Susan
Ask Clara to produce certificates for all organizations on the list
Read names during program

Banner and lectern seal
Prepare nametags
Be on-site for event

Arrange catering
Be on-site for event

Reserve German Club Ballroom (one riser, two mics)
Finalize invitation list with Larry
Prepare letters for honorees and W administrators, etc.
Stuff and mail signed letters this week
Call Mike Kiernan to arrange photographer
Call Jane Harrison to arrange for student musical group
Track RSVPs, and prepare list from which Larry will read

Revise invitation letter
Draft invite to VT administrators, etc.
Ask Teresa to order certificate folders
Ask Charlie Stott to rework CWS remarks (more spiritual)
Find the money
Be on-site for event (and recruit other President's Office staff)
VT administrator invitation list should include: Academic Council, Jay Poole, Wendell Flinchum, Joey Albert,
Vince Houston, Judy Alford, Tom Brown, Rick Ferraro, Chris Flynn, Ed Spencer, Guy Sims

Honoree invitation list should include the following people from the April 17 Convocation: Ms. Sue Kurtz
(Director of Hillel at VT), Ms. Julie Still (Living Buddhism of W), Dr.Sedki Riad (representing the Muslim
community at W), The Reverend Bill King (Director of Lutheran Campus Ministries).

Let everyone know if I missed anything. Thanks and see you on Oct. 15.
, Evans, Susan
From: O'Rourke, Kim
Sent: Wednesday, September 26,2007 3:45 PM
To: Wright, Teresa
Cc: Evans, Susan
Subject: Certificate covers

lmportance: High


For the Clergy Recognition Event on October 23, Larry has asked Clara to prepare certificates. Please order
the appropriate number of certificate holders to arrive as soon as possible. They should open to the top, as
the others did. Susan Evans has the list of invitees, so you can find out from her how many are needed.
From: O'Rourke, Kim
Sent: Wednesday, September 26,2007 5:49 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: RE: Planning for Oct. 23 Clergy Recognition Event

Susan: yes, this will be a slightly different letter, and I will work on it. There are a few people missing from
your list. Please see the bottom of my note below regarding the two invitation lists. Thanks,

From: Evans, Susan

Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 5:06 PM
To: O'Rourke, Kim
Subiectr FW: Planning for Oct. 23 Clergy Recognition Event

Kim I need a little clarification. Hope you can help.

TASK - Prepare letters for honorees and W administrators, etc. (is this going to be a different letter to the '- "

Wendell Flinchum
Joey Albert
Vince Houston
The Academic Council
Tom Brown
Rick Ferraro
Chris Flynn
S. Spencer - who is this?
Guy Sims
Dr. Hikes
Judy Alfred

Did I leave anyone out?

Susan Evans
Executive Secretary Senior
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA24061
540 231 5396
Humor is mankind's greatest b/essing.
Mark Twain

From: O'Rourke, Kim

Sent: Wednesday, September 26,2O07 4:32 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject FW: Planning for Oct. 23 Clergy Recognition Event

. .
Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: Smith, Sandra

Sent: Monday, September 17,2007 1:34 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Cc: O'Rourke, Kim
Subjecfi RE: Clergy Recog event

' l\
Following are the dates we currently have on hold at The Grove:

September 18 9^nd 20
octobery', 10,(},n,e9e9 ^(
Sandy t1 K;v P. v'- ;eF
Sandra W. Smith
Administrative Asslsfanf ta the President
Virginia Tech (01 31)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

From: Evans, Susan

Sent: Monday, September 17,2007 1:14 PM
To: Smith, Sandra
Subject: Clergy Recog event


I am compiling a list of clergy and need to get some new dates from you for Pres. Steger. Please send me a number of dates in
the evening 5-7 pm (probably October) that we can start with.

Thanks for you help.

Susan Evans
Executive Secretary Senior
Universig Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, V424061
540 231 5396

:...,... .r.:*,..r*&IE.
Evans, Susan

From: Catherine C. Snyder[]

Sent: Wednesday, September 19,2007 2:22 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: Re: Ministers who helped following 4/16

Susan: Here are some names for your list. I will trv to ask about others.

Blacksburg Baptist Church: Tommy McDearis 'i;;;fr'; et^i')& 550 N' rna'^'s,+' {;52'3s11
'luu^J Kuw biacbqfua3
Blacksburg Presbyterian Church: Ltta&il
Alex Evins
SuJ# Verbrugge
St. Paul \fl.E: Glenn Orr

Glade: Kel,ty'Sisson

Thanks for your efforts to recognize clergy in local chwches.


Catherine C. Snyder
Presbyterian Campus Minister at VT
Coopir House
305 Washington Street SVy'
Blacksburg. VA 24060

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Filbert, Tim" <>

Date: September 18, 2007 4:15:26 PM EDT

Cc: "Brown, Tom" <>, "Evans, Susan" <>

Subject: lllnisters who helpod following 4/16

Hi Scoft and Catherine,

Page 2 of 2

I just received a call from the office of our Assoc. VP of University Relations who asked for a listing of all ministers
(local) who helped out after the hagedy. They would like to recognize those individuals in some manner, I believe they
indicated it would be a reception. They already have the campus ministers list. Could you provide t!at-e{Fce,
Evans, with the names of other individuals that vou're aware ofl I could only a{'6 Karen Day)
(Unitarian Ugixersalirst)+e{e list. And then there were th{Rgd Cross lolks, and while they wercnb@with the
exception o{Bonnie Dillon i}r the Roanoke office), they reaTi!-iiiedTo help out along with thtl-esElgb$saster relief
folks. \---'-=l

Tim Filbert

Assistant Dirsctor, Student Leadership Development

Department of Student Activities

319 Squires Student Center (0138)

Blacksburg, VA 24061

(s40) 231-3673

(s40) 267-4l s s (cell)

[,rin4-ta-ga - fir" 1 WCcr.. e

Glergy Recognition Event

Planning Meeting
September 26,2007
2:30 p.m.


Event will be Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at The Grove.

1. lnvitation List
. Honorees ( (r
r VT administrators '- A t*ta qdt-l , .J c"- l+*otJr'-

2. Assigning responsibilities
. list L,'
kLE l:#"^,"
. Sending invitation letters
list k
Accepting RSVPs and preparing
A' Ar-^"t-r
Preparing nametags - Jrnsoraca-
{rnsoraca- G %"',-.t1---
Designing/printing certificates -@|eto'
% ^t e-/.le;-
orderingcertificatefolders - &K'^ =iffir, gn - 59fi-c,,
On-site help

3. Menu --
4. Program
Evans, Susan

From: O'Rourke, Kim

Sent: Wednesday, September 26,2007 6:'l 1 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: letters to honorees

Attachments: Recog Event Ltr Oct 23(2).doc; Recog Event Ltr Oct 23(3).doc


Here are two letters. Version 2 goes to the big list of honorees. Version 3 goes to those who spoke at the
April 17 convocation: Sue Kurtz, Sedki Riad, Julie Still, and Rev. Bill King

l'll send the VT administrator letter by morning.


Recog Event Ltr Recog Event Ltr

Oct 23(2).doc ... Oct 23(3).doc...
Subject: Hold for a Thank You reception
Location: tne grove

Start: Thu 912012007 5:00 PM

End: fhu 912012Q07 7:00 PM

Recurrence: (none)

I just realized how quickly these two dates will be upon us. Please add October 4 to the
list of possibilities.
The recommended time is 5:00-5:30 or 5:30-7:00. It is my understanding spouses are to be
inc l-uded .
Thank you.

-- - --original MeEEage-----
From: Smith, Sandra
Sent: Friday, Septembe! O'l , 2OO7 11:0? AM
To: Ilj.ncker, Larry
Cc: Evans, Susan
Subj ect: Thank You Reception

You asked for dates tso hold a reception aE The Grove for clergy. We are holding September
l-8, and 20.
Pfease let me know what date wif l- work.
Who wiLf be handling the invitations?
Thank you .

sandra w. Smith
Administrative Assistant to tshe Pres idents Virginia Tech (0131) Blacksburg, Virginia 24051
540 / 231-- 523r
ssmiLh@vt. edu
Evans. Susan
From: Hincker, Larry
Sent: Wednesday, September 12,2007 8:'15 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Clergy Recognition Event

Another recognition event

Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5396
hincker@vt. ed u


From: O'Rourke, Kim

Sent: Wednesday, September 12,2007 6:31 PM
To: Gresham, Hunter
Gcr Hincker, Larry
Subjech Clergy Recognition Event

Hi, Hunter,

I hope you've recovered from the concert, which was excellentl With the campaign kickoff and other unrelated
events, I'm sure there's no time for rest.

Thank you for making it possible for Brianna to meet with us last Friday to go through our plans for the
September 10 recognition event at The Inn for external groups that helped us. Everyone enjoyed themselves,
and Larry is now the stand-in whenever Letterman can't do his show. However, neither of us wants to go
through that again, so we're asking for a bit of help from your office. Let me explain.

There's another--smaller-group of external people that we haven't thanked for their assistance with 4/16: the
clergy in the area. We're planning a different event for them. This one would be at The Grove and would be
similar to a pre-game reception, except that it would be late afternoon. There would be no formal program,
although Dr. Steger would make some remarks from the steps inside. We may or may not have certificates
that the honorees could take with them (they would be displayed on tables). This would probably be
scheduled for early October.

Here's how I propose dividing up the tasks:

1. Select Date - Larry Hincker, Sandy Smith, David Venne

2. Develop invitation list - Larry

3. Design invitations - Special Events and Kim O'Rourke

4. Print invitations in-house - Soecial Events

Office of the President
WVi$niaTectr 210 Bunuss Hall (0131 )
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
5401 231^6231 FA&: 5401 231-4265

September 20,2007


<Greetingline> :

It has been almost six months since the horrific events of April 16 on the Virginia Tech campus.
Our university could not have coped without your valuable assistance. Many organizations and
thousands of people responded immediately when aware of our hagedy.

The events of April 16 continue to consume immense amounts of time among our executive
leadership team. Please accept our apology for this delayed acknowledgement.

On behalf of the Virginia Tech community, the Board of Visitors, and all those touched by the
calamities ofthat terrible day, we send our deepest and sincerest thanks and appreciation for your
selfless support of all those in need.

We recently had a opportunity to recogrrize and thank hundreds of first responders, local
businesses, support groups, and many others for their extraordinary service in our time of acute
need. However, we know that our campus and local clergy played a uniquely important role
attanding to the spiritual and psychological needs of students, our employees, their families, and
indeed, the entire Blacksburg community.

We would like to publicly recognize your organization at a reception on Monday, October 29,
2007, fuom 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., at The Grove, the home of Virginia Tech Presidents. We invite you
to join us for this event. Please RSVP by October 10,2007 .

With appreciation,

Charles W. Steger


RSVP to dvenne@vt. e du or 5 40 -23 | -7 525

lnvent the Futu re

An equal opportunily, affirmative action institution
-J1u. lnTa^r n a-l Page I of
{ u?l; rt caz"{-+^t''-'*u'
Evans, Susan ?laa.\o1 I'

From: Dame, Michael

Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 5:30 PM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Cc: Hincker, Larry; Evans, Susan
Subject: RE: internal review reports web stats

l'll compile another report before our Tuesday staff meeting.


From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Thursday, August 23,2007 4:50 PM
To: Dame, Michael
Cc: Hincker, Larry; Evans, Susan
Subjectl RE: internal review reports web stats

Thanks, Mike, So important for us to know. Looks like our community would rather have us distill it for theml

Susan, for the file on releasing our self study.


From: Dame, Michael

Sent: Thursday, August 23,2007 3:52 PM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Subject internal review reports web stats


eHereHere's the Google Analytics count for page views on the news release so far:

/story.php?itemno=459&relyear=2007 3,448

And here's the number of downloads for each of the reoort documents so far:

/documents/2007 -08-22 securitv infrastructure.pdf 649

/documents/2007-08-22 internal communications.pdf 472
/documents/2007-0 8 -22_communications:infrastructure.pdf 375

/documents/2007-08-22:steger.doc 308
/documents/2 007 -08 -22 niles. doc L74
/documents/20 07-08-22-hyatt.doc 169
/documents/2jj7 -08-22 blvthe.doc IJY

lf you add up all the report downloads it comes to 1,496. That's roughly 1 document download for every 2.3 views of the overview.


8/24t2007 .- ,,!l .
Page2 of2
lrilichael L. Dame
Director of Web Communications
University Relations I Virginia Tech
101-A Media Building (0109)
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231 -8508 |


Page I of I

Hincker, Larry

From: Flanagan, Elizabeth []

Sent: MondaY, APril 23, 2007 9:45 AM
To: Ford, David; Bonner, Cynthia; Christopoulos, Kim; Arthur, Salinda; Smoot, Ray
Cc: Mitchell, Terri Thompson; Arsenault, Rhonda; Corvin, Thim; Hayes, Angela
Subject: Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund Coordinating Council
lmportance: High


The Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund has attracted significant resources (well over $500,000) that we can use to help
victims' famiiies with their expenses, as well as to cover counseling services, etc. I would like to ask you to
participate in the Hokie Spirii Memorial Fund Coordinating Council,.an ad hoc gro_up that will coordinate needs
assessment, develop policies and procedures for how funds are to be awarded. This is time sensitive since we
have the funds and ihere are surely are immediate needs (funeral expenses, transportation, etc.) to which we can
resoond ASAP.

My staff assistant, Bonnie Folker, is trying to get a meeting on our,calendars early this week. I know that we will
need to depend heavily on the family iiaison to deliver the relay information; so, Cynthia, you might be
able to give us a statui report on where there relationships are for each family. .David, I know in making awards,
*e ma/are likely to need insight into their financial needs, so I hope you might be able to have some idea about
needs ihrough their FASFA sCores. Kim, please give some thought to the stationery and message that would
accompany any checks distributed by the WF.

Thank you for your responsiveness.


Elizabeth A. Flanagan, Ph. D., CFP

Vice President for Development and University Relations
Virginia Tech
315 Burruss Hall (0253)
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540)231-7676 Fax (540) 231-8456
E-mail: betsy@vLqdu

Page I of I
'Evans. Susan

From: Davis, Sharrika

Sent: Tuesday, September 18,2007 10:09 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: RE: my email
Attachments: Ministers Alliance Contact List2007.doc

Dear Susan,
Attached is the Ministers alliance listing for predominantly African-American churches in the area. On Wednesday, April 18th
the group held a joint community service for students, families and communiiy members. Also, as many are staff at VT and in
Blacksburg, they participated in VT and community services, events, visisted injured, etc. I am working to track down 4 other
ministers who participated, but are not listed in the phone book. I hopefully will have those later today or Thursday at the latest.
Then I will send those names to you. Please let me know if you need anything else.


Sharrika D. Davis
Associate Dean of Srudents
201 W. Roanoke St. (0255)
Blacksburg, VA24060 o1
1540)231-3787(phone) 41,
(540)2314035 (FAX) t./ ? I

From: Evans, Susan

Sent: Tue 9lLBl20O7 3:20 PM
To: Davis, Sharrika
Subject: my email

Susan Evans
Executive Secretary Senior
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA24061
540 231 5396

Humor is mankind's greaest blessing.


Minister's Alliance Contact List
** This is a private listing, please save for your minutes and references.

Rev. Harland tr;Br6wqPa stor 4' 6 Lo n C c- e '

St. Paul Baptist Church "
4693 Everett Road
Forest. Ya.24551
(43 4) s25 -4655 (Church)
(540) 953-7092 (Home) -----IJD
(540) 44e-2623 (Cell)

Rev. Sharrika Davis, Associate Minister

First Baptist Church, Blacksburg
1811-4 Grayland St.
Blacksburg, VA24060 1 I
231-7806 (w)
96r-2224 (h)
392-1638 (cell)

Rev. Troy Jennings, Associate Minister

First Baptist Church, Blacksburg
485 Harless St.
Christiansbur g, Y A 2407 3
392-7708 (cell)

Rev. Jefferson J. Jones, Pastor of Collegiate/Young Adult Ministry

Radford COGIC
20 Patricia Lane (
Christiansburg, Y A 2407 3 ,//* I
230-7204 (cell)

Sis. Rosa Jones, Collegiate/Young Adult Ministry

Radford COGIC
20 Patricia Lane
^ -fn
Christiansburg, Y A 2407 3 I\^r'
230-7178 (celI)
Rev. Glenn Orr, Pastor
St. Paul AME, Blacksburg
102 Penn St.
Blacksburg, VA 24060
(7s7)339-9921 (cell)

Rev. Lisa Tabor, Associate Minister

St. Paul AME Lv
1012 Draper Rd.
Blacksburg, VA24060
998-4231 (cell) .'.-:.'' , :- :'i'":'' ".' ':.' .

Sis. Karen Eley Sanders (**Karen is not a minister but can get info to the interim or newly
r, appointed pastor at Asbury)
Asbury United Methodist Church
110 Femoyer Hall (0276)
, Campus Mail
,. 961-3847 (h)
i;' 231-5499 (w)
i; 250-1784 (cell)
t- A, t+ AUr A'Y'-J
'e Ld* E-q
a f .lrll '
LJ\'x-' '- -

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- a*In.lred Ist ?o< adAih;"1
horr ()v(e5 to'- tnvif*- 4;"-
From: O'Rourke, Kim
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 4:21 PM
To: Hincker, Larry; Surace, Jessica; Evans, Susan; Venne, David
Subject: Planning for Oct. 23 Clergy Recognition Event

Susan, and David:

I have reserved the President's Board Room (2{0 Burruss} for our next meeting, which is scheduled
for October 15 at 4 p.m.
Based on my notes, here's a summary of what each of us is doing:

Finalize honoree invitation list with Susan
Ask Clara to produce certificates for all organizations on the list
Read names during program

Banner and lectern seal
Prepare nametags
Be on-site for event

Arrange catering
Be on-site for event

Reserve German Club Ballroom (one riser, two mics) v/
Finalize invitation list with Larry
Prepare lefters for honorees and W administrators, e|rc. r'
Stuff and mail signed letters this week y' y'
Call Mike Kiernan to arrange photographer
Call Jane Harrison to arrange for student musical group y.,
Track RSVPs, and prepare list from which Larry will read y'
Revise invitation lefter
Draft invite to W administrators. etc.
Ask Teresa to order certificate folders
Ask Charlie Stott to rework CWS remarks (more spiritual)
Find the money
Be on-site for event (and recruit other President's Office staff)

VT administrator invitation list should include: Academic Council, Jay Poole, Wendell Flinchum, Joey Albert,
Vince Houston, Judy Alford, Tom Brown, Rick Ferraro, Chris Flynn, Ed Spencer, Guy Sims

Honoree invitation list should include the following people from the April 17 Convocation: Ms. Sue Kurtz
(Director of Hillel at VT), Ms. Julie Still (Living Buddhism of VT), Dr.Sedki Riad (representing the Muslim
community at W), The Reverend Bill King (Director of Lutheran Campus Ministries).

Let everyone know if I missed anything. Thanks and see you on Oct. 15.

l-.Weaver, Jim
,--RCdican, Kerry
.,-.B1ers, Ralph
| ,{'j
|B€inson, Richard
/*t' i 'i'.n-t
-,Schurig, Gerhardt
,jitchingham, Eileen
;Ni1es, Jerome
, x4itv. utt.

eD6Pauw, Karen
l pooley, John
--Ford, David
McDonald, Kevj
L Mcllatu€tMark
piRourke, Kim
jStrelton,M. DwiCh
Wilson, Sherwood

Academic Council

1. Hincker, Larry;
2. Byers, Ralph;
3. Weaver, Jim;
4. Redican, Kerry;
5. Heidbreder, Kay;
6. Benson, Richard;
7. Davis, Jack;
B. Gerhardt Schurig;
9. Hitchingham, Eileen
10. Niles, Jerome
11. Kelly, Mike;
12, Chang, Lay Nam;
13. Quisenberry, Sharron;
14. Sorensen, Richard;
15. Blythe, Erv
fO. f-enwiefs-8rad; BOb crrc. \'l{-/>
17. Ford, David;
18. DePauw, Karen;
19. Dooley, John;
20. Flanagan, Elizabeth;
21. Hikes, Zenobia;
22. Hyatt, James;
23. McNamee, Mark
24. O'Rourke, Kim;
25. Shelton, M. Dwight;
26. Smoot, Ray;
27. Tom
, ..- ,. /' \^n-o\) .l
- . )t,. ut,t
4;73t O9
-1 1 . ^lou{ (_-._--


....i . r::
Glergy Recognition Event
Planning Meeting
September 26,2007
2:30 p.m.


Eventwill be Tuesday, Octoher 23, 2007, 53A7:00 p.m. at The Grove.

1. lnvitation List
. Honorees
o VT administrators

2. Assigning responsibilities
o Finalizing/maintaining list
. Sending invitation letters
. Accepting RSVPs and preparing list
. Preparing nametags
Cg., ,A' d/t'"'/*''
+ .
Designing/printing certificates * - /"
o Ordering certificate folders
o On-site help

3. Menu

4. Program
Hincker, Larry
From: O'Rourke, Kim
Sent: Tuesday, October30, 2007 2:13PM
To: 'greg.'
Cc: Hincker, Larry
Subject: Reply to question about tuition/fees vs. cash


Please refer to the August 15 protocol for an explanation of the different categories. As you know, the
amounts in all categories were increased by about 15% over what the protocol stated.

Category A - families of 32 deceased individuals

Category B - physically injured and hospitalized more than 10 days (5 people)
Category C - physically injured and hospitalized 3-9 days (8 people)
Category D - physically injured but not hospitalized or hospitalized less than 3 days (14 people)
Category E - not physically injured but present in one of the classrooms that was attacked (20 people)

Your question pertains to those people in Categories D and E because these are the people who were to
choose between cash OR mandatory tuition and fees. (People in categories B and C received cash AND
mandatory tuition and fees).

In category D, 10 people chose cash, and 4 people chose mandatory tuition and fees.

In category E, 14 people chose cash, and 6 people chose mandatory tuition and fees.

Everyone in Categories D and E who chose mandatory tuition and fees was also given the additional $1500
when the disbursements in all categories were increased. (And the people in Categories D & E received
$11,500 instead of the $10,000 shown in the Aug. 15 protocol.)

Please let me know if any of this is unclear.


Kim O'Rourke

Chief of Staff
Office of the President
Virginia Tech
210 Burruss Hall (0131)
Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA
(540) 231-6232 - phone
(540) 231-4265 - fax

., r--;i.,,
Virginia Tech Victim Assistance Program
Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund Revlsed Disbursements

October 29,2007

On August 15,2007, the Virginia Tech Victim Assistance Program Final Protocol established the process
by which disbursements would be made from the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund (HSMF).- This fund was
established by the Virginia Tech Foundation, lnc. on April 17,2007 to provide a vehicle for donors seeking
to make donations to assist families, victims, and the Virginia Tech Community in the wake of the tragic
events of April 16. Contributions received as of August 13, 2007 totaled $7,684,51 3.00. Estimated
distributions under the Protocol (as of 8/15/07) totaled $7,880,000.00, including $213,403.00 previously
paid on behalf of families and victims as reimbursements for expenses, for a projected HSMF deficit
balance of $195,487.00. lt was anticipated that future contributions received between August 13,2007
and December 31,2007 would result in elimination of this deficit.

