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KOREATOWN OAKLAND Koreatown Northgate Community Benefit District Security & Operations Committee Meeting Office, 2633 Telegraph

Avenue # 107 December 6, 2011- 4:00 p.m.

Present: Sheila Katz, Keun Bae Yu, Neelam Lata, Marcus Clark (1 st Building Maintenance), Kyle Franklin (Safety1st), Lathan Hodge (Safety1st), Cecelia Clark, Charles OConnor (OPD), Scott Oathoff (OPD), Samuel Tith (OPD), Shirley Yee (OUSD), Ron Scrivani, Matt Iglehart, James Anderson (OPD). Staff: Marco Li Mandri, Shari Godinez

Minutes: by Shari Godinez Subject 1. Approval of Minutes Oct. 25, 2011 2. Review Maintenance & Security proposals and make recommendatio ns to the Board. Minutes approved Discussion Action Minutes approved

Security providers were asked to leave the room. The RFP for maintenance was $4,500.00 and security $6,000 for a total of $10,500 per month. All proposals were discussed and the following actions were decided upon: Get clarification from Peralta on the number of hours per week and the cost of disposing of bulky items. Ask Safety1st for a breakdown on the startup costs. And clarify the coverage using the $12,500 budget breaking out the coverage on security and maintenance separately showing comparison

Shari will get clarification from Peralta on the number of hours per week and the cost of disposing of bulky items. Ask Safety1st for a breakdown on the startup costs, and to clarify the coverage using the $12,500 budget breaking out the coverage on security and maintenance separately showing a comparison.

3. Review list of PROWSO one time projects, prioritize 2012 projects and allocate a proposed budget. 4. Determine

It was indicated that the following items should come from the Marketing Committee budget: District Banners, Holiday Banners, District survey, and a district video. Marco believed only Trees & Cameras have to do with the Security Committee. Sheila wants to brainstorm projects first before prioritizing them.

Shari asked if we could move forward on Phase 2 of the tree project at 1

CBD budget for tree project phase 2.

5. Update on new trash cans in the district and next steps. 6. Report on Security enforcement for rogue vendors on First Friday. 7. Open discussion

a cost to the CBD of $1,600 since Sierra Club offered to plant at no cost, Councilmember Nadel offered $2,500 towards cement cutting and Councilmember Brunner offered to pay for the trees. Sheila and Marco suggested we wait and discuss at the Executive Committee meeting. Shari introduced a litter container beautification project for the cement litter containers which uses mosaic art and costs about $200.00 per container. The work is done by a group of volunteers and the cost is for the supplies. The district currently has 27 litter containers for an estimated cost of $5,400. Matt talked about what happened at the December First Friday event. The Health Department, the Fire Department and Alcohol regulations department appears to have coordinated a sting operation on the vendors. Many vendors received health code violations. Matts building had some fire code violations due to overcrowding. The galleries did not have any problems. Officer OConnor provided his email address: Shari asked about filing a paper report for a recent robbery in the district where the merchant did not want to call OPD. Officer OConnor emphasized the importance of filing a report since patrol disbursement is based on the number of reported incidents and said the form can be accessed online. He said the number one hot spot in the city of Oakland for violent crimes is at 14th & Broadway, and the number two hot spot in District 1 is the T at MLK to Broadway. Area supervisor, Officer Anderson, works on Sun, Mon, Tues, and Wed. from 7 am to 6 pm. His direct number is 510-773-7958. He emphasized that we should use the drug hot line 238-drug and it is anonymous and can be used for anything. OConnor suggested that we create a Merchant Watch group. The NSC (Hoang Banh) can help set up a neighborhood watch. Shirley Yee from the Oakland Unified School District discussed a program she works at called Street Academy on 29th between Broadway and Telegraph Avenue which is a Measure Y program for High School kids. This item was not discussed.

Shari will set up a meeting with Safety1st and PSO officer OConnor and Sheila Katz.

8. Next meeting date and time

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