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Live, Love and Forgive To My Dear Daughter Love, Mom

Introduction Many times when we look back on our lives we wish that we had the opportunity to say or do something a little different especially when it comes to our relation ships. Such a wish remains unfulfilled as more time passes and our memories fade . This book is a collection of original Journal letters written by a mother to her young daughter to be given to her for her sixteenth birthday or before if neces sary, in an attempt to bridge that gap of time and lost opportunities. Each letter is filled with love and encouragement as well as an appeal for forgi veness and a frank view of the mother regarding some of the deep issues of emot ions and values including freedom and spirituality, explained in a revealing man ner, clearly meant for the daughters eyes only. But the mother always interjects that the daughter will find her own yardstick of experiences to measure them by. Anyone who has a collection of letters from someone who truly loved them will ap preciate the depth and openness of these letters. The content has been kept true to the original except for the removal of the nam es of people and some minor details of specific events and grammatical correctio n.

To my dear daughter As you travel on your own Journey of Life 2006-2011 Letter 1 My dear You are very special Full of life and love. You are always looking for exciting and Fun-filled things to do. You try to make others happy and you never want to cause pain to anyone. I am very pleased with you my dear daughter.

Always seek out the truth in everything and make sure your ideas will be good for everyone. Remember that each moment in your life you are creating a me mory. So try to make memories that will be shining examples for you to look back on in your later years. Learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes and you will be able to forgive othe rs for theirs. We have all made them and we all need each others compassion and l oving care to help us carry on. Love, Mom

Letter 2 (Forgive Us) My dear Sometimes, I know you felt very hurt and even angry when we, your parents were u pset and harsh towards each other. It was very difficult for you to see us like that. Please forgive us for not knowing any better at the time. But please know that we did not intend to cause you or anyone any pain. We just did not grow up enough yet to be able to do the right thing. Most of the time our disagreements were due to our own narrow mindedness, and we both thought that the other was being selfish. In time we learnt - slowly - tha t we were at different points in our journey of life. So, please forgive us for not being as grown up as we should have been. As you a nd your brother grow on your own journeys you will also learn many things about your selves and others around you.

Always do your best, remember The Sacred Name of God as much as you can and ever ything will be alright. Faith and forgiveness are the greatest companions. Love, Mom

Letter 3 (Truthfulness) My dear One of the most difficult lessons in life is being truthful. When I was

growing up I was afraid to tell the truth especially when I made a mistake. I wa s afraid of being scolded, or punished for my mistakes. But I learnt early in li fe that if you make up stories or run away from telling the truth, or even hide the truth from those who truly care about you like your guru or parents, you wil l end up in trouble. I ended up in trouble several times in my lifes journey. I l ater apologized for my mistakes and for not telling the truth. I hope you will l earn this lesson early in your life too. If you realize that you made a mistake dont be afraid to admit it and tell the person or anyone you trust like Mom or Da d (hopefully). Apologize for not being honest (at first) and promise to try and correct your errors the next time. It will be difficult at first, but you will b ecome stronger inside because of it. One situation that I have faced where others have tried to get me to sig n their name is one that you might face too. If someone tells you to sign their name always, politely refuse. Say, NO. I am sorry. I cannot sign your name or you r initials its illegal. There are business people and even teachers who will tell you that thats OK but it is not. Remember to say Sat Naam and have faith in its guidance and those people will learn to respect you for such a decision later on . Kabir Saheb teaches us to be truthful. It is the cornerstone of our faith. His protection will always be with you if you are truthful. Love, Mom

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