Between August 13, 2007 and October 15, 2007 , additional monies have been contributed to the fund and
claims have been finalized. As a result, a revised disbursement is being made to each qualified claimant
according to the distibution ratio established in the Protocol for Classifications A through E. Revised
disbursements are as follows:

Disbursement Revised
Classlfication per the Final Protocol oer Protocol Disbursement

A. Death Claims $180,000 $208,000

B. Physical Injury claims with Hospitalization $90,000 $104,000

of 10 days and nighb (or more)

C. Physical lnjury Claims witr Hositalization $40,000 $46,000

of 3-9 days and nights

D, Oher Physical Injury Claims Not $10,000 $11,500

Addressed in A. B, or C Above OR on
Tuition and Tuition and Mandatory
Mandatory Fees Fees + $1,500

E. Other Claims $10,000 $11,500

Tuition and Tuition and Mandatory
Mandatory Fees Fees + $1,500

Revised disbursements have been processed in accordance with the process selected in each claim, i.e.
electronic funds transfer or check. For those claimants in Classifications D and E who selected Tuition
and Mandatory Fees instead of cash payment, additionally a cash disbursement of $1 ,500 has been made
by check. All checks have been sent to the address provided on the claim form.

Attached is an accounting of all contributions to the Fund as of October 15,2007 and the revised
* Authorization for Virginia T6ch to disbure these funds has been granted by the Govemo/s Executive Order 56 (2007):
Hokie Soirit Memorial and Scholarship Funds Disbursement.

' ','Friifii[5r*'
scholarshiP funds
From: Kim l,t. christopoulos-lkimc@vt'edu]
ilrii iiloiv, octobei 26, 2007 2i44 PM
, ruark;
i;'i'ot;;;;;i<i Larry Ki s6r, r,ti chael
cc; Hincker' with fi9ures
iiu:liit'''nti neeu"some he1p

Attachments: 4d8083e'jpg; ATT67146081'txt

uark - Answens are below as of L0/25/07:
please'l et me know how else t can be of he1 p' rim
At 12: L6 PM LO/25/?007, Owczarski Mark wrote:
>Ki m andlor M'l cnae | -
]4".r, andr are hoPing to 'lean on you a bit for some i nfornati on.
lwe need to know (by l'tonday afternoon' p'lease) three
dollar figures
I " the total number of dollars donated to date to the 32 individua]
> scho'larshiP funds in the Hoki e spi ri t schol arshi P fami 1y
> $886,406. 59
a The tota'l number of do]'lars donated to date to the over-arching
> xokie spirit scHoLARsHrP rund = $687,902.10
] - The total of those two figures (yes, t am math cha]'l enged t) =
> $1,574,308.69
lrhank you in advance for your he1 p!

>uark &vczarski
loiitcioi ofnel
News & tnformation
>un'iversi tY at'i ons
>vi rqi ni a Tech 'l
>314-Burruss ga]
>Blacksburg, vA 24061
>54Q 23L 5223 edu
r.mii iio: maowczar@vt. edu>maowczar@vt '


Page l-

From: Kim M. Christopoulos []
Sent: Friday, October 26,2007 2:44 PM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Kiser, Michael
Cc: Hincker, Larry
Subject: Re: Need some help with figures

Attachments: 4d8083e.jpg; 4T.1671 46081.&t

z+d8083e.jpq (4 KB) ATT67146081.bC
(72s B)
Mark - Answers are below as of 10/25/07:.
Pfease fet me know how cl cc T he of helo. Kim

AE L2:LG Pr't" 10/25/2041 , owczarski, Mark wrote:

>Kim and/or Michael-
>Larry and I are hoping to lean on you a bit for some information.
>We need to know (by Monday afternoon, please) three doffar figures . .

> * the total number of dollars donated to date to the 32 individual

> scholarship funds in the Hokie Spirit Scholarship family
> $886,406.59
> * The total number of dollars donated to date to the over-arching
> Hokie Spirit SCHOLARSHIP Fund : $681 ,902.1'0
> * The total of those two figures (yes' I am math challenged J) :
> $1, 574,308. 69
>Thank you in advance for your help!
>Mar k
>Mark Owczars ki
>Director of News & Information
/ui,!ve-orLy Pal rr i nnc

>314 Burruss Ha 11
>Btacksburg I vA 24O6L
>540 23r 5223
><maifto: naowczar0vt. edu)maowczarGvt . edu

From: Kim M. Christopoulos]
Sent: Thursday, October25, 2007 11:36 AM
Subject: HSMF Stories

Larry : Per our chat. Actually, Larry' I have a fofder of -ho ki.l oiffs fhat we received.
Afl of these kids received special TY l-trs and if a cl-ass gave -^--^ -l €!
a- g-Lrtf rr.,^.,
tney a-LSo ^ l re ce ived
a picture of the HokieBird. Lots of l-emonade stands were qaf un. Al l in al l we sent 30+
kid TY let t ers
out, If you'd like different stories than those befow, I 'II be happy to
.\-k j- hr.r.rh thi s --.r-c
'1 - rrr alts *"r
f i' - d9.1 yurf 1 vL
^rher stories out. Absolutely no problem. Thanks.

Karzy Kids Katoring Kompany is/was a kindergarten class from Richmond whose teacher is a
VT alum Cfass of r76 (Kitty Cox Witthoefft). The .l ree hrd hoon
!uurr nl:nnr
nrr -hi c Fl'o1t 2l I I
year - it is their class business project -
and the took place on April l-6. They decided to send us their entire
profit of $400 to the HSMF.

Devin and Bethany (two sisters) gave all the money they had in their wallets ($6.00) to us
because of their concern for our schoof and students. Bethany is a Cavalier fan and Devin
is a "strong Hokie fan".
Jane spoke to a woman who is out of work but felt strongly about doing something for VT
and sent us $10.00.
A woman who works at UVA in the surgical unit made 200 orange and maroon ribbons and took
them to work; they were gone in a short amount of time and in the process, peopJ-e don at ed
$600 to the HSMF. Beth's son is a freshman here at Tech and she and her husband
him back to campus on Sunday. They felt it was inportant for him to be here with his
friends and he wanted to return.
We received. a 2 Ib box fufl of pennies and nickles. This was a gift from 7 year old girl
named peyton who told her father that she wanted to give all of her money from her money
jar to "Virginla where the kids died". She lives in North Carolina and her gift was for

Kim M. Christopoulos
Director of Donor Relations
Virginia Tech
University DeveloPrnent (0336)
902 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, VA 2 40 61-
(540) 23L-2827 or (800) 533-1"144
prua (540) 23\-2802

Note: If the reader of this message is not the intended recipientr or an employee or agent
responsible for de] ivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified
t-h^1- An\/
r)' clisseminatinn. drs1-rihrrrior or ^^^t,i hd +hi< -rrrmgnicar-ion is strictly
Lrla - o ^f
prohibiied. If you have received this communicatj-on in error, please notify us immediately pr
l-.., noY irt - fr!vrLr r/^r1r 'Fhank
rrrqrrrr \/,"\tl
!y rranl rri na
EIJrytrrg l- n l- ho
rL'soro9E and del eri -^h livu! vvrt'vuLLr
^-imn'rl- ' )'vq'
Kim M. Christopoulos lkimc@vt.edul
Monday, October 29,2007 8:59 AM
To: Hincker, Larry
Subject: RE: HSMF Stories

T,err\/: The formaf name is The Christian Councii- ^f I{^raa 1l-'rrf

fl-e t.redi 1- urcnj- t. Yrrrrn.r
W, Kang since he wrote the check) .
llnne fhis helns- Kim

At 07:34 Al4 10/29/2007, You wrote:


>Do you remenber the formal nlme of the Korean Council- of churches that
>gave a few hundred thousand. ?
>Larry Hincker
>Associate Vice President
>University Relations
>Virginia Tech
>314 Burruss Haf 1
>Blacksburg , vA 24067
>540 23L 5396
>hinckerGvt . edu

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kin M. Christopoulos n..iIto: kincGvt . edul
>Sent: Thursday' October 25, 200'7 tI :36 AM
>To: hincker@vt. edu
>Subject: HSMF St orles
>Larry : Per our chat. Actually, Larry, I have a folder of the kid
>gifts that we received. AII of these kids received special TY ltrs and
>.i f : nlaqq .rA\/c e.rifl- Lr l- hcrr
g"v.y alqn rcreirro-l : nir-f rrrc of j-he HOkieBird.
>Lots of Lemonade stands wele set up. A11 in al-1 we sent 30+ kid TY letters
>out. If you'd like different stories than those below, 1'lf be happy to
>look through this flle again and pulJ- other stories out. Absol-utely no
>problem. Thanks. Kin
>Karzy Kids Katoring Kompany is/was a kindergarten class frorn Riehmond
>whose teacher is a VT alum Cfass of '"1 6 (Kitty Cox Witthoefft). The
>class had been planning this event a1l year - it is their class business project -
>and the took place on April 16. They decided to send us their entire
>profit of $400 to the HSMF.

)Devin and Bethany (two s j-sters) gave aII the money they had in their
>wallets ($6.00) to us because of their concern for our schoof and
>students. Bethany is a Cavafier fan and Devin is a "strong Hokie fan"'
>Jane spoke to a woman who is out of work but felt strongly about doing
>something for VT and sent us $10.00.
>A woman who works at UVA in the surgical unit made 200 orange and
>maroon ribbons and took them to work; they were gone in a short amount
>of tjme and jn the process, people donated $600 to the HSMF. BeLh's
>son is a freshman here at Tech and she and her husband brought him back
>ro campus on Sunday. They fel-t it was important for him Lo be here
>with his friends and he wanted to return.
received a 2lb box full of pennies and nickles. This was a gift
>from 7 year o1d girl named Peyton who told her father that she wanted
>to give a1l- of her money from her money jar to "virginia where the kids
>died". She lives in North Carolina and her gift was for 55.36.
>Kim M. christopoulos
>Director of Donor Relations
>Virginia Tech
>Unj-versity Development (0336)
>902 Prices Fork Road
>Blacksburg, VA 2406L
>(540) 23L-282'7 or (800) 533-1144
>FAX (540) 23t-2802
>www . givingto. vt . edu

>Note: If the reader of this message is not the intended recj-pient, or

>an employee or agent responsible for delj-vering this message to the
>intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
>distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.
>If you have received this communication in error, pfease notify us
>inmediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. Thank you'
Kim M. Christopoulos
Director of Donor Relations
Virginia Tech
University Developnent (0336)
902 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, vA 2406I
(540) 23I-2827 or (800) 533-1144
FAX (540) 237-2802
www. givingto. vt . edu

Note: If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee
responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified
copving of thj-s communication is strictly
anv dissemination, distribution or copying
that any
nrnhihil-od Tf \/^tr have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately
by replying to the message and deleting it fron your computer- Thank you.
Unirel@vledu, E/15/07 10:00 PM -0400, Security Update
Date: wed, 15 Aug 2007 22:00:00 -0400
From: Unirefovt. edu
Subject: Security Update
To: Multiple recipients <L I STSERVe tI STSERV. VT . EDU>
X-Junkrnail-Status : score=l0/50,,edu
x-Junkmail-sD-Raw : score=unknown,
ref id=str=O00 1 . 0A09020A. 4 6C38008 . 00FA : SCFEO162 0 2, ss=1, f gs=0,
ip=rga.82.L6I .I92, so=2006-09-22 03 : 48 254,
drnn=5. 2 . I2L / 2006-09-27
x-Mirapoint-Loop-Id: f 8f 199f 15 5 3 8a5aed34b3c 85ea6a4 4 7e
original-recipient: rfcg22; fordd€
August L6, 2007

Dear Students. Faculty, and Staff,

with the return to schooL and the beginning of the new acadernic year, I know that you
may be wondering what will be different on the virginia Tech carnpus. Our university
experienced violence and sorrow of unimaginable proportions this past spring. Many
menlcers of our community are still struggling physically and emotionally from direct
or indirect involvement in that April tragedy. I trust that our mutual support and
respect for each other will help the entire university community emerge stronger and
fuII of Hokie spirit.
Soon, will be announcing the results of the three Presidential working groups on
security infrastructure, telecommunications, and inter-departmental protocols related
to the events of April 16. Ho\^rever, I have received many guestions about the status
of classrooms and I am pleased to share with you now changes that are already

cl-assroom locks

General assignment cl-assrooms have had l-ocks installed on the doors. These locks are
designed so occupants can lock the door from inside the room in tines of emergency.
These locks are also designed so that the door does not remain locked after soneone
Ieaves the room. This feature will prevent people from locking the door as a prank
or accidentally locking the door as they exit. Pol-ice, EMS, and some departmental-
personnel will have a key that will unlock these doors from the outside.
Building door hardware
In an effort to prevent unauthorized securing of interior and exterior pairs of doors
in major acadenic and administrative buildings, t.he hardware on door pairs deemed
susceptible to chaining, cabling, or being tied together ale being removed and
replaced. This work is currently ongoing and will be completed in accordance rrith the
building priorities established by the Virginia Tech police Department.
Emergency protocols

So that students, faculty and staff know how to respond durj-ng various types of
emergencies, instructional posters lvill be placed in all academic buiJ-dings on
campus. These posters are in production and will be mounted in all- generaL
assignment classrooms earJ.y in the Fa]I semester. Emergency Management personnel are
also evaluating hanging the posters in other high-traffic areas on campus.
. Residential Programs is in the process of customizing this emergency notification
)poster for placement in all residence haLls with protocols unique to residence ]ife.

Printed for David Ford>, 8/15/07 10:00 PM -0400, Security Update 2

VT A1erts

virginia Tech uses several- channels when communicating to the greater university
community in an emergency or $reather event such as campus e-mailr the Hotline,
tel-ephone trees, and the raeb. We have added VT Alerts, a system in which you can
receive notification on any mobile device. The subscriber-onIy features of VT Alerts
allo\rs you to receive urgent notifications s/here and how you want, even if you're
away from your computer or university phone.

VT Alerts alIows you to list up to three contact methods including text messages
(sMS) to mobile devj-ces, instant messages (AoL, rCO, MSN' and Yahoo), cal-ls to
non-Virginia Tech phone numbers, or e-nails to non-Virginia Tech addresses. Since YOU
must provide us with your non-university contact information (e.9. ce1]. Phone nudber )
\de strongly suggest that everyone subscribe to VT Alerts at vtwvt. alerts . vt. edu.

we are also actively considering several other emergency communication methods and
will keep you informed of these developrnents. In the meantime, if you have specific
questions about these changes or other security infrastructure initiatives' pl-ease
cotact Heidi Mccoy at 231-8118 or bv email to heidin0vt. edu.
you $ril1 be hearing additional information from the university on these topics' but
\"/anted to provide you with a brief update prior to the beginning of the semester.
welcome back and I hope you have a successful year.

Sincerely yours ,

JamesA. Hyatt
Executive Vice President and chief operating Officer
Dr. Charles Steger
Dr . Mark l4cNarnee

Printed for David Ford>

Email sent to 130,000 alumni at 10:00 a.m. April 17,2007


To our Virginia Tech alumni. I write the kind of message I never expected to have to
write in my entire career sen'ing the university. On Monday, thc l6'n of .{pril, a
campus resident senior student shot two students in Ambler Johnston residence hall
and proceeded shortll thereafter to the other side of the Drillfieid. entered Norris
Hall and randomil'shot more than 40 students and facul{v in several classrooms.
He then turned his gun on himself and took his own life. As I write this, 32 students
and facultl'rvho were among his victims have died. Others remain hospitalized. An
ongoing investigation will answer so man)' faets and questions still unknos,n at this

This is the most horrific scene in the historl of this or any universifr.'. our hearts go
out to the families and loved ones of the victims. our hearts go out to the friends,
classmates and others who witnessed this tragedy. A Memorial convocation is
scheduled today (Tuesday aftemoon at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time) and will be
nationally televised. President and Mrs. George w. Bush are expected to attend,
along with Virginia Governor and Mrs. Tim Kaine and other dignitaries.

This is a shocking crime with crime scenes that have affracted national and
internafional press, all broadcasting tbeir live news shows from the Holtzman
Alumni center. President charles steger, himself an alumnus, has personally
expressed $'ith utmost compassion his condolences to the families who have been
notified and are still being notified. His leadership through this tragedy has been
extraordinary. All of us at the universi{v wish to demonstrate our compassion
especially to our students who have experienced a kind ofhorror and tragedy that
hopefully they never will again. we share in their deepest sorrow and grief.

Other universities and institutions across the country, and indeed around the world,
have communicated with us to express their shock and sympathy. Many of our
alumni have communicated with us and also with each other to share expressions of
support as n'ell as their personal grief. I am confident that Virginia Tech will heal
from this in lvhatever time it ma1' take, and rvill do so because of its strong support
from a family of caring alumni numbering over 200.000, including our current
students and all their families. The faculw, staff and entire surrounding community
are committed to helping our students and facultl.' recover from this terrible,
terrible event. Those u'ho rvill follorv them will continue to embrace the rue
meaning of our motto "That r May Serve," that bonds the entire Hokie Nation.

The Alumni Association placed a single wreath in the Campus chapel n'ithin hours
of the tragedy"' and the corps of cadets has posfed an honor guard with it to
s}'mbolize a universiq'honoring those it has lost so tragically. It is but one symbol
of the enormous grief that an entire campus and famill' of alumni arouud the rvoritl
must bcar. l{an1'have askcd how they may sencl financial memorials... any
Hincker, Larry
From: Hincker, Larry [h]
Sent; Moncjay, Aprii 16, 2007 7:C5 PM
To: h innlzori6rr: adr r


l:13 .1 .ll. Viri::.:.r l.-.1. PoI:.:e DeraL'-:..+..:. r',': PD) ii-._ues a g-l ca,ll Lo resLa:!ri L(. ,..

cl.rni:l::.,r tcom ar ';i=s; .i.nr1er Jchns-"o;: !{alf .

rri" -r ':: n'..nutes, Vf r-ri:ria Tech :c1j.ce and Vir<-'r:ria :.:-h Rescue Sa'.:ad respond to f ;.rC two
.:.:.: . -.-r--i:r.s, a 1 ....t a:c a :cr*ai-e, inslja ;.t:r-- .:::v' :.. .r:: : r. ii:e:.
r::: r : :fra:= :-::,-i w:r. .:::::.-'-cia-Lel"v seCU::ed by VT ir; anu :::udclt:-: wt'.:,,:. :re irai: v;ei.r n9':-
an.i r1i.i i:e',: : r. r:e;i: , i. :. -:r.:i: rcc::,s icr -Lheir safe-,.,. iT Pl .:nuled:... ., secu:ed rhe ro.:;.
fc: ci.. : - -;oIl-cciion a::i b".:can quc-.: - ': _:il ic:m resicier:s aic r.- ... : . _", :;.; ?a:t,:. _-__
wr:ne-':ii. i;, ihe p:'c-irnl:.:,:'.' s';ag€s r: ::.;. :rvest j gac_or./ :: was i__;.-i+: i.:.e u:.- j..-: j;,1:c _

-- ;-- ^...t :^^i;^-.. !^-'. .,.i^ i- -^-....^

lrl l.d - -ll tr

Blacksburg Depar:t:xent were also on scene ass: r::i ng VT Lr r":.' i.

es:ablishing a sa:et'r pe:'rneter arcund the residence ha-l-.l- anC securing lrlasi-i:rccon Siree:

l: -r0 LM - Investig..,- .i ',,)::: 5cl)-or"-ing up on Ieais conae:n--:t.g a i.r:.ccn oi _;rrer,-::

I , ltron :o the do:r: , .ro:.-::Ce. Inves:iga:ors irorn \": ?D and 3La.;:sburg L'L wcr..

- . '..',Y '.
'.'- ]:

8:li .r.M - Virginl:, . - -.-. _*adership Tea:n, whj_ch includes th: ::r::-rersi-_,,, rr.esident.
':::::uiive vice p:es:der.--, and provcs:, assembLed tc begirr assess:ng .-:. .,,vclopjng
- u.rt:on at the :es:dence haf- and dccern:rj_ng a means cf :tc::"fyinc .:.:.j=:l:s oi r-he

9:0ii .'rl"l - ; :,d€:rship Team was r:itfed on :ire situation L:' J: PD Crrief W.R. !'lechi:r:. .r:; i i-,,i
Ia:E,': .:j'1-, Ifopnents ::: '-he crrcoing :nvcstt{:ai-ion at :he rec j Cenca hall .

1:1..- -ll.j - ..:-g:n:a Tech cc.:-:.::.:-1' - ai" _ f.cul:'' .-:rd : '.:.-:::.--.: - t.r :.-i na. - I - Ji
::.. ].,:inic:ie : n'-';rs'- icatior lrii scene at 'yiest .li,n: l,:r: . .:.. : :-..;: :.. ::..--. -_a
r,, - an! sx::t - :s a::':.:r.rj":V tO. The Virg:_:ia T .; !r-_-, _:.;1"',,/,,r. . ...-: -.j:.
';:1,-, -.,so tr:i.. .-:tei arri a broadcast :eLepncne message i{::.,:- :'aoa ... _; j*inDU:t
:ei,",:,.'.:, was u: . eC a;c pos:ed c:: :it: Vtlg:;-r:a Tech i^rebs:--:.

-9{5 - Iioi-ii:r, ::r leacie:',.::rlD cotnmand center via our Dolice rer of a shooting in Nc:::is

Oi i !cer.s on the s::rne in :ri.:1,r:es Dcors ch:rrnea :i!:itt. Cf i i .,:r:s b.rcached the tca:.i tJ,il_:l
::I.:.i: gui'ts ,

There was no cr-r:: a cra!"nent When of fica:'s on the scene the had stopped.

April 16, 2007


Lt. Johnson, VT Rescue, called and asked that in the next press conference Dr. Steger mention the efforts
of the nearly 100 rescue personnel from 20 agencies.

Discord.Greets Rapper Invited to Virginia Tech Memorial Concert - Page I of3

THE flH|T0NIOLA OF Fru(i{Ktt Entr.lcATt0br

lVerrs Blag
Higb Br-€&rcatitn news fltm arormd the Web

August 3,2007 KeeD up to date

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Discord Greets Rapper Invited to
Virginia Tech Memorial Concert
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A free concert designed to begin the Contact us
Home academic year on a positive note at Virginia
News ! Tech, still shaken by April's shooting f_qd?y's moste:Eailed
Prior days' news: By date I Search
Today's news rampage. has drawn criticism over one of the This week's print issue I
invited musicians, according to today's Back issues: Bv date I Search
Current issue
l'}flashington Post. The musician, a rapper
Soecial issues & data (9 fromNew York known as Nas. has
The Faculty performed at least one song that appears to
Neyp-"f l"e_aCline_s-ft9nj!_e*.cl:""o"11j919.,-..
Research & Books celebrate gunplay and murder. Worldwide, financing for higher education is
hcreasingly shifting from public to private
Government & Politics
The criticism came from a sister of one
Money & Management victim of the Virginia Tech shooter, who said
l{ew payroll soltyvarc at Arlzona State U.
Information Technology Nas's lyrics were "the most inappropriate shorts hundreds of employees
thing I could imagine hearing" at an event -{
devoted to healing and commemorating. Community colleqes pursue sustalnablllty

Another critic was Vincent J. Bove, who said
wlth grlt and ingenuity
Community Colleges he spoke for several families of Virginia Audio intervaew: An anthrcpologlst goes
Short Subiects Tech victims in saying that the choice of Nas native in a virtual world

was "unconscionable beyond belief' and {

"indicative of the moral decay in ow society
that contributes to acts of violence." Mr.
Bove, whose Web site describes him as a Magazine & Journal Reader
Opinion & Forums
"nationally acclaimed leadership and security {
Careers educator," has written on his blog that the Grants & Fellowships
Multimedia Virginia Tech tragedy was a failure of
leadership. Career News & Advice
Presidents Forum
Technology Forum Blog Archives
Virginia Tech, citing positive feedback from
nearly everyone else, said it would not August 2007 (30)
Sponsored lnformation
& Solutions Julv 2007 (774)
change the list of invited musicians.
Viewpoints Andrew Mytelka
- lune 2007 i187)
.Campus I
Mav 2007 (203)
Travel J Posted on Friday August 3, 2OO7 | Permalink I
Aptil2007 Q4O)
Services March 2007 (180)

Comments Ee-b.r'!*?ly-ZoOLIL3a
January 2007 (124)
Contact us
1. I think that quoting some self
November 2006 (124)
proclaiming specialist as V. Bove, who
Manage your account october 2006 (143)
received an award (could find given by September 2006 (137)
Advertise with us whom) for the protection of the second August 2006 (142)
Rights & permissions amendment (means guns rights) is not July 2006 (125)
proper of the Chronicle of Higher lun€ 2006 (138)
Education. We do have real specialists U,qy:0O6,I1.5,il

hftn: //chronicf e com/newq/n rtia.leD'7Q1/diennr"d-rrrcefc-rqnnpr-in.,,itod-tn-rrirrrini o-ranlr-* --^-i.l ^^n^6?r Q 11^1

Discord Greets Rapper Invited to Virginia Tech Memorial Concert - Page2 of3

2. I sent this email to the Post reporter who wwrote the source article for the above

Dear Ms. Somashekhar:

Your article re the protest about the concert states that Mr. Bove declares
himself a spokesman for seven ofthe families-

Did you verifu his bona fides - get the nirmes of, and ask, any of the families?

