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Business Plan

(Cover Page) (Table of Contents) ( )

Executive Summary
Introduction Mission Statement Unique Features Marketing Objectives Expected Accomplishments Required Capital

Market Analysis
Market Research Target Market Competition Customer Profile Production Product Decisions Inventory

The Product

The Business

Purpose Statement Marketing Description of the Business Objectives and Strategies History of the Business Unique Selling Advantage Founder of the Business Selling Tactics Management and Operations Channels of Distribution

Regulations and Licensing Objectives

Advertising Sales Promotions Publicity and Public Relations Description of Risks Contingency Plans Sources and Uses of Capital Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement Income Statement Break Even Analysis Ratio Analysis Cost Containment Assumptions

Justification for Loan/Investment Milestones/Timetable

Market Segments table and chart Sales Targets table and chart Balance Sheet table Cash Flow Statement table and chart Income Statement table and chart



Mission Statement 1 paragraph Elevator Speech 30 seconds Executive Summary 2-5 pages PowerPoint Presentation 10-15 minutes

Full Business Plan

20-30 pages

Competitive Analysis

Sales and Distribution


Financial Projections

Intellectual Property

Market Analysis

Detailed Support/Foundation


( Executive Summery)

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