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Tikvas Nashim A Unique Project for Women

I put my hope in Hashem…
…Among those awaiting the morning. (Tehilim 130) Volume 5

Chanukah 5772 Compiled by: Pnina Winzelberg

Staten Island, NY

The Essence of Emunah By: Rachel Shaool Did you know... By: Elisheva Seldowitz
The Gemara (Shabbat 10b) states that the wicks and oil that we may
not use for lighting the Shabbat candles, may in fact be used for lighting  When preparing the menorah for Friday
the Chanukah menorah, because I (Hashem) gave a valuable gift from My afternoon lighting, one must make sure to use
treasure house. How are we to understand this? The way we prepare the enough oil or long burning candles to ensure
neirot is to put the wick in oil and then light it. So too it is similar with a that the menorah remain lit until at least a half
Jew who is likened to a wick, and the oil represents the chochmah, the hour after nightfall, tzeis ha'kochavim. (Source:
wisdom that Hashem instills into him, and then ignites— the flames of The Halachos of Pregnancy and Childbirth,
which shine through one's good deeds in his servitude of Hashem. The
Rabbi Yisroel Dov Webster)
Me'or Einayim, ha'kadosh, explains that there are neshamot, souls, which
are symbolized as wicks, who are unfortunately not ignited with the Light  If one did not light the menorah at the proper
of Shabbat, due to the fact that the Shabbat Light is very holy and great. time, they may light until dawn. However, they
These 'wicks' are unable to feel connected to it because of its may only recite the brachah if one member of
greatness. However, the Light of Chanukah has tremendous capability to the household is awake. One may awaken a
reach out far, and is capable of rekindling the dimmed souls, and all types household member in order to light with
of wicks. Those souls that may be in conflict with the good Light and a brachah. (Ibid.)
closeness with Hashem, themselves, or with their peers, have an
auspicious opportunity during Chanukah to connect with the Light within  On Friday afternoon, one must light the
them— with their neshamos— and grab this chance to grow and shine. menorah prior to lighting the Shabbos candles.
One's internal conflicts can finally be resolved! We learn from this Chazal If a woman mistakenly lights the Shabbos
that the wicks and oil of Chanukah is a great occasion to gain redemption candles before lighting the menorah, she
for the soul and from all conflicts. May this Chanukah bring a lot of light should request of someone who has not yet
into your home, along with good health, financial growth, nachas from accepted Shabbos to light for her. The person
your family, shalom bayis, and may ALL your tefilot be answered lighting recites the first brachah (L'hadlik Ner..)
quickly— amein!
but the one who has already accepted
Shabbos may recite the brachah of She'asah
Nisim (and Shehechiyanu if it is the first
The Beauty of Jelly Donuts (despite the calories!) night). (Source: A Guide for the Jewish
Jelly donuts or sufganiyot are customarily eaten on Chanukah. Woman and Girl, Rabbi Dov Eisenberg)
Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, zt"l, explains a possible reason for this.  The minhag among women is to abstain from
The Gemara (Avodah Zarah) says that when the Chashmonaim were certain work and household chores during the
victorious against the Greeks, they entered the Bais HaMikdash, and first half hour after lighting the menorah
cleaned and purified it from the tumah, impurity. However they had (please consult with a Halachic authority for
no viable solution to salvage the contaminated stones of the specifics). (Ibid.)
Mizbei'ach, and therefore had to bury them. After eating donuts, the  It is desirable to prepare more elaborate meals
brachah acharonah that we say: Al HaMichya, has a phrase where we on Chanukah. It is also customary to eat some
ask Hashem to rebuild Yerushalayim and the Bais HaMikdash. We dairy foods to commemorate the story of
specifically ask for rachamim, mercy al Mizabachecha— for Your Yehudis.
Mizbei'ach, which we do not mention in Birkas HaMazon, since in Please note: One should not rely on the above Halachos
bentching there is no specific mention of the Mizbei'ach. Why do we