In a globally echoing case like the Tech shootings, due diligence must be done
to prevent frauds from grabbing a piece ofthe spotlight.

sincerely yours,

richard handelsman
burlington, vt.

Aug 3, 08:58 PM #.
J. A free concert designed to begin the academic year on a positive note at
Virginia Tech should not be rap music. Rap music brings violence and other
negative things. It is a shame that they have decided to bring aftp rt;I.

- Kan Chandras Aug 4, 10:40 AM #.

4. um. . .is this controversy beside the point? the concert is not for us, but for the
students ofva tech. they can and should have anyone they want, and it is
baffling that anyone would be so self righteous as to tell that campus how and
with whom they can best heal.

Aug 5, 10:30 PM #
5. It took a long road trip, and listening to a CD by Nas (though I think one song
was fast forwarded) to have my three teenage children convince me that Nas
was a "good" rapper. After hearing his music, and lyrics, I could not help but
agree. I found his songs inspriring, energetic, and frankly, not what I expected.

Given the circumstances at Virginia Tech, I think more than anyone else on the
planet, they understand the circumstances and the fall out and who could soothe
their souls. Lots of people don't like church music either. . .

Mahony Aug 6, 07:38 AM t"

Post a comment:
Your name J
17] Remember

hfin://c.hronicle com/news/a rtia.le/)iQ1/Ai<cnrd-oreef c-r'annc"-i''.,if.'{-+^-r'i.-i-i.-+-^L-*--^-i -l ^^$^6r+ Q 11 l"trrn1

Page 1 of2

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:45 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: foremost thinker...Nice Shot! At least this guy is in the real world! You libs have your heads up

From: Smith, Sandra

Sent: Wednesday, August 08,20o7 6:41 PM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subjech FW: foremost thinker...Nice Shotl At least this guy is in the real world! You libs have your heads up


Sandra W Smith
Administrative Asslsfanf to the President
Virginia Tech (0131 )
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

From: Keith M.Wegener []

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 B:16 PM
Subject: foremost thinker...Nice Shot! At least this guy is in the real world! You libs have your heads up

in the clouds.

The Spirlt of Virqinla Tech

"On September 6, Virginia's own Dave Matthews Band along with John Mayer, Phil Vassar, and Nas will
join together in 'A Concert For Virginia Tech' at the university's Lane Stadium," declares a press release
from the institute:

"We're extremely grateful for the compassion and generosity of these artists who wished to create a very
special event where our students, faculty, and staff can come together to celebrate the spirit and
resiliency of our university community as we begin a new academic year," said Charles Steger, President
of Virginia Tech. . . .

"While we obviously will never forget those lost or affected by the events of April 16, this concert will help
us to honor Virginia Tech's enduring Hokie Spirit," said Scott Cheatham, president of Hokies United.
Hokies United is a student-driven volunteer effort organized to respond to local, national and international
tragedies that may impact the Virginia Tech community.

"Nas," whose full name is Nasir Jones, is, according to the press release, "hip hop's foremost lyricist and
thinker. And, some would argue, hip hop's conscience." Here is a sample of hip hop's conscience's oeuvre,
a 1999 work called "Shoot'Em Up" (warning: unredacted obscenities at link):

One 44, two 45's

3 loaded clips, 4 niggas roll, one nigga drives
500 Benz, 6 reasons why
This kid should die
We shootin every m-----f---er outside

Pulled on his block, jumped out the car, guns in our hand
At the same time everybody ran
There that nigga go, hiding in the crowd
Let the trigger blow, 7 shots now he lying on the ground

Hip hop's conscience is helping the Virginia Tech community come together to celebrate its spirit and
resiliency and ensure that we never forget those lost or affected by the events of April 16. Doesn't that
make you feel warm all over?

From: Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:45 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Concert to Celebrate the Slaugther at Virginia Tech

- ----original Message-----
From: Smith, Sandra
Sent: wednesday, August 08, 2007 5:35 PM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christ.opher
subject: Fw: Concert to Celebrate the Slaugther at Virginia Tech

Sandra hl. smith

Administrative Assistant Eo the President Virginia Tech (0131) Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
5 / 237 - 623r
ssmit.h@vt. edu

- - - --Original Message-----
From: Benton Bain [mai l to : benEonbain@cwp anama . ne t, ]
Sent: Tuesday, AugusE 07, 2007 8:43 PM
To: presiden!@vt. edu; fox; Rush L,imbaugh; drudge
Cc: bov@vt. edu; SEump, Shannon; prowoff@vt. edu; Redican,
opinions edi torocol imes . com
Subject: Concert to Celebrate the slaugther a! Virginia Tech
Dr. charLes Steger
President of Virginia Tech

Subject: concerE to Celebrate the Slaugther at Virginia Tech

Concerning your concert at the Virginia Tech on september 5th for those
32 that were slaughtered on ApriL l6th, the university has invited Dave Matther,rs Band
along with John Mayer, Phil vassar, and Nas.
You are quoted as saying "werre extremely grateful for the compassion and generosiEy of
these arEisls who wished to create a very special event where our st.udent's, facuLty, and
staff can come togeEher !o celebrate Ehe spirit and resiliency of our universiEy community
as we begin a new academic year.'l
"Nas, " whose ful1 name is Nasir ,Jones, j-s supposed to be one of Hip Hop's foremost
lyrJ-cist, thinker. and conscience. From his l-999 work called "Shoot , here are softe
quotes to to shor^t tshe compassion and generosity from your so called compassionate artist:
'IOne 44, two 45's
3 loaded clips, 4 niggas ro11, one nigga drivea 500 Benz, 5 reasons why This kid should
die we shootin every moEherfucker outside Pul1ed on his block, jumped out' the car. guns in
our hand At the Eame tsime everybody ran There Eha! nigga go, hiding in lhe crowd Let the
trigger b1ow, 7 ghots now he lying on the ground'l
Do you really think that Hip Hopts conscience is going to help the Virginia Tech communi ty
come together to celebrate the slaughter of 32 students that were not. allowed to defend
themsefves? Doe6n'ts the above lyrics make you feel warm af l- over?
Dr. Steger, I suspect that you have no moral conscience aE a1l and have no idea why there
are so many J-unatics running around.

Benton Bain
Potrerilfos, Chiriqui
Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Thursday, August09,2007 8:45 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Pride
Attachments: OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today - August 7, 2007

Mark Owczarski
Director of News & Information
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5223

From: Smith, Sandra

Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 6:35 PM
To: Owczarski, Mar$ Clough, Christopher
Subject FW: Pride


Sandra W Smith
Administrative Assisfanf to the President
Virginia Tech (0131)
Bl acksburg, Virginia 24061

From: Richard Bond []

Sent: Tuesday, August 07,2007 9:06 PM
Subject: Pride

You should be proud. I'm sure the parents of those who died are.

Richard Bond

Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:46 AM
Tol Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: A Concert For Virginia Tech

From; Smith, Sandra

Sent: Wednesday, August 08,2007 6:33 PM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subject: FW: A @ncert For Virginia Tech


Sandra W. Smith
Administrative Assisfanf to the President
Virginia Tech (0131)
Blacksburg, Vkginia 24061

From: Damon Pixord []

Sentr Tuesday, August 07, 2007 9:54 PM
Subject: A Concert For Virginia Tech

Nas brings a lot of comfort to our community. I wonder how many niggas are going to be lying on the ground at the

A sample ofNAS artistry:

One 44, two 45's

3 loaded clips, 4 niggas roll, one nigga drives
500 Benz, 6 reasons why
This kid should die
We shootin every mother fucker outside
Pulled on his block, jumped out the car, guns in our hand
At the same time everybody ran
There that nigga go, hiding in the crowd
Let the trigger blow, 7 shots now he lying on the ground


Building a website is a piece of cake.

Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.

8/912007 r'1., :, -
Page I of2

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:46 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: The Virgina Tech concert on September 6, 2007

From: Smith, Sandra

Senh Wednesdan August 08,2007 6:32 PM
To: Owczarski, Ma*; Clough, Christopher
Subiectr FW: The Virgina Tech concert on September 6,2007


Sandra W. Smith
Administrative Assrsfanf to the President
Virginia Tech (0131)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

From: Joseph Kershenbaum []

Sen$ Tuesday, August 07,2007 t1:27 PM
Subject The Virgina Tech concert on September 6,2007

Dear Mr. Steger and Mr. Cheathem:

It is a nice gesture for Virginia Tech to hold a concert io celebrate the enduring Hokie spirit in light of the shooting that occurred on
your campus. I leamed of this concert through a press release ('1).
The press release states that an artist named Nas AKA Nasir Jones will be performing.

Considering what has occurred on your campus, I don't understand how you could possibly invite an artist who celebrates
shooting people.

Here is the first verse of the song "Shoot 'Em Up," by Nas:

One 44, two 45's

3 loaded clips, 4 niggas roll, one nigga drives
500 Benz, 6 reasons why
This kid should die
We shootin every motherfucker outside
Pulled on his block, jumped out the car, guns in our hand
At the same tirne everybody ran
There that nigga go, hidlng in the crowd
Let the trigger blow,7 shots now he lying on the ground
Blood on the floor
Then we shot some more
Niggas he was with
2 niggas hit, one nigga fell
One tryed to run, go get him son
Make sure he's done before we bail, i aint trying to goto jall
Must handle beef, code of the street
Load up the heat, if these nigga think they could fuck around
Real niggas do real things
By all means, niggas knowin how we get down.. It goes,...,.
Page 2 of2
The full lyrics are available here:

ls your press release a fake or an attempt at a cruel joke? | cannot believe your choice of artists to "celebrate the spirit and
resiliency of [the Virginia Tech] university community."

Very truly yours,

Attorney Joseph Kershenbaum
100 Massmill Drive
Suite 400
Lowell, MA 01852-1238

(978) 458-6034

Page I of2

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:46 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject FW: ls this how you want to remember a shooting?

From: Smith, Sandra

Sent: Wednesday, August 08,2007 6:27 PM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subject FWI Is this how you want to remember a shooting?


Sandra W. Smith
Administrative Assisfanf to the President
Virginia Tech (0131)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

From: [mailto:]

Sent: Wednesday, August 08, Z0(J7 9:49 AM
To: president@vt,edu
Subjecft Is this how you want to remember a shootlng?

ls this how you want to remember a shooting?

From yesterday's Best of the Web newsletter:

Op inionJournal
Best of Ehe Web Today - Augus! 7, 2007

The Spirit of Virginia Tech http: / /www. vlnews.vt. edu/story. php?relyear=2 0 0?&itemno=421

"on Septernber 5, Virginia's own Dave Mat.thews Band along with John Mayer, Phil- Vassar, and Nas
will join together in 'A Concert For Virginia Techr at the university's L,ane Stadium,rr declares
a press release from the institute:
*** ***
rrwerre extremely grateful for the compassion and generosity of these artists who wished to
create a very special event where our students, faculty, and staff can come together to
cefebrate the spirit and resiliency of our univerEity community as we begin a new academj.c
year, " said Charles Steger, President of Virginia Tech.
"While we obviousLy will never forget tho6e lost or affected by the events of April 16, this
concert will help us to honor Virginia Tech's endurj-ng Hokie Spirit, " said Scott cheatham,
president of Hokies United. Hokies United is a student-driven voLunteer effort organized to
respond to IocaI, national and international tragedies that may impact the Virginia Tech

Page2 of2

*** FNTT\ nrrn'TrE ***

rrNas,tr whose fu11 name is Nasir Jones, is, according to the preaa release, "hip hop's foremost
lyricist and thinker. And, some would argue, hip hop's conscience.rr Here is a sample of hip
hop's conscience's oeuvre, a l-999 work called 'rShoot 'Em Upn (warning: unredacted obscenities
aL link hLEp : //www. sing365. com/music/lyric. nsf /Shoot-t2?Em-Up- lyrics -
Nas/5A160F395E62FB8F48255889002E5F71 ) :

*** oTTatTF ***

Or)e 44, two 45rs

3 l-oaded clips, 4 niggas ro11, one nigga drives
500 Benz, 5 reasons why

This kid should die

We shootin every m-----f---er outside
Pulled on his block, jumped out the car, guns in our hand

At. the same time everybody ran

There tha! nigga go, in the crowd
Let Ehe trigger blo',,r, 7 shots now -he lying on the ground
*** El[D QUOTE ***
Hip hop's conscience is helpj-ng the Virginia Tech conmunity come together Eo celebrate it.s
spirit and resiliency and ensure that we never forget those lost or affected by the ewent. s of
April l-6. Doesn't that make you feel warm all over?

Michael whinihan
Troy, Michigan

._.-8/912007 .,
Evans. Susan
From: Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:46 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Nas

---- -Original Message-----

From: Smith, sandra
Sent: Wednesday, Augus t 08t 2007 6:22 PY!
To: Owezarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subject: FW: NaB

Sandra l{. Smith

AdministraEive Assistant. to lhe President Virginia Tech (01-31) Blacksburg, virginj-a 24061
s40 /
ssmith@vt. edu

-- -- -Original Message- --- -

Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 10:4? AIvl
To: pres ident@vt . edu
Subj ect: Nas

Dear President Steger,

ExcefLent choice of artist. Maybe you should invite tshe Talking Heads for a "Psycho
KillerI sing-a1ong as wefl?
Did anybody think this Lhrough? (I think tshe answer is obvious).
S incere 1y,
Frank McDonough
Class of 1985

http : / /opinionj ournal . com/best/ ? id=110 0104 3 9

The spirit of Virginia Tech

"On September 5, Virginia's own Dave Matthews Band along with ,fohn Mayer, Phil Vassar, and
Nas wil-I join togetsher j.n rA Concert for Virginia Tech' at the university's Lrane
Stadium," declares a press rel-ease from the institute:
u!.le're extremely grateful for the compassion and generosity of these artisEs who wished to
create a very special event where our students, faculty, and staff can come together to
celebrate the spiriE and resil-iency of our unj-versity community as we begin a new academic
year, " said Charles Steger, President of Virginia Tech.
"While we obviously will never forget those lost or affected by tshe events of April 15,
this concert will help us to honor virginia Tech's enduring Hokie Spirit, " said Scott
Cheatham, president of Hokies United. Hokies United is a student-driven vol-unteer efforE.
organized to respond to locaI, national and internat.ional tragedies t.hat. may impact t.he
Virginia Tech community.
"Nas, u whose ful1 name is Nasir Jones. is, according t.o lhe press rel-ease, "hip nop' s
foremost lyricist and thinker. .And, some would argue, hip hop,s conecience.rr Here is a
sample of hj.p hop's conscience's oeuvrer a 1999 work called "ShooE 'Em Upu (warning:
unredacted obscenit.ies at link) :

One 44, two 45rs

3 loaded c1ips. 4 niggas ro11, one nigga drivea 500 Benz, 6 reasong why This kid should
die We shootin every m-----f---er outeide PuLled on his block, j umped out t'he car, guns in
our hand At tshe same time everybody ran There that nigga go, hiding in the crowd Iret the
trigger blow, 7 shotss now he lying on the ground
Hip hop's conscience is helpj-ng the Virginia Tech community come together Eo celebrat.e its
spirit and resiliency and ensure that we never forget those lost or affected by the events
of April 1,5. Doesn't that make you feel warm all over?
Evans, Susan
From: Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:47 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Concert to promote healing

-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, sandra
Sen!: Wednesday, AugusE 08, 2OO7 5:18 PM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subject: FW: Concert to promot,e healing

Sandra W. smith
Administrative Ass j-stant to the President Virginia Tech (0131) Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
540 / 231_-523!
ssmith@vt, edu

- ----Original Message-----
From : moore805o@bellsouth. net [mailto : mooreg 05 0@bel1south. net]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 1:18 PM
To: president@vt. edu
subjlct: concert. E.o promote healing
Dear Presidenc Steger,
I understand the need and desire to bring tshe VE student body together to honor those
killed last spring. One of your guests, Nae, considered "hip hop's foremosE lyricist and
thinker. And, some would argue, hip hop's conscience.rr has a song titsled "Shoot 'Em Up".
Ever heard of iE? How about these lyrics to promote healing:
One 44, two 45ra
3 foaded cIips, 4 niggas ro11, one nigga drives 500 Benz, 6 reasons why This kid should
die We shootin every m-----f---er out.side Pul-l-ed on his block. jumped out the car, guns in
our hand At Che aame time everybody ran There that nigga go, hiding in the crowd Let the
trigger blow. 7 shots now he lying on the ground
He must be a great, guy though,
Maybe you should reconsider,
Michael Moore
August 8,2007

Today's Top News:

-- 08/08, Washington Post,'Nas at Virginia Tech"


1.) Associated Press (Favorability: Neutral)

"Thousands sigt up for emergency alerts at U.Va."
Note: This article ran in the Daily-Press.
This is a neutral article about a new emergency alert system at the University of Virginia, similar
to VT Alerts at Virginia Tech.

2.) Washington Post (Favorability: Positive)

"Nas at Virginia Tech"
Author:Rutvij Pandya
This is a positive letter to the editor that defends one of the music artists playrng at the Virginia
Tech memorial concert.

, :i;:r.t!.Li,t-idrtrr'6r*i+;r**.d;,

1.) Associated Press

"Thousands sign up for emergency alerts at
Note: This article ran in the Daily Press.

More than 6,400 people have signed up for the University of Virginia's new emergency
notification system and the school said Tuesday organizers hope to have 10,000 registered by the
end of September.

The system will send text messages, limited to 125 characters, to those who register and also will
be displayed on a dozen computer displays throughout campus, which were planned for
installation before the April 16 shootings at Virginia Tech.

There are 13 preapproved messages that deal with anticipated emergency situations, including
severe weather, gunmen, bomb threats, chemical spills and major electrical outages, the school

The university on Tuesday also announced the creation an office ofemergency preparedness to
oversee the school's policies for natural, epidemic and terrorist emergencies. Marjorie L.
Sidebottom will oversee the office, which has been in the planning stages since last fall, the
school said. She has served as director of emergency preparedness for the university's health
system since 1993.

.1.! r...,c.,',*r,r:te!iia:J:.,
2.) Washington Post
"Nas at Virginia Tech"
Author: Rutvij Pandya

Regarding the Aug. 3 Meto article "Concert Lineup Angers Some Va. Tech Families":

I understand why some families of Virginia Tech shooting victims oppose the inclusion of the
rapper Nas at a commemorative concefi at the campus, but I think they are overlooking the
purpose ofthe event.

Such a reaction stems from the stigma attached to rap culture, and parents of shooting victims
have criticized Nas's violent lyrics. But they may not realize that he is one of hip-hop's most
revered artists and is considered a pioneer of the socially conscious rap movement.

Nas's early albums may have contained allusions to gang and street violence, but he has always
advocated, through a vivid, poetic style, solutions to the struggles facing society. His presence
will add to the event because he can shed light on problems such as the gun violence associated
with his own senre of entertainment.
Page I of 1

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 '10:59 AM
To: Hovis, Cecelia
Gc: Clough, Christopher; Evans, Susan
Subjecfi RE: NAS atVT

For nas file

Mark Owczarski
Director of News & lnformation
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5223

From: Hyer, Patricia

Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 10:46 AM
To: Hincker, Larry; Owczarski, Mark
Subject FW: NAS at W

From: Smith, Christine

Sent: Wednesday, August 08,2007 B:33 AM
To: Hyer, Patricia
Subject: NASatW

Hey Pat,

Ijust wanted to give you a heads up since Ellen is out that I am starting to hear concerns about having NAS come as part of the
Recovery Concert due to some of his violent lyrics. A lot of his lyrics are also of course violent against women. In our VAWA
meeting yesterday and at the Sexual Violence Prevention Council meeting today I am sure itwill also be a toprc of conversation. I

am not sure anything can be done at this point and also recognize there could be other repercussions if something were to be
done. I didn't know if you have any thoughts or suggestions in regards to how the WC should or should not respond as this
seems to be a political hotbed.


Christine Dennis Smith

Associate Director for Counseling and Advocacy Services
Women's Center at Virginia Tech
206 Washington Street (0270)
Blacksburg, VA 24061
www. stopabuse.vt.ed u
vwvw.womenscenter.vt. edu

81812007 ."
Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 12'.11 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: "Rapper's Violent Lyrics Draw Protests"

Nas f ile
Mark Owczarski
Director of News & Information
University Relatsions
314 Burruss Hal1
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 23a 5223
maorrczar@vt . edu

- - - --originaf Message-----
From: Evans, Susan
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2OO7 8:23 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Subject r FW: "Rapperl s Violent Lyrics Draw ProtestsI

Susan Evans
Executive Secretary Senior
Univers j-ty Relations
\r'irdini: Ta,.'h
314 Burruss Hal l,
Blacksburg, vA 2405L
5+U ZJI f,J>O

--- - -Original Message-- ---

From: Gilbert Adama [mailto: gcadams@gwu. edu]
Sent: Friday, AuguBt. 03, 2007 6: l- l- AM
To: Eagen, Nancy
Cc: debbiel@vt. edu; Murray, Margie; Evans, Susan
Subj ect: rtRapperr s Violent L,yrics Draw ProteBts't

Dear Ms Hagen:
When I read lhe article, "Concert. Lineup l\ngers Some Va. Tech Families" by Sandhya
Somashekhar, published in the Washington Post today, I r^ras troubled. And when I saw that
university officials said "they have received an overwhelmingly positive response", it
sEruck me that some things are not best, resolved on the basis of simple popularity.
"Universily official-s" shoul"d have L.he dj.scernment and the moral fiber to make and to
implement walue judgments r,rhen necessary. The concerns expressed by vincent J. Bove and
ALicia FarreLl, as quoted in the arEicl"e, should be respected; moreover, I doubt that
someone primarily occupied with matters is not the person in Ehe best positj.on
to make such decieione.
The pro's and con's of rapper lyrics may be a val-id topj-c for debate, but such a debate is
not appropriate in connection with the event presently in planning.
Please pass on my views to PresidenL steger, who apparently does not care to receive e-
q i n^a,a 1rr
Gifbert Adams

. .-:--jj.a-.:,
Evans, Susan
From: Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 11:54 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: concert with NAS

Nas f ile
Mark Owczarski
Director of News & Information
University Relations
virginia rech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, vA 24061
540 231 5223
maowczar@vt . edu

-----Original Message-----
From: MiLler, Af l-an
Sent: Saturday, AugusE 04, 2OO7 5:23 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Subject: FW: concert with NAS

Forwarding this one for appropriate response.


