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Fire fighting robot is a prototype model that is used to detect fire and extinguish the same with a blower. This project is unique as we are using a microcontroller for operating the robot when fire is detected.

This project is having mainly three functional parts:

Microcontroller and associated circuitry. Sensors to detect smoke and indicate the presence of fire Blower circuit

A microcontroller unit( MCU) uses the microprocessor as its central processing unit (CPU) and incorporate memory, timing reference, I/O peripheral etc on the same chip. Limited computational capacities and enhanced I/O are special features.

In this project Fire fighting Robot, we are using AT89S52 for controlling all the process. The advantages of AT89S52 are the cost effectiveness, flexibility and industrial compatibility with 8051 microcontroller. The thermal sensors in the prototype is the heart of the project that determines the motion and thus providing it a real time functioning capability.

Since this prototype is designed for real time operation, it can be used in chemical, refinery,electrical industries where fire hazards continue to prove to be a greater threat.

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