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by Andrew E. Wheeler As sunset, fades the light of youth, horizons passing as the day. And living gives way to marking the path with the pattern commanding the way. and then In turn, living fades to the Dreaming of living as youths vision wrought. and yet With vigor, neath the veil of the Seeming, living stirs as a visions quest ought. and so At the Turning, my veil rent asunder, with minds gaze awakening, young, I perceive the burgeoning vistas that lost youth neer traveled among. I stand as a blind man gifted, sights miracle breathing the day. Pattern fades to the unbound horizons, livings flow neath my fingers, as clay.


I have been caught for years in a stagnant pattern of living that has been a waste of time. I have allowed depression, outside pressures, and a loveless marriage dictate my course, and only now that I am free can I look at where I have been and see it for what it was. I truly feel that I am waking up as a person, as the kind of man I should be, and I hold this promise sacred to myself, that I will work tirelessly at being the best Andy I can be, so that when I find someone who truly fits me, I will be the man she needs me to be.

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