- - -- -Original Message-----
From: Russ Funke lmai Ito : cubswin@q. com]
Sent: Sat 200?-08-04 00:58
To: Mi1ler, AlLan
Subject: concert with NAS


I am not eure who all can be contacted a! tfr, but' I am Emailing anyone I can. T have seen
the reports about the approaching concert which includes a singer named Nas. I sure hope
the University will cancel this performer from the program. I have been a teacher for 1T
years, working Lo give student.s a successful fuEure. The tragedy at VT was felt world
wide. To 1et a rapper who glorifies killing to perform on campus sickens us all.
Thanks for your time,
Russ Funke
Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 11:54 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Voice in the Wilderness

Nas file

Mark Owczarski
Director of News & lnficrmation
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Bunuss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5223

From : [mailto]

Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 5:59 PM
Tor Owczarski, Mark
Subject: Voice in the Wilderness

Down here in the deep south (Louisiana) everyone I talk to is appalled that W would allow Nas on campus to do the concert.
That's promoting more violence!!!!!

Get a sneak peek of the all-new

8/712007 Article - Printer Friendlv Page 1 of2
This Article Close Window

Posted August 312007 - At least seven of the families of Virginia Tech shooting victims are unhappy that Nas has
been added to the lineup of a tribute concert, reportsThe Washington Posf. The concert planned for September 6 on the
Virginia Tech campus would be free for students, faculty and recent graduates, confirmed a school spokesperson. The
concert was organized by members of the Dave Matthews Band, who are from nearby Charlottesville.

:: AD ::

Pop singer John Mayer and country singer Phil Vassar are performing as well. The concert was meant simply to uplift a
Tech community still reeling from the April l6th massacre that left 33 students and faculty dead, including
shooter Seung Hui Cho.

But a representative of seven families says Nas' inclusion is inappropriate given the violence of some of his
lyrics. Vincent J. Bove, a security expert from New Jersey and spokesperson for the seven families, says Nas' lyrics
are "are indicative of the moral decay in our society that contibutes to acts of violence. For a university official to
condone it or to be clueless ofwhat this person's track record is, it's unconscionable beyond belief."

University officials say the lineup hasn't changed and that the response has been overwhelimingly positive since the
concert has been announced.

"Among those who have responded have been families who thought it was a tremendously positive note to start the
academic year," says Virginia Tech spokesperson Chris Clough.

But at least one family member has publicly criticized Nas' inclusion. Alicia Farell of Richmond, VA., who's brother
Jarrett Lane, was killed, says she just doesn't think he's the right artist for a concert meant to bring healing to the

"My issue is not with Nas or his lyrics in any other place, but this is an opportunity for healing in the community,"
Farrell told The Post " [Nas'music] is the most inappropriate thing I could imagine hearing at such an event."

Neither Nas nor the Dave Matthews band has commented yet on the controversy. A rticlePrintFriendlv qcnr.?I RAl 66 Ld9,- Lnr

Page I of2

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:08 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Re concert

Nas file

Mark Owczarski
Director of News & Information
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5223

From: Smith, Sandra

Sent: Tuesday, August 07,2007 9:38 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subject: FW: Re concert


Sandra W. Smith
Administrative Assr.sfanf to the President
Virginia Tech (0131)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

From : Sandy Young]

Sentr Monday, August 06,2007 5:20 PM
Subject Re concert

Dear President Steger,

First, let me say how much I have appreciated your leadership over the past several months. I am a VT alumnus
(B.S., Sociology, 1973) and a local pastor (Blacksburg Christian Fellowship). I am very involved in working for the
healing of our campus and community.

However, I am dismayed to see that Nas is being featured in the September 6 concert on campus. His song lyrics
(see for example are not only indecent according to most
community standards, but also clearly violate several points in Tech's own "Principles of Community".. .

. We affirm the inherent dignity and value of every person and strive to maintain a climate for work and leaming
based on mutual respect and understanding.
We affirm the right of each person to express thoughts and opinions freely. We encourage open expression within
a climate of civility, sensitivity, and mutual respect.
We reject all forms of prejudice and discrimination, including those based on age, color, disability, gender, national
origin, political afiiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, and veteran status. We take individual and collective
responsibility for helping to eliminate bias and discrimination and for increasing our own understanding of these
issues through education, training, and interaction with others.
Evans, Susan
From: Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:08 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Rap music at the Concert for Virginia Tech

Nas f ile
Mark Owczarski
Director of News & Informalion
Univers j-ty Relations
IIi rdi hi r Ta^h
314 Burruss Haff
Blacksburg, VA 2 4 061- 4)L JZZJ
maowczar@vts, edu

-----OriginaL Message- ----

From: smiEh, Sandra
Sent; Tuesday, Augusts 07, 2007 9;3? AM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, ChrisEopher
Subject: FW; Rap music at the Concert for Virginia Tech

sandra w. smith
Administrative Assistant to the President Virginia Tech ( 0131) Blacksburg, Virginia 2405L
s4o / 23t- 623a
Esmith@vt . edu

-----original Message-----
From: Harry M. Kriz [mailt.o: Harry_M_Kriz@vt. edu]
Sents: Monday, AugusE 06, 2007 1;19 PM
To: president@vt.. edu
Subject: Rap music at the Concert for Virginia 'Iecn
I was disappointed !o fearn that Virginia Tech will feature rap mus j-c at the Concert for
Virginia Tech next month. This morning I wrot,e about the situation to various colleagues
and friends.

-----BEGTN MSG SE}flI 8/6/2001 ---

I read thats Virginia Tech is sponsoring "A Concert for Virginia Tech" to be held in Lane
Stadium (seaEing for 55,000, http ; / /www. hokiesports . com/ footbal l / lane stadium. html
) on September 6. TickeEs will be free to aff Virginia Tech faculE.y, students, and staff.
To quote from the university press release:
'r... the concert was conceived as a way to help the uniwersity community move forward. in
the aftermath of the April t.ragedy at Virginia Tech.',
http : / /www. vlnews . vt. edu/story. php?relyear=2007 &iLemno=42 L
Details about the concert are aE
http : / /www. vt . edu/concert/
where it slates that "It's about a celebrat.ion of spirit. "

Naturally f wanted to know something about the perforners chosen by Tech to celebrat.e the
Tech spirit and to provide a pat.h of healing and recovery. I wondered who Virginia Tech
trad chosen to represent its values. what kind of people does Virginia Tech think are
worthy of inspiring those who are recovering from the trauma of violent death that had

Eaken from Ehem lheir classmates, teachers. spouses. roommales, children, and
grandchi ldren .

I was especialJ-y curious about t.he rap performer named Nas. My understanding has been that
rap music is in general misogynist, racist, violent, and hyper- eexual i zed. Rap lyrics
generally cannot be printed in family newspapers. Weff-known media personalities have 1os t
their jobs simply because they repeated rap language on the air.
If my understanding was correct, then the rap culture seems to be lhe complete antithesis
of Virginia Tech's "Principles of community"
(hEtp:// It appeared possj-ble that merely repeating rap lyrics
on campus could be construed as creating a cLimate of racial and sexual hostility.

A bit of searching on the web turns up the fact that one of Nas's hit rap songs is titsled
"Shoot 'Em Up.'r It' was included on Nas's l-999 album "Nastradamus.rl
You can read the "lyrics" to "shoot online at http / / Iyticwiki. org/Nas: Shoot 3


http : //www. stfyrics . com/songs/n /r:.as2756 / shootemupl3 041,6 . html

{Warning; Reader discretion is strongly advised.
The lyrics glamorize the use of handguns and other rap cul-ture accoutrement.e in the
pursuit of murder and sex. I decided I could not include even the first two lines in this.
e -mail . )

You can listen to an excerpe from the "song" at

http : /,/www. amazon. com/Nastradamus -Nas/dpl80 ooo3lxcY/ref=sr_1_8/ 102 -9'123598 -7 55 3 ?50 ? ie=uTF8
&s =mus ic&qid=118 5411171&sr=1- I

other songs and lyrics by NAs are at

hEEp: / /www .lyricsonnet . com/mylyrics . php? id=763 51&arti st=NAS

Reading the lyrics !o "Shoot 'Em upr gives us insight into the patterns of thought and
habits of mind Ehats exist among those who manage Virginia Tech and ask you to entrust them
with tshe education of your children and qrandchildren.

Those seeking an alternative and effective route to healing at Virginia Tech should
remember thaE the internationally known speaker Ravi Zacharias
(hEEp: / /rzim.or9l) will be visiting Virginia Tech on October October 9-10
(http: //www. rzlm. orgf ravi/ravievene. php) .
In Ehe meantime, Virginia Tech students, faculty, and stsaff and others who are seeking the
road to healing could do no better than to think on the words that Paul wrote nearly 2,000
years ago:
Phil 4:8 Fina11y, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is nob1e, whatever is rlght,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirabfe-if anything is excellent or
prai seworthy-think about such t.hings. (NIV)
-----END MSG SENT 8/5/2007---
- -Harrv 540-231-7052 FAX; 540-23!-3946

http : //Iearning,lib.vt. edu/
University Libraries
Virginia Polytechnic InsEitute & State University (Virginia Tech)
Blacksburg. VA 2406f-0434 USA
"What joy Co awake every morning in a world so fi1led with Ehings to learn.,l
- H. M. Kri-z (1994)

4_!;",i i'i'cj]iii:r'ie'lJ€r!-'!":e''p1''
Page l ofl

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:09 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: The September 06, Concert

Nas file

Mark Owczarski
Director of News & Information
University Relations
Virginia Tech
3'14 Bunuss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540231 5223

From: Smith, Sandra

Sent: Tuesday, August 07,2007 9:37 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subjct: FW: The September 06, Concert


Sandra W. Smith
Administrative Asslsfanf to the President
Virginia Tech (0131)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

From: Out and About Imailto :outandabout@pshift ,com]

Sent: Monday, August 06,2007 9:03 AM
Subject The September 06, Concert

Dear President Steger.

As you know, a rapper who goes by the name 'Nas" is scheduled to perform at this very special concert on Sept. 06. I am writing to you to
respectfully request that this person be taken offthe program. Many ofhis lyrics and most definitely his message is one of violence, killing and
murderl! Having him perform would be a travesty and an insult to all the victims and their families.
I am a concemed American and even though I am not a VA. Tech alumnus and have no connection to VA. Tech, I feel it is important to share
my concems with you about the decision to have such a controversial individual at your campus during such a solemn and somber time.

Thank you for taking time to read my email.


B. Scott West

8/7 t2007
Evans. Susan
From: Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:09 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Nas

Nas fil-e
Mark Owczarski
Director of News & Information
UniversiEy Relations
\/i r-i -i . Ta^h
314 Burruss Ha11
Blacksburg, VA 24 061
540 234 5223
maowczar@vts . edu

- ----original Message- ----

From: SmiEh, Sandra
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 9:36 Alvl
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subjects: FW: Nas

Sandra W. Smith
Administra!ive Assj-stant. to the President Virginia Tech (0131) Blacksburg, Virginia 2406r
540 / 23r- 6231
ssmitsh@vt. edu

-----Original Message-----
From: ,Jame s Darnall [mailto: jddarnallOaol .com]
Sent: Saturday, AugusE 04, 2007 9:07 Alvl
To: president@vt. edu
Subject: Nas
Nas has made money off of promoting violence, it iE a slap in the face to the families of
the wictj-ms who died aC YOUR campus t'o invite him t'o sing. You should use better
judgment. You claim your handa \^rere tied in keeping a meneally i1l student on campus.
Your hands are not tied here. I hope you reconsider you decision Kathy DarnalL

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:09 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subjecfi FW: No Nas!

Nas file

Mark Owczarski
Director of News & Information
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Bunuss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061

From: Smith, Sandra

Sent: Tuesday, August 07,2OO7 9:35 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subjct FW: No Nas!


Sandra W Smith
Administrative Assisfanf to the President
Virginia Tech (0131)
Blacksburg, Virgin ia 2406 1

From : Mark Bragdon [mailto:markbragdon@comcast. net]

Sent: Saturday, August 04,2007 6:45 AM
Subject No Nas!

Ladies and Genttemen,

What were you thinking?! Was anyone thinking?lThe obvious answer is, NO ONE WAS THINKING.

Rap is known sotety for it's viotent [yrics. You insult every person kitted.

We don't know how you can make this go away...but you reatly shoutd try.

Thank you,
Mark and Jackie Bragdon
Satt Lake City

Evans, Susan
From: Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1 0:10 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: concert

Nas f ile
Mark or,,/czarski
Directsor of News & Information
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 BurruEs Hall
Blacksburg, vA 24061
540 23t 5223
maowczar@vt . edu

- - - --Original Message-----
From: SmiEh, Sandra
Sent: Tuesday, Augus t 07, 2OO7 9:36 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subject: Fw: concert,

Sandra w. Smith
Administratiwe Assistant to che President virginia Tech (0131) Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
ssmith@vE. edu

-- ---Original Message--- - -
From: barb lmailtso: barbvalente@mac. com]
Sent: Saturday. August 04, 2OO7 5:03 AM
To: president@vt. edu
qrrhi a^t- .

zlar v nraa i dani

your perception may differ and i will not judge. but any kind of music depicting
violence,not matter how popuJ-ar, can only deepen the r^rounds of the families who lost loved
ones in this violent, heinous act upon the j-nnocent t

cancel this act. - - acknowledge how speaking violence creates violence think about how you,d
feel if your kid or loved one was murdered tonite--for no reaEon--cou1d you celebrale the
l-ife with a concert fu1l of violent lyrics?
Can v/e have some compassion in this culture?
Page 1 of2

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:10 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject FW: Shame on you

Nas file

Mark Owczarski
Director of News & lnformation
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Bunuss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5223

From: Smith, Sandra

Sent: Tuesday, August 07,2007 9:35 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subject: FW: Shame on you


Sandra W. Smith
Administrative Asssfanf to the President
Virginia Tech (0131)
Bl acksburg, V i rg inia 2406 1

From: []

Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 10:55 PM
To: president@vt,edu
Cc: vtconcert@vt,edu; alumnivt;; Hyatt, James;;;;
michael.stowe@roanoke,com; teverett@newscorp,com; brian,
Subject: Shame on you

Dr. Steger,

I'm writing as a former VT sfudent to express my ouhage with the choice to add the rap artist "Nas" to the lineup of "A
Conceft for Virginia Tech". Have you heard his lyrics???

Let me provide some excerpts of his lyrics from just a few of his songs:

Hardest Thing to Stay Alive - "So many niggas get fucked up in the game. See thats where they get caught out there.
Cause its not no fuckin game. When you hear shells comin at cha. Hot ones from a shotgun I betta nigga runs faster.
Loose a shoe to get away from a blaster."

Hate Me Now - " Weli you hate me I'm gon'hate you too It's as simple as that Die motherfucker die motherfucker die
You don't give a fuck I don't give a fuck"

Shootouts - "Yo let me knock first) Soon as he open it your glock burst They had the chains on, son hit the lock first

Page 2 of2
We busted in the cop jerked Jungle popped one in his shirt"

Suicide Bounce - "You wanna come cut my throat, you wanna get rid of me But before I let it happen them guns gon'
start clappin And y'all gon' rest in peace, cause death is the recipe"

Desperados - "It's time to lock this, join with us, let your glock spit Guzzle the toxic, only fake ntgg* drop snitch Get
your guns out, it don't take much for me to dumb out Play one route, lay ya shit down and run South"

Everybody's Crazy - " Hands on the clock keep turning, hands on a glock they keep squeezing Bullets stop in your
stemum they stop you from breathing I'm light year far your mouth get all white When I'm near you I frighten your

Favor for a Favor- " Leaded, I pull these capers all the time With the ugliest AK, I blow his motherfuckin mind Him
and whoever standin by, I'll tell these niggaz, "Let's go" And then we fin'to ride, and he fin'to die He fin'to die,
throwin up his own blood With a slug in his motherfuckin mug I do this outta love, cause your money ain't no good
here Just consider that as favor, until I need a favor"

The list of inappropriate and offensive songs goes on and on. Some argue that there's a time and place for these lyrics,
but few will argue that the perfect time and place is at a "concert for healing". This guy should never have made it
through a vetting process, but somehow he did. Now is the time to correct the problem. Word on this is just no! w
hitting the media and you can imagine how it's going to reflect on the judgement of VT leadership if no action is taken.

I'm asking you to do the right thing: pull the plug on this act and pull it fast.

Kind Regards,

Craie Columbus

Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:11 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subjecf FW: "Nas"

Nas file

Mark Owczarski
Director of News & Information
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Bunuss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5223

Fromr Smith, Sandra

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 9:31 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subject: FW: "Nas"


Sandra W. Smith
Administrative Assisfanf to the President
Virginia Tech (0131)
Bl acksburg, Virginia 24061

From : GCR Imailto]

Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 5:55 PM
Subject: "Nas"

Are you out of your fucking mind or are you just a totally insensitive, cruel, phony bastard?

This animal with his violent lyrics does little to memorialize the poor people murdered on your campus. Any level or
attempt to justi$ Nas's inclusion in the scheduled concert at any level is reprehensible. I hope you get your idiotic head
out of your ass and put a stop to anybody appearing on the campus with any history of performance that even hints of
violence and killing.


Page I of 1

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday,August07,2007 10:11 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject FW: Sinking reputation

Nas file

Mark Owczarski
Director of News & lnformation
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Bunuss Hall
Blacksburg, VA2406'l
540 231 5223

From: Smith, Sandra

Sent: Tuesday, August 07,2007 9:31 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subject: FW: Sinking reputation


Sandra W. Smith
Administrative Assisfanf to the President
Virginia Tech (01 31)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24461

From: HansPrinz Imailto:HansPrinz@comcast. net]

Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 5227 PM
Subject Sinking reputation

I am amazed to read of the Virginia Tech decision to include a rapper with a reputation for violent lyrics, and
as grandson has pointed out, rather vulgar music videos.
Once again, we must reconsider decisions to assist our grandchildren at a university which seems to have a
failing image and reputation. Disgusting.

Hans Prinz
Arlington, VA 22207

Evans, Susan
From: Owczarski. Mark
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:13 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Nas-tv Decision

Nas fi Ie
Mark Owczarski
Direccor of News & Information
University Rel-ations
\ti?^i-i. Ta^l.l
3l-4 Burruss HalI
Blacksburg, VA 24051
34V Z'L aZZ5
maohrczar@vt. edu

- ----origj.nal Message--- --
From: Smith, sandra
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 9:31- AM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subj ecE: FW: Nas-ty Decision


Sandra w. smith
Administrative Assistant to the President Virginia Tech (0L31) Blacksburg, Virginia 24051
5 23r- 623L
40 /
ssmith@vt. edu

- -- - -original Message-----
From: Burton Albert [mai lto : burtson. a].bert@comcas t . net l
Sent: Friday. August 03, 2007 8:43 AM
To: president@vt. edu
Subj ect: Nas-Ey Decision
na.r nr qfadar.

Re: The booking of Nas, lhe rapper. count me among the appalled!
Burt Albert
Avon, CT
From: Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:10 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: No NAS!

Nas f ile
Mark Owczarski
Director of News & Infonnation
University Relations
314 Burruss Hal-L
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 23r 5223
maowc zar@vt . edu

- ----Original Message-----
From: Smi-th, Sandra
Sents: Tuesday, August 07, 2oo7 9:32 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, chrislopher
Subject: Fw: No NAS !

Sandra w. smith
Administrative Assistan! to the Presiden! Virginia Tech (u.l.Jr) EracKsDurg, Virginia 24051
ssmith@vt. edu

- - -- -Original Message-- ---

From: blair white [mailto: blwmsl@yahoo. com]
Sent: Friday, August 03, 200'1 6:10 PM
To: President@vt, edu
Subject: No NAS !

Very much appreciate what is being done for the school with show but NAS is a nalional
j oke/disgrace .
Bringing in the dregs of humanity to gLorify gun vj-olence, drugs, and domesEic abuse ie
-1..^| -r,,-i,a
J usL LuPrs.

PleaEe take a responsible position as adult.s.

Blair White
scotstsville, va

for the edge of your seat ?
Check ouL tonight's top picks on Yahool TV.
},EEp:. / / com/
Evans, Susan
From: Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:10 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Remove NAS from the Tribute Concert List

Nas file
Mark Owczareki
Director of News & Information
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hal1
Blacksburg, VA 24061
J+V Z5)- )ZZ5
maowc zar@vt . edu

- ----original Message-----
From: Smith, sandra
sent: Tuesday. August 07, 2007 9:33 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Cl-ough, Christopher
Subject: FW: Remove NAS from the Tribute Concert List

sandra W. Smith
Administrative Assistant to the President Virginia Tech (0131) Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
s smich@vt . edu

-- ---Original Message--- --
From: Matt Pearson []
Sent: Frj-day, August 03, 2007 8:25 PM
To: president@vt. edu
Subject: Remove NAS from the Tribute Concert L,i6t
Dear President steger,
I am outraged that NAS (a violent rap group) will be performing artisls that I
am proud to have play for this memorial concert. This is a request to do everything in
your power to remove NAS from Ehe concert list. NAS will only leave a scar on the event.
I cannot believe they v/ere even considered for this tribute.
Thank you for removing NAS from the list of musicians performing at Virginia Tech on
September 7th.
s ince re ly,
Matthe\", Pearson,
VT Cl-ass of 2000

3n Mdnaser's Minute Page I of2

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, July 24,2007 3:46 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: 3n Manage/s Minute: July 2007

For the 3n file

From: Marc Ladin []

SenB Tuesday, July 24,2007 11:13 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Subject: 3n Manage/s Minute: July 2007



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Date: August 22
mass notification Time: 1:00 pm PT / 4:00 pm ET
Participation isfree!
The University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) Police Register todav>>

, 3n Mr.nager's Minute Page 2 of2

Department, headed by Chief Dale Pittman, is responsible

for providing a safe campus environment for faculty,
students, and staff and regularly responds to a wide variety
of emergencies ranging from intoxicated students to traffic Webinar. The Role of Meta-
Messages in Emergency
issues to gas leaks and hazardous spills. Learn how UAA
surmounted challenges in connec{ing with key staff
members and notifying faculty and students in different
Date: August 28
buildings during campus emergencies using the 3n system.
Time: 10:00 amPf I 1:00 pm ET
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lf you no longor wish lo receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe

3n (National Notification Network)

505 N Brand Blvd., Suite 700
Glendale, California 9'l 203

Subject: 3n Oversight Committee
Location: RB14-1 15

Start: Wed 7111t2007 11:00 AM

End: Wed 711112007 12:00 PM
Show Time As: Tentative

Recurrence: (none)

Meeting Status: Not yet responded

Required Aftendees: Rodgers, Patricia; Harris, Carl; Morrison, Christine; Fulton, Deborah; Floyd, Henry; Owczarski,
Mark; Fisher, Daniel; Dunker, Mary; Dame, Michael; Hach, Richard; Donald, A. Wayne;
Dougherty, William; Lilly, Judy; Higdon, Rosie; RB14-1 15

Several items to discuss:

1 .
Discuss a subscription process for those employees who do not have access to a computer.
2. Discuss a process to address how to deal with contact information that is not correct for the subscriber, but results in
someone not associated with the university being contacted.
3. How to respond to requests by individuals not associated with the university (such as vendors) who request access to
W Alerts
4. Should the contact information supplied by vendors be used for other emergency purposes?
The EmergencyNotification System procurement was completed while Virginia Tech
was operating under a state of emergency declared by Govemor Kaine. Prior to April 16,
2007, ar intemal working group from the Network Infrastructure and Services
departrnent of Virginia Tech had been reviewing various emergency notification systems
for implementation. Virginia Tech is still in the initial phases of implementation and
integration of the product from 3n. Virginia Tech will conduct additional testing and
fine-tuning of the system prior to the beginning of the academic year.

