Learning Microsoft Word 2007 Drawing Tools

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Learning Microsoft Word 2007

By Greg Bowden

Chapter 10

Drawing Tools

Guided Computer Tutorials www.gct.com.au

PUBLISHED BY GUIDED COMPUTER TUTORIALS PO Box 311 Belmont, Victoria, 3216, Australia www.gct.com.au Greg Bowden This product is available in Single or Multi User versions. Single-user versions are for single person use at any particular time, just as a single text book would be used. If you intend to use the notes with multiple students the single user version should be upgraded to the multi-user version. Multi-user versions allow the school or institution to print as many copies as required, or to place the PDF files on the school network, intranet and staff laptops. A certificate of authentication is provided with multi-user versions. Bookmarks provide links to all headings and sub-headings, and individual chapters are provided.

First published 2008 ISBN: 1 921217 46 4 (Module 1) 1 921217 47 2 (Module 2) PDF document on CD-ROM

Every effort has been made to ensure that images used in this publication are free of copyright, but there may be instances where this has not been possible. Guided Computer Tutorials would welcome any information that would redress this situation.


Drawing Tools


Microsoft Word has DRAWING TOOLS that allow you to add lines, shapes, shadings, etc. to documents. You can use these tools to assist in the creation of detailed publications, newsletters, company logos, etc.

Drawing a Rectangle
The DRAWING TOOLS are contained in the ILLUSTRATIONS group of the INSERT tab of the RIBBON. Lets start by drawing a rectangle. 1 Load Microsoft Word or close the current file and start a new BLANK DOCUMENT.

2 Open the INSERT tab of the RIBBON, click on the SHAPES icon and select the RECTANGLE shape from BASIC SHAPES section.

3 Drag a rectangle near the top left of the screen and the RIBBON changes to show the drawing tool commands.

Guided Computer Tutorials 2008


Learning Microsoft Word 2007

Resizing Shapes
Notice that the rectangle has handles (small solid bars) around it. These allow the rectangle to be resized. The blue handles at the corners allow for diagonal resizing. The blue handles at the centre of the lines allow for either vertical or horizontal resizing. The green handle allows you to rotate the shape.

Move the pointer over the bottom right corner handle until the pointer changes to a diagonal line with arrows at each end then drag the corner handle towards the centre of the rectangle to reduce its size.

Drawing Other Shapes

You can select other shapes from the INSERT SHAPES group of the DRAWING TOOLS - FORMAT tab of the RIBBON or return to the INSERT tab of the RIBBON and use the SHAPES icon. 1 Draw some ovals, lines and Arrowed Lines by choosing the OVAL tool, the LINE tool then the ARROW tool in turn from the from the INSERT SHAPES group.


Guided Computer Tutorials 2008

Drawing Tools


2 Hold down the SHIFT key as you draw an oval then a triangle. Only perfect circles or perfect triangles will be possible.


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The SHIFT key causes all sides of an object to be the same size. All objects created using the DRAWING TOOLS can be resized using their handles.

Each shape drawn in Microsoft Word is said to be an OBJECT or separate entity. You select an OBJECT by placing the pointer over the OBJECT and clicking the mouse button. Handles around the OBJECT tell you that it has been selected. The OBJECT can then be deleted, resized, copied or moved. (Youve just seen how to resize.)


Deleting Objects
You should have a number of OBJECTS on the screen at the moment.

Guided Computer Tutorials 2008


Learning Microsoft Word 2007

2 Click the mouse button with the pointer over an OBJECT to receive its handles.


If an object is filled you can click on the centre of the object to select it. If the object is not filled you need to click on the border of the object away from a handle.

Press the BACKSPACE key and the OBJECT will be removed. 4 Click on the arrow next to the UNDO <step> icon in the QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR. 5 A list of the steps you have done is provided with the last one listed first down to the first object you drew. Select CLEAR to remove that step and return t he object to the screen.


