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Amalgam , mixture

In the wake, after, In the light/ after considering Unimportant, insignificant, inconsequential

Agree, support, do not dispute, , Yes indeed,

Assails, criticize, do not support, do not approve, disagree ,

Mentions, points out, discuss, talks, , states,, seems , describe, analysis, examine, highlighted a few points, wrote, , address, account, posted, comment , suggest , recounted
Reasons, on the ground This is as evidenced , can be shown , as seen ,according, based

Ensued , results, follows

Sentiments, business confidence

Conspire. they happen at the same time and make something bad happen Hoopla excitement about something which attracts a lot of public attention: Astonishing, staggering, shocking, surprising ,unexpected ,
Indelible, permanent ,

Laced, included
Fascinating, intriguing, interesting,

Cavorting to jump or dance around in a playful or sexual way even subscribing to the notion of marriage rejoice, jovial, glad, happy,
think,feel, believe ,gather , sense, surmise ,

allay, calm . make someone feel less afraid unnerve, shock, confidence falls , express concern regarding heady ,strong Outrank, outshine
Showcased, showed ,display,

Ethos,values pretty evident, clear, notice, easy to see, Apparently browsing, surfing, looking through , After reading Hence, therefore , thus , as a result, consequently Draw parallels between Yet, however , although, but , While, nevertheless, Though, Nevertheless while there is no doubt In my opinion, personally , I notice/observed , In some sense/ in some way, this certainly, For example, Additionally, in addition , furthermore , add on , Not only/ but also, of course, as well as , plus, coupled with ,for instance, I would then like to bring up another point, on top of that, again,

Portrayed, display, showcase Associated, link , related, attributed, symbol of militarism in Japan, team, coined, invented,
discovered, Equivalent, parallel, similar, same Purportedly, claim This expression definitely carries an enormous historical weight presumably not lost on listeners In a way,

Prerogative, right, entitlement Raised again/anew an impt question Wrestle/struggle Idea/ core values/motif/ belief Wistful/regret Wring/twist to remove water Paint/label Retrofit/ improve
Remand/send back

Quintessence/perfect Reduce/ bridge the gap

Corollary/ direct result of Cascading/ falling Indeed/emphasis/ definitely/ without doubt/ cannot be wrong Entail/improve Delineate/ specify/ draw the boundaries Besides, other than Whitewash/ cover up Cede/ give in Debauched/ sinful/ promiscuous Sacrilege/ Depicted/ shown/ potrayed Edged/ moved Leery/ careful/ cautious Debacle/ fiasco/ failure Heist/ stealing /robbery/ pockets Festering/ get worse / Chide/ tell someone you do not approve Dicey/ slightly dangerous and uncertain / not safe Arranged, organized Arrested, attached Cheer up, Lovely, beaautiful Brolly/ umbrella

Indignation- feelings of anger and surprise because you feel insulted or unfairly treated:

Spectre, fear
capacity to work within a team and also be self-directed as needed

Put your mind at ease

Man, Woman & the Wall Serious ah, really, is it

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