During internal working group meetings, the following desired feature list for an
emergency notification system was developed for Virginia Tech. The features that are
most important to Virginia Tech may differ from those for other colleges and universifies.
Some of the many variables considered for choosing the most effective systern include
the population size, geographic location and campus distribution. After reviewing the 3n
product and discussing specific needs with 3n representatives after Apil 16,2007,
Virginia Tech determined that the 3n product should meet the specific needs identified.
The system features identified by the intemal working grcup are as follows:

l. successful system would provide:

. Multi-modal communications;
. text messaging (preferably using tue Short Message Service [SMS]
. Instant Messaging (M)
o e-mail
o web posting
. voice communication to cellular or land line based extensions
(including ability to fax)

r Flexibility in "registering" or "subscribing" users;

. ability to pre-load based on existing directory data wittr both APIs and
online mechanisms for batch or manual updates

Robust, but dishibuted data centers, i.e. more than one location; ability to send
alerts even if event impacts vendor's facility

Robust, but dispersed messaging; concern is with saturation of

communications channels ("too much, too soon" can quickly overwhelm
cellular and land line telephony systems)

2. The vendor would have to be flexible with terms of the contract, and be willing to
collaborate on further development of the product's features to meet specific
needs identified by Virginia Tech.
Page 1 of2

Evans, Susan

Hincker, Larry
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:19 AM
Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: offer of assistance

Can you start a separate file of all the vendors who have written about their emergency communications

Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Bunuss Hall
Blacksburg, VA24061
540 231 5396

From: Ridenour, Minnis]

Sent: Wednesday, April 18,2OO7 6:02 PM
To: Elliott, Jeff
Subject: RE: offer of assistance


Thank you for your note, your thoughts and your expression of concem. As you know, the past few days
have been very sad and difficult days in Blacksburg and for all of the Virginia Tech family. We are without
words to express the deep level of concern and hurt that everyone has over this incident. We are deeply
pained for the families of those who have lost their lives, for the individuals who were injured and their
families, those students, faculty and staff who experienced the shooting, and for those within the
University who must handle the affairs of this dreadful incident.

Thanks for your offer to make available the E-blast system to help with communications; I will share your
offer with Larry Hincker, who leads our Public Relations and Communications efforts. We have a rather
advance system but may flnd E-blast to be helpful, More important is you offer to make this system
available to us during this difficult time.

We deeply appreciate your thoughts, concems and prayers as we go through these difficult days. We
also appreciate your friendship!! !

Thanks: Minnis

From : Elliott, Jeff [mailto]

Sent: Tuesday, April 17,2007 11:18 AM
To: Ridenour, Minnis
Subjectr offer of assistance

M innis,

Page 2 of2

First of all, our sincere condolences for the tragic event yesterday. The Conference has interest in being
of any assistance to Virginia Tech in any way possible, regardless of how small. I am sure this brought
back terrible memories from the event last year for you.

The ACC has a contract with a company in South Carolina where we can send an E-blast out to any
group of email lists. This E-blast utilizes a taped video message and provides a more personal message
than using a normal email message. The Commissioner would like to make this available to any of the
administrators or board members on your campus to use now or in the near future to get a personal
message to various groups i.e. students, faculty and staff, alumni or others. The Conference would be
available to assist to make these arrangements and handle any costs.

Please let me know if and when you might want to use this service now or possibly later.

On a personal note, I feel for President Steger deeply in this tragedy and feel strongly that you, he and
the Virginia Tech administration are handling this superbly. I stand willing to be of any assistance to you
should you need me.

Jeff Elliott
Associate Commissioner
Atlantic Coast Conference
P.O. Drawer ACC|4512 Weybridge Lane
Greensboro, NC 27417 127407
Phone: 336-854-87 87 lF ax 336-31 6-6097

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Saudi Arabia: Cooperation Helps
f SdrtnLr|lrr}trra
SEED Take Root
fd,nfirryeffitF.Se luly 2005 [AFKhatll, Saudl Arablal
In Saudl Arabla, SEED (Schlumborgor Exc6llonce in
About SEED Educatonrl llcv€lopmont) b a Jolnt program betvvean
Schlumbotier lnd our customor, Anmco Gult Operafon3
Company (AGOC). Through SEED, both companies provido
outreach to the clv of Al.Kh||ll, one of thelr operational
0a Things To Do bas.s. The r€latlomhlp, by agrrement for four 1oars, calls for
AGOC l. to supply h.rdw!rc, equlpment and other necessary
Itoma, whila Schlumbarger volunto€r! provido malntonancc
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the plaque commamorating the
state-of-th€-art SEED Lab, an e-leaming fadlity which will enabl€
as many as 500 Al Khati students to tap into the sxp€rtise of
Scfilumb€rger scientists around the world while woddng on
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inauguration of the SEED Computer
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network schools around the nodd. The high school, among the
oldest in the Klngdom of Saudi Arabia, was selected br its
acad€mlc re@rd, locatlon and fadlites. A tt/oday school
Contact SEED urorkshop ficllow€d th€ inaugura$on and introduced Al Khalii
students to SEED proiecls and ways of leaming.
SEED Volunia€E Mr. Khaled t{ouh, Vic€ Presldent and G€neral Manager
Schlumbsrg€r Middls East commentgd, 'Sdrlumberger is
Voices delighted to hav€ wod(od bg€ther with ABmco (AGOC) in
. About Vob€s developing this impl€sslvs e.l6amin9 fadllty In Al Kha|Ii. This
initiative is part of the Scfibmb€lg€r commitrnent to sharlng
. Coitact Voices knowledgo and contrlbutlng to the communities in which it lives
and works.'
Studenis share and demonstrate their "Scfilumberger has op€ftrted in Saudi Arabia for more than 60
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!€ars and w€ smploy mor€ than 800 Saudi nationals in our
worldwide notwort. Programs llke SEED can help tain frJtur€
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Gonnoctivity Grant Program
oil and gag industry that drives Middle East economias," Mr. Nouh
Mr. Abdulazlz Mohammed Al Judaimi, Pr€sid€nt & CEO Aramco
Gulf Operatlons Company (AGOC), said, "Aramco is committed to
bringing €ducational oxcelleno3 to tho communlty and is pleased
to have b€en abl€ b Join with Schlumbeqer in thls exciting
ventu€. Aram@ shares the passion fur science, technology and
leaming wllh )outh colebratsd in th€ Scfilumberg€r SEED
Mr. Abdu aziz N,4ohammed Ai Juda mr oi
AGOC, (left) and Mr. Khaled Nouh of
Schlumberger present a plaque to Mr.
Saud Al-Shamman. headmaster of the Al
Khafji Boys High School, in recognition
of their cooperation.

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411712007 4:02Plt
From: Royal, Lisa
Sent: Tuesday, April '17, 2007 8:3'l AM
To: Hyatt, James
Gc: Stump, Shannon
Subject: Telephone Message 8:30 a.m.

Charlie King from JMU called to share his thoughts and prayers.

Lisa Royal
Coordinator of Administrative Affairs
Ollice of Execudve Vice President and Chief Operating Ofrlcer
Virginia Tech (0147)
312 Burrucs Hall
BlacksburgVA 24061
Phone: (540) 231-5706
Far (540) 231-4830
Email: Lsf4@!.q!!g
Tfl\t po^Abc^^pA - h!- rafud F"
t\tlrafip \- \. \.^ \:Ort.t-4
Stump, Shannon
From: ry.tfr\ \o hi",'r.*-, AaD,
Sent: Wednesdly, April 18, 2007 10:14 AM '
To: Stump, Shannon
Subject: Worsley Message to Jim Hyatt --z
Gategories: Must Attend

Reba and I send our condolences to the entire VA Tech family. The next few weeks will be filled with grief and questions.
Be patient and time will heal and the Hokie family will move ahead while cherishing those lost. lf there is anything I can do
to help, do not hesitate to call me.

George Worsley
Vice Chancellor Emeritus
Finance and Business
NC State University

See whafs fiee at

Page 1 of2

Hincker, Larry

From: Governors Update Mailing List []

Sent: Saturday, April21 ,2007 4i07 PM
To: GovernorsUPdate mailing list
Subject Governor's News Release

Office of the Governor
Governor April2l,2007

Contact: Kevin llall

Phone: (804122s-4260
Cell Phoner (804) 393-9406
Internet: $trlU.gpvcll pr.vrrgrda,gsv


- TriData Corporation to provide research, support sewices -
RICHMOND Govemor Timothy M. Kaine today announced two additional appointments to the
independent panel that will evaluate circumstances surrounding Monday's tragedy at Virginia Tech.

The Honorable Diane M. Strickland served as a judge of the 23rd Judicial Circuit Court in
Roanoke Counfy and the cities ofRoanoke and Salem between 1989 and 2003. Prior to that, she served
two years as a deneral District Court judge. After 15 years on the bench, Judge Strickland now works
for the McGammon Group, a leading mediation and arbitration frm. Recently, she co-chaired a two-
year study by the Boyd-Graves Conference on issues surtounding involuntary mental commitment.

Carroll Ann Ellis is Director of the Fairfax County Police Department's Victim Services
Division, and frequently provides communities with training and technical assistance on the impact of
homicide on famiiy *".rr^b..r. Ellis serves as a faculty member at the FBI's National Academy, the
National Victim Assistance Academy, and Nofihern Virginia Community College.
,,It is important that this independent review include a look at the ways our public safety_and
judicial systems address the challenges of individuals with mental health issues, and Judge Strickla:rd's
'.*p"ti.n"" and insights in this area *ltt U" extremely valuable," Govemor Kaine said. "In addition,
Canoll Ellis has bein a pioneer in the development of services designed to meet the specific needs of
crime victims and witneises, and that is another key perspective that must be included in this review-"

Judge Strickland and Ms. Ellis complete an eight-person review panel led by retired Virglnia
State policJSuperintendent Gerald Massengill. Other panel members previously announced include
former U.S. Homeland Security Secretary aad Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge, former State^
Council of Higher Education for Virginii director Gordon Davies, retired FBI National Center for the
Analysis of Vi-olent Crime administrator Roger L. Depue, noted child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr.
Aradhana A. ..Bela" Sood, and Dr. Marcui L. Martin, assistant dean for the School of Medicine at

Page2 of2

the University of Virginia.

In addition, Governor Kaine announced today that TriData Corporation of Arlington, Va.' will
p.o"ia*r"*"h and staff support for the independent review panel. TriData is one of the nation's
the areas of emergency
leading management firms, and speiializes in providing analysis in
pr.pur-"dn"r, *d emergency ,"-rponr", including assessm;nts on the response Hurricane Isabel and
ih.'Colo-bine High School shooting.

Information on the time and location of the review panel's meetings will be forthcoming.
It is
anticipated the group will produce initial recommendations by this fall.

l+ t+ t+

Page I of I

Owczarski, Mark

From: Clough,ChristoPher
Sent: Tuesday, MaY 01, 2007 5:04 PM
To: Hincker, Larry, Owczarski, Mark
Subjech Virginia Tech book deal

Fyl publisher's Weekly reports that Plume has secured a book deal with VT joumalism professor Roland
Lazenby about the shootings from the student perspective using material the student run website provided to the media:
In one of the first deals related to the Virginia Tech shootings, Plume's Cherise Davis has bought world rights to
Roland Lazenby's April 1 6: Heartbreak in Blacksburg from agent Matthew Carnicelli. Lazenby, a jou rnalism
professor at Virginia Tech, will use the perspective of students on campus, in particular his own journalism
students who helped supply the mainstream media with information via their student-run Web site
planetblacksbu, to provide context for the events and describe the recovery and resilience of the campus
comrnunity. Three of Lazenby's students will co-author the book and a portion of the proceeds will be given to the
victims'fund at Virginia Tech and to support journalism education at the university. Plume will publish this
su mmer.

J.Christopher Clough
Director, Marketing & Strategic Communications
University Relations
Virginia Tech
1 Media Bld (0109)
Blacksburg, VA 24061

We are the Hokies. We will Prevail.

Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Thursday, October 04,2007 11:40 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Campus Warning Siren Test on Monday

For the siren file


Sent: Thursday, October 04,2007 11:06 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Subject: Campus Warning Siren Test on Monday

This is a message from Blacksburg Alert, a public notification service of the Town of Blacksburg.

Campus Warning Siren Test on Monday

Virginia Tech will test its outdoor Campus Warning Siren System on Monday, October 8 at 10 a.m.

The system will sound like an ultra-loud, long-lasting, deeper-sounding police or rescue-squad siren, followed by an audible
announcement. During this test, the audible message will be, "This is a test of the Virginia Tech Campus Warning Siren System.'

\Nhen activated, as in this test, the siren tone and audible message will last less than a minute. lt can be heard across campus as
well as in sections of the Town of Blacksburg adjacent to the university. The siren tones are not intended to penetrate into building

Virginia Tech Police has the authority to activate the Virginia Tech Campus Warning Siren System if events occur that could
potentially endanger people who are outdoors. The system could be used to alert the campus community in instances of a severe
weather event, criminal activity, large chemical spills, or any other emergency situation that calls for immediate action.

When the siren is heard, individuals should immediately go inside and consult a source of information. Those information sources

Information posted to the university homepage (Umry.VledU and

Virginia Tech News page (
Information sent using campus-wide e-mail.
lnformation sent using W Alerts (
Information broadcast on WTF-FM 89.1 and other public media outlets.
Information record on the university hotline (231-6668).

Questions and comments should be directed to John Beach, director of physical plant operations and interim director of
emergency management at

Thank you for using Blacksburg Alert. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service.
www. b lacks bu rg. g ov/ blacksbu rga lert

From: Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 9:34 AM
To: Adams, Zacharyi Beach, John
Cc: Evans, Susan
Subject: RE: FW: Comment on Campus Warning System

Thanks, Zack
Susan--for the siren sYstem file
Mark owczarski
Director of News & Information
University Relations
virginia Tech
314 Burruss Ha1l
Bl,acksburg, VA 24064
540 231 s223
maowczar@vt . edu

-----Original Message-----
From: Adams , zacharY
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 9:l-8 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Beach, ,John
Subject: RE: FW: comment on Campus Warning Sys t em

The to!a1 cost--over two grant cycles--was c1?1 ??'

The sirens emit at abou! l-27 decibefs, and are intended to prowide 80 decibel cowerage of
the main campus. Its is this loud to assure iE overcomes ambient noise (e.9. traffic,

Zack Adams, PE, csP. CIH

Occupational Safety and Health Programs Manager Co-Director, Environmental Heatth and "' ""'
SafeEy Services Virginia Tech
Phone: (540) 231-5985 Fax: (540) 231--3944 Ce11: (540) 357-5985 http : //www. ehss.vt. edu
Comments ? Please compleLe our customer service survey'
Graduation Security Coverage Areas

Friday May 11,2007

Donaldson- Brown 9:00AM - 1:00PM

Cassell Coliseum l:00PM - 5:00PM

Lane Stadium 4:30PM - 9:30PM

Saturday May 12,2007

CassellColiseum 6:00AM - 4:00PM

Bumss Hall, Auditorium 6:30AM - 4:00PM

Souires Student Center 6:30AM - 4:00PM

RMC Events will cover all events in these venues.

The lead person with RMC witl be stationed in the poiice command post for the duration
ofthe series ofevents.
Communication will be coordinated with police'
RMC will feed and transport their people to the needed locations at the noted times.


l. Housing for RMC Event StaffFriday night, May 11. Actual number of staffand
gender break down will be known by Friday Apnl 27.

2. Since the families of the victimswill be allowed their privacy at the events by
providing separate spaces for them to view the events it would be most helpful to
have some sort ofan identification procedure for them to help assist in protecting
the media etc from accessing them.

3. Checking of bags etc will be strictly for weapons and alcohol. Cameras and other
miscellaneous that may not normally be allowed into the stadium for football
games will be allowed so the parents and families of the graduates can take

lFrldav, Mav tL 2007

D€€t's Ptace (Coffee and Pastry) Dietrlck Diningf Genter, Lower Level 7:3O a.m. - 1:3O p,m.
Squires Food Coitrt - Au Bon Paln Klosk Squlres Student Center 8:0O a.m. -3:0O p.m.
.tORpS,oFTilEE$fCEmfilONY^:!*.r'i!r''.'.. , .': Gfaduate Life'Center at'Donaldson BrowniAudltorlum " ao0o€im.l
,qtmy Commissioning Graduate Ltfe Center at Donaldson Brown, Audltorium 2:OO p.m.
4.-..,.i..*,'sqrBassb.ll.cotiseum ,,,3iOOp:i6i.e*
GIRxBgKgsrcfl soFeEf,EilUlYlal"'.
Naval commbloning Squires Student Center, Colonial Hall 3:00 p.m.
Commen@ment Dlnneri D2, Dietrick Dlnlng Center, Upper Level 4:OO-ZO0 p.m.
rw$rERsfrlrcSmflEttoEmEltB0EREitloNp'iYLane"Stadlumftllorsham".field'7;iBisi:rltln!*filtfrsa6;l4f?'i:;-'?€OTti'iiiY'f i;i':$F

lsaturdav, Mav l!.2007

Commencsrnent Bflgaldast* D2, Dletdck Dining Center, Upper Level 6:3O - 9:(X) a.m.
Deet's Place (Cofiee and Pasuy) Dietrick Dlnlng Center, Lryer Level 6O0- 10:3O a.m.
Squires Food Court - Au Bon Paln l(osk Sgultes Stldent Center 7:(X) a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Sgulres Food Court - Sbano Sguires S.tudent Center 1O:3O a.m. - 3:0O p.m.

ftffiffiffif,1'tffi€t6irbes.''' ^"**"*Cassdll'toliseum' ". 11:0Oa:m.
PituflmgnEEEi'UfBuslfie€s I 4"*&'z:F' Cassell€ollseum'''a*"''"' -."*"'"2:OOp,.m.,' ,

.cassell coliseum.i,"a!def$,Ii 8:OO a:m;':'i r'!'5'|,:

Llberal Arts and llumen Sdenccs
Apparel, llouslng and
Resource Managemetrt War Memorial Gymnaslum lL:(X) a.m.
Co?nrnunlcatlon* **'€qulfiEs"studentseentei'Ostnmonweatth"Balltwm
English Shultr Dlnlng Hall 1I!:00 a.m.
For@r Lanluagps and Llteratutes TorgeGen Hall, Room Z.5O tL:OO a.m.
History War'Memorial Gymnaslum 2:00 P.m.
Human Development Graduate Life Center at Donaldson Brown, Audltorium 8:3O a.m.
. 1L:30 a.m.
lnterdisclpllnaty Studies Graduate ufs Center at Donaldson Brown, Audltorlum
Phllosophy Major Williams Hall, Atrium t-tOO a.m.
{dmatlonal€tudhe,*.'r"'5quirc6€tudent'GeRteri4ornmoRw€alth"Balhosrn 'i 2io0?:m. rii's}
glhOelgf*Educatio6*rr^ ..:s*rxr"*a*^. . Squires'Student.Center,'Brush'Mountain Room' '10:00 a:ni$'
scfen6 & Technology ln sodety L'Arche Bed and BreaKast, 3O1 Wall Street 12:0O p.m.
Soclologf, Mc€omas llall, Gyrnnasium i-O:3o a-m.
t{at$al R€ources War Memorial Gymnasium 8:3O a.m.
tsidluptdt5cience3""*'-' "''' "*'Eunuss'Hall,Audltorium-' " 2:00 P,m;"+a*'
Chemlstry Hahn Halt, Chemistry Atrium 9:O0 a,m.
Economlcs McBryde Hall, Room 1OO ll:3o a.m.
Geosclences Hancock Hall, Room 1OO 9:(X) a.m.
Mathematlcs McBryde Hall, Room Lt0o 8:30 a.m.
Physlcs Chemistry/Physi6 Bulldlng, Room l:lo L!(X) a.m.
Statistics Hillcrest Hall 1l-:0O a.m.
tl*llReEisral.Gol lege'Ef*,
Wt€ffrEr!/4\tledlcli!e"..* Squires'Student'Genter,'commonwealth Ballroom 8:3Oarmi,
Air Force Commissioningi Squires Student Center, Colonlal Hall 4:30 p.m.

lsundai. i'lav €.2007

NATIONAL CAPfiAL REGION CERETTONY George Mason Universtty, Center for the Arts, Falrfax, VA 2:30 p.m.

*Meal tickets may be purchased. For details, @ll W/23L-572L.

McCoy, Heidi
From: Ed Henneke []
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 5:30 PM
To: Ridenour, Minnis; McCoy, Heidi
Subject: Security for Com mencement Ceremonies

Dear Minnis,

Tom Gabbard, Capt. J. Albert, Dan Taylor (Commencement Director of Ushers), several members of RMC met this
morning to discuss security arrangements for the May commencement ceremonies.

My short report follows. Please let me know if you would like to have more details.

1. All commencement ceremonies on the Blacksburg Campus will be covered by Campus Police.
2. Commencement ceremonies in the larger venues: Lane Stadium, Cassell Coliseum, Burruss Auditorium,
Squires Student Center will be covered by representatives from RMC Events (the company that the Athletic
Association contracts with to handle security checks at athletic events.)
3. The specific events to be covered by RMC and Campus Police are:
Friday: Graduate Ceremony at Cassell; University Ceremony at Lane Stadium; Corps of Cadets
Ceremony and Army Commissioning at the Graduate Life Center; Naval Commissioning at Sguires
Student Center
Saturday: College of Engineering, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Business at
Cassell Coliseum; College of Architecture and Urban Studies at Burruss Auditorium; Biological Sciences,
Psychology at Bunuss Auditorium; Air Force Commissioning at Squires Student Center.

Again, all other ceremonies will also be covered by Campus police officers only.
4. Karen Akers, Director of the National Capital Region has been asked to communicate with the George Mason
University Campus Police to make similar arrangements for the W graduate ceremony on Sunday, May 13.
5. Searches will be conducted of all purses, handbags, backpacks, etc. Prohibited items are weapons, knives with
blades > 4 inches, alcohol.
6. Families of the recipients of posthumous degrees should be credentialed with an lD card so that the security
people can direct them to the respective safe rooms where they can stay until time for the ceremony to begin.
7. Ed Henneke is communicating with VP Hincker to discuss arrangemenls for media access and control.


Edmund G. Henneke, Ph.D

Associate Dean. Research and Graduate Studies
College of Engineering
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24060
(540\ 231-9171
From: Anicoche GySgt Frank NMN Jr. []
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 2:00 AM
Subject: VA-ALERT: Not mad enough about W? Read this!
Signed By: There are problems with the signature. Click the signature button for details.

Mr. Hincker,
">>Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bif l- was
>>defeated. 'tI'm sure the university community is appreciative of the
>>ceneral Assenibly's actions because this will help parents, students,
>>faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.rr
How did the defeat of House BilI 15?2 possibly help the 32 victims ? ! A11 it
kiI1er to k111
did was continue to disarm law-abiding citizens. and AL.,LOW anarhrnc
32 of your students unchallenged! If this bill had passed, :
1aw-abiding firearms owner such as myself would've stopped the ki1Ier long
before he got to his 32nd victim. When I wag stationed in vr"rganaa, l.
carried everywhere I coufd legally bear arms.
There's a big difference between "fee1ing" safe and actually BEING safe.

Semper fidelis,
--- --original Message-----
>>Subject; VA-AIERT: Not mad enough about VT? Read Ehisl

>>vcDL' s Gun Dealer Legal Defense Fund -- trelp fight Mayor Bloombergrs
>>scheme to cripple Virginia firearms dealers. see:
> >www. wcdl . org/ index . hEmf #De f ens eFund

>>To unsubscribe or change your email address, please fol-Iow the

>>directions at the end of this message.

>> From ,January 37, 2006 t

>>rrHouse 1,572 didn't ge! lhrough the House Committee on Militia,
>>Police and public Safety. It died Monday in the subcommittee stage.
>>the first of several hurdfes bi1ls must overcome before becoming laws.