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If you select more steps from the UNDO icon, more steps will be removed. Pressing CTRL+Z will also undo previous steps. The CUT icon from the EDIT group of the HOME tab can also be used to delete OBJECTS.
Guided Computer Tutorials 2008


Drawing Tools



Copying Objects
Delete all the objects apart from the RECTANGLE then click on the RECTANGLE to display its handles.

2 Click on the COPY icon in the HOME tab of the RIBBON to copy the rectangle or press CTRL+C.

3 Click on the PASTE icon in the CLIPBOARD group of the HOME tab (or press CTRL+V) and a copy of the rectangle should be placed on the screen.


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You can also hold down the CTRL key and drag a copy. CUT works the same way as COPY except that the original OBJECT is removed from the screen. An OBJECT can be PASTED as many times as required.

Guided Computer Tutorials 2008


Learning Microsoft Word 2007

Moving Objects

Move the pointer over the rectangle (not near a handle) until cross-hair lines are added to the pointer. The object then be moved. Position the pasted rectangle just below and to the right of the first.


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When the pointer has a cross-hair with arrows next to it, it indicates that the object can be moved in any direction. When moving objects the pointer must not be positioned over a handle. The ARROW keys can be used to nudge objects over small distances.

Filling Objects

An OBJECT can be filled using the SHAPE FILL icon.

1 Open the FORMAT tab of the RIBBON, click on the SHAPE FILL icon and select a colour other than white to fill the rectangle.


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Drawing Tools 2


A shadowed box can be created by simply sending the coloured rectangle behind the first white rectangle.

3 Click on the SEND TO BACK icon in the FORMAT tab to send the pasted rectangle behind the first rectangle.

4 Click on the first rectangle and ensure that its SHAPE FILL is set to WHITE.

5 Try changing the SHAPE FILL of the rectangle at the back to a different colour by ensuring that the rectangle has its handles displayed and selecting another colour from the SHAPE FILL icon.

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Learning Microsoft Word 2007

Removing Fill Colours

An object does not have to have a SHAPE FILL. It can be made transparent (clear). 1 Click the pointer over the white rectangle and you should have handles around that rectangle and select the SHAPE FILL icon.

2 Select NO FILL to make the rectangle transparent.

3 Set the front rectangle to a light FILL COLOUR.

Shape Outlines

Line Colour
At the moment your rectangles have borders the colour of the last user (it is probably black at the moment). Sometimes it is preferable to have the border (or outline) the same colour as the inside of the shape.

A lines colour can easily be changed using the LINE COLOUR palette.


Guided Computer Tutorials 2008

Drawing Tools


2 Select the front rectangle and click on the SHAPE OUTLINE icon in the FORMAT tab of the RIBBON.

3 Select the same colour at the back rectangle.

Line Weight

The thickness of the border (or outline) can be adjusted using the WEIGHT section out the SHAPE OUTLINE icon. 1 The light shaded rectangle should still be selected. 2 Click on the SHAPE OUTLINE icon in the RIBBON, highlight WEIGHT and select 3 pt to make the outline thicker.

Experiment with other LINE weights.

Guided Computer Tutorials 2008


Learning Microsoft Word 2007

Dash Styles

The style of a line can be changed to a variety of dotted or dashed lines.

1 Click on the SHAPE OUTLINE icon in the RIBBON, highlight DASHES and select a dash style.

Experiment with other dash styles.

Changing Shapes
You can change a shape into another. 1 The top rectangle should be selected. 2 Click on the CHANGE SHAPE icon in the RIBBON and select a shape to replace the top rectangle.


Experiment with changing the shape to other shapes.

Guided Computer Tutorials 2008

Drawing Tools


Shape Styles
There are pre-prepared styles that can be applied to shapes. 1 Delete the top shape so that just the rectangle is on the screen and select it.

2 Click on the scroll arrow next to the SHAPE STYLES in the RIBBON to scroll through the styles and select one to format the rectangle.

Experiment with other shape styles then delete the rectangle.

Shadow Effects
You can add a variety of shadow effects to shapes.

1 In the INSERT tab of the RIBBON click on the SHAPES icon and select the PLAGUE shape in the BASIC SHAPES section.

Guided Computer Tutorials 2008


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