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Dear Parents and Families,!
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back to a new year oI learning German at Living Faith. As you
may know my name is Danielle Braiden but known as Frau Braiden around the school. I would also like to introduce
Mrs Astrid Weiss who is also already a Iamiliar Iace around the school but who we now welcome as our other Ger-
man teacher.!
Last year the Preps learnt so much about German, absorbing as much as could in the 45 minute lesson each week. II
your child is new to German this year I can assure you that they will quickly catch on to the Iamiliar aspects oI the
language lesson but I have provided an outline on the back oI this sheet oI some oI the things the children already
In this Iirst term the Year 1 students will be learning about their wonderIul Iamily. They will learn the words Ior
Mother, Father Brother and Sister as well as the word Ior me. They will be working on a project this term where
they take on the role oI a Iamily member and are put in groups where they practise introducing each Iamily member.
Towards the end oI the term see iI your child can introduce your Iamily in German at the dinner table just Ior Iun. !
II you have access to the web I recommend giving your child a 15 minute block oI 'languages online each week
which has games and other high interest activities to assist the learner step by step. This can be accessed Irom this
address : This website also has a unit (Unit 7) on Family mem-
bers which will support and extend your child in their learning this term. They may also like to use it to revise and
learn about other topics in German. This is not intended to be homework, just supporting material. Best oI all it re-
quires no membership or Iees. !
II you have any concerns with regards to language learning, Ieel Iree to have a chat or drop me an email via this ad-
dress: !
Additionally iI you know oI any other ways to assist your child learning German, Ieel Iree to pass on your inIor-
mation. Also iI you know oI any Iriend or neighbours who may have lived in Germany and would Ieel happy to talk
about their experiences, we would be more than happy to accommodate their visit to our class.!
Yours Sincerely, !
Frau Braiden und Frau Weiss!
(Yr 1 German Teachers)!
ps (The activities on the back oI the page relate to work covered in Prep and would be Iantastic revision as well.!

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