>>Virginia Tech spokesman L,arry llincker was happy to hear the bifl was
>>defeated. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the
>>General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students,
>>facufty and visitors feel" safe on our camPus. rl

>>weLl, Mr. Hincker - are you stsi1] happy? Militia. Po1ice, and Pub1ic
>>safety committee - still think you did the right thj-ng?

>>ht tp : / / www . roanoke . com/ news / roanoke /wb/wb/xp - 5 0 5 5 8

>><http : / /www. roanoke . com/ news / roanoke / wb/ wb /xp - 5 055 8 >
Hoyle, Theresa
Sent: Thursday, May 17,2007 3:37 PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Policy Memorandum from President Charles Steger

Presidential Policy Memorandum No. 241-

To: AlL Virginia Tech Employees

FROM: Charfes w. Steqer

DATE : May 16 , 200'7

SUB,JECT: Handling Information Requests About Event.s of April L6, 2007

Approved by the President: May 15, 2OO7

Effective Date: Immediately
Expiration Date: Indefinite - to be deterrnined
As you know, Governor Kaine has appoint.ed an independent Virginia Tech Review Panel
("the Massengiff Panel" ) to review Ehe events of April 15 and the surrounding
circumstances. The Panel has retained the assislance of a private consulting company,
TriData Corporation, in conducting the review.
As I slated in my comments Eo E.he Panel last week in Richmond, the university will
prowide al-1 information requested to assure a comprehensive review. To accomplish this,
your assistance is needed,
In order to ensure an orderly and complete response to requests for information from
the Pane1, I have appoinEed Lenv/ood Mccoy to serve as the university's liaison with the
Pane1. Mr, McCoy is a very exlrerienced retired employee who is highly respected and
very knowledgeable about lhe univers j-ty. Mr. Mccoy will cfear and coordinatse all
responses to requests for information relatsive to the events of April 16, including
t.hose that originate from individuals or groups other than the Panel.
Most requests Lo you or your uniE for informaEion abouE the events of April 15 will
come from Mr. Mccoy, and you should respond fully to his requests. However, if you
receive a request from elsewhere, do not. respond directly; rather, forward the request
to Mr. Mccoy. You may contact Mr. Mccoy at mccoy@vt. edu or 540-23L-0055. There are to
be no exceptions Lo this process.
As you can wel-l appreciate, Ehere are a number of federal and state laws, as weff as
oEher Iegal considerations, associated with what information t.he university can provide
and under what circumstances. Regret.tably, we expect that there wilf afso be
individuals pretending to be associated with the review who may attempt to get
information from you. Mr. Mccoy can ensure that the university complies with applicabte
laws relative to the release of information and can also verify the identities of those
making legitimate requests.
Finally, I ldant to advise you of three internal working groupE that I hawe established
to help us determine what steps the university can take to lessen the risk of such
tragedies in Ehe future. They are:
Te l- ecommuni c aL i ons
Infrastructure -- Iocki-ng systsems, surveillance, etc,
TnLerface between Counseling, Judicj.aL Affairs. Academic Affairs, and the 1ega1 system.
Let me reiteraEe that Mr. Mccoy will clear and coordinate all responses to requests for
information relative to the events of epril L5, including t.hose that originate from
t.hese workj,ng groups, the Panef, or any other individuafs or groups.
Further, let me also take this opporEuniEy to remind you that:

AlL r.equesEs for informatsion made under the Freedom of Information laws shoufd be
referred immediacely co University Legal Counsel : Kay Heidbreder, heidbred@vt. edu,

As standard pracEice, alL media requests for information should continue to be referred
to University Relations: Larry Hincker (Hincker@vt. edu, 231-5395) or Mark Owcz arski
(maowczar@vt . edu, 23I-52231 .

Mos! importantly, thank you for your aEeistance and suppor! during these difficult
Page 1ofl

Evans, Susan

Sent: Monday, APril 23, 2007 6:22 PM
Subject: History Grade "F"

Three kinds of people in the world: Sheep, Wolves,and Sheep Dogs. Your actions defanged and muzzeled any Sheep Dogs that
might have been on your campus.
Read what Thomas Jefferson had to say about your actions.
University Gas is the worst greenhouse gas on the planet.

Larry Hincker

Hincker is the associate vice president ficr university relations at Virginia Tech.

After the fear, and dare I say, panic from the events of Aug.21 , it is absolutely mind-boggling to see the opinions of Bradford
Wles ("Unarmed and vulnerable," Aug. 31).

I once worked for an out-of{ouch managerwho gave rather absurd directions. My colleagues and I would do as directed and
dubbed it "malicious compliance," knowing the task to be inane and the manager's foibles would soon be apparent.

The editors of this page must have printed this commentary if for no other reason than malicious compliance. Surely, they
scratched their heads saying, "l can't believe he really wants to say that."

\Mles tells us that he didn't feel safe with the hundreds of highly trained officers armed with high powered rifles encircling the
building and protecting him. He even implies that he needed his sidearm to protect himself against the ofticers.

On that fateful Monday, campus was understandably on edge. Elvis-type sightings of the escaped prisoner around campus were
rampant. People were legitimately concerned about where he might be. And although the police were relatively confident they had
the suspect cornered (they were ultimately proved right), the anxiety level elsewhere on campus was very high.

Panic calls from within the Squires Student Center quickly morphed from facts into rumors, including a frantic call alleging a
hostage situation. The police had no choice but to move a massive force from the manhunt site to that side of campus to deal with
the hostage rumor.

The writer would have us believe that a univercity campus, with tens of thousands of young people, is safer with everyone packing
heat. lmagine the continual fear of students in that scenario. We've seen that fear here, and we don't want to see it again.

Vvho among us thinks the writer of the commentary would not have been directly in harm's way if he showed himself to those
tactical squ-ads while displaying a deadly weapon? Would he even be here today to tell us the story? Contrary to his position, the
writefs commentary actually gives credence to the university policy preventing weapons in classrooms.

Guns don't belong in classrooms. They never will. Virginia Tech has a very sound policy preventing same.

See what's free at

Page I ofl

Evans, Susan

Sent: Monday, APril 23, 2007 6'.22 PM
Subject: History Grade "F"

Three kinds of people in the world: Sheep, Wolves,and Sheep Dogs. Your actions defanged and muzzeled any Sheep Dogs that
might have been on your campus.
Read what Thomas Jefferson had to say about your actions.
University Gas is the worst greenhouse gas on the planet.

Larry Hincker

Hincker is the associate vice president for university relations at Virginia Tech.

After the fear, and dare I say, panic from the events of Aug. 21, it is absolutely mind-boggling to see the opinions of Bradford
\Mles ("Unarmed and vulnerable," Aug. 31).

I once worked for an out-of{ouch manager who gave rather absurd directions. My colleagues and I would do as directed and
dubbed it "malicious compliance," knowing the task to be inane and the manager's foibles would soon be apparent.

The editors of this page must have printed this commentary if for no other reason than malicious compliance. Surely, they
scratched their heads saying, "l can't believe he really wants to say that."

Wles tells us that he didn't feel safe with the hundreds of highly kained officcrs armed with high poweed rifles encircling the
building and protecting him. He even implies that he needed his sidearm to protect himself against the officers.

On that fateful Monday, campus was understandably on edge. Elvis-type sightings of the escaped prisoner around campus were
rampant. People were legitimately concerned about where he might be. And although the police were relatively confident they had
the suspect cornered (they were ultimately proved right), the anxiety level elsewhere on campus was very high.

Panic calls from within the Squires Student Center quickly morphed from facts into rumors, including a frantic call alleging a
hostage situation. The police had no choice but to move a massive force from the manhunt site to that side of campus to deal with
the hostage rumor.

The writer would have us believe that a universig campus, with tens of thousands of young people, is safer with everyone packing
heat. lmagine the continual fear of students in that scenario. We've seen that fear here, and we don't want to see it again.

Who among us thinks the writer of the commentary would not have been directly in harm's way if he showed himself to those
tactical squads while displaying a deadly weapon? Would he even be here today to tell us the story? Contrary to his position, the
writer's commentary actually gives credence to the university policy preventing weapons in classrooms.

Guns don't belong in classrooms. They never will. Virginia Tech has a very sound policy preventing same.

See what's free at

7 /17 t2007
From: Anonymous Ibitbucket@secu ritypu]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 12:30 AM
Subject: Just wanted to thank vou

welI, I do hope that you're still happy HB 1572 didn't pas8. Thanks to you and your
uniwersity's regufations, thirty two people are now dead. Stil1 think that "..parents.
students, faculty and visitors feel safe on [your] campus?" Thanks to your policies, 32
students were sitting ducks for a murderer. See LitEle Larry, criminafs don't give a good
God damn about rules and regulations. Only innocent, 1aw abiding people do, the kind of
people that are starting t'o get cold in the morgue. Their blood is on your hands. Still

This e-mail was sent anonymously. Do not reply to it.

If Ehis e-mai1 contains any threatening or harassing content, please visit
hLtp : / /www . se curi typunk . com/ ma i 1e r/ abu se . hax

t,&". ,,.j.- .
From: Anonymous Ibitbucket@securitypunk. com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 12:25 AM
Subject: Just wanted to thank you

We11, I do hope that you're still happy HB 1572 didn't pasa. Thanks to you and your
university,s regulations, thirty t'wo people are now dead. Still think that 'r..parents,
students, faculty and visitors feel safe on lyour] campus?" Thanks to your policies, 32
students were sitting ducks for a murderer. See LittLe Larry, criminals don't give a good
God damn about rules and regulations. Only innocent, 1aw abj-ding people do, the kind of
people that are starting to get cold in the morgue. Their blood is on your hands. Sti1l

This e-mail vras sent anonymous Iy. Do not reply Eo it.

If this e-mai1 contsains any lhreatening or harassing content, please visit
http : //www. securitypunk. com/mailer/abuse. hax
Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: Apple[applegaffney@gmailcom]
Sent: MondaY, APril 16, 2OO7 3:20 PM
Subject: WttY?

Jan 21, 2006

HB Lsi?. which would have atlowed handguns on college campuses, died in subcommittee'
By Greg Esposito 381-1675

A bill that would have given college students and employees the rlght b carry handguns on campus dled wlth nary a shot being fired In the
General A*sembly'

House Bill 1572 didn't get through the House Committee on Militia, Pollce and Public Safety. It died Monday In tfie subcommittee stage, the
firct of several hurdles bills must ov€rcome beforc becoming laws.
The bill was proposed by Del, Todd Gilberq R-shenandoah county, on b€half of the virginia odzens De bnse Leaguc. Gllbert was unavallablc
I'tonOay and ipokesmanGary Frink would not comment on the bill's defeat other than to say the issue was dead for this General Assembly

Virglnia Tech spokesman Larry Hlncker was happy to hear the bill was def€ated, "l'm sure the university conmunlty ls apprcciative of the
Geieral Assem-bly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."

Del, Dave Nutter, R-Christiansburg, would not comment Monday because he was not part ofthe subcommittee that discussed the bill'

Most universiues in Mrginia require students and employees, other than police, to check their guns with police or campus security upon
entering campus. The l6gislagon was designed to prohibit public universities from making "rules or regulations limiUng or abridging the ability
of a stu-dent who possesses a valid concealed handgun permit ,,, from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun."

The legislation allowed for erceptions for participants in athleuc events, storage of guns in rcsidence halls and milltary training programs.

Last spring a Virginia Tech student was disciplined for bringing a handgun to class, despite having a concealed handgun permit. Some gun
ownerc qu.stionld the university's authority, while the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police came out against the presence of guns on
In June, Tech's governing board approved a violence prevention policy r€iterating its ban on students or employees carrying guns and
prohibiting visitors from bringing th€m into campus facilities'

You did nothing more than create unarmed victims

Page I of 1

Evans, SuEan

Sent: Monday, APril 16, 2007 2:14PM
Subject: Do the 20+ dead students "feel" safe now?

"A bill that would have given college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with
nary a shot being fired in the General Assembly."

"Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated' "I'm sure the university
community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and
visitors feel safe on our campus."

When will people leam. Creating a defenseless, criminal empoyerment zone IS NOT THE ANSWER!

The blood of those dead students is partially on your hands. I hope you rcalize that "disarming" everybody there is
faulty. I really do. It is not worth the lives of your students to stick to a political agenda or refuse to face the facts.

This is a sad, tragic event that never should have happened and certainly should not be allowed to happen again!

AOL now offers fiee email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at'

7 /r7 /2007 .ds4reii:rlnt r{!!-n

Evans, Susan
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 12:30 PM

va=h t-hF f p.'h community real1y feels "safe" today! Maybe you should rethink your idiotic
pol icy .

-^!- LE shot down by panel

L-.i i I
^.-- r.rrr r 9s
HB L572, which wou]d have allowed handquns on colleqe camDuses, died in subcommitEee.
By Greg Espos ito
It -L-_LO /)

A bill tshat would hawe given college students and employees the right to carry handgrrns on
campus died with nary a shot. being fired in the ceneral Assembly.
House Bill l-572 didn't get through the House Committee on Militsia, Police and Publ-ic
Safely. It died Monday in the subcommittee stage, the first of several hurdles bilLs musE
overcome before becoming laws.
The bill was proposed by Del . Todd cilbert, R-Shenandoah County, on behaff of the Virginia
Citizens Defense League. Gilbert was unavailable Monday and spokesman Gary Frink would not
comment on the bilf's defeat other than to say the issue was dead for this General
Assembly session.
Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated.
'Irm sure the university community is appreciative of the ceneral Assembl-y's actions
because this wilt hetp parents. students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.rl
Del, Dave Nutter, R- Christ iansburg, would not comment Monday because he was not part of
tshe subcommittee that. discussed the bif1.
Most universities in Virginia require students and employees, other than police, to che ck
their guns with police or campus security upon entering campus. The legislation was
designed to prohibit public universities from making "rules or regulations limiting
abridging the ability of a students r.,/ho possesses a valid concealed handgun permit . from
lawfuJ-Iy carrying a conceafed handgun. "
The legislation allowed for exceptions for parEicipants in athletj-c events, storage of
guns in residence halls and military training programs.
Irast spring a Virginia Tech student was disciplined for bringing a handgun to class,
despite having a concealed handgun permit. Some gun ovrners questioned the university' g
auchority, whil-e the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police came out aqainst the
presence of guns on campus.
Tn ,.fune, Tech's gowerning board approved a violence prevention policy reiterating iEs ban
on stsudents or empfoyees carrying guns and prohiblting visitors from bringing them into
campus facilities.
From: Aziz Matar [aziz@swift g Io bal. com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 2:18 AM
Subject: Gun bill gets shot down by panel

Mr. Hincker,
Remember the gun bill -- house bill l-572 which was shot down l-..
!t ' rl"ra
errv i':arar= l As s embly?
Here ' s a f rj.endly reminder:

January 3a, 2006 - Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bi 11, was
defeaLed. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assen cl-y ' s
actions because tshis wifl hefp parents, students. faculty and visitors feel safe on our
campus . "

Lets be realistic. You were happy to hear that carrying personal protection was banned for
licensed, law-abiding citizens. This is a shame. Had thats bill been approved' 32 people
may not have Losg their lives on Monday morning. Did you actuafly t.hink criminaLs are
going to abide by your campus gun laws?
cuns don,t kill people, people kitl people. In fact, the deadliest school killing in this
country did nots involve a gun. Read up Mr.
Hincker: http : / /www. answers . com/ topic/bath- school -disaster
I hope yeseerday's terrible tragedy wilf be a r^rake-up-ca11 for your general assembly to
reconsider the ban on personal protection. Had Co given students the essentiaf right. of
personal proEection, we may not have lost as many lives Monday morning.
Aziz tq.
swift Globa1
this email message and any attachments to it, is intended onl-y for the individual or
entity to which iE is addressed and may conEain confidential and/or privileged material .
Any unauthorj-zed review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the
intended recipient, or the employee or agent respons.ible for defivering it to the inlended
recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy aII copies of the
original message. If you are the intended recipient, but do not wish to receive
communication through t.his medium, please so advise the sender immediately.
Page l ofl

Evans, Susan

From: Barrow, Bruce]

Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 10:09 AM
Subject: Bradford Wles article

Dear Sir:

In your response to Bradford Wiles opinon piece in the student newspaper you said the editors must have published his
piece out of "malicious compliance." What does that mean? Is Mr. Wiles not entitled to his considered opinion?
Aren't the organs ofjoumalism under some obligation to publish samples of the broad spectrum of opinion in a free
society? What are you afraid of?

Returning to my original question, What does "malicious compliance" mean? The editors hated to do it, but complied
with journalism ethics by publishing Mr. Wiles artilce? Thank you for any light you may be able to shed on this
peculiar turn of phrase.


Bruce Barrow
303 Ashumet Road
East Falmouth,Ma02536
508-398-2231. Ext. 251

Page I of I

Evans, Susan

Froml BD[]
Sent: TuesdaY, APril 17, 2007 2:36 AM
Subject: Your statements

Mr. Hincker,

I have just read over a few of your comments after the defeat of a bill in the Virginia legislature that would've allowed those that
had went through the necessary training and documentation to carry a conc€aled weapon. lt looks as though you were
STRONGLY opposed to its passage, even to the point of writing an Op-Ed in the newspaper. When you.made the comment
about "how appreciative the univeisity community is about the defeat of the bill because it will help parents, students, faculty and
visitors feel sbie on our campus," I am wondering if you would like to re-think those words. After today it is plainly evident that
your faculty or anyone else in the "university community" didn't do a whole helluva lot to protect those students you have inyour
tharge. Would y6u like the opportunity to revise and extend your remarks on the subject and admit to people the awful truth that
ever! person has to be responsible for their OWN safety. After seeing how you weren't able to protect those kids in your charge
and your "Universig community" may have had a hand in adding to the death toll by not telling stay inside, lwould
say you sir are in Nb POSITION to be making ANY statements about being safe. Just think if there would've been 1 or 2 students
ori'iofessors in that building that were legally carrying a concealed weapon today, you might not have to make that awful phone
call to as many parents as you had to today.

I am sad for you and the entire community at Virginia Tech and Blacksburg'My prayers go out to those that have lost their life
and had to witness the horror a mad man brought upon your campus today. May God give you and the community strength to
face the very difficult days ahead. We grieve with you all for your loss.


From: Ben]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 12:09 PM
Subject: Virginia Tech safety - please read

Helfo sir, I know you musts be getting a 10! of nhaten mail from gun fanatics, But please
don't delete this. I'm just another person like you.
when I learned that the conceafed weapons Permi! (cwP) bill was denied. and that you
thoughE people would feef safer withouE having Iaw-abiding citizens help protect the
campus, my heart became verY sad.
Do you realize that if there were law-abiding concealed handgun carrying citizens there
yesterday (just as the bill would have allowed) , thaE many lives coul"d have been saved?
bo you realize that in places where CwPrs are allowed, violent crime rates are lower?
Criminals do not obeY }aws.
CWp holders have extensive background checke & training, and are not criminals.
If a criminal knows law-abiding citizens *might'* be carrying conceaLed weapons somewhere,
they are less 1ikely to try something in that place, because they don'E know who might be
tshere !o defend themselves.
But... if they Io{oW a place doesn't a1low law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and
others, then it's an open playing field for them. It only cakes a tiny bit of logical
thought to think this through.
I plead with you, please think abouE this. I am a Iaw-abiding citizen who carries
wherever it,s lega} . As our S.C. 1aw states, my gun is kept hj.dden and nobody knows I
trave it buL me. Because of thi.s, myself and others around me are safer in those places.
But I'm always wary around places that do now al1ow carr?, simply for the fact that f know
that criminals do NOT obey 1aws, and WILL bring guns to the exact places I'm not affowed
to protect myself and others.
Try to have a good daY,
ci naara l rr
Ben Jordan
Greenville, SC
Page I of2

Evans, Susan

From: on behalf of ,A19'1 l

Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 3:05 PM
To: api@molon labe. net
Subject: API: Wanted: A culture of self-defense

great article... ..

Wanted: A culture of self-defense

By Michelle Malkin April 18, zooz u:za AM

Mv column this week:

There's no polite way or time to say it: American college and universities have become _coddle industrie.s.-Big Nanny
administrators oversee speech codes, segregrated dorms, politically eorrect academic departments, and designated "safe spaces"
to protcot students selectively from hurtftil (consewative) opinions-while allowing mob rule for approved leftist positions
(textbook case: Columbia University's anti-Minutcman Project protesters).

Instead of teaching students to defend their beliefs, American educators shield them from vigorous intellectual debate. Instead
of encouraging aufonomy, our higher institutions oflearning stoke passivity and conflict-avoidance.

And as the erosion ofintellectual self-defense goes, so goes tle erosion of physical self-defense.

As news was breaking about the carnage at Virginia Tech, a reader e-mailed me a news story from last January'. State legislators
in Virsinia had attempted to pass a bill that would have eased handgun restrictions on college campuses. Opposed by
outspoken, anti-gun activists and Virginia Tech administrators, that bill failed.

Is it too early to ask: "What if.)" What if that bill had passed? What if just one student in one of those classrooms had been in
la*drl possession of a concealed weapon for the purpose of self-defense?

If it wasn't too early for Keystone Katie Couric to be jumping all over campus security yesterday for vvhat they
woulda/coulda/shoulda clone in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, and if it isn't too early for the New York Times
editorid board to be publishing its knee-jerk call for rnore gun control, it darned well isn't too eally for me to raise questions
about how the unrepentant anti-gun lobbying of college officials may have put students at risk.

The back story: Virginia Tech had punished a student for bringrng a handgun to class last spring-despite the fact that tlle
student had avalid concealed handgun permit. 'Ibe bill would have barred public universities from making "rules or regulations
limiting or abridging the ability of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun permit ... from lanfuliy carrying a
conceaied handgun." After ttre proposal died in subcommittee, the school's governing board roitorated its ban on students or
employees carrying guns and prohibiting risitors from bringing them into campus buildings.

[,ate last sumner, a shooting near campus prompted students to clamor again for loosening campus ntles against armed self-
defense. Virginia Tech officials turned up their noses. In response to student Bradford Wiles's campus newspaper op-ed piece in
support of concealed carry on campus, Virginia Tech associate vice president Larry Hincker scoff'ed:

"[I]t is absolltely mind-boggling to see the opinions of Bradford Wiles...The editors of this page must have printed this
commentary if for no other reason than malicious compliance. Surely, they scratched their heads saying, 'I can't believe he really
wants to say that.' Wiles tells us that he didn't feel safe with the hundreds of highly trained officers armed n'ith high powered
rifles encircling the building and protecting him. He even implies that he needed his sidearm to protect himself."

The nerve!

Hincker contimred: 'The writer would have us believe that a university campus, with tens of thousands of young people, is safer
with everyone packing heat. Imagine the continual fear of students in that scenario. We've seen that fe ar here, and'lve don't
want to see it again...Guns don't belong in classrooms. 'Ihey never will. Virginia Tech has a very sound policy preventing same."

Page 2 of2
Who's scratching his head now, Mr. Hincker?

Some high-handed commentators insist it's premature or unseemly to examine the impact of school rules discour-aging_students
fi-on cairying arms on campus. Pundit Andriw Sullivan complained
fi-om highlight reader
complainCd that it was "creepy" to highlight readcr e-mails calli
attentionio ihe
the Virginia
Vireinia Tech's
TeCh's restrictions on student self-dCfcnse-even Gun Violen
Bradv Camoaien to Prevent Gun,Viglence
self-defense-even as the Brad)'
rushed to capitalize on the massacre to sign up new members and gather e-mail addresses for Million Mom Marc! c apters.
"We are outraged by the increase in gun violence in America, especially the recent shooting at Virginia onlir
Virginia Tech," reads the online
petition. "Add your name to tle growing list of people who are saying 'Enough Is Hnough!"'

