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Dear Parents,!
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back to a new year oI learning German at Living
Faith. As you may know my name is Danielle Braiden but known as Frau Braiden around the school.
I would also like to introduce Mrs Astrid Weiss who is also already a Iamiliar Iace around the school
but who we now welcome as our other German teacher.!
We are looking Iorward to a Iantastic year seeing your children rise to the challenge oI learning a se-
cond language. We are always amazed and excited to see how rapidly the young mind absorbs and
works with a new language. It is also encouraging to see how quickly new students Ieel comIortable
and pick up the skills with some support. II your child is learning German Ior the Iirst time I have in-
cluded some oI the basic words and phrases on the back oI this letter.!
In the last term oI Year One students learned all about Superheroes and how to describe them in Ger-
man. They all did an amazing job and I was very proud oI their accomplishments.!
In this Iirst term your child will be learning about Iood, Iamily and Iriends. In Year One we looked at
how to say this is my mum/dad/ brother / sister etc. This term we will be learning about Iood and in
particular the likes oI our Iamily members. They will come home and ask you what your Iavourite
Iood and Iill out a questionnaire.!
Again this year I recommend the Iree children`s website 'Languages online which can be accessed
Irom this address : ! !
Unit 34 (Food) is helpIul with activities that will extend your child in the area oI Iood.!
Unit 7 (Family) has games which the children have done last year and will revise Iamily vocabulary.!
Any other section would be helpIul Ior revision, extension or even just Ior Iun.!
II you have any concerns with regards to language learning, Ieel Iree to have a chat or drop me an
email via this address: !
Additionally iI you know oI any other ways to assist your child learning German, Ieel Iree to pass on
your inIormation. Also iI you know oI any Iriend or neighbours who may have lived in Germany and
would Ieel happy to talk about their experiences, we would be more than happy to accommodate their
visit to our class.!
Yours Sincerely, !
Danielle Braiden (German Teacher)!

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