without consulting a competent Halachic authority

add jelly to the donuts? The Gemara (Sotah) teaches that from the
time the Bais HaMikdash was destroyed, the taste of fruits have never  Quick and Easy Donut Recipe –
been the same, but have diminished in their flavor. Since fruit is Zepolle: Make pizza dough, roll into balls,
associated with the Bais HaMikdash, and the brachah acharonah after deep-fry, sprinkle with confectionary or
eating a mezonos food is connected to the Mizbei'ach, we therefore add
regular sugar, and fill with your favorite
fruit flavored jelly to our donuts! (Shalmei Moeid)
flavored jelly (optional). Enjoy!
Eishes Chayil By: Daniella Oppenheimer The Hidden Secrets of the Dreidle
‫היתה כעניות סוחר ממרחק תביא לחמה‬ The simple story behind the dreidle, sivivon, is that it
was a decoy used by the children learning Torah, in case the
“She is like merchant ships; she brings her bread from afar”
Yivanim, the Greeks, caught them. The Bnei Yisas'char
teaches some insights, however, regarding the dreidle. The
What is Shlomo ha'melech trying to imply with the idea of four sides of the dreidle have the letters: nun, gimel, shin
bringing bread from afar? It is not only our bodies that require and hei. These stand for the four specific forces within a
nourishment; rather it is our minds as well. Although we often person: nefesh, spirit (nun), guf, physicality (gimel), seichel,
attempt to provide for all of our needs from within, sometimes intellect (shin), and an even higher entity which blends the
other three: ha'kol, everything combined (hei). The gematria
we must take nourishment from what is far, i.e., from foreign
(numerical value of Hebrew letters) of these four letter added
cultures. The prime example of a woman who was able to “bring together is 358, which happens to be exactly the same
bread from afar” was Ruth who descended from Moab. She was gematria as the word Moshiach. It is also the same value of
able to reject the bad and elevate everything that remained. The the words: Hashem Melech, Hashem Malach, Hashem
result of this was a woman so refined and perfect that she yimloch l'olam va'ed, which proclaims that Hashem's reign
became the ancestor of Dovid ha'melech and the eventual as our King was, is, and always will be, for all eternity. The
dreidle can now be part of our prayer and hope that
Moshiach. The skill of the Eishes Chayil is to be able to
Moshiach finally come, and that Hashem's eternal Kingship
differentiate what is nourishment and what is poison. This ability be proclaimed for the entire world to know.
to “distinguish” is the special skill of a merchant. When the Eishes
Chayil must leave her own familiar environment, she is compared
to an astute merchant going out on distant voyages. How does
one know if an outside influence is acting as poison or a source of
A Lesson to Learn By: Dina Gabel
Please daven for a quick and complete recovery for Yehudis bas
nutrition? One knows an outside influence is poison when it Sarah Rivka. My mother was diagnosed with cancer two weeks
overtakes the desired goal and tries to destroy it altogether. For before Rosh HaShanah. As Rosh HaShanah got closer and she was in
example: when Moses Mendelssohn translated the Torah into critical condition, we realized that she wasn’t going to be able to
German, the Rabbis were fiercely opposed to it. The reason for come home from the hospital for Yom Tov. I tried to make
arrangements for a shofar to be blown for my mother by the
the opposition being that Mendelssohn was not trying to make
hospital’s rabbi. Unfortunately, he told me he was unable to find
German-speaking Jews more Jewish, rather he was trying to make someone to blow the shofar, since there were so few Jewish people
Jews more German. Instead of using this as a tool to bring Jews in that particular hospital who needed to hear it. On top of all I was
closer to their heritage, Mendelssohn was setting foreign culture going through with my emotions at the time, I didn’t take this well at
as the ultimate goal. In contrast to him, we can look at the great all. I called the local shul and begged them to find someone to blow
work of the late Torah scholar Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan. He published the shofar for my mother. They assured me they would find
someone. At 11:30pm the night before Rosh HaShanah, my mother
a book called The Living Torah, which was an English translation
was transferred to a different room. When I arrived at the hospital
of the Torah. The religious world praised this work. The the next morning, on Erev Rosh HaShanah, I could not find my
difference between the two responses was due to the difference mother because no one had notified me of the transfer! After
in purposes of both books. Rabbi Kaplan’s goal was to make walking up and down the halls, I finally found her room— it was a bit
Torah accessible to those who did not know Hebrew, so they too beyond an office type of setting, along side another patient's room. I
could study Torah in a language they were familiar with. It is immediately started to cry because I couldn’t understand how my
mother would get the care she needed being in such an isolated area
often difficult to distinguish our true motivations. We must be
like that. A nurse came in, saw me crying and told me that this was
completely honest with ourselves. The rule is this: Foreign culture the best place for my mother, and she guaranteed that my mother
must be kept as the handmaiden serving the mistress, which is would get the best care possible. I accepted her assurances and
the Torah. It is crucial that a mother be able to clarify the entered the room wearing my gown, mask and gloves and put on a
relationship between mistress and handmaiden for her children positive smile for my mother. About an hour before Yom Tov, the
who will inevitably be exposed to foreign cultures as they grow local rabbi called me to let me know that he couldn't find anyone to
blow the Shofar, so he was going to do it himself. I couldn’t thank
up. The Eishes Chayil will take bread from afar if it is necessary
him enough for this big chesed! It so happened that it was pouring
and worthwhile. However, just like an expert merchant, she too rain on the first day of Rosh HaShanah, so it turned out to be an even
will differentiate quality merchandise which is there to nourish bigger effort for the rabbi to walk to the hospital. He blew the shofar
from tainted goods that can bring harm to her family, chas in that front office next to my mother’s room. As soon as he started
v’shalom. (More Precious than Pearls, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller) blowing the tekiyos, the patient who was staying in the room on the
right, opened up the door and started crying. He was not yet frum
(religious), and the sound of the shofar blasts awoke within him a
yearning to get close to Hashem! There was not a dry eye in sight on
Dedicated as a Merit for a Quick that hospital floor, as even the gentile nurses were brought to tears
and Complete Recovery for: at this man's sincerity. If my mother would not have been moved to
Kayla Rus bas Chaya Rochel that isolated area, this lone Jew may not have ever had the
opportunity to daven. Hashem's hidden ways are truly merciful, and
‫לרפואה שלמה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל‬ Chanukah is a great time to reflect on His many miracles!

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