Enough is elough, indeed. Enough of intellectual disarrnament. Enough of physical disarmament, You want a safer campus? It
beginl rtith .en6*ing a culture of self-defense*miud, spirit, and body. lt begins with two u'ords: Fight back.

See what's free at

Page 1 of 1

Evans, Susan

From: Ben Burroughs [benburroughs2000@yahoo.coml

Sent: SundaY, APtil 22,2007 8:28 AM
Subject: Fwd: API: Wanted: A culture of self-defense
Attachments: API: Wanted: A culture of self-defense

How does it feel to be responsible?

Note: forwarded message attached.

Ahhh...imagining that inesistible "new car" smell?

Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos.

7 /r112007
From: Sabrin, Amy []
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 10:03 AM
To: Heidbreder, Kay
Cc: McCoy, Lenwood
Subject: RE: Records Request to Virgnia Tech from the Virginia Tech Review Panel

Thanks Kay. As rrorr

y \-rLr knnr^r-
r\rr\rw, the
urr\:. P:nal i s r^rork'i nc totnr:rd en A'rortst cleadl-ine so
#harr naad I haqa materlafs as soon as possible. We will be in touch
Thursday, and we :nnrcr-i:f o :l l rrnrrr heln-

Amy Sabrin
Skadden, Arps/ S1ate, Meagher & Flom LLP 1440 New York Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20005
202-311.-'t 699

-----n ri rri
v!rYfrrqf nr'l Maqq.ano-----
From: Heidbreder, Kay]
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 200"1 6:03 PM
vq!!f rrl rgrrl'

r-.. Mr-C.)\/ - T,cnw.'.)d

L]-IJJ s!- L R!'. Rar'.\rdq
J-\-]J Rcrrrreqt
r\sYuer ta \/i rcn i: Tech f rom tha \/i rcli ni a Ter:h Review

I have been out of the office for a few days. f will be back Thursday abd
will check on whether T have al-l- the records to send as soon as I get I--^t-

Sent from my Goodl,lnk synchronized handheld (www.good'com)

-----Ari rri n: i Moqq:atF-----

From: Sabrin, Amy []
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 03:12 PM Eastern Standard Time
'Fn. lloi rlhradar Rerr
C r-. Mr-e nrr . T,enwnOd
t !vr4v' v

arr'rri anf .
uuvJUvL Ptr' Ra...\r.lq RFarrrcqf ta) rzi rnn i r Tan}r f rnm 1- hc \7i rrri n i e
'1 ecn Kev]-ew faner
fta-: r _r{: rr srrv
rnd T.anr^rnnd
vvu! arel !vrrvvvvs,

.r'1.^ 1-h^'l
rqrlg.L 1^-r
llct- rLts
cLJJ.'sLr mc r\J!
f or :n ell nd:f e nn :n\/
\..F,uq ctrrrJ nr.)oress reCla rdi nO the feCOfdS
-LllY urvY!u
!v\asvv from -.,.
'*rVrlr-Lcl Ter-h
I \-\/rl r Can rrntt
\,crr.r Jvu nirze
me a st ^r''^
rrLu c1 ", uct uLrD -^^^-f
!syvJ.u ^n +he
\Jll L-.

!Y\4LrE,r Ac
r1J nrirrinal
rtLJ v!!vtrr amai I r.Ler1\-r\./rrEqt
meni- innerl- i f there
r! :ra an\,/ dor-ttmenl- q \/a)ll
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yJ-YClDg dr- 1'f L- senr]
DLCt! i ncl them on s: !vrrrrry
!>srr!.rrrlY rnl Iincl l-l:si s-

Thank vou so much,

n-., c! -1--.i
uat rrrr -
Skadden, Arps, Slate- Mc:aher e FIom LLP 1440 New York Avenue NW
vl ct Jlr-! r !9 L\.,/rr / c. 20005

From: Kay Heidbreder [mailto: heidbredGvt. edu]

(on1-' F-ri
r!lsqy/ cl:rr . ,Itrte ?? . 2OO1 12:57 PM
To: Sabrin, Amy
Cc: McCoy, Lenwood
errl-ri s\--.
JLr!J Po.
r\s, Ro..\r.lq
l\r-u\-,/rlr;t Rccrrreqj-
r\sYt-lso to \/i rcrni e Tech f rom f he \/i rcri ni: Ter:h ReVieW
Pane I


I received your list. It witt take a few days to determine the status
of these records. Once we have further informati-on, I will let you
know. fn addrtion, Virginia Tech wj-l-l- send the records to the members of
LlIs M:cconrri
t'rcrJJsrrlj-!rf I I n:ncl
yqrrsr rhrnrrr.rh
url!vqYrr T enr^ronrl Mr-Corr-
, tha
urrv clesionated
gvv4Yr'e noinf of
Thank you. Kay.

on 6/21 /0'7 12232 PM, "Sabri-n, Amy" (> wrote:

Dear Kay,
It was a pleasure speaking wich you yesterday. Per your request' as
counsel-to and on behal-f of the Vrrginia Tech Review Panel, we are listing
below the records the Panel would like to obtain from the University.
aIJIJ!s!,-!crL9o eJ. es l-ha
:?-gqur)/ lru annrpr-i
Thc P.anel crra:f urt9 Iinirze-sitvr-
vrr-l-v9-o-LLi/ o ^^^*^-^r'r
L \J \J p l: ! cr L ^- r rrr
J- \J r '- thiS
matter. We understand based on our conversation yesterday that you see no
I errel rr,'yvsf
rEYqr imnediment
rrLUrr u ]-n rlier-lnqinrr these reCOfdS tO the Panel, apaft frOm a
nnj-anr-i:l .!r.JLrv L^+ 6-''
i qqrre fulrdL --; -^
ILIOy CtIIDs '.'i
wILrr+l r.p621.l
r-sycLr!,. n uurtlyu.,
j-L\J nnl i
r:Amntrq yvrfve r:c rer:OrC'lS in
n^qqcssion ancl eontrof of the State Police.

If there are any records listed below that Virginia Tech does not
have, or which no longer exist, or which have already been provided in
fu1l, please .Iet us know.
The Panel requests the following records from Virginia Tech, relevanl
to the Panef ' s review:
1. Physical and mental health records, including but not l-imited

AII records ralatinrr fn Sueng-Hui Cho ("Cho") held by

Cook Counseling Center that have not been previously released to the
Panel, incl-uding but not limited to Carilion St. Albans Psychiatric
Hospital discharge records

AII Cook Counseling Center phone records reLating to

Records \,1\rUllltLglILl-IrV i nrr t^anlr

Annrrrnont- v\J\-rt\ l^nrrnqa l i ncr Cenf er nnl i r-i es anrj
rnn arlr r ra c r^rhon:
r.r student is referred for treatment from a source outside
+l-\6 rrni rrorqi f rr

* AI1 records documenting the Care Team's knowledge of

ulI(J ctllLr --,,
---r dlly raf L-l-\-,r1ro
ctl- i ^ns taken
uqr\srr bvJ f he tcen
,., v|i th re.'a rcl tO ChO

* Records documenting the role, policies and procedures

of the Care Team, including but not limited to procedures for how a
rnrrt-ino !sYu\-\)
J-\JtlLlIrc rarrrraqt ie tri:crer]
!qy\'q f-: rc Tcem-
to 1-he \/cr!g IECrrrLt the.i
urrerr 1 drrf ies- r,rhether fheV
maintain logs of contacts or requests, and how they promote awareness ln
faculty and students about their existence
Materials used by Lhe University for raising student
awareness concerning substance abuse and mental- health issues on campus'
includinq but not limited to advertisements, promotional materiafs, or
informational materials about campus resources

* A11 other records documenting Cho's physical or mental

uvrr s! urvrr/ .\r interaction with campus health or mental health resources,
to the extent nnt
rrv u nrerri
tJ! v
nrrql rr nfOVided

Law enforcement and disciplinary records, includrng buc not limited

nll)/ufJvl ci i sr-i nl i nA rv rc..)rds rel :f i no to Cho

Any campus police records relating to Cho

r )/ !ronnrd<
r--rr Evv! e dnr-rrmant i nrr r-crmn'l :infs hrr .stttalents of
undesired ..\n1-^r-f
u\-/II|-(.r\/\- l-rrr
L/j Chn
vrr\-/, _ a-.i cac lngaglg

\JUIIS! llni rrersi i-r.Jrr tsl/\Jl-\-r'J reclercl i no f-hn
rcr-orrls !syq.J-qrrJY vrrv, inr-l rrcl i n.t but not l-imlted
Cho's admission fiIe, including his applicatj-on,
recommendations and high school records submitted to the University in
connecrion with his application and admission to Virginia Tech

* anrr ran6p6lq cclnte i n i ncr Cho I sv pmer.rFn.\/

vlLLv! Y vrrv]


Any records showing Cho's course registrationf
schedules, grades and attendance records

* Records identifying the Resident Advisors in any

dormitories where Cho lived while at Virqinia Tech

* Anv rer-Ords Of ChO'S mee+ i nnc r.ri f h :n:rlarliC adviSOrS

* Anv rcr:ords of chors i nrrc r.ri
meel-l:]rYv +h +l-ra nean of students
or other university officials

Any records of Chors interactions with residentlal
advisors or moni-tors
Any of Cho's wr-rj-ngs submirted to faculty members, I
i nn l rrrl i nn but not limited to Professor Rov

Anrr nnJ- eq m:dc lrrr f ar:rrl tv or staf f members abouL Chots

conduct in class or on campus

Anrr cm: i I q cent hrr Cho o f :r-rrl f \/ 01. admi-ni st rati-on


Arrr rer-nrdq rel:fino fo Chors ar:r:eSs to information

l- anlr n n l nrrrr resources at Vi-rqinia Tech
* Any records of Chots use of his "Hokie Passport fD
card/ " including but
not limited to information about buildings he
ar-r-aqqed - nn Anri I ? -16.
t9, 2Q01 .
* Any records rel-ating to Cho's access to library
resources at Virginia Tech

, .
* Anrr -er:orrJs rel at i ncr to Cho t s contact or involvement
with extracurricular organizations at Virginia Tech, including but not
l-imited to contact with any campus religious organizations, to the extent
the University has such documents in its custody, possession or control

understand that gathering some of these materials may take longer

than others. As you know, however, the Governor has asked the Panel to
qrrhmit : nre'iminarrr rFnnrf l'r r.r thc enrl of Aranrsf - Ar-nnrr'l i rr-rl rr- hta wou]d

^*^-^^r ^r-^
I |
L<: -LL
; € the materials \-crrr he nrorri
can rJs IJJ-vv f cled
q\,u to
Lv l--he Panel- as Soon as L

possible and on a rolling basis. In other words/ as soon as the University

r-o,r :nrr
orrj nf f ha ro^^-.,l-
!el-\J!\.lJ --.-.i I -'hl J-9,
ctVctIIctt ^ hl ^--^ -+-e+
JLO!L F^h.ii nrr furrsrtr.
OEirr\.r-LrrY hcm
Therr shorrl cl he sent Via Federaf Exnrtrqs to thc P:nef at the address

Co1. Gerafd Massengill

..L ^.iI
\- I I Ct I ---^ r r , \t.i
I L r V -r!gf
Ct ni:
rr.ti rr!cr Ter:h
r \-urr Rerzi
1\\2 v rg eW Panel
c/o TriData, a division of
System Planning Corp.
l-000 Wilson Boulevard, 3Oth Floor
Arlington I VA 22209
Phone: 703-351-8300
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about
anv of these resuests.
mL-^l-,,^,,J<' yuu,
r ttdtr

lrnrr Qal-rri n
Skadden. Arns. Slatc. Me:chcr ,c trlom LLP

1440 New York Avenue NW '

VVd)IrIrr9 L(Jrr, n
!r. /a
\'. 20005
202-31L-1 699

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^--l'l r -*l
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nri nt-nrr+
Further information about the firm, a list of the Partners and their
professional qualifications will be provided upon request.

Kay Heidbreder
Virginia Tech 327 Burruss Hatl Btacksburg, VA 24061 540-231'-6293

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Further i-nformation about the firm, a llst of the Partners and their
professional qualifications will be provided upon request.
Evans, Susan
From: Chris [chayes@paducahprintin]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 10:52 AM
Subject: you were in the news last August and September, too

ht tp : / /www . vdare . corn/mafkin/ 07 o 4L7 self defense. htsm

no need to reply
Page I of 1

Evans, Susan

From: Chris Jones []

Sent: Tuesday, April 17,2007 12:31 PM

Mr Hinker;

The events ofyesterday have captivated the country and hearts grieve for the trama. My thoughts and prayers go out to
the VT Community and family of the victims.

I just read your response to an editorial in the Ranoke times in which you said

"Contrary to his position, the writer's commentary actually gives credence to the university policy preventingweapons
in classrooms.

Guns don't belong in classrooms. They never will. Virginia Tech has a very sound policy preventing sqme."

Boy that University Policy really worked didnt? They sure averted a castrophy by demanidng that deranged lunatics
leave all weapons outside the classrooms. And the lunatic abided by policy didnt he?

How can you say that this incident and someones opinion that it could have been averted if a law abiding citizen had a
weapon proves that the policy is good? Thats not good logic at all. Actually yesterdays events proof the uselessness of
the univeristy policy as it is incapable by policy to stop events such as yesterday. Not even armed guards and metal
detectors at eachentrace and bomb snifEng dogs and satelite intelegence will stop the most determined of killers. Look
at what happened in Iraqi Parliment several days ago.

Think of the brave professor who gave his life for his students. His sacrifice is most honorable but if instead of standing
there being a sacrifice he had a weapon and popped one in the shooter he could have saved his students and himselfand
we would still hail him as a hero. Israel has realized this and that is why on field trips they have a certian number of
armed guards plus each teacher and adult is armed.

Come on can't you see that the policy only works with people who respect the law and those intent on mass killing sure
dont respect the law or else they wouldnt murder people!
I am not saying allowing guns would have stopped it, but it might have. Lawfully CCW sure didnt hurt any'thing here.

Look at England and Australia for examples of the good of banning guns. Armed home invasions are up by at least
500/o since before the ban. Homicide by handgun is up armed robbery is up, rape is up. All violent crime is up since
the bann was enacted. How can one look at imperical data and see the wisdom of the state.

What i see in your response is an emotional attempt to make yourself feel better. While I understand the trama of
yesterday, being a victim of violent crime myself, only making ones self feel safer will only cause such events to
happen again. Do more then try to make yourself feel safer, make yourself safer by refusing to become a victim.

Thank vou for vour time.

From: Christopher Iinfinityedge@yahoo. com]
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 3:33 PM
Subject: safety

This is what you said a year ago after people like you prevented licensed, law abiding,
citizens to carry conceafed firearms on virginia campuses:
http : / /www. roanoke . com/news / roanoke / wb / wb / xp- 5 0 5 5 I
"Vj.rginla Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. rrlrm sure
the university community is appreciatsive of the eeneral Assembly's actions because this
will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus. ""
Feefing safe today?
One person with a CCW permit, carrying on campus could have stopped this murder in his
tracks. one student in the dorms with a cheap shotgun or rifle could have stopped this
]unatic in his tracks. But you reviled in their disarmament because it made you "fee1
safe . "
How does it trfeel" to have the blood of innocents on your hands?

I hope to soon see you in front of House Commitlee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
begging them to make a biff similar t.o HB 1"572 1aw.

Do You Yahoo |?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail- has tshe best spam protection around com

Evans, Susan

From: Christopher Hansen []

Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 7.49 PM
Subjecfi Feel safer now?

Mr. Hincker,

After you helped leave your students defenseless and in doing so contributed to their murders because they could not
shootback, do you still "feel safer"?

Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university
community is appreciative of the General Assemblyts actions because this will help parents, students, faculty
and visitors feel safe on our

People will continue to get murdered in GUN FREE ZONES. Stop the insanify. Let us shoot back!

Christopher Hansen

Larry Hincker
University Relations

7 /r7 /2007
Page 1 of I

Evans, Susan

From: ChuckEsposito[]
Sent: Friday, April 20,2007 8:48 AM
To: Union Sentinel
Gc: 'VA Tech governing board'; 'Larry Hincke/; 'Col. Gerald Massengill'

Letter To The Editor - Union Sentinel

Dear Editor:


After days of watching, listening, and reading about the many interviews by media, law enforcement, and school officials, I have
yet to leam of anyone asking the really important questions in the Virginia Tech massacre. Every survivor over age 21 who came
within Cho Seung-Hui's range of fire should have been asked these three questions: 1. Do you have a CC\A[, (a permit to Carry a
Concealed Weapon - which can easily be obtained by any mature, responsible, competent, law-abiding citizen in VA ). 2. lf
there were no prohibition against carrying a weapon on campus, would you have been carrying a concealed weapon during Cho's
rampage? (early last year, following the defeat of a proposal to allow citizens with state-issued CCWs to carry their handguns on
college campuses in Virginia, VA Tech spokesman Larry Hincker celebrated the defeat of the bill and announced: "l'm sure the
university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions ... this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel
safe on our campus."). 3. lf yes to the first two questions, do you think you would have been able to stop Cho before he killed 32
innocent people? This ain't rocket science, folks. The hand wringers who want to lay blame on the judge, Magistrate Paul
Barrett , who refused to send Cho to a mental institution when he had the opportunity in 2005; or on John Markell, owner of
Roanoke Firearms who sold Cho a 9 mm Glock 19 pistol, and ammunition; or on c€rmpus Police Chief Wendell Flinchum for
costive response time; or on the lack of a student-alert text-message broadcast system; or on the lack of security cameras on
campus; or on any number of other patsies, human, systemic, or mechanical, are completely missing the point. Last June, The
VA Tech governing board approved a violence prevention policy (!) reiterating its ban on students or employees carrying guns and
prohibiting visitors from bringing them into campus facilities. This week, VA Governor Tim Kaine is appointing an independent
panel which will be led by retired Virginia State Police Superintendent Col. Gerald Massengill, to review the shootings and their
aftermath. lfthey do their job properly, they will conclude that the blame rests completely with Tech's governing board for
imposing a 'victim disarmament policy," rather than a "violence prevention policy." The VA Tech governing board needs to offer a
public Mia Culpa, and embrace Pogo's assumption of responsibility: "We have meet the enemy, and he is us."

Chuck Esposito
Suches. GA

7 /r7 t2007
Page 1 of I

Evans, Susan


Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1 1 :00 AM
Subject: A disgrace, that's you...

Sir, I have read of your record, in regards, the Second Amendment of our Constitution.

Given that you encouraged and materially participated in the restriction of students second amendment rights,
thereby giving them over to victim status, how do you look at yourself today and not be repulsed?

Hopefully you will be rebuked, rejected and relegated to poverty and homelessness soon.

You are a disgrace to yourself, your nation and your students.

I'm sure you are a "Karma" believing cretin too, lets hope you get some of your "Karma" and soon.
You are not fit to live among civilized people, you should be in the jungle with your kind.

Disgusted by you,
Chuck Frazier

Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: ChuckGandy []

Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 4:03 PM
Subjecfi House Bill 1572

Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "l'm sure the university community is
appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on
our campus."

Are you happy now?

From: Chuck Kuecker []
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 7:08 AM
Subject: Recent events

Dear Mr. Hincker,

My condolences for the tragedy of rracl- ordarr

Please a1low yourself forgiweness for your earlier joy over your campus being confirmed as
a "gun free" area. I am sure You had good intentions, and simply acted ou! of ignorance.
If you have l-earned the futilitY of denying good people the means and opportunity to
defend themselves, at lease some oood witl" have come from this event.
Chuck Kuecker
Beloit, WI
Evans. Susan
From: chuck.miller [chuck. miller@bresnan. net]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 10i22 AM
Subject: W shooting

You must. feel feel very proud to have facllitated Ehe shootinq of the students !

Learn the Knowledge, Skills and proper Attitude towards Safe Shootinq of Firearms in
Colorado with the Libertynethrork.
Http : //www. libertynetwork. com
Chuck Miller
Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: clearbluepeace []

Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 2:09 PM
Subiecfi Now do You get it?

Mr. Hincker,

\Men the Virginia General Assembly precluded the passage of House Bill 1572,you were quoted as saying, ""1'm sutD the
university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actlons because this will help parenG, students, faculty
and visitors feel safe on our campus."
Clearly, no one was made safe by the idiotic policy that says even those licensed to carry guns are prohibited ftom doing so on
your college's campus.

I want to know, does that quote still reflect how you feel?

How did a ban on possession of guns on campus prevent the deaths of 22 (or more) innocent victims on Virginia Tech's campus?

People may have "felf' safe on your campus because of the rules that say no one, even those licensed to carry concealed guns,
may do so there. Did this murderous maniac simply fail to read the rule? Or did he perhaps know of the rule and realize that he
would be able to engage in this carnage unchecked by any would-be victims who had the means to fight back. Rules like that are
obeyed only by those who don't want to murder people, you jackass.

Mr. Hincker, you, in your wrcngheaded belief in gun bans as a meanE to stop violence, have blood on your hands.

About the only way you could ever redeem yourself now would be to vehemently fight for the repeal of gun bans, and in favor of
concealed carry laws that ALLOW good people to be armed for their defense.

-Jefrey Budzynski
West Palm Beach, Florida

Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: Clem [clem. poston@verizon. net]

Sent: MondaY, APril 16, 2007 3:02 PM
Subject: HeY Mr Hincker!

Guns don't belong in the classrooms. They never will. Virginia Tech has a very sound policy preventing

Just imagine if students were anned. We no longer need to image what will happen when they are not

Page2 of2

minutes before police arrived. @ridges was a reservc deputy sheriff, but was not on duty at the time of the incident.)

' October 1, 7997,Pearl High School, Pearl, Ms. - 16 year old Luke Woodham carried a rifle onto the school ctlmpus'
killed his ex-girlfriend and-one of her friends and wounded seven other people. Assisstant Principal Joel Myrick
retreived a handgun from his truck and held Woodham for police. It was later leamed that the teeneager had beaten and
stabbed his own mother to death before the attack at the school.

pratt is not optimistic, however, that lawmakers will allow public university students and faculty members to protect
themselves from mass murderers like the one who struck VA Tech Monday.

"The only schools and universities where these tragedies have been stopped abruptly were the places where law-
abiding iitir.trs had a gun that was accessible to them and they were able to stop the shooter," Pratt noted. "The schools
and universities that had to wait for the police to arrive, those are the ones that find these high death tolls.

"It'sjust a real shame," he concluded, "that these guys never get it."

Carson Boone
\Mlmington, NC

Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: Cary Wrinkle []

Sent: Tuesday, April 17 , 2007 10:07 AM
Subject: Too bad your students couldn't protect themselves from this maniac!

3lstGun bill gets shot down by panel

HB 1572, which would have allowed handguns on college campuses, died in subcommittee.
By Greg Esposito
381- 1675

A bill that would have glven college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus
died with nary a shot being fired in the General Assembly.
House Bill 1572 didn't get through the House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety. It died Monday in
the subcommittee stage, the first of several hurdles bills must overcome before becoming laws.

The bill was proposed by Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah County, on behalf of the Virginia Citizens Defense
League. Gilbert was unavailable Monday and spokesman Gary Frink would not comment on the bill's defeat other
than to say the issue was dead for this General Assembly session.

Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the
university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help
parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."

Del. Dave Nutter, R-Christiansburg, would not comment Monday because he was not part of the subcommittee
that discussed the bill.

Most universities in Virginia require students and employees, other than police, to check their guns with police or
campus security upon entering campus. The legislation was designed to prohibit public universities from making
"rules or regulations limiting or abridging the ability of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun
permit ... from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun."

