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Course Policy

Policies for the distribution of marks is as follows

Attendance : 0.25 marks for each lab you Attend

Total no. of possible lab= 12 Therefore max marks for attendance 12x0.25=3 marks

Lab Performance: 0.25 marks for each program you made

If you made 20 programs in whole session u get 20x0.25=5marks

Assignment : 1.5 marks for each Assignment

Total no of assignments= 3 therefore total marks 1.5x3=4.5 Each assignment contains 5 questions. Each question carries 0.3 marks

Theory Quiz : each quiz carry 2 marks total no. of quiz=2

Each quiz contains 20 objective questions each question is of 0.1 marks

Presentation : presentation is of 1 mark Internal Viva :2.5 marks for internal viva
Total 5 questions is asked from each student 2 of them are programming questions Each question carries 0.5 marks

Formula: Attend+ Lab-perform + Assign + quiz +presentation +intern. Viva

+ 4.5 + 4

+ 2.5 = 20

Alternative ways of earning marks:

From the lab 3 every week one program is posted on the notice board any one student solve the problem with in one week earn 1 mark directly. The mark is given on first come first earn basis. If you submit all your Assignments (theory and programming) on time you earn 1 mark.

Marks for attendance o Student having 100% attendances earn 1.5 marks. o Student having more than 80% attendances earn 1 mark.

Student having more than 50% attendances earn 0.5 marks.

Each prog. Of Lab file carry 0.1 marks.

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