The legislation allowed for exceptions for participants in athletic events, storage of guns in residence halls and
military training programs.

Last spring a Virginia Tech student was disciplined for bringing a handgun to class, despite having a
concealed handgun permit. Some gun owners questioned the university's authority, while the Virginia
Association of Chiefs of Police came out against the presence of guns on campus.
In June, Tech's governing board approved a violence prevention policy reiterating its ban on students or
employees carrying guns and prohibiting vlsitors from bringing them into campus facilities.

Sent: Monday, April 16,2007 5:00 PM
Subject: Feeling iafer knowing you've barred law abiding people from protecting themselves.




Page I ofl

Evans, Susan

Chet Szymecki Ichet.szymecki@cox. net]

16,200710:54 PM
Subject Please read entire letter

Please take a moment to read my entire letter and consider the message. Do not allow yourself to become distracted by individual
words, phrases, or your feelings. \ /hat is important are truth and meaning.

I am sure each and every one of you feels quite bad considering the massacre of nearly three dozen students on campus earlier
today. lt is at this time that I would ask you to consider why you feel so very bad. My guess is that on a personal level you feel bad
because you know that you failed these students for personal and selfish reasons. Don't stop reading now, I have more to say.

You failed these young and impressionable future mothers, fathers, co-workers, leaders, etc. by denying them their God-given
right to life. We can all agree that no military or police force can protect everyone, everywhere, all the time. But we can also agree
that each and every one of us is born with the right to protect ourselves against murders, thugs, and rapists.

By prohibiting lawfully carry of a firearm for self-defense while on campus you are denying a right to life. How dare you deny this
most fundamental right! You will see the faces of those murdered students every night and for the rest of your life you must live
w1h the fact that you placed them in a dangerous situation by denying them the ability to protect themselves.

It is time foryou to show true leadership or step aside and allow a true man to take charge of yourfailed post. You have deserted
the students and parents and are intoxicated with self-centeredness. I am not angry at any of you although I can imagine you are
angry with my honesty at this point. Look in the mirror right now and realize that you are not angry with me, but you are angry with

Leadership is difficult. Many times leaders must make decisions that the uninformed public may not agree with. Educate the
public. Show leadership. Don't let this happen again.

I am willing to bet that nearly every student murdered today had a cellular phone on them. So much for the false sense of security
they provided. lf only one of those students, male or female, had a lawfully carried firearm this morning I can assure you that the
outcome would have been different.

The students could not stop the carnage, they were helpless.

The police could not stop the murder; they never do and are always late"

The administration could not save a single student...they never have and neverwill.

Cowards... all of you.,. cowards.

Redeem yourself and permit laMul carry of firearms on campus.

One firearm could have saved each and every life this morning.

May God forgive you.

Respectfully submitted,

Chet Szymecki
Yorktown, VA

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7 /t7 t2007
, Page II of I
I Evans, Susan
I From:
BuzzlSharon []

I Sent: Tuesday, April 17,2007 9:57 AM

I To:

SuOlect: Genreal Assembly vis a vis 1572

I o"", ur. Hincker

tle.u.Tivergity coytmunity is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this wiil help parents, students,
| -"1'm .sure
faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."

I Prophetic words,
sir. I'm sure they will haunt you for all your days. My thoughts and prayers are with all those lost and their

Buzz Gunning
Grants Pass, OR

7 /t7 t2007
Page I of 1

Evans, Susan

From: c.f. eckhardt[]

Sent: Saturday, April 28,2007 3:33 PM
Subject: VaTech

Dear Mr. Hincker

A number ofyears ago the national press reported ofviolent, fatal attacks upon foreign tourists in Florida.
a number
What the national press did not report was the reason for those attacks. A Florida state judge, just before the widely-
reported series of attacks took place, declared all Florida state laws prohibiting the carrying of concealed handguns to
be unconstitutional. Florida's overall crimes-against-persons and assaultive street crime rate dropped some 900/o
ovemight. The foreigners were targeted because they were the only people the criminals could be certain wouldn't be

Here in Texas, in 1995, alaw was passed allowing Texans to acquire permits to carry pistols concealed on their
persons. Twelve years later there are only about 260,000 Texans with the permits--but our crimes-against-persons rate
has been in a steady decline ever since. Why? Prior to 1995, criminals could be virtually certain the victim would be
unarmed. The certainty has been removed. It is now much riskier to attempt robbery than it was twelve years ago.
The perpetrator could get shot in the process.

At Virginia Tech--or at Columbine High School--a single teacher, teacher's aide, administrator--or for that matter,
janatorial employee--with a pistol on his or her person could have reduced the fatalities by a substantial number. As a
matter offact, the only 'school shooting' incident yet reported that could not have been prevented or lessened in its
impact by intervention by a civilian carrying a pistol was the 1966 'Tower sniper' shootings in Austin, Texas.

As a result of a'school shooting' in Scotland, in the town of Dunblane, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand
enacted confiscatory laws to eliminate private possession ofhandguns in those nations. Each ofthem has experienced
a spike of unprecedented proportions in crimes-against-persons. Their politicians find themself 'unable to understand'
why this should occur. Ifs very simple--so simple that anyone not blinded by prejudice should be able to understand
it. When law-abiding people have no means of defense, criminals declare open season.

C. F. Eckhardt
Seguin, Texas

Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: C.L. Sutton [pcsutton @msn. com]

Sent: MondaY, APril 16, 2007 3:01 PM
Subject: How's that working out for you?

'Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy b hear the blll was derlbabd. "t'm sure the unlvcrclty comnunlty ls app€dafve of th€
Geniral Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus'"
.In June, Tech's goveming board approved a violence pr€vention policy r€iterating its ban on students or employees carrying guns and
prohibiting visitors from bringing them into campus facilities.'

So, how is that Violence Prevention Policy working out for fall? You should be happy that you zealots removed the right of self protectlon
from each and every one of the victims.

Christophet L. Sufton

7 /1712007
From: Cameron Mac Millan []
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 5:36 PM
Subject: A reminder

Dear Larry,
While I do nots wish tso make light of today's tragic incidents, there is something I would
like to bring to Your attention:
rrI'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assemlcly's actions
because this will help parents, students, faculty and visiLors feef safe on our campus ' "
Those were your words on January 31st of 2005, when HB ]-572 was defeated (source:
http : / /www. roanoke . com/news / roanoke/wb/wblxp - 5 0 5 5 8 ) .
ttow there are ats leaEt 33 dead in Ehe worst campus shooting in American history, a
shooting which took place on the campus for which you are the spokesman.
My thoughtss and prayers go out to the families affected by this policy' and I genuinely
hope lhat VT will no longer consider itself capable of the ability of its
students and faculty to defend themselves and others.
S ince re ly,
cameron Mac Mi11an.
Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: Carl F. Worden []

Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1:25 AM
Subject: Congratulations, jackass!


You had no right to decide whether the students and faculty should have the means to defend themselves. I hate you, you son of
a bitchl Just one person with a concealed gun might have saved some or all of those victims, but you the Almighty made the
decision that they shouldn't, and encouraged the state not to pass a bill that would have allowed the students and faculty to be
armed on campus.

You slimy, low-life scumbag.

Carl F. Worden

7 tr712007
Evans. Susan
From: Carl Laury []
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:35 AM
SubJect: Apology

Hi Mr Hincker
I forgot to ask if you'11 publicize the apology like you did your criticism of student
Bradford wiles' letter to the editor guestioning your views and fearing for hls life?
C Laury
St Petersburg,

Evans. Susan
From: Carl Laury [ net]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:32 AM
Subject: Greetings

Hi Mr Hincker.
After witnessing the carnage that occurred at VA Tech the other day I was wondering when
you will come forward to t.ry to apologize to the families who's loved ones were ki11ed
disproving your wiews on self defense?
Please advise when yourLl make Ehe apology.
Sweet Dreams
C Laury
st Petersburg, FL
Evans, Susan
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 7:23 AM
To:; Niles, Jerome
Subject: Fwd: You are responsible for the deaths of 32 people

----- Forwarded message from Michaef 11lie <azintp@hotmai1. com> -----

Date: Wed,
1"8 Apr 2007 04:24:35 -0500
From; Michael El-lis <azintp@hotmaif. com>
Repfy-To: Irtichael- Ellis < az intp@hotmail . com>
subject: You are responsible for the deaths of 32 people
To: carol)m. rude@v! . edu
you need to take responsiblity for the situation. this never would have happened had you
not enabled the murderer and handled this responsibly.

fhe average Us credits Score .is 675. The cost to see yours: $0 by Experian.
http : //www. free credi ts report . com/pm/default , aspx? sc=66 0 6 0 0 &bcd=EMATLFOOTERAVERAGE

----- End forwarded messaqe -----

Page I of 2

Evans, Susan

From: Carson Boone [cboonel]

Sent: Tuesday, April 17,2007 8:32 AM

VA Tech official praised defeat of student self-defense proposal in2006

April 16, 2007

A Virginia Tech official in 2006 praised the defeat ofa proposal to allow students with state-issued concealed handgun
permits to carry their handguns on college campuses in Virginia. At least 20 unarmed students were killed on the VA
Tech campus Monday morning by a single gunman.


Virginia House Bill l572was proposed in 2005 by Shenandoah County, Va., Republican Del. Todd Gilbert after a VA
Tech student with a state-issued concealed handgun permit was arrested and charged only with "unlawfirlly" carrying a
handgun on campus. The bill would have prohibited state universities in Virginia from enacting "rules or regulations
limiting or abridging the ability of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun perrnit ... from lawfully carrying
a concealed handgun."

After the proposal died in the state's House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety, The Roanoke Times
quoted VA Tech spokesman Larry Hincker as celebrating the defeat of the bill.

"I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions," Hincker said on Jan. 31, 2006,
"because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."

Following Monday's multiple-victim shooting at VA Tech, Erich Pratt with Virginia-based Gun Oramers of America
called that philosophy "idiocy."

"I think gun control advocates will say, 'See, we need more gun control,' even though this is exactly the product of gun
control," Pratt said.

Currently, only Utah has a statute specifically authorizing law-abiding individuals with concealed handgun permits to
possess their firearms on state university property. Most other states have explicit or implied prohibitions.

"Every school campus fother than those in Utah] in this nation is a'gun free zone,' supposedly," Pratt bemoaned. "But,
isn't it amazing that criminals, bad guys never obey those laws."

Regarding Utah, Pratt adds, "Isn't it interesting that that's the one state where we haven't heard of any school

At least two school shootings have been stopped by amred civilians before police arrived:
.January 9,2002, Appalachian School of Law in Grundy, Ya. - 43 year old Peter Odighizuw4 who had flunked out of
the small law school earlier in the week killed three people and wounded three others. Two law students - Tracy
Bridges and Ted Besen - retreived a handgun from Bridges' vehicle and held Odighizuwa at gun point for several

Page I of 1

Evans, Susan

From: Benjamin Ter Haar []

Sent: ThursdaY, April 19, 2007 12:54PM
Subject: AND NOW

Are you still, "...happy to hear the bill was defeated." ?

Do you still think, " ...parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our
campus.?r ?
Like Chamberlain waiving his pathetic piece of paper after Munich and
declaring "Peace in our time!", you failed to grasp that'Evil' cannot be
contained with words, laws or good intentions - only with superior force.
You and the other "right thinking" 'Chamberlains'now must live with their
blood on your hands.

711712007 :.i
Weapons Policy Page I ofl

Evans, Susan

From: Black, Burton R []

Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 2:59 PM
Subject: WeaPons PolicY

Dear Mr. Hincker,

I am writing for two reasons

First, I am extremely saddened and nry prayers go out to the families and friends of the victims in this tragedy. I am sorry that it
has happened at your fine institution and hope it does not every have to happen again, taking so many bright, young, intelligent
students and leaders of your University.

Second, the institutions gun policy and your past position and comments about Virginia Tech Weapons Policy. The State of
Virginia allows the concealed carry of handguns on campus, but Virginia Tech has a policy prohibiting a law abiding citizen from
carrying on campus. The tragedy that occuned is a direct result of this policy. Only the criminal will not follow the policy, a law
abiding citizen will follow the Universig rules. lt is time for you and Virginia Tech to reconsider the decision in January 2006,
defeating a bill allowing people to defend them selves. Below is from the

A bill that would have given college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with nary a
shot being fired in the General Assembly.

House Bill 1572 didn't get through the House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety. It died Monday in the
subcommittee stage, the fust of several hurdles bills must overcome before becoming laws.

The bill was proposed by Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah County, on behalf of the Virginia Citizens Defense League.
Gilbert was unavailable Monday and spokesman Gary Frink would not comment on the bill's defeat other than to say
the issue was dead for this General Assembly session.

Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university community is
appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on
our campus. "

Gun Free Zones are only safe for the shooter, everyone else is in danger and unable to protect themselves.

I am a Concealed Handgun Licensee in Texas and have the ability to carry in Virginia, these kind of policies at Virginia Tech
endanger my life and others, when legislation can take my ability to protect myself away fiom me. Texas has similar issues and I

am ac{ive in getting those changed as well.

Saatoa R. 8(a&

7/17/2007 r:.. ,' .6.-i ,r-. e::ir1.ts:::in r.{i!!,-. -!.4

From: Blake Dunlop []
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1 :36 AM
Subject: Quote from the Roanoke Times, 9/5/06

IJarty ,

Irast. Septernber 5, You wrote

"The editors of this Page must have printed this commentary if for no other reason than
malj cious compliance. SurelY, they scratched their heads saying, I can't. believe he
reafly wants to say that.'
'rwiles telLs us that he didn't feeL safe with the hundreds of highly trained officers
armed with high Powered rifles encircling the building and proteccing him. "
You're not a moron, Larry.
Yourre a fucking moron,
S incere 1y,
Blake Dunlop
Bozeman, Montana

ExPerian '
http : /,/www. f reec redi t report . com/pm/defaul E. aspx? sc=66 0600 &bcd=EMAIIJFOOTERAVERAGE

Page l ofl

Evans, Susan

Froml Bob[]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 3:22 AM
Subject: your article "lmagine if students were armed"

your repty to the article of Bradford B. Wiles, is under the circumstances, morbidly ironic.

How do you feel now? Imagine ifjust I of the victims had had the ability to defend themselves? But no, they needed
to rely on the "hundreds of police officers with high powered rifles".

Didn't quite work out did it?

You are every bit as guilty for this massacre as the psycho who pulled the trigger.

I hope this realizalion eats you up for the rest ofyoru natural life.

Bob Blakely
Tacoma WA (a shall issue concealed carry state since 1962)

Page I ofl

Evans, Susan

From: Bob Foster[]

Sent: TuesdaY, APril 17,2007 5:06 PM
Subject: Opposition of Studenfs Concealed Carry Rights

Our daughter is a Hokie.

Shame on you br opposing the right of these students to

defend thenmselves.

One person with a concealed carry weapon could have reduced/prevented needless death/injury.

Itcbfo ster@verizon. net

7/t7/2007 j,!
From: Bob Harry []
Sent: Wednesday, April 18,2007 11:58 PM
SubJect: 32 dead

Thanks for 32 dead on You campus. Why didn't you enforce this policy against cho
Seung-Hui ? t{ow L,iberal of qet the Rosie o'Donnelf award Mr. Hincker.
Bob Harry
Gitbert, Arizona

, '-.'di--;d,^- l
From: Bob Harry []
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 6:57 AM
Subjectl So just how safe is your gun free camPus?

Virginia House Bill !5"t2 was proposed in 2005 by Shenandoah county,

va., Republican Def. Todd Gifberts after a VA Tech student with a
state-issued. conceafed handgun permits was arrested and charged only "unlawful1y" carrying a handgun on campus ' The bill would have
prohibited state unj.versities in virgini-a from enacting "ru1es or
regulations limitsing or abridging the ability of a student who
po!"."se" a val-id concealed handgun permit ... from lawfulIy carrying
a concealed handgun. "
After the proposal died in tshe staters House Committee on Militia,
Police and Public safet.y, The Roanoke Times quoted VA Tech spokesman
Larry Hincker as cel"ebrating the defeat of the bilf.

so justs hort safe is your gun free campus?

Bob Harry
Page 1 of2

Evans, Susan

From: brandon [brandon@realestatecircleville com]

Sent: MondaY, APril 16, 2007 2:57 PM
Subject: Shootings......

ff it would of passed th€ shoodng mlght not of happned today.

lan 2'-,2006
HB Lsiz, which would have allowed handguns on college campuses' dled In subcommlttee.
By Greg Esposlto 341-1675

A bill that would have given college sutdents and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with nary a shot being fired in the
General Assembly.

House Bi 1572 didn't get through the House Committee on l'lllitla, Pollce and Publlc Saf€ty, It died trlonday in the subcommlttee stage, tfi€
first of several hurdles bills must overcome before becoming laws'
The bill was proposed by Del. Todd GilbeG R-Shenandoah County, on behatf of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. Gilbeft was unavailable
ttonday and spokesman Gary Frink would not @mment on the bill's defuat other than to say the issue was dead for this General Assembly

Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university community is aPpreciative of the
General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, stud€nts, faculty and visito6 feel safe on our campus."

Del. Dave Nufter, R-Christiansburg, would not comment Monday because he was not part ofthe subcommittee that discussed the bll!.

Most universiues in Virginia require students and employees, other than police, to check their guns with police or campus security upon
entering campus. The legislation was designed to prohibit public univerciHes from making "rules or regulations limiting or abridging the ability
of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun permit .., from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun,"

The legislation allowed for exceptions for participants in athletic events, storage of guns in residence halls and mllitary tralning pnograms.

Last spring a Virginia Tech student was disciplined for bringing a handgun to class, despite having a concealed handgun Permit. Some gun
ownerc questioned the university's authority, while the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police came out against the presence of guns on
In June, Tech's goveming board approved a violence prevention policy reiterating its ban on students or employees carrying guns and
prohibiting visltors ftom bringing them into campus facilities.

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Page l ofl

Evans, Susan

From: BrandonD. []

Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 8:04 PM
Subject: Question for You

Mr. Hincker,

I would like to know why you don't believe in law abiding citizens from carrying on your campus. If HB I 572 passed
college students and factuality would have had the right to concealed carry and could have been able to defend
themselves. You aught to be ashamed of yourself sir.


7 tr712007
Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: BrentJacobs[]
Sent: MondaY, APril 16, 2007 5:59 PM
Subject: Your actions in January 2006

HB 1572. That bill would

ln January of last year, you celebrated the fact that the Virginia legislature defeated
have prohibited public universities from making "rules or regulations limiting or abridging the ability of a student who
posseises a valid concealed handgun permit ... from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun."

you said this of the defeat. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because
this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."

I have one question foryou. How safe were those students today, Monday, April 16th?

You and all the others that don't believe a person has the right to self-preservation should be ashamed and full of guilt for your
failure to protect those kids and from preventing those who may have been in a position to stop this rampage from doing so.

Brent Jacobs

7 t17 t2007
..:.-i7.t6!'**i;,:: ..'*
Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: Brian [bhunstad@knology.netl

Sent: MondaY, APril 16, 2007 2:39 PM
Subject: Re:HB1572

Congrahrlations. Though I'm sure you feel in no way responsible for today's honific events, I and everyone I've
talked to feel otherwise.

Murderer. Or at minimum, Enabler.

7ln12007 . .).---ia;:diis,+;4tr q* .
Evans, Susan

From: Brian Barfield IhezekiahT'1S@earthlink net]

Sent: TuesdaY, APril 17, 2007 9:52 AM
Subject: Glad you forbade the innocent to carry arms?


Brian Barfield
hezekiahT I 5@earthlink. net
EarthLink Revolves Around You.

From: Brian Bell []
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 10:06 PM
Subject: ::: apprause :::

32 students kiIled todaY.

Had one of those studenls been armed, that number would most likely be a lot l-ower. I

carried a gun for 2 years in college. Had r been there today, I PRoMTSE you that number
would've been a lot lower.
Congratulations on denying students the right Eo defend themselves.
Hopefully your ridiculous policy will go away after loday.

Best regards,
Bri an
Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: brian]

Sent: Thursday, APril 19,2007 9:25 AM
Subject: Shooting

It's a shame that people with CCW permits are prohibited from carrying on campus. But, because of that rule, the psychopa'th
knew that there would be nobody in in those buildings to stop him. In an nonsensical PC attempt to "make people feel safe",
universities have actually made people defenseless. I hope you now see the error in not allowing people licensed to carry a
concealed firearm to do so.


Brian Karr

,- 7/1712007
From: Bruce Flynn []
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 3:38 PM
Subject: Tragic School Shooting

Dear Mr. Hincker

I am a student at a different college in another state, after seeing what happened on Ehe
news tsoday, i an heart broken, another senseless school shoo!ing which could have easily
been prevented. But for the faw established whj-ch dj-ssalfowed ]aw abidlng citizens to
carry a firearm on the campus. My deepes! condolences go out to the familys and loved ones
af rha i iirrrcd and diseased, but in general ONE person with a permit to carry a concealed
firearm license and a firearm could have ended this massacre before it even started. In
reaction to this event., i am afmost positive that more laws about gun ownership and
possession will try to be introduced, but taws only have an impact on tshe 1aw abiding
citizens. ff a criminal wanes to obtain a firearm, there are olher illegaf ways to ge!
one. There is nothing criminaL about owning or possessing a firearm, and should be up to
the individual stsudent if he or she chooses to carry one or have one in their possession
on a university campus .
sincerely yours
Flynn S. B.
NAU flagstaff arizona.

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Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: BruceR []

Sent: Monday, April 16, 2OO7 11'.44 PM
Subject: Fools Like You Hincker . . . . .

Sir: I read your cocky response after the House bill to allow concealed carry was defeated in Virginia...

l'm sure the parents of the dead students at Virginia Tech "feel a lot safer now", as you stupidly stated....more fools llke
you and there will be more loss of life in the future no doubt.



Page I of I

Evang, Susan

From: Bryan Pitman []

Sent: MondaY, APril 16, 2007 1:53 PM
Subject: MY Condolences

I'm very sorry for what happened this Monday morning. I know you are rgal b_u_sy, but I
just wanted to know a lot of people want to
know why this happened: http://www.roanoke.cominews/roanokeiwb/wb/xp-S0658

I am an avid flrearm user and train people on a monthly basis. I also go to Seattle University and feel LESS safe knowing that I
am not able to defend myself. Once ajain, I am not trying to harass you in any way; I just wouLd like to try to show you that less
guns does not mean anyone is safer. the good guys means arming the bad guys. lf some of your students were able
io carry, as was the cas-e with HB 1572's intendbd result, the effects of these events might have been lessened, even by one life,
it woulil have been worth it. Maybe the current policy should be re-thought, and maybe you should understand that giving people
their own right to defend themselves, makes for a safer, and more comfortable community, knoriving that.such atrocities as these
may be preiented, at any extent. Once again, I know this was unforeseeable and this is a terrible time, lwish the best of luck to
yori, and I hope the community comes together not against guns, but against criminals.

Sincerely yours,
Bryan S. Pitman
Seattle UniversitY

7 /17 /2007
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Evans, Susan

Bill McGuire]

Monday, April 16, 2007 7:48 PM
Subject: HB 1572 Quote

I was saddened by todays events at VT and the quote provided by you regarding IB 1572. I am a bit mistified as to
why a bill allowing students at VT (and elsewhere) to protect themselves against the sad event that happened at VT
today was heralded by you as "making the campus safer for parents, students, faculty and visitors'"

A fellow CCW Virginian, allowed to carry on campus because of HB l572,might have been able'to reduce the cold
blooded murders that occured on the VT campus today. However, CCW Virginians follow the law and do not carry
onto campus. While, an individual bent on commiting murder ignored the laws.

Thank you for your time.

Bill McGuire

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7lt